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and they are so polite , spent 5 days trying to get my broadband connection sorted , they did eventually and then they sent the bill , 80 euro overcharged , which they will refund eventually , totally misread your post but even worse is the way they treat you like a child , they ofshore support is the worst and if you complain about not understanding them , they use the R card , rant over , WINNING
It's my biggest dread having to phone my broadband supplier ,based in Delhi !!! They're very polite but if I can't make out their name I know I'm in trouble. I'm really not good with technology but I do muddle through eventually. I just wish I had married Les for his tech skills instead of his good looks......but there was no such thing as "Tech" in the 60s. hahaha
Hope you and yours are all well Tony.
we are doing great Carol , hope you and Les are doing well , had a quiet day today , dropped our little Ellie into doggy daycare for some socialization and the house is so quiet without her ,
Hey Chris and Trysha , hope you are both hanging in there
The hiccups tech in the sixties requiring rooms full of equipment did lay the groundwork for todays ease of computer use…
We have travelled long pathways to achieve it.
it seems that summer is so short and now we are approaching another Autumn….soon be Christmas again.
it is sad our Queen Elizabeth is no longer with us ..she will be greatly missed.
it is the dawning of a new era with King Charles…hope he fares better than the
previous two.
Hi Tony,Carol and Everyone
Hi Trysha.I agree it is very sad regarding the Queens passing,she did a great job and Charles won't let her down.
Christmas stuff is worming its way onto the shelves and ads for perfume are already on TV. No doubt they're trying to get folk spending before the dreaded fuel bills come through the letter box. I hope you're improving Trysha,have you started to write that book yet ?
Definitely improving thank you for asking Carol.
still planning a book….one day I will sit down and write it….without stopping…
How does one write a book anyway?…….
pour weather is still so hot.. but at least the nights are cooling down.
it is an incredible time in history and it looks like changes are ahead.
Your TV ads are so much more interesting than ours.
How sweet it is Carol…..
Would you believe I have three appointments…each two hours apart …next Tuesday.
could not wriggle out of them…
why is it that we have to put ourselves out….?.
its enough to set me back ….but I wont let it happen.
Maybe I should give up doctors for Lent and Christmas…
I am almost back to my old self again.
It's good to hear you so chirpy Trysha...I have a phone consultation on Monday,the Queen's funeral day.I was sure it would be a re-book as everything is closing down over here but it's still going ahead.Alas,I know that this time I'll have to have a colonoscopy as the last time I refused because I had been so poorly and just couldn't face it.Oh,how I wish I'd had it then.
I dont agree with phone consults…..patients should be properly seen at which time there are stand out clues to a condition .
too much has fallen by the wayside in the Covid era.
Hope things go well for you Carol…it’s a miserable thing to face but so necessary.
my GI did not want to do that to me just yet…I would not have agreed anyway.
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof….
I know it can’t be delayed forever though.
Totally agree Trysha.I haven't seen my GP in 5yrs.I suppose the present ideal stops time wasters taking up appointments but it also stops older folk, as most of them i.e. me, feel they're making a fuss. A face to face appt. is quite difficult to aquire,to say the least.
I have seen the practise nurse for annual check ups though.I don't suppose things will go back to how it was, When you needed to see the doctor you walked to the surgery,gave your name to the smiling receptionist,took a seat and waited your turn....Oh happy days
I think it quite disgraceful that your doctors have not seen you in five years…horrifying in fact…and not at all the way medicine should be practised.
my doctors have seen me regularly face to face….if one can do it they all can.
Could the discrepancy arise due to doctors having more time to see private patients?..
heaven forbid…
I haven't seen my GP for over two years , to be honest she would see me if I had any big issues , I am at the stage that I know what I need and probably know more she does about my condition , all she does now is fill my scripts every 6 months and send me for bloods when I remind her . Here in Ireland there is a huge shortage of GP's so lucky enough to have one .
