Little Farm Girl and a New Journey

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Thanks every one. Myreinhard she's on three doses of Miralax a day.
She just went poo and I'm breathing easier. Now that crohnsinct is off for awhile I'll tell you all :shifty-t:that I'm waiting for them to call me. :cool:That's what they told me to do. So here I wait and wait.:cool: This is what I hate about IBD. For 4-5 days she's been good. I so don't want to deal with this. I just want it to disappear and our life's to go on. Of course keep in mind I medicated and upset that I'm not healing as fast as I use to.
I hate getting old. (HUSH crohnsinct):yfrown:
Haha my running date got pushed off and I saw that!!!!!!!

What is that they say about payback????????

So they gave you the ole don't call us we'll call you schpeel? O.K. BUT if they don't call, can you call at the end of the day so you aren't tortured wondering over the weekend?

I'm sorry it is taking you a little longer to recover...honestly...I am not enjoying the peaec and quite and lack of taunting while you heal...honestly I'm not.......
WOW I miss so much being in the wrong time zone!!
I'm glad Grace has pooed
I hope your belly button gets better soon!
..........................................................oh and CALL THE DR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (then tell us the results) xxxx
WOW, what can I say????
I'm sure my hubby would have a melt down if he saw anything that resembled a cow in bed.:D

I'm sure that my dad would rush over and ask why in sam hill do I need to decorate that area?

I'm sure my twin would say what's the point of that if your fat and can't see the belly button?

All good points to ponder?:ytongue:
:rof: :rof: :rof: But, it sounds like your poor belly button needs a little pampering with a little treat! And it's so cute... :D

My daughter wears no jewellery, refuses even to get her ears pierced because "it'll hurt" but she did get a belly button ring! :yfaint: Tried to explain it would probably hurt there more than her ears but... according to her, "it didn't hurt AT ALL, mom!" Yeah, sure... :lol:
No stool test back yet!:(
I called and the nurse said she hadn't received it yet.
The nurse said their all awaiting the results. They will call when it's in.
OMG!! I hate the WAITING!!! :ymad: Not sure if there's a time difference between where you and I are, so am still hoping you'll hear something today!

Hope both you and Grace are well tonight! :hug:
Hate the waiting too! Hope she calls soon.
Hope your poor belly button stops hurting too - bet you're doing too much (the joys of being a mom) and not resting enough?
Me do too much?????
Now if y'all don't mind I have to go take my homemade bread out of the oven. Then stick my homemade sticky buns back in for an half hour. In this time I need to do a load of laundry and bed time routine with the kids. Last but not least try to talk hubby into helping me clean up the flour BOMB that went off in the kitchen.
Good grief! I need a bloody GPS to navigate this thread! :eek2:

So good to hear the surgery went well hun and you survived! :pika:

Fab to hear that Grace dropped the kids off at the pool! :poop:

Sucks that you are still waiting for results! :voodoo:

Dusty. :heart:
Good grief! I need a bloody GPS to navigate this thread! :eek2:

Dusty. :heart:

This is farmwife's thread...what did you expect?

FARMWIFE: STICKY BUNS ARE MOST DEFINITELY NOT CLEAN! :eek2: Or are they your farewell meal?:bigwave: And I hope that was a whole wheat flour bomb that went off in your kitchen

They were absolutely "clean" crohnsinct!

I put those yummy to my tummy sticky buns on my very "clean" plate and devoured every last piece of sugary goodness until my plate was "clean".:rof:

That's what we farmers call "clean eating"~:kiss:
Update on Grace.

6 to 7 good days. Blessing.
Last night severe pain in left leg. Limping and falling.
Today low grade fevers with slight tummy pain.
Tonight runny nose. Also pain in her "female area".
I did up her to 3 doses of MiraLax.

Well thank the Lord above her good days lasted for the length of my recovery.

Stool test should be in on Monday or Tuesday.

We need answers.

