Last one wins PG version 4.0

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You know when you're warm and comfy and you don't want to. get out of bed to pee ?
but you can't get back to sleep 'cos you need to get out of bed to pee......
Well the weather thread is missing so just shouting out to Carol ,Bufford and CX ,
Miserable for the last couple of days here misty rain and 12C
Does everyone have any other chat app as they seem to be edgeing us out here 🤔, I have messenger and what's app
Hey Tony, thks... I was wondering what happened to my weather watching friends! ??? Keep me posted, if you find out what happened and where we might gather again for conversation! I miss you guys! Btw... weather is cold a dreary, 59°F at 2:45pm today
Well the weather thread is missing so just shouting out to Carol ,Bufford and CX ,
Miserable for the last couple of days here misty rain and 12C
Does everyone have any other chat app as they seem to be edgeing us out here 🤔, I have messenger and what's app
I had to have a couple of tries to get on today,,,,you know I'm a techno phobe Tony,and I'll really miss you all when they finally tip us over the edge
Do you really think "they", whoever they are, would deprive us a space to enjoy the weather+ for a moment? I thought weather+ topics were better than dwelling on the daily ups and downs of Crohn's 24/7 for 20+ years. Focusing on something lighthearted and fun each day has been a nice break! Let's hope the powers- that-be will reconsider! 🤷‍♀️ "They" probably would for a fee. Que Sera, que sera!
Its a winter day here -22C last night, glad to find everyone here on the upper decks as the stern rises and the water creeps into the boiler rooms below. This new thread reminds me of rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship. I hope they can fix the issues on this site, otherwise; farewell friends it was a great run here while it lasted. Its amazing making friends and holding conversations from around the world. Hopefully the lights will stay on for awhile here, and they can pump out the hold.
I found this site and signed up in case this site does go under.
Well the weather thread is missing so just shouting out to Carol ,Bufford and CX ,
Miserable for the last couple of days here misty rain and 12C
Does everyone have any other chat app as they seem to be edgeing us out here 🤔, I have messenger and what's app
I've written down the website Buff, just in case, but hope this site doesn't get more fussy amd zap us again. I like the "little rooms with an open door" format here.
Today we're having a sunny day with temp at 61°F now.... at nearly 2pm. I'm still cold though! People are always telling me it's because I don't have enough fat on my body! 🥴
Am I slow on the uptake...did y'all know there was a forum app. I noticed it in some obscure spot yesterday while browsing the site... so I downloaded it and it works much more conveniently than going to the website to log on, at least it is for me. I like it.
More surgery in my future, the doctor said I have a doozy of a hernia and to go easy on it until surgery, and that the surgery may or may not be complex. Hopefully they will not have to rebuild the stoma. Doctor said there are a lot more patients having issues with parastomal hernias lately for some reason but couldn't say why. An ultrasound for the urinary system as well.
-10C expecting some snow ahead of the next cold front, at least the doctor has said it is okay to cross country ski, as the coming cold weather looks good for it.
More surgery in my future, the doctor said I have a doozy of a hernia and to go easy on it until surgery, and that the surgery may or may not be complex. Hopefully they will not have to rebuild the stoma. Doctor said there are a lot more patients having issues with parastomal hernias lately for some reason but couldn't say why. An ultrasound for the urinary system as well.
-10C expecting some snow ahead of the next cold front, at least the doctor has said it is okay to cross country ski, as the coming cold weather looks good for it.

I don’t know if he is going to just stitch the area or use mesh, but there are different types of mesh used for hernia surgeries. You may benefit from learning what kind of mesh he will use, and the kinds of mesh used for the procedure in general. Also, some surgeons specialise in hernia surgery, I would get a second opinion from them.
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Buff, I hope you can get a surgical appt. soon for the fix. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