I suppose I could get to see one if I really needed too,but I don't think I could request to see one that knows me. I feel that I'm just a number of a certain age and not really worth the bother.All you hear on the news is that GPs are overworked and leaving in droves.It doesn't give you faith in your care.

But as the saying goes......the heaviest burden we carry are the thoughts in our head.
Doctors should not need to be reminded by their patients regarding follow up care.
If the heat in the kitchen is too much then change jobs.
Medicine is a noble calling ….takes special people to deliver optimal patient care. with equally noble support staff…
So another season is approaching and time is flying by at the rate of knots.
what is a “knot”…………
Just had a phone appt. with the IBD nurse.Having the dreaded prep before a colonoscopy.He says it could take 2-3 mnths (the appt not the actual C ) He said ,because of my symptoms, that if inflammation doesn't show up it could be to do with my gall bladder removal 7yrs ago.He's the first to mention that.Any thoughts ? He mentioned bile salts dripping into the bowel ?
Why did my post disappear?
now I have to start all over again……
where is Everybody?
hope you are all enjoying the remaining summer days mixed with autumn
Hey Trysha , beautiful weather here yesterday not so much today ,hey Carol


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Hope you are feeling better after your ordeal Carol
currently I seem to have a fluey cold that won’t go away…hoping it’s not Covid…..
thank you for the picture Tony..
Hey Trysha , have a cold as well , sneezing and sore throat but took two covid tests and still negative, went to a concert last week (James Taylor) and paranoid about covid since , weather much better today , cooler but blue sky’s all around ,hey Carol positive energy to you and hubby .
A report today informs us there are one million + with covid in the UK and rising so it looks like a worrying winter what with the usual flu deaths,and this government.We are going for covid boosters next Saturday and flu jabs a week later.I booked them seperately but they may offer the flu with the covid,so of course we'll do that.We have Scott staying from Australia just now,which is great,but I'm already dreading the goodbye.I know I'm being maudlin but he's all we've got and what with age and health problems I can't help it. He's such a long way away......Oh do.stop whining Carol !!!
Goodbyes are always so hard Carol but we have to accept this part of life.
I miss my family in England…there is now only one sister left and she refuses to have a computer…so it’s the telephone for communication.All the children now grown up have their iPads and cellphones but seem to forget me in the wilds of Canada.
when life hands us lemons we make lemonade….
so clench your teeth and stand tall when the big goodbye day arrives…you have the computer to keep in touch.
Taken by the yard life is hard….taken by the inch life’s a cinch.
I have an impressive cough…weak knees….headache….no better than yesterday
have to be better forTuesday when I meet with the lawyer to update my will..maybe it’s more timely than previously thought …..haha
Tony..hope you are soon better it will take a week to ten days..
must be the Autumn winds having fun blowing all the viruses around..
I just got excited about a new scent of washing up liquid.No one warned me that adulthood was going to be a non-stop
thrill ride
A report today informs us there are one million + with covid in the UK and rising so it looks like a worrying winter what with the usual flu deaths,and this government.We are going for covid boosters next Saturday and flu jabs a week later.I booked them seperately but they may offer the flu with the covid,so of course we'll do that.We have Scott staying from Australia just now,which is great,but I'm already dreading the goodbye.I know I'm being maudlin but he's all we've got and what with age and health problems I can't help it. He's such a long way away......Oh do.stop whining Carol !!!
Whine away Carol , our son lives quite close , wife gave him an old cottage 50 yards away and he renovated it himself , her motive was to keep him close , I think if he went to Australia we’d have to go as well , at least technology helps nowadays and the flights are a lot closer than they used to be
o Carol , you're awful ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but I like you as the incomparable Dick Emery used to say

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Hey Trysha ,hope you get released soon for good behavior,
seriously though good thoughts and prayers heading your way for a speedy recovery
Poor Trysha....I hope you're getting looked after well. Honestly talk about kicking you when you're down.Are your jabs up to date ?