Good night y'all.:hug:
Good your story is so like mine , you try andbtry to Eli ate things but not much helps we had Lewis on no wheat no diary no gluten no msg, nothing worked and u like me went armed with info for the docs, we were very lucky to have a fantastic paediatrician who has been here and fought our corner and shouted and ranted at the hops , in England u have to fight for treatment because the nNHS is so stretch dnad waiting list are ridiculos it took nearly twelve months for lew.ya colonsopy and upper gi , but got the diagnosis and now it's n to stage 2 whatever that may be , keep fighting for the answers need and don't be discouraged , a mothers instinct is better than any doctors test believe me I no . The posts about collecting poop has made me smile and laugh sitting in the bathroom at 3 in the morning singing nursery rhymes to help Lewis relax yep I bet we've all been there lol. Xxxx
Sorry to hear Grace is feeling bad again, although that was great she felt ok for your surgery! Hope they phone asap about the stool test so you can get some answers and treatment!
Sorry Grace wasn't well!! Hope she's feeling better by now... and that you get those results today!!! :ghug:
You do need answers... Ugh this waiting sux. Anywho female area. Like yeast? Or UTI? I she peeing? When Rowan got a UTI it burned to pee pretty bad and she just wouldn't leave it alone. Hope she is feeling better.
Farmwife you are off the hook as I am leaving and won't be home till 9:30 tonight. I certainly hope I log on when I get home and find some results.....maybe I should bring my laptop to swim practice for good measure...
crohnsinct don't bother. I just remembered the doc is out of the office on Mondays.:stinks:
In his defense he goes to nursing homes to see patients.

So Tuesday will be the day. I hope.:shifty:
:ymad: Sorry you have to wait one MORE day! Ugghh!!! How did it go this morning with your little boy?
AAAH, how frustrating! Guess what, I managed to borrow my daughter's laptop so I could check if you had heard anything while sitting spending quality time with my son in his room. He's on his computer and I am on the laptop:ylol2:, sign of the times!
Oh good! I am home all day tomorrow as my running date got cancelled due to the severe thunderstorms...I can post hourly looking for results starting at 9!
Haha Hubby just called and asked what I was up to, I said waiting on stool test results, Huh, C didn't have a stool test? Oh is this isn't for C!! Well alrighty then!!:ylol:

Hope you get the results soon!!
Down with the flu.
So far thank God the kids don't have it.

My hubby will be in from work soon to wait for phone call.

Remember the results are coming from a lab in the med-west.
It's the labs timing not ours. The nurse said even the receptionist knows it's coming.

I'm going back to bed. Y'all sure are sweet and impatient.
U need some tlc lady, lots of chocs and daytime tv that always makes me feel better , get well soon hope u get the results u need from the lab ,x:getwell:
Hope you are feeling better soon!! Doesn't that flu virus know us mom's aren't allowed to get sick?
Well, I'm off to bed, so will check in tomorrow
Finally getting caught up on threads...whew!! Feel better soon, mama. Hurry up, wonderful news from test results! Thinking of you <3
WAIT:shifty-t:, WAIT:shifty-t:, WAIT:shifty-t:!

Just called and a different nurse said it can take up to 4 weeks to get the test results back.:thumbdown: GREAT!:thumbdown:

I said her joint pains are worsening. She said we'll do the blood test for her joints. I have no idea what it's called.
However she has to be having it and get to the lab before it's stops. The order will be sent and it will be up to us when we go. Of course the lab is closed at night. The good news is the lab is 4 miles from the farm! So now we wait yet again.:yfaint:

crohnsinct will be proud. I went shopping for my semi-clean eating diet.
It's a bit of a challenge to do this with a family of sugar and process food eater but I think to start off with this will be good. :rosette2:

Grace is happy but tired and pale most of the day.
Also something news.:yfrown: Diarrhea with out being on MiraLax.:sign0085:
When I was ill for three days. Two of those days my hubby never gave her MiraLax.:cool: Now she has very loose stool and back pain.
Should I be giving her the MiraLax again or wait till she misses a day.
Yes, I'll be calling the GI today to ask. I just want to see who can answer me the fastest.:thumleft:

Typically we have cut the dose in half. If it continues then cut again since the last thing you want with prolapse is hard stool.

