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We have had a lot of cute kids at the door tonight. :)

We've had a lot of cute kids too! Even though there are local halloween parties, trunk-or-treats, etc., the kids in our neighborhood still take part in the traditional trick-or-treating done at least in the states (and apparently BC). I don't like the idea of where Halloween came from, but I like that kids can use this time as a time to dress up and have fun, even if they are just begging for candy. But they are sooooo cute! This year we gave out a small candy with a glow stick bracelet, it seems to have been a hit with the parents as well. (Tee hee, I'm even wearing a glow stick bracelet and ate a couple tiny candy bars.) (O.k., true confessions, sometimes we just turn off the light and sit and watch television in the back and don't answer the door. Kind of like a scrooge at Halloween. But this year, something got into me and I found this fun.)

So, not all of today was bad. :)
Whew! That's better. I was having a bit of an identity crisis! (I was dressed up like DougUte for halloween!)
Yeah, Doug, but every time you open my chromebook (which I don't use as often as my phone because of eye problems), mine has a password you have to enter.
Every. Single. Time.
You were just too lazy to go find your own computer.
(Don't worry folks, we're not really mad at each other, at all. I give him my passwords freely.) As long as I have the last word.:ylol2: :biggrin:
I think you two are funny! :) I don't look at Halloween as anything but a fun time to dress up, eat some candy, have fun and be a kid...and I enjoy it too!! I know, I know, I am a big kid. ;)
I knew it wasn't Doug ... right about here..."(Tee hee, I'm even wearing a glow stick bracelet and ate a couple tiny candy bars.)" LMAO! :)

:redface:I hadn't thought of it that way. Gave me a good laugh too.

I also think of Halloween the same way, for kids, to be a kid, etc., but had someone really get after me once for celebrating it, knowing I was Christian, even when I explained how I felt about it. I don't think most Christians are as opposed to it as she seemed to be (hardly any), but I still find myself a little defensive. Sometimes I want to participate, sometimes I don't.
:redface:I hadn't thought of it that way. Gave me a good laugh too.

I also think of Halloween the same way, for kids, to be a kid, etc., but had someone really get after me once for celebrating it, knowing I was Christian, even when I explained how I felt about it. I don't think most Christians are as opposed to it as she seemed to be (hardly any), but I still find myself a little defensive. Sometimes I want to participate, sometimes I don't.

.... Yeah some people take things a little overboard regarding the "origin of Halloween." To me, unless you are doing some awfully weird stuff, I'm sure even a saint would give you a candy. Just saying, I'm Christian, so is my whole family, and we have always made a fun day out of it. No harm, no foul. That's how it is in our books. :) Each unto their own.:biggrin:
Well just call me misery guts,I don't care......Halloween has gotten way out of proportion.
Don't see the point at all.Especially adults dressing up.Even check out folk and celebrities.
Baaaah humbug.......and don't get me started on carol singers who knock at the door with hands outstretched and who don't know the words of the songs nor the meaning of Christmas.......I'll save that for a week or two.
I'm definitely on team Halloween. :) I try to dress up every year, sometimes my health doesn't permit it. This year I've got a miserable cold so I just put on a lace dress and some spooky makeup to hand out candy. The hubby and I used to dress up every year, though, and we'd go all out. We made all of our costumes ourselves. We haven't done it in a few years now, but all our costumes from previous years are on our deviant art site - here's the link:

(Click on any of the years on the left side to see all the photos from that year.)
Cat costumes are brillient you are so clever n creative. Loved looking at them ☺☺💞

I'm definitely on team Halloween. :) I try to dress up every year, sometimes my health doesn't permit it. This year I've got a miserable cold so I just put on a lace dress and some spooky makeup to hand out candy. The hubby and I used to dress up every year, though, and we'd go all out. We made all of our costumes ourselves. We haven't done it in a few years now, but all our costumes from previous years are on our deviant art site - here's the link:

(Click on any of the years on the left side to see all the photos from that year.)

