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Oct 3, 2009
I have a question for those who have had preps, I am having my colonscopy on Thursday AM early.:eek2: .

The prepping sorta started last night, I had to take 2 dulcolax last night but today I can eat still (I will avoid meat) and then 2 more dulcolax tonight and then tomorrow my starting fluids beings (the worst part of my colonoscopy) then take the pico Salax tomorrow evening and get up at 5am to take the next cup omg... I hate mornings.

I have had at least 10 scopes in my 17 dx, has anyone take the dulcolax two nights in a row...thank God I am not going anywhere anytime soon :tongue:. The actual scope is a piece of cake. :) He gives good drugs to put me out but I am alert when it is done really fast. He does give me the dx at that time.

2nd Question, has anyone taken Oral Nystatin and for what and did it work?
Hey chica! I have never had to take dulcolax. Don't you think this prep instructions take it a wee bit too far for us Crohnie's sometimes? I can't imagine your gut is going to like that.....

I had to take oral Nystatin (mouth rinse) because they thought the ulcers I had on my tongue might be fungal. It wasn't...and no, the Nystatin didn't work. You still having trouble with the ulcers? :(
I found the ducolax to be very mild. I think i just sets the stage for not having so much coming out when you take the Pico. But I took it one day prior to, and the morning of. The pico was all the evening before. I would not want to be deprived of a toilet for more then 30 seconds within 4 hours taking Pico.
Peaches, not so much just ulcers, but my tongue is white and thick and I have never used Nystatin, I requested it to see if it works, but the pharmacist says to wait til AFTER my scope. So we shall see. My Gp says the cankers are Crohns related so he knew that much.

Kenny: It has been awhile since I used Pico so I have been warned lol. I just wondered if people who havent had a resection is the reason 2 dulcolax two nights in a row is to make sure... I have had two resections, and already feels like I have dark bile. Staying near a toilet today! I just hate getting up morning of the prep at 5am to take another cup...if I remembered I did it at 6am...it was ok, just want to be sure I am cleaned, no point of going if you arent. Thanks!
I was on oral Nystatin after surgery. I had a nice case of thrush from the levaquin and and flagyl I got in the hospital......It seemed like it took foever to go away. Buy a cheap tooth brushes and put some nystatin on it and brush your tongue. Only use the tooth brush a few times then toss it so you don't keep reintroducing the yeast back into your mouth. Good Luck Pen.

Edit: in addition to the swish and swirl you are suppose to do.
Thanks IMP that makes sense, god knows I have alot of toothbrushes... I just used a new one because of the Pnemonia I had a couple of months ago, and had a dental cleaning. I know it is from Flagyl but I am not gonna take it again til after the scope. I have phelgm still and can't take antimucous stuff (has alcohol in it) with flagyl or it can make you very ill. I try to expel it, but seems like everytime I turn around my mouth is whitish and my chest if full of crap. I need to take some tonight before I go to bed...it will be my last chance.

At least with drinking fluids only it should help wash everything away and a bowel rest.

Does anyone else find their flares settle whilst being a a fluid and prep day?
Nothing but Clear fluids today..

Today is fluids day, then I take my first cup of Picosalax, this afternoon. The prep and the colonscopy is the easiest part of the colonoscopy.

The worst part is NOOOOOOO food! Jello, jello and more jello, water, clear juices and tea, whoopie. I never eat jello any other time because I dont like jello, unless it has whipped cream on top :lol:.

I will be so glad by tomorrow morning when it is all over!
Keep chugging Pen....I don't envy you. My FIL is prepping today too. I am not going near him today, he will be a bear to be around.

Blah...I hate Jello too!
Thank IMP, haha, I had to laugh, I can be a bear with a sore a$$ on a good day lol. My husband leaves for 2 week turnaround for work in an hour or so he gets to miss the the wicked witch in action LOL.

Your father in law is having a test? Is he having a colonoscopy?? What prep is he using?
He's having a colonoscopy....I'm anxious to find out the results. He has been having bleeding. He was admitted to thru the ER 3 months ago and they found an ulcer. They wouldn't do the colonoscopy in hospital so he has been waiting forever to get it done. It's not his first one, so he knows what to expect....

He is doing the Miralax prep with a citrate of magneisa chaser;). Followed by Duccolax pills for dessert!! He is diabetic so he will go in at 6am tomorrow.
Ouch his prep sound yucky. I already did two nights in a row with dulcolax, I dont drink the Pico (which is only one cup) and chase it down with a few bottles of water. I have to be at the hospital at 8:10am which means I have to leave here at 7am, and drink my second cup of pico at 5:30am... there is not place for potty stops from here to the hospital..Yikes. I hope your FIL is ok...let me know.
I wote to start a club "I hate laxatives" ( is correct spelled ? ) - Nothing is worse than sittting hours on the can getting prepared for a colonscopy, ehhh no it pretty much hits the high score of unpleasant things.
Could be a good idea, or Preps. LOL Pico Salax really isnt that bad tasting at all, tastes like oranges, but it is the morning one I aint looking forward too!

You spelled Laxatives correct!
Hey, i wish i'd seen this yesterday! I just did the same thing last week. i didn't have Dulcolax, but i took Senekot. the night before i started prep, and the night before the procedure. Didn't do too much, but i think as someone said, it softens things up and makes it easier for the prep to work?

I found the Pico to taste like salty fizzy watered down orange drink....but it was chuggable. Hope the prep is going alright for you, i agree, the worst was not eating. :(
And somehow missed that you ahve to take the second pico at 5:30 in the morning! That's nuts! My procedure was at 11:30, and i did all my prepping the day before, at noon and 6pm.
Hey Tamesis!!! I just finished the first cup of pico... tastes alot saltier than I remember! At least it is only one cup, not a gallon. Drinking my second glass of water. I tell ya if I eat any more Jello, I am gonna gag lol. I was supposed to take my first pkg at 7 and took it at 6pm, so I will take the second one at 6am instead of 5:30. Everything goes thru quick on me cause 2ft of intestine is gone.

Can't wait til this is over. uh oh, gotta go!!! IT is working.
Three days of prep? I didn't even prep that long for my surgery let alone a scope. Sounds excessive to me.

Last scope I had I prepped the day before. Took 2 Dulcolax and then drank my oh so terrible fluid. I could have eaten that day of prep (a small breakfast and lunch) but I decided to do only fluids so I wouldn't have to go as much.
No no, only day day of fluids and the prep, the dulcolax for two nights I still ate what I wanted, just today is not nice. Then just before I leave another cup of prep. The scope is a piece of cake, 3 needles and I am out. The only other thing is Nurses never get my IV in the first time! Hate that.
I usually have trouble with them getting IV's in too, but for my scope last week she got it in on the first try!
Good luck Pen.....I just sent a tube of Calmoseptine over to my FIL.....I hope you are doing okay!
You're off to see the wizard today?

Do you guys have full time GI clinic in Thunder Bay? I sure hope you don't have to go to Sudbury for some things. That is a looooong drive.

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