Let us know what the Gi says
:thumleft:Good job mlp. You win!:thumleft:

4 Weeks?! The committee didn't know that upon approving this test! I am pretty sure I speak for the whole committee but we were duped! Now we have to wait another 3 weeks before they even approach the topic of scopes? Are you getting the MRE or M something else in the meanwhile?

I call it a tie because although MLP had the technical answer hugs are the answer for everything in my book so you are both winners! And yes, our experience with prolapse is they want to keep things nice and soft for a good long while.

Clean diet: YAY! You can do it! I know you can. If my family can you certainly can. I may have told you this but Friday night while I was stalking the forum during swim practice my youngest and I were at Dunkin Donuts. I got a tea and decided to treat her to a donut (got one for O also). She took one bite and told me it was totally disgusting. It is amazing how when you detox off that junk and reawaken your taste buds you don't enjoy that crap anymore...although that doesn't explain our enjoyment of fried dough on Saturday....oh yah the fried dough didn't have chemicals, preservatives etc. Nice clean fried dough with poisonous powdered sugar and deep fried in oil not fit for human consumption. Yeeuumm!

Also at infusion Monday O weighed in at a little over 80 pounds and has grown 1 3/4"...good food in gets results. And everyone there was remarking at how incredible she looked...even has some junk in her trunk (like mother like daughter)

I agree re the 4 week wait!!!:ymad: Farmwife, why wouldn't they tell you that before! :ybatty: You (us too ;)) have waited so long for some definitive answer for Grace! Ugghh! (No advice re the miralax :confused:)

Re the clean eating!!! Yay Farmwife - good luck!!! I don't have huge sugar eaters at home but Stephen, in particular, is a processed food boy! :) I'm still struggling to convince him that Sub sandwiches (bread, meat, cheese and sauce only 'cuz he won't eat veggies!) are not a 'healthy' choice - possibly 'healthier' than a Big Mac but still not 'healthy' :lol: Oh well... little steps... :)

O - amazing!!! Good for her and good on mom for all that clean eating example you're setting! You have inspired me and I am trying... Waiting and waiting for our Whole Foods to open... but, won't be for a while yet! :( (Junk in her trunk... according to my daughter, this is now a good thing! :lol:)
Tess: totally small steps...Will he move that sub to wheat bread...then after that see if he will slip one small piece of lettuce...and so on. Are they purchased out? If so, maybe just make it at would be surprised at how much of a difference just that makes. Lunchmeat...ugh...that was the hardest for us to give up. Now sandwiches are chicken, turkey, tuna, meat loaf...I just had whole wheat bread with a hazelnut chocolate spread (my little cheat similar to Nutella but all organic and only 7 grams of sugar as compared to 21 in Nutella) a sprinkle of granola (all clean of course...sweeened with honey) and sliced apples...yeeuumm.

And yes I bribe my kids. If they don't eat lunch from school caf and bring their lunch I let them keep the money they would have spent...hey money talks!

Yes we can all thank J Lo for making the junk in our trunk desireable!
Diarrhea with out being on MiraLax.:sign0085:
When I was ill for three days. Two of those days my hubby never gave her MiraLax.:cool: Now she has very loose stool and back pain.
Should I be giving her the MiraLax again or wait till she misses a day.
Yes, I'll be calling the GI today to ask. I just want to see who can answer me the fastest.:thumleft:


Don't skip maybe titrate it down. Rowan used to get the runs and a couple of times it was bc of a hard stool being backed up and the soft D passing around it. I definatly would not skip a dose. It is a no no with prolapse. :stinks:
4 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you get some answers sooner than that.
oh no for the joint pain and the diarrhoea - I hope she has some good days soon.
YAY and good luck for the clean eating - we saw Freddy's GI again today and are about to start a clean-eating regime - I find it all so daunting and am not sure we can do it - but I think it will be good for all of us. - we can compare notes on how our families are getting on!!
I hope Grace starts to get a few good days soon! xx
Suzy...slow and steady wins the race! Just start with all new purchases going foward being clean...or start with one category ie: whole grain pasta instead of white or cut out a certain processed snack ie: store bought granola bars and make them yourself. You can do it!