My weather is sunny and 62 at 2:20pm. It's the lull before the storm though. I think we are in for some freezing, wet weather in a few days. 🤦‍♀️
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Thanks Tony,we're good for now.It can only ever be one day at a time but we're doing OK. shopping,walks lots of conversations.He's eating good,sleeping good etc.but memory is iffy.That's not important,I've always been his memory hahaha. It was our 57th anniversary yesterday....don't know where the years have gone
A Happy Anniversary! 💞 💝 (May I call you Carol?). Anyway, congratulations to you and your husband!
Another nice day but a bit cooler.We had a walk into town and back but we really should have bused at least one way....Too many aches and pains now for both of us,but we're trying to do the things that we enjoyed before age crept up.....and it's not working.
The weather is going to change to wet and windy next week so maybe we won't feel that we SHOULD make an effort to go out....
Its on the mild side and gray, expecting a major drop in temperatures later in the day, and into the weekend we will be into an arctic deep freeze. When the cold arrives I will go ski and see how it goes with the hernia. I prefer skiing in the cold, the skis are easier to work and control when snow is cold, and the exercise makes and keeps me warm.
-5 Gray.
I'm getting fed up with this winter sun EVERY day,but here it is's low in the sky at this time of year and difficult to avoid it almost blinding you....but there's worse things in the world to fret about eh? enjoy your weekend friends
I'm getting fed up with this winter sun EVERY day,but here it is's low in the sky at this time of year and difficult to avoid it almost blinding you....but there's worse things in the world to fret about eh? enjoy your weekend friends
Look like a lovely day for you Carol ,St. JAMES park is bathed in sunshine ,
Dull day here 10C but at least it's dry
Our weather hasn't changed yet.... we in TX are waiting for Buff to open the gates in Ontario and send front down this way. Not that I'm eager for it to get here.... it will be too cold for me! 🥶🥴!!
It's on its way Patsy, yesterday it went up to the freezing mark, and this morning its -23C. I'll take the cold over the mild stuff anytime. Mild weather can be messy and miserable leading to ice dams on the roof which causes temporary but miserable leaks when water ices up and pushes up under the shingles. Roofers have excuses for it, but I call it lousy workmanship.
I may go for a ski this afternoon, I travel so that the sun is at my back for most of the time, as Carol says that low sun angle can be blinding, more so with the reflection off the snow on the lakes, but it sure gives my face a good tan.
Well Buff, I think I can actually understand that roof problem you have with too many freeze/mild weather events in one season. Our problem here is large hail storms or high winds which thankfully doesn't happen that often during the estimated life span of a asphalt shingle roof.

Tonight from midnight to 9am tomorrow, we are under an emergency winter storm warning, high wind, and quick drop in temperature to high teens. Wind chill is the problem. No moisture in this first push. Expected to be very cold for next 5 days. Honestly, we in Texas don't even own the right clothes for that kind of weather! 🤷‍♀️ I'll bundle up, dash to the truck, drive to my destination with heater on full blast, and dash into another warm building! Now.... if the electric GRID goes down.... then I've gotta a problem!🥶🥶😳
Y'all stay warm!!!🥰
This thread is showing as "Last one wins" in my E Mail alerts ????
what on earth is going on ????
Good morning Carol! This thread is where I found Tony when our weather thread disappeared. He had a note wondering what happened and where we all were. I think we've all just continued chatting here ... not knowing how long the powers-that-be will allow it. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Well Buff, one of our cold fronts has arrived! We are expecting another Monday. I'm declaring both will be from your part of the country because temp currently is 29°F (7am Sunday) and dry and tomorrow's is bring possible light snow and ice! Close that gate please, it's too cold! 😂
Morning's a wee bit baffling to say the least.I've been here foe 12-13yrs and everything was uncomplicated, We used to play all sorts of silly games and it was good fun to be with people who knew what we were about.As time has passed it's gone quiet,as lives have changed etc and now we;re hanging by our finger tips to stay in touch,Enjoy your day,I envy your 6 acres but the grass is always greener eh? or need cutting
-33C this morning. Fresh, with brilliant sunshine under cobalt blue skies. The wood furnace is well fed and the house warm as a nest. I don't mind it one bit, as the biting flies are only four months off from reving up and drilling. I will go for a ski later, I need to burn off that rib dinner I made in the slow cooker yesterday. Patsy I wouldn't take chances with the power grid if yours is anything like ours, and get yourself a portable generator to run things when your power goes out. They don't cost much, and make a huge difference. Its expensive to have to dump everything out of the fridge after an extended outage.
Now a bad day today , overcast but dry with little wind , 12c ,
tree surgeons coming tomorrow to take down dangerous trees , will feel a lot safer when its done , they are neighbors and only about 30 feet from the house .
This thread is showing as "Last one wins" in my E Mail alerts ????
what on earth is going on ????
I did reach out to Alan who is an administrator about the issue with the weather thread. If there is anybody who is in the know about it it would be him. I find it very strange when one thread is singled out and deleted. There is a reason behind everything and I am beginning to feel that the boileroom down below may not be so flooded. We'll see.
no ducks just a lot of middle aged men showing off their bellies


