Wife of Chronie (with my own health challenges)
:yfaint:I get to shoot Doug in a minute, so if disappear, I'm not having a seizure
Hey all! My turn to win!
Got a doctor update today. My GI wants me to have a MRI done soon becasue he wants to see if the Humira is healing this fistula. He also is concerend that my infection levels are going back up after they had come way down. He may up my Humira dose to once a week instead of every other week. I meet with the surgon on the 20th (so I will have the MRI before then) and he thinks that if I have to have surgery, then it is possible that it could be done laproscoply instead of an open surgery. My GI tells me that this surgon is one of the leading surgons for Crohn's laperscopic surgery. They will also go ahead a take out the diseased portions of colon while they are working on the fistula. So I guess that is good and bad news.
:yfaint:I get to shoot Doug in a minute, so if disappear, I'm not having a seizure
HI Sandy - I am okay - but I am a bit peaky today and very tired - no doubt from adjusting to my first week at work - which I thoroughly enjoyed! I walk 20 mins from car to building. So I am now getting 40min exercise per day which is 40 mins more than I was getting before
Yesterday we took Teesha to the vet - she was acting like a cat with crohns = D and blood in stools - but she didn't have a temp and it could be virus - or IBS. THe vet confirmed she is like a munchkin i.e. she has the dwarf gene in her legs. SHe also has to lose 2 kgs and she is not very happy about that. The first thing she did at the vets was to look all nice and cute and as the vet patted her, she nipped the vet
Little stinker, she is! sounds cute! What was the diagnosis?
Excellent GJ!!! So glad you will have laproscopic if you do. God is good and answers prayer. But lets still hope for none at all! :heart:
Amen sista!!
so Kirsty, what's baking?
I've been thinking of making one ever since Kirsty mentioned making one. maybe tomorrow. I make a mean cake, if I say so myself. (so myself. there, I said it.)
so Kirsty, what's baking?
Cheese and Silverbeet filled loaf
500 g cream cheese
1 c grated cheese
1 onion finely chopped
3 leaves silverbeet chopped – or frozen chopped spinach/silverbeet (if comes in blocks I use about 3 blocks per loaf – a 500g packet of frozen silverbeet will do 3-4 loaves)
Mix all together
Cob or vienna loaf
Slice top off loaf
Scoop out bread inside
Fill with above mixture
Put lid back on and bake in slow oven (about 100c) 1 hour.
I often remove the lid about half way through cooking so it doesn’t burn. Spread the bread that was removed from inside the loaf around the tray and bake with the loaf. This, and the lid are also used along with the crust of the loaf as dippers for the cheese and silverbeet filling.
THat's what we had for tea
so what is new? I think smell a skunk in our neighborhood.
My phone just ate a long post! more in a minute
sounds heavenly, and we have one over here that is spinach and artichoke dip with cheddar cheese in it. Also cold spinach dip with rye bread that you cut out middle and put all around to dip in . YUMMSSS
I agree, sounds yummy. I have a variation of that recipe also. ummm ummm!
sounds heavenly, and we have one over here that is spinach and artichoke dip with cheddar cheese in it. Also cold spinach dip with rye bread that you cut out middle and put all around to dip in . YUMMSSS
Getting the newer car tmoro finally!!! I am driving it down Glenn's to see my grandaughter again. Glenn found out that Vicky's boyfriend is the one that texted him and said that Fantasia couldn't come see him this weekend. Glenn finally talked to Vicky. So she will be there till Sun. nite!!!!:ysmile::heart:
I'm so glad you are getting to see her now. and have fun with new car! phone is eating charge faster then getting charged. (never happened before?) Phone is going to die. have to say g'nite. Love ya all!
Kirsty, what is silverbeet? Is it beet greens?
Also the vienna is bread but what is cob? Bread?:redface:
Hello. I win!
Off to do some shopping with mom. Need a dress (or somethng to wear) to the company x-mas party. Lets see what I get.
I like the one in your avatar - wear that and spend the money on chocolate!
I want a "little black dress".
Well Sandy I am looking forward to the party - did we agree who is doing what? I guess the A team will not be expected to do any work - plus can you allocate us the best chairs?
I think you invited everyone, but there a probably a few people would might cause trouble - so you could think again about:
Teresa, Marcia, Dee and Dusty. We need to think about Cheryl, Carol and Angel. I guess everyone else is welcome.
The A team will need a quiet area where we can chill out away from the baying mob.
I am bringing plenty of mistletoe - so you are in for a treat ladies.
every woman needs a little black dress1 Hi guys!
Well Sandy I am looking forward to the party - did we agree who is doing what? I guess the A team will not be expected to do any work - plus can you allocate us the best chairs?
I think you invited everyone, but there a probably a few people would might cause trouble - so you could think again about:
Teresa, Marcia, Dee and Dusty. We need to think about Cheryl, Carol and Angel. I guess everyone else is welcome.
The A team will need a quiet area where we can chill out away from the baying mob.
I am bringing plenty of mistletoe - so you are in for a treat ladies.
Poor, delusional Robert. Sigh.
Please let me know and I will dress accordingly.
Women = beachwear
Men = Smart casual
Dusty is no match for Trev
Oh,yes she is,that was hilarious........