I'm very impressed Cat......:ysmile:
Trysha, I see you in the background. I've been wondering about you, are you getting along ok at least? (I know others lurk there, albeit unseen at times too. :ghug:)

Our new lives are getting adjusted too. In spite of some stress it brings, I'm also finding, more and more, (and everyday!) the good part multiplies, I really enjoy having Dave here. In some ways, esp. of late, I even find Dave comforting. He won't ever get Doug's or my illnesses very well, but that's ok, he does the best he can with the situation he has. (And who can understand a chronic illness that hasn't been in your shoes?)
Having talked about Doug's brother Dave, I miss the Dave of LOW...
Oh, five minutes ago Doug arrived home from his infusion. He is already sound asleep on the reclining sofa. We are going out tonight with some friends (we met through this forum, BTW, though this particular forum member hasn't been active on this forum in years). Doug says he should be ok by then. His nap should help, but I hope he really is ok. I know all of our little group that gets together pushes the health envelope to do the getting together at times, but we understand each other almost too well. As couples, we have had some very, very eerily similar situations with health...
Hugs to all of you.
Hope Doug feels up for tonight and that you both have a lovely time.

Love n best wishes to all. Head down for me . Just got back from doing a late shift at work for the xmas open evening. Shattered now...oh sleep come my way i pray😴😴😴
Good news. Went to see my G.I. doc yesterday. Crohn's is in remission again! He said to see him again in a year!
I just had our dog outside, a neighbor was walking her little dog and I noticed a herd of deer stalking her and the dog. I quickly put ours inside and I could see her trying to scare them off. They kept advancing, stomping in the snow ready to kick the little 12 lb dog. I decided to go across the street and tell the deer to get lost, (I used to herd cattle at one time). I know the lady from work years ago. It was quite confrontational as the other neighbor is a deer lover and she was upset that I had "disturbed their (meaning the deer's) dinner." I politely told the lady that the deer get aggressive and she argued... so I just walked down the street and looked after my ex co-worker and her dog. At first my old friend didn't recognize me with my beard, as I used to be very clean shaven before my illness set in. Anyways, I'm the dude that saved the dog tonight. ;)
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I just had our dog outside, a neighbor was walking her little dog and I noticed a herd of deer stalking her and the dog. I quickly put ours inside and I could see her trying to scare them off. They kept advancing, stomping in the snow ready to kick the little 12 lb dog. I decided to go across the street and tell the deer to get lost, (I used to herd cattle at one time). I know the lady from work years ago. It was quite confrontational as the other neighbor is a deer lover and she was upset that I had "disturbed their (meaning the deer's) dinner." I politely told the lady that the deer get aggressive and she argued... so I just walked down the street and looked after my ex co-worker and her dog. At first my old friend didn't recognize me with my beard, as I used to be very clean shaven before my illness set in. Anyways, I'm the dude that saved the dog tonight. ;)

It's mid rutting season over here Chris.Not that we have any here on the coast unfortunately.You did the right thing Superman....
great news on the remission Doug and nice deer whispering Chris
Wow, Chris, that would have been frightening! I've never had anything but peaceful experiences with deer, but know enough that your neighbor was a little naive about the situation. Doug had a frightening experience with a moose once, but Doug handled it beautifully. Some people don't realize how dangerous wildlife can be at times.
Doug (and Dave) and I did make it out with our friends last night. As expected, Doug was fine for our three hour super fantabulous dinner, but came back and fell asleep again. He's fine though. Our friends are such good friends to us! Unfortunately, next summer they are moving to Michigan. Realizing that Doug would be retired by then, they even asked, there was a little talk of us moving to Michigan when they do, (and both of us as couples picking up a little bit of a wandering lifestyle, renting, not owning, and possibly moving to Maine after that, etc.) As much as I like those thoughts, it really isn't practical. I like daydreaming though.
Well, Dave and Doug are off to run some errands, I guess I better try to get something done today.
Thanks for the support. It had to be done though, I always feel kind of bad when I do something that upsets the neighbor, but to be honest some of these people have been feeding the deer for years (it is against the law here). They have actually created the problem of animals that wont leave town because they were literally born and raised inside the township. Others have never had a negative experience and can't understand. I feel sorry for the deer in a way because they should be out in the forest, then situations like the one last night wouldn't be nearly as frequent. Some people are very blind to the fact that wild animals can behave wildly. I like the term "deer whisperer" haha! Good one Tony. Maybe I should become an instructor for the handling of wildlife conflicts. Hmmm ;)