-33C this morning. Fresh, with brilliant sunshine under cobalt blue skies. The wood furnace is well fed and the house warm as a nest. I don't mind it one bit, as the biting flies are only four months off from reving up and drilling. I will go for a ski later, I need to burn off that rib dinner I made in the slow cooker yesterday. Patsy I wouldn't take chances with the power grid if yours is anything like ours, and get yourself a portable generator to run things when your power goes out. They don't cost much, and make a huge difference. Its expensive to have to dump everything out of the fridge after an extended outage.
I do have a generator, propane fuel and it works great. However, it's not an auto hookup and its heavy. I have to get my son to come roll it in place and get it going. I've had it about 4 years and have only had to use it once.
I had a smart mouth response to your link showing the sights at St James Park and I don't know where my response went. A popup kept butting in! I was "replying" in wrong place I guess. So, I'll type it here.... Oh my 😵‍💫 That hurt my eyes!!! 😅
Morning's a wee bit baffling to say the least.I've been here foe 12-13yrs and everything was uncomplicated, We used to play all sorts of silly games and it was good fun to be with people who knew what we were about.As time has passed it's gone quiet,as lives have changed etc and now we;re hanging by our finger tips to stay in touch,Enjoy your day,I envy your 6 acres but the grass is always greener eh? or need cutting
I think I joined the forum about 2011-12. ?? Around that time I had my surgery to remove strictures. I was caretaker for both my parents at that time too. I had been looking for what treatments other people with Crohn's were trying. Things got very busy here and I stopped checking in until just recently when I got an email from the forum mgmt.
I did reach out to Alan who is an administrator about the issue with the weather thread. If there is anybody who is in the know about it it would be him. I find it very strange when one thread is singled out and deleted. There is a reason behind everything and I am beginning to feel that the boileroom down below may not be so flooded. We'll see.
I think the "weather" thread is taking up bandwidth and bandwidth takes up money 💰
I had a smart mouth response to your link showing the sights at St James Park and I don't know where my response went. A popup kept butting in! I was "replying" in wrong place I guess. So, I'll type it here.... Oh my 😵‍💫 That hurt my eyes!!! 😅
They are the best football(soccer)fans in the world .
I'm not sure what to make of this reply.....I'll have to think about it but I'm sure you're being sarcastic AGAIN !!!!
no sarcasm intended Carol , they really are the best fans in the world , I would really love to go to St James Park to watch a game , they really love their team no matter what .
I'll have to check it out, though I am not much of a vagan. I also signed up an account at Meet an ostomate
It went down to -35C and rose to -33C by breakfast. This is the coldest temps in 4 years, and we can use it, as it will help with killing off the wood chewing bugs that kill trees.
no need to be a vegan , and he doesn't preach at all , its just the name of the site
I will lurk around those two sites for now, before there is a need to jump ship if need be, there is only so much in me for social media as there is a lot for me to do with my life offline, living rural keeps me busy. However, when the weather goes bad, and the biting flies come out it does give me an outlet when stuck in the house.
-33C Mainly sunny.
I will lurk around those two sites for now, before there is a need to jump ship if need be, there is only so much in me for social media as there is a lot for me to do with my life offline, living rural keeps me busy. However, when the weather goes bad, and the biting flies come out it does give me an outlet when stuck in the house.
-33C Mainly sunny.
I don't feel I have the inclination to make new friends ,the way things are here.I've changed a lot since I first joined ,never mind the last couple of years.I feel it would take to much effort to start up new.but we'll see
A bit of snow fell last night but hardly enough to cover the ground. It is melting now as the sun has come out and temp is now above freezing. 😁 I'm so glad! 💃💃🤸‍♂️🙆🧚‍♀
Finally had the CT-e scan today. Budesonide isn't working, so I'll be doing a prednisone course to get inflammation under control. Will have to decide what maintenance approach to do next.
I saw the snow on the ground from Texas in a belt along the gulf of Mexico coastline to Florida... on real time satellite weather data. A sure sign of a massive storm when snow reflections show up from space.
I don't feel I have the inclination to make new friends ,the way things are here.I've changed a lot since I first joined ,never mind the last couple of years.I feel it would take to much effort to start up new.but we'll see
I feel the same way, I signed up but have not posted since. This thread went invisible for awhile, now its back. Kinda reminds me of the lights flickering on the Titanic. It will provide an alternative if this site does go down.
I saw the snow on the ground from Texas in a belt along the gulf of Mexico coastline to Florida... on real time satellite weather data. A sure sign of a massive storm when snow reflections show up from space.
Yeah, pretty bizarre. I believe Houston had 5 inches. Snow fall in most other places in Texas wasn't too spectacular. Florida had some heavy weather too from reports. I was outside a few minutes ago checking things. It is 61(16 C.) with no wind. Beautifully mild.
Okay gang, Today, I began a prednisone 40mg 7day step down by 5mg each week for 8 weeks to stop inflammation. Budesonide wasn't working and intestional wall thickness observed in the CT-e scan. I'll be climbing walls, sleeping poorly and grazing in the pantry. Maybe even writing profound gibberish at midnight!! 😳😖🤦‍♀️
Okay gang, Today, I began a prednisone 40mg 7day step down by 5mg each week for 8 weeks to stop inflammation. Budesonide wasn't working and intestional wall thickness observed in the CT-e scan. I'll be climbing walls, sleeping poorly and grazing in the pantry. Maybe even writing profound gibberish at midnight!! 😳😖🤦‍♀️