Women = beachwear
Men = Smart casual
:bigwave: Hi All! OK, so I am having an anmazing WEEK LONG PARTY!!!!! I would like to invite all of you to come. You have atleast a week for the party to still be in full swing. Make travel plans soon!!! What to bring:
*Painting clothes
*Clothes you don't mind getting dirty
*Snow boots (as we are in a blizzard warning and expect 8 inches of snow)today
*A nice warm Jacket.
We will have a BLAST moving me!!!! We will get to pack together, clean together, paint together, and haul lots of boxes from one house to another!!!!! YIPPY!!!!!!
Please RSVP ASAP. I can accomodate many people in my house, just bring a sleeping bag and pillow!!! oh...and since we are a bunch of crohnies, I will rent some porta-potties, I only have one indoor bathroom!!!!
hehehhehe...Hope all is well with everyone!!!
HUGS AND SMILE!!!! (oh yeah, don't forget to bring you will to work!!!) See ya soon!
Hey all! My turn to win!
Got a doctor update today. My GI wants me to have a MRI done soon becasue he wants to see if the Humira is healing this fistula. He also is concerend that my infection levels are going back up after they had come way down. He may up my Humira dose to once a week instead of every other week. I meet with the surgon on the 20th (so I will have the MRI before then) and he thinks that if I have to have surgery, then it is possible that it could be done laproscoply instead of an open surgery. My GI tells me that this surgon is one of the leading surgons for Crohn's laperscopic surgery. They will also go ahead a take out the diseased portions of colon while they are working on the fistula. So I guess that is good and bad news.
Silverbeet is a dark green veg - spinach is smaller and lighter
Cob is a loaf of bread normally round
Not so sure about hauling boxes... I am good at keeping the doors open for the people that do haul the boxes. :lol2::lol2: Very useful. And I just got a new warm jacket.. well.. teknically I get it for x-mas so Ill have to wait a couple weeks. But that should stand a snowstorm.. thats what I got it for. So I wont freeze while walking the dog in -20C (-5F) weather that can be expected in Januarry.
Anyways.. I need to get going to my moms for a steak dinner.
:bigwave: Hi All! OK, so I am having an amazing WEEK LONG PARTY!!!!! I would like to invite all of you to come. You have atleast a week for the party to still be in full swing. Make travel plans soon!!! What to bring:
*Painting clothes
*Clothes you don't mind getting dirty
*Snow boots (as we are in a blizzard warning and expect 8 inches of snow)today
*A nice warm Jacket.
We will have a BLAST moving me!!!! We will get to pack together, clean together, paint together, and haul lots of boxes from one house to another!!!!! YIPPY!!!!!!
Please RSVP ASAP. I can accomodate many people in my house, just bring a sleeping bag and pillow!!! oh...and since we are a bunch of crohnies, I will rent some porta-potties, I only have one indoor bathroom!!!!
hehehhehe...Hope all is well with everyone!!!
HUGS AND SMILE!!!! (oh yeah, don't forget to bring you will to work!!!) See ya soon!
Marcia you are having a busy time - happy to come along to help .......... but will you be in charge giving orders and being bossy? Can we have plenty of beer and cigar breaks?
sounds fab!!!!:rosette2:SANDY'S CHRISTMAS EVE PARTY
Well Sandy I am looking forward to the party - did we agree who is doing what? I guess the A team will not be expected to do any work - plus can you allocate us the best chairs?
I think you invited everyone, but there a probably a few people would might cause trouble - so you could think again about:
Teresa, Marcia, Dee and Dusty. We need to think about Cheryl, Carol and Angel. I guess everyone else is welcome.
The A team will need a quiet area where we can chill out away from the baying mob.
I am bringing plenty of mistletoe - so you are in for a treat ladies.
Wish I could be there to help. Even if it's not alot, just to cook for you all and clean a bit! I'm no spring chicken you know! But, I do make fabulous meatballs and red sauce! I love ya Bug!!! Mama:biggrin: T
If you are nice to me,
Wait, am I welcome at this Christmas eve party? Or concidered a trouble maker?? Cuz Sandy loves me, and she will invite me. Sorry Bobrt!!!
Interesting concept.......... perhaps if you can get rid of Dee it would be a start?
By the way I am a real worker - so happy to get stuck in.
Sandy's silence suggests you are toast.
Or it means that she hasn't seen the post yet. I'm betting on the latter
Wait, am I welcome at this Christmas eve party? Or concidered a trouble maker?? Cuz Sandy loves me, and she will invite me. Sorry Bobrt!!!
Marcia do you always get the last word? Would I miss you and Dee ...... hahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahha ahahahahahahahahahahahhaahh ahahahhahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahhahahha ahahahhahahhahhahhahahahah ahahhahahhaha
it was a snapper, and its long since eaten. what fish do you have in the tank?
Interesting concept.......... perhaps if you can get rid of Dee it would be a start?
By the way I am a real worker - so happy to get stuck in.
Marcia do you always get the last word? Would I miss you and Dee ...... hahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahha ahahahahahahahahahahahhaahh ahahahhahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahhahahha ahahahhahahhahhahhahahahah ahahhahahhaha
I agree with T %100!! LIES, ALL LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I might miss you both a tiny bit
well i might miss you both a tiny bit