We had ours at the weekend plus our flu jabs so fingers x'd. Get better soon my friend.x
Audio books are a great way to pass time in hospital , Last time I was in I listened to Stephen Fry reading the Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes
That would be nice if they had them here.
Al least I have the iPods etc
i currently feel like moving to home this minute where I can make myself some tea…nothing here…..why
are the nights so long….
sign up for a free audible trial on your phone , you get one book free , pick a long one
Sorry you're still incarcerated Trysha.Home is a wonderful place when you're not there,and there's nothing like your own bed eh? BUT they wouldn't keep you if you didn't need to be there. Just tell them where the gold is.......I had a Bowel Cancer Test which turned out to be "not quite right" and I was given an apt.for a consultation next week.Thing is I have a colonoscopy on 14th I rang the bowel cancer line to cancel the consultation so that someone else could have the appointment.Turns out they still want me to go as it's a separate thing from my usual IBD stuff and they have no medical details etc for me. What a faff,but of course I'm grateful for the far
That is worrying for you Carol…sorry to hear it.
hope it turns out much ado about nothing….what a worry.
I am still lying around doing nothing… sesssions daily…..walking is improving
waiting for my wings to arrive so I can fly away….
Waiting for tests has to be the worst thing Caol
i don’t see any on the horizon for me…but sometimes they appear when least expected.
There’s a fire bell going for the last hour…no sign of stopping..enough to drive one crazy
notallowed to leave my hospital room
thinking it’s part of the highway you Mention Carol
Hope it's stopped now Trysha......any signs of you being released yet ? I'll be at the door with the getaway car.I can't drive mind you
so maybe a nice guy will take pity and give us a push
No sign yet but as you know things can happen suddenly……
just had a kitchen try out so maybe release is not too far away.
you have to show you can make tea or whatever you drink….and cook something simple like oatmeal.
They are now sorting out whether I keep an apppointment made several months ago or reschedule it.My GP won’t be pleased if it’s rescheduled…..I don’t care any is
a specialist appointment follow up of the heart attack plus sorting out significance of vein overlapping artery…..
life can be so complicated…..
Been for the bowel cancer consultation.A waste of every ones time ,as I thought.She said if they scoped me and something was amiss I'd be refered to the same gastro team I'm with anyway. HO hum.Will see what transpires on 14th next month.
How's it going Trysha ?
Scott's going home tonight,although he does have a 14 stop-over in London !!! I will miss him badly,he's really funny.But boy,does he take up some space .....
That was so badly thought out for you Carol….although it gave something to fill your time..?.
Not long till the 14th….
I am doing ok….bored to tears hoping to get out of here tomorrow but no one has confirmed it yet.
can’t wait to get to my own apartment and clear all the accumulated dust….hate to think….but won’t take long.
Really fedupwith this hospital food…have to get home soon before wasting away.
can’t think of anything else to complain about…..
Thanks Tony. ….but I can’t bear dusty places so that will come first….then I have to see about menus….after the doleful
ones here
Scott has abandoned his aged parents yet again.I'm trying hard to keep it together but I'll be ok when I get used to the idea (again).
Hope you're home safe and sound Trysha.I bet it's not as dusty as you imagine it is.Just don't breathe in too deeply. Enjoy your bed tonight x
Good to be back in my own place…..and my own bed..
finding it very difficult to eat …..being a fussy eater does not help…I am not a meat eater…
Any helpful tips gratefully accepted..
Glad you're home Trysha. Alas I'm not the best person to advise you on diet as I've not had a descent (spl?) meal for quite a while.
Rice pudding or porridge oats or maybe chicken noodle soup (Knorrs).Warm milk and a biscuit to take the edge off.I like Horlicks or Ovaltine.......
That’s helpful Carol…forgot those…today Ihad some fruit which I like….watermelon,strawberries blueberries green grapes
the confusion in my head is getting less and I am beginning to feel better….still not quite there though.
that’s almost a month I was secluded in hospital.
It’s a whole week now since I have seen a message….where is everybody…hope
you are all ok and having a sleep in…….??