Limit your salt intake, and try not to eat too much too often. It’s not going to be easy. Try to control your stress levels, be more attentive to yourself in general, and try to get lots of rest. Getting adequate amounts of vitamins D&K, and calcium every day is important to prevent osteoporosis during this time. I hope you get well. Remember this will pass.
Limit your salt intake, and try not to eat too much too often. It’s not going to be easy. Try to control your stress levels, be more attentive to yourself in general, and try to get lots of rest. Getting adequate amounts of vitamins D&K, and calcium every day is important to prevent osteoporosis during this time. I hope you get well. Remember this will pass.
Thank you. I appreciate the reminders. Some are already part of my daily routine like D3/K2, and a bone supplement. Salt, rest, and stress control, need a bit more self-discipline! Thks again.
Thank you. I appreciate the reminders. Some are already part of my daily routine like D3/K2, and a bone supplement. Salt, rest, and stress control, need a bit more self-discipline! Thks again.
I've been on that course Patsy.To ease the sleeplessness I got up early ish,6am and took the pred with a glass of warm milk,that way it had worn off by bed time.Of course,we're all different, but it worked for me 🌷 🥀
I've been on that course Patsy.To ease the sleeplessness I got up early ish,6am and took the pred with a glass of warm milk,that way it had worn off by bed time.Of course,we're all different, but it worked for me 🌷 🥀
Thks. Always good to hear another's experience. I didn't sleep more than 5 total hours last night. Took a fourth of a 5mg melatonin twice. That helped me drift off for a couple to three hours naps. I'm not a good sleeper under regular circumstances so it's no surprise the big "P" screws me up more!
I'm not sure what thread this is, it's either a weather thread or Last one Wins. Either way, it's my once ever year or two check-in to say hello. I hope you're all doing as well as you can.
If this a weather thread, the weather here is crazy. It's had record highs (in the 70s) recently, not the typical winter months at all, then just a week or two later it's snowing. You never know what you're going to get.
Sorry you're dealing with Prednisone, Patsy. My sweet hubby has had to deal with that a lot the last couple of years. It's awful.
I'm not sure what thread this is, it's either a weather thread or Last one Wins. Either way, it's my once ever year or two check-in to say hello. I hope you're all doing as well as you can.
If this a weather thread, the weather here is crazy. It's had record highs (in the 70s) recently, not the typical winter months at all, then just a week or two later it's snowing. You never know what you're going to get.
Sorry you're dealing with Prednisone, Patsy. My sweet hubby has had to deal with that a lot the last couple of years. It's awful.
Hello there SandyUte! Glad to have you walk into the "Weather" room! Best I can figure, we are several ole retired crohnies having a good time telling stories that make us laugh (most of the time) and blessed with a few youngsters wandering in to cheer us up or... maybe they are monitoring us..?? 😲
How long has your husband suffered with Crohn's? Do hope he is having some success managing symptoms. Flare triggers seem not to have a rhyme or reason at times.
The COLD weather has returned to central Texas! It didn’t rain much. 😒 Wind is blustery and temp is 20°F at 6am. I'll be staying indoors today. Everyone stay warm!
Buff, do you follow ice hockey? I don't, not enough ice here. 😏. But if you do, over the weekend there was a four nation tournament or playoff ???... not near you but in Canada. I watched a couple of video clips of the first few minutes pre-game btn Canada and US. I think I have the facts straight ....anyway....the videos were of a couple of player going fist-y-cuffs while teammates rallied around!!! I thought the fights looked contrived, fake, like play acting. Can you explain that exhibition any chance? I know there was booing nonsense going on. Wondering if all that was hype to get the fans noisily into the game!