I hope you all have a great day. Cheers! :)
I don't know if it is against the law to feed the deer here (not much of a problem here in Kaysville, it's too urban, but they do wander into the foothills and occasionally across a very nearby highway), but I do know that feeding deer is, at the least, highly discouraged for that reason. I also know that the areas with a higher deer population nearby seem to get that, but probably mostly because of the damage the deer do to their yards so they don't want the deer around. I have a feeling things are left in a much more natural state where you are. None of the yards around here are left in a "forested" state (down here in the "valley," with the desert clime, there is no forest anyway. You have to go up into the (very nearby) mountains and some small towns there for those who could have naturally forested yards.)
I also loved the term "deer whisperer." And yes, Chris, if there is any way for you to become an instructor for handling wildlife conflicts, you would be great at it! It sounds like a lot of people could use at least some education as to what is best for the deer, even if they have to go further to view them (as we do).
Ok, my wildlife rant over (for now at least.)
Im confused Cat, which pics were of you and hubby, if you don't mind me asking? I loved all the pics though.

Sandy, we did one couple's costume each year (except for 2005, that year we did two sets of costumes) and then we'd go downtown and take photos of all the other cool costumes we saw. That's the reason for your confusion. So in 2013 we were Bugs and Elmer (from What's Opera Doc?), in 2012 we were Kif and Zapp from Futurama, in 2011 we were Belle and the Beast, in 2010 we were Bowser and Peach from Super Mario Bros, in 2009 we were Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show, in 2008 we were Kang & Kodos from the Simpsons, in 2007 we were Jigsaw and Amanda (with the Billy puppet) from Saw, in 2006 we were Audrey and Orin from Little Shop of Horrors, in 2005 we were Miracle Max & Valerie from Princess Bride and that same year we also joined with 2 friends to be the Fruit of the Loom fruits, in 2004 we were Lydia and Beetlejuice, in 2003 we were Edward Scissorhands and Kim Boggs, in 2002 we were Adam & Barbara Maitland (also from Beetlejuice), in 2001 we were Team Rocket from Pokemon, in 2000 we were Jack and Sally from Nightmare before Xmas, and in 1999 we were Joker and Harley Quinn. Phew! :p Hubby and I started dating in Dec 1998 so that literally goes back to when we were in college and first dating. We were so young!
Cat, all I can say is WOW! You are so talented! All those costumes were beyond great!
In today's paper.A family with a small holding with sheep,hens etc.Son left sheep gate open,7mnth old border collie pup herded 9 sheep into the open door of the kitchen.By the time the lady of the house got them out,said kitchen was full of poo,pee and mud.She said pup needs more training but I think he did rather well.It's the son who needs a serious talking to.
Carol, that's hilarious! And I agree, the dog was just doing what he knows to do, which is herding. Lily's also a herding breed (corgis were originally bred to herd cattle - cattle kick up, so the shorter the dog is, the less likely they are to get kicked, hence why corgis are so short). And although she's afraid of cows, I can tell that she's still got that herding instinct. Whenever I throw a ball for her, she does not bring it back to me. She brings it back to the rest of her toys - she herds all her toys together! :p
It's 10 am and I just woke up. I'm going to love it when the clocks go back tomorrow 🤣🤣
It's 10:05 and I just woke up too, lol (but I'm known to go to bed late and get up late. And sleep off and on during the day. ~sigh~)
Ok, I'm awake now, blood sugar levels taken, showered, pills taken, breakfast eaten, ready to face the day. Oops, I forgot to make my bed. How's everyone doing today? We have Oto here today, so considering going for a ride to the mountains to look for wildlife, lol.
Ours went back last weekend.It's now 5-20pm and pitch dark.It's Guy Fawkes / Bonfire Night tomorrow, but lots of displays on tonight.I will be able to see the ones in the sky from my sitting room window,when they start at 7pm at the sports field half a mile away.I feel really sorry for pets who are afraid and their owners.Mine were,and it's very stressful for all.I don't expect the wildlife enjoy it either,poor things.
Madhu, if you and your family ever come visit B.C., I can take you guys on an awesome tour of the mountains. Both the Rockies and the Purcell mountain ranges. You can take me up on it if you like, I'm a man of my word. :)
Madhu, if you and your family ever come visit B.C., I can take you guys on an awesome tour of the mountains. Both the Rockies and the Purcell mountain ranges. You can take me up on it if you like, I'm a man of my word. :)