I was thinking about you only this morning Trysha.How are you feeling and are you managing to eat something ?
I was really poorly this morning and next Monday's scope can't come soon enough .......not.

Where's Tony ? come on Mister, you're conspicuous by your abscence.
Reporting for duty ladies , all good here touch wood , stoma nurse tomorrow (first time in4 years) and mri on my hips and spine in a
couple of weeks ,
Want a laugh ………
Got a tax bill a few week ago for €50000, pay immediately, it was on an inherited house ,
Don’t panic Mr. Mainwaring , we panicked , sold our newish car , and gave them the IBAN to transfer the money ,
Turns out I gave them the WRONG IBAN , so two weeks later still waiting for the money to be refunded ,

In the meantime we got the tax sorted and don’t owe any money to the taxman ,

Isn't life great
Good job you've got a sense of humour Tony but I bet it gave you a jolt eh ?
I think more about running away now than I did as a kid,but by the time I put my teeth in put my glasses on and find my keys,I forget why I'm going
My wife's sense of humor is slowly disappearing , over two weeks and still no sign of the money returning
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Good to see you both back.
I am feeling much better thanks Carol….
the food supplement I am taking seems to’s a very blah powder but ok if you drink it quickly.
it has made me take a longer look at real food….so hard to eat.
but time takes care of all things.
sorry to hear you have not been so well…the thought of scopes is enough to make anyone feel the worse for wear.
my GI puts me to sleep for it so that parts ok.
it’s the prep and recovery knocks us out.
Tony I can’t believe what they are doing to you…who are these sadistic people. ..
And who gives them power to behave like this?
it’s a great life if we don’t weaken…..
hey Trysha , glad to see you are feeling a little better , after my big op , i was on tpn for a while and could not face real food , the breakthrough came with a simply yogurt , hope you find something that suits you soon , clear soups , rice with some grilled chicken (with a little paprika) and the smallest amount , little and often , I was around 105 pounds(50) kilos when i came out of hospital 5 years ago , im now a well filled out 80 kilos ,

about our bank problems , hopefully they will be sorted out in the next week or so , at least we know the money will eventually will be coming back , the tax problem was terrifying , one minute you have two homes free and clean and the next they are demanding 50000 euros , with an 8% interest rate added on , all sorted now
makes the other problem seem small ,
I generally think once you and your family have your health , everything else is a bonus , stay well Trysha ,
hey Carol hope you are doing ok now that Craig has gone back , at least nowadays technology can help by being able to see face to face , but nothing beats a hug , lot of virtual hugs sent your way ,

its also nice to see Newcastle finally doing well again
Good to see you on the mend Trysha and thanks Tony I'm doing ok now re; my baby boy's departure.
I'm now counting the days until Monday's scope.....this life's not for sissies that's for sure.
Les and I have had a shakey few months. I don't want to depress you both further but I need to share this with someone.
We've had a good few rows,slammed doors,tears,smashed crockery,swearing etc.And it's with great sadness that we have decided,with careful put the heating on...
you really got me there Carol , out electricity bill was paid today , should have been 105 euro as the gov gave everyone 200 euro towards the bill , what did the elec company do ? took the 305 straight out of the account by direct debit and left the 200 credit there , you could not make this crap up .,
best of luck with the scope Monday , still hate the feckin (not a swear work , see Father Ted) things , even though I dont have a working colon anymore , anyway keep well and stop abusing your poor hubby
Carol …….My mind is blown listening to you and Tony
in comparison my life is so quiet.
Tony I am shocked that your electric company can access your bank account!,!,
seems anything goes these days.
With Covid they have infiltrated even further into peoples lives.
It is shocking that the government has caused people to have insufficient heating because
of very high pricing.
bet their mansions and houses are toasty warm always.
Monday is almost here Carol and here’s hoping you get through it all better than anticipated.