23°F @ noon!
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Hello there SandyUte! Glad to have you walk into the "Weather" room! Best I can figure, we are several ole retired crohnies having a good time telling stories that make us laugh (most of the time) and blessed with a few youngsters wandering in to cheer us up or... maybe they are monitoring us..?? 😲
How long has your husband suffered with Crohn's? Do hope he is having some success managing symptoms. Flare triggers seem not to have a rhyme or reason at times.
Nice to meet you officially Patsy. My husband, DougUte, was diagnosed in 2011 but I know he had symptoms of Crohn's Disease for quite a bit before that. (He also had several feet of small intestine and part of his large bowel removed in 2011. Thankfully, no ostomy.) We both used to participate in this Crohn's forum quite a bit so we are familiar with several of you "old timers" here, but there are a lot of new ones too, of course. Doug had to rely on Prednisone a few times the past couple years while fighting with insurance companies over coverage for a med that would work here (we live in Utah, so typical US insurance company battle). He used to take Humira, but that stopped working for him so he had to jump through a few hoops to FINALLY get approved on Stelara. In the mean time, until he could get on a biologic that worked for him, he took Prednisone for several weeks at a time for each flare (practically non-stop it seemed).
Oh, and Utah just got a pro hockey club moved here from Arizona (so it doesn't have to be a cold state to have ice hockey). I don't know much about hockey, though. When I married Doug he converted me to be a University of Utah (Utes) football fan, hence our names.
Weather here is overcast today, threatening rain or snow, and low 40s F, or about 4-5°C.
P.S. I have a brother that lives in Texas (Elgin, I think the town is called). And another brother's adult kiddo lives in San Antonio.
Nice to meet you officially Patsy. My husband, DougUte, was diagnosed in 2011 but I know he had symptoms of Crohn's Disease for quite a bit before that. (He also had several feet of small intestine and part of his large bowel removed in 2011. Thankfully, no ostomy.) We both used to participate in this Crohn's forum quite a bit so we are familiar with several of you "old timers" here, but there are a lot of new ones too, of course. Doug had to rely on Prednisone a few times the past couple years while fighting with insurance companies over coverage for a med that would work here (we live in Utah, so typical US insurance company battle). He used to take Humira, but that stopped working for him so he had to jump through a few hoops to FINALLY get approved on Stelara. In the mean time, until he could get on a biologic that worked for him, he took Prednisone for several weeks at a time for each flare (practically non-stop it seemed).
Oh, and Utah just got a pro hockey club moved here from Arizona (so it doesn't have to be a cold state to have ice hockey). I don't know much about hockey, though. When I married Doug he converted me to be a University of Utah (Utes) football fan, hence our names.
Weather here is overcast today, threatening rain or snow, and low 40s F, or about 4-5°C.
P.S. I have a brother that lives in Texas (Elgin, I think the town is called). And another brother's adult kiddo lives in San Antonio.

That's interesting Sandy... I live a few miles out of Elgin and have family living in and around San Antonio. Small world!
Patsy, I don't follow hockey much at all now. When I was younger I went to the games, back in those days the fights were real, bloody noses and fans cheered them on, fighting was a part of the game in those days. It would get tense in the NHL playoffs and it was not uncommon for the bench to clear and join the brawl on the ice, that was the 1970's.
Things have changed a lot over the years with so many teams, I cannot keep up with the names and all. Fights today are pretty tame and downright fake.
Best game I remember was us seniors vs the young folks playing on the ice of the lake on New Years a few years ago.

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