Well Chris,I must say my nose is well and truly out of joint.It's a good job I don't bear grudges......:voodoo:......:wink:....:rof:

Beautiful day,crisp,sunny and clear blue sky.Of for a cycle along the river to the Marina as soon as I apply Ibuprofen gel to my knees.
Madhu, if you and your family ever come visit B.C., I can take you guys on an awesome tour of the mountains. Both the Rockies and the Purcell mountain ranges. You can take me up on it if you like, I'm a man of my word. :)
I will take you up on that Chris. We love new sights :)
Mandy, I don't know how you work the way you do. You have some crazy amazing determination. I'm wishing you a good night's sleep. ZZZZZZZZZZ

Thanks Chris ☺ determination is my middle name. My motto is never give up never give in i will not be beaten....tho at times i feel like iv done 20 rounds with mike tyson :rof:
Good news. Went to see my G.I. doc yesterday. Crohn's is in remission again! He said to see him again in a year!

Doug thats fanbloodytastic ☺☺☺
Now keep it that way as best you can. Hows to remmission hanging around for a long time 💞
Nice bit of "deer whispering" Chris.. well done you. As for the miffed neighbour mmm maybe the deer should have a go at her/him then see how he/she feels about it eh??🤔

Hi everyone hope you are all having a good day ☺💞💞
I'd take you for a tour too Carol, no worries there! ;) I would be happy to show any of you good folks around some of our sights if you came to my neck of the woods.
Cmack, no worries, my Packers are having a terrible season (the quarterback is still injured, he'll be out a minimum of 8 weeks). They're playing tomorrow and it's not going to be pretty. Tomorrow's my birthday though so it's going to be a good day anyway. :)
Hi my gastro phoned me today as we have a problem with my azathioprine (imuran) my 6tgn = 135 and 6mmp = 6508 and ratio = 48.2. So it means I reduce my aza to 50mg and start allopurinol 100mg. Life is never dull.
Happy birthday Cat 🎂🥂 hope you have a great day☺

Kirsty hoping all goes well with the meds. I couldnt tolerate aza at all, my liver function tests went sky high 🚀

Love n hugs to all :ghug:💞💝💕
Statisticly mind blowing,unbelievable,terrifying.
Visually,mesmerising,unbelievable,terrifying......I actually forgot to breathe.

Sir David Attenborough's Blue Planet 2.......It started here last week.Please don't miss it when it comes your way
I hope all goes well with your med change too Kirsty. :hug: How is your niece doing?
Carol, I loved the show "Planet Earth," I still watch it occasionally on Netflix. (I seem to like a lot of science and nature things.) Blue Planet 2 sounds interesting.
When we went looking for wildlife on Saturday, a cold, drizzly day, we found snow and fog instead. Ok, we did travel up to the 9000 ft elevation though, I guess we should have expected it. (We are at about 4,300 elevation in Kaysville.)
(Blurry pics after resizing to fit here.)
My niece is coming home in a couple of days. But needs to go back in couple of weeks for another operation on her ankle, the bone graft and skin graft. Her brother dislocated his ankle at basketball practice. He’s in a cast now
I'm sure glad she is coming home, I hope she fully recovers, certainly there will be some scars. It's a miracle she survived. A dislocated ankle sounds pretty awful too... Yikes! I wish you all better luck in the future.
Oh, Kirsty, it has to slow down for your family! I'm very happy that your niece gets to go home, for the time being at least. I hope her upcoming surgery goes smoothly and painfree.
Again blurry after resizing, and also through dirty windshield, but this is more typical of the scenery we incurred on our ride Saturday, at least until we got to high enough altitude to encounter the snow and fog (we turned around pretty quickly once we encountered that.:ack:)
Sandy lovely pics even with the slight blur ☺. Glad you didnt risk driving to far in that snow ... :hug:

Kirsty glad you niece is doing well and hope she recovers well from the next op. My prayers are with her that it all goes smoothly and as painless as possible 🙏:hug:
Also hope your nephew does well on recovering from his ankle. I thought sports were supposed to keep people healthy...i guess not always eh !!prayers for him too 🙏

Love and best wishes to all :ghug:💞💞
Donald Trump has bathmophobia, a fear of falling downstairs.......I bet that's not all he's afraid of.
Or, you can create your own title for the next pic:

The pic below I meant to post on Halloween.
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