Hopefully the future will be more innovative and we can look forward to non invasive
perusal of peoples innards.
my next GP appointment is looming on the horizon of two weeks away.
we have lovely sunshine today but have been warned of more seasonal weather shortly..
ie snow! to toboggan and slide in……..
Hey Trysha , we use a system here called direct debit for reaccuring bills , it normally works well but once the bill is issued , that's the amount they take even if you credit the account , it's annoying because Im left with €200 less in my current account , ah well rice and beans for the month😁
In all honesty our government are doing well , they are giving €600 towards electricity over the next 4 months and cost of living help of over 1500 to most people
Best of luck with the GP appointment and wish you continued improved health
Duck goes into a shop
"got any bread "
"got any bread"
"got any bread"
"no,and if you ask again I'll nail your beak to the floor"
"got any nails"
"got any bread"
Prep day tomorrow so won't be around 'til Tues.......please don't think about me.
Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine
i‘ll taste your strawberries...I’ll drink your sweet wine…….
not thinking about you Carol…but good luck….
Looking like some snow in the offing for us…
just bought a large bag of milk to keep me going for a few days…
that’s a great hug Tony…
Looking for good results Carol…hang in there,
Gloomy day here pending snowfall forecast,
now off to the beauty salon…hope there something they can do
who knows…maybe win a beauty contest…
Hi honeys I'm home........Some inflammation and some biopsies taken,and that's all I'm sayIng.Not worried though,no point.
I will say that the prep was the worst I've had,Citrafleet which was different from what I've had before. NIGHTMARE !!!!
I'd like to say NEVER again but it's like toothache and child birth ,once it's out you forget about it,if you get my meaning.
hey Carol , the prep is really the worst part , anyway all over now for another while , when i last had my full colon , i refused to take the ones that meant drinking 4 litres , just could not do it , there's one that you just have to take one glass of the muck and then top up with ordinary fluids , personally I think anyone that prescribes these things should have to go through the procedure themselves , anyway glad its over for you
It wasn't the litres one,It was a small glass at 5pm previous day and another at 5am before my 2pm appt. I thought " Oh, that's better than the other stuff " hahaha.What was worrisome was the instruction saying to mix for 3mins in a medium glass of cold water and if it HEATS UP wait until it cools a bit before drinking.WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT ? AND I had to drink 2litres of clear stuff as well.
I was traumatised I tell you.
Thank goodness it’s all over Carol….
waiting now to hear some good results.
Biopsies are almost always taken while there is the opportunity to so.
they are a must where any abnormality exists .
I really wish there was a better way and also a non invasive technique.
Why do I feel like the sword of Damocles is delicately balanced over my head?
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PS Tony..when I was working the chief of GI services used to undergo patient procedures
before inflicting the patients.
sometimes he could modify….
Big snowfalls here but fortunately we were on the edge of it..Niagara Falls and
surroundings were hit worse than us.
sidewalks were clear so I was out for a little walk.
Freezing winds…soon back indoors..
Gratefull for all the sidewalk cleaners and road sweeping equipment.
very well organized..,
However…think I will stay in this week and attend to closet tidying etc..
hey Carol and Trysha , I think thats it , we are down to 3 at the moment , all good here , banking problems finally sorted out , got a new smart tv for the world cup (any excuse will do), looking forward to Christmas (kinda) ,
Is it me or is Christmas getting more like any other day ? , even though people say that times are hard nowadays , I don't thing we ever had as much , there's so much instant gratification in our society , just a thought , hope everyone is feeling just a little better .
We don't do Xmas at all Tony,not since Scott went to Aus 20yrs ago.We had 2 xmas;s over there but least said about that the better.....daughter in law and family thing.When we had Alfie we used to take off into the countryside with a pic-nic,but now we just wander down to the coast weather permitting.Even my xmas card list is down to six.I'm glad you got the finances sorted and I hope you enjoy the footie and the repeats over the hols.... I asked Les what he fancied for xmas dinner and he wants omlette,which he gets once a week anyway,but apparently I'm a wizz in the kitchen hahaha.Not that I eat my own cooking so I wouldn.t know.
I don’t think that Christmas was intended to be big shopping sprees and spending
money we don’t have and can’t afford.
the example was set for us with the Christ Child sleeping in a manger…
Keeping it simple is the way to go…but we don’t listen and charge around the stores with everybody.
I don’t have the strength this year to be doing very I might hide under the bed till it’s over.
Cheers everyone…
I agree Trysha.Christmas used to be a family time when we didn't expect much except love, warmth, a nice lunch, an old movie on the TV and the Queens speech,and woe betide you if you made a racket while it was being broadcast......

I'm in search of an adult version of ELF ON THE SHELF that moves around at night cleaning the house and doing laundrey but I'll settle for Santa bringing my request for a slim body and a fat bank balance and NOT the other way round like last year.
I would like a cleaning elf too but who can you trust? Elf on the shelf just sits there….trustworthy but doesn’t do much.
I would have a rottweiler some are friendly..I am afraid of them though.
I have been robbed three times but fortunately they did not get money…
one lot had everything piled up ready to go and were disturbed by the alarm system.
they tried to get out the heavily secured side door and failed.
they did destroy the front door…had to get a new one.
I sold the house and moved to the apartment I have which is more secure but not infallible….more about that another time.
I already have a too slim body…lost more in atrocious and inedible
lost appetite…but trying.
it’s expensive buying new clothes…
I remember the last intrusion Trysha and you did the right thing moving no matter the faults.You shouldn't be on your own.
We've had an interesting week.Les lost his wallet on Saturday but didn't realise until Monday. I put a stop on the credit and debit cards but nothing to be done about the £150 cash.Today he told me his drivers licence was also in the wallet.Managed to order another on-line (I think).....I'm stressed to bits to be honest. It's my own fault,I admit.For 56yrs I've done all the "thinking and doing" stuff best I can and it;s still "my job" ......I think I need to start drinking .
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It is not your fault Carol…..after you you did not lose the wallet.
Men do rely on us so much to sort their problems.we are the thinkers and ones to take action since there are so many ways men don’t grow up.
maybe someone lifted his wallet …there are very clever light fingered thieves
who make a living doing this.
over here we have to notify the. Card issuer as well..
I am already stressing with you….
surprised to hear you can get cards online..but then I am way behind the times on these things.
I only have a bank card…and the bank is close by…immediately accessible.
there is also a 24 hr service.
So sorry the money was lost……
PS. Ave you searched the shopping bags and been through every coat pocket?.
Searched everywhere Trysha.A couple of weeks ago I found his wallet in the frying pan.He didn't know it was missing.He has a tool drawer above the pan cupboard and it had fallen over the back.No oil in the pan luckily.He;s not to be trusted to think what he's doing.It was his drivers licence I ordered on line and not the bank cards.I had to phone for those and one came today but when I tried to register it I was told there was a block on it and has to go to the bank with his ID, either passport which is way out of date,or drivers licence which won;t be here for a week or two. Our local bank closed a few years ago and we've to go 5mls along the coast to our nearest one.Just heard on the news yesterday that THAT one is closing next year.I really do not want to bank on-line but might have to...... how are you feeling Trysha ?
The passport may still be does have a unique number…..
you may have to wait for the drivers licence though.
phew! What a headache for you Carol.
Still…being busy keeps us going……
I seem to be doing quite well but had a bad almost fall in the street..there was an obstruction I did not see….hurrying for the bus.
it felt as if my calf muscle was split vertically in two….very painful but the bus driver waited for me.
I didn’t know whether to tough it out or go to ER…….I toughed it out.
it’s just beginning to feel better a week later.
My physiotherapist said to use the walker but rest as much as possible.
it is feeling better.spectacular blue foot and ankle but no one to show off to.
Just watching Michael Flatley…..l wish I could dance like that…….one day maybe
but not with all these pigs flying past the window!
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