Funny but for some reason this a.m. I was remembering your story of Freddy dropping his food on the floor for the dog and thinking that was such a hoot.
YUP!!!! The runs was because of a little piece of hard stool. SHOOT!!!

She was able to pass with out hurting her self. Thank God.:heart:

Didn't get around to calling the GI today. To busy making up for taking a vacation (flu).:D

I sent the sample out on the 3rd of September soooooooooooooooo it should be back by Oct. 1st. That would be a full 4 weeks. Hopefully it doesn't take that long.:ywow:
I'm not seeing any hugs:hug: on my post. David or Dusty or ANYBODY know why!!!:(


Unless y'all are lying to me and not relay hitting the hug button.:voodoo:

Well how fast things change.

I JUST got a call from the head nurse. Of course when you see them call after hours that freaks me out. They got the stool sample back and the doc want her in at the soonest available apt. Which is Tuesday at 4. She is also on the cancellation list. So maybe a sooner apt. will come up.

I asked what they saw and she said not as much as they we're hoping for.:(
I'm just hoping we didn't waist a lot of money or it's way more serious than what's being said.
More was said but I'm off to church tonight. I'll write more later. SORRY!
I'm not seeing any hugs:hug: on my post. David or Dusty or ANYBODY know why!!!:(
Ugh, there was a bug in the software! All this time people didn't realize they were being hugged. They couldn't see it?

I'm so angry I didn't catch that early on. I'm sorry everyone :(

It's fixed now though!
LMAO! You just had to drag poor David into the pits with the likes of us didn't you?

And cute the way you drop another cliffhanger bomb and run all in a ploy to get more views on your thread so you look like little miss popular. I am onto you farmwife!

You better post when you get home from church or else....and hey maybe your city Italian friend made a litlte friendly call to the lab...just sayin....
Crohnsinct :tongue:

The nurse did say something popped up for Candace (yeast) sorry I don't know how to spell this. We've gone through this yeast thing before and no treatment we did stopped her other symptoms. The nurse just said we need to come in and talk to the doc. That was it. My feeling and again this was just my feeling is that the nurse was concerned. I don't know why but that's how I felt. She said she's sending me the results right away.

:kiss: to everyone. Good night.:ghug:
Bed?! You farmers go to bed early! Did you give the nurse my email and fax as well so I could poor over the results while you sleep? I have a whole bag of miniature Kit Kats to keep me company. I know...not clean but it has been one helluva day. Better add MLP and Dusty to the fax email list as they know far more than me. We will fill you in on what they all mean in the a.m..

Try not to worry. You are moving towards a dx and then will be able to help that little princess for once and for all. :ghug:
Uggh hang in there Farmwife... just a few more days! :ymad: I don't know why they would need to call you after hours, to add to the concern, and THEN tell you 'oh, we can't see for for another 6 days!' There was a rush to tell you that!?!? :ybatty:

Get some rest tonight.... you're still recovering too!! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: (just in case you're needing some hugs! :D)
And has anyone else ever seen the unhug button. I don't know about you but it would be very hard for me to "unhug" a post...seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
^^^ lmao!! ^^^ Poor Farmwife was feeling so unhugged! :lol: Shhh, don't even let her know she can be 'unhugged'! :D
I have been trying to "unhug" ya'all for WEEKS...seems you can only unhug people when you yourself hugged them to begin with-hypocrisy I say!! ;)
Just sending my love your way, farmwife-6 days for an appt!! CRAZY!! I am so fortunate :heart: while our gi tends to forget about things like phone calls (grr ;)) we can always get in quickly. wishing you a quick 6 days (and 3 weeks-argh!)
Haven't been on for a while but as I'm sitting here waiting for the hubby to come home so we can go get a new battery for the car as this is the 2nd time this week it wouldn't start work will have to wait.
I thought I would check up on how cute little Grace is doing and see if you had any news. Sounds like you are still waiting and searching, hope you find out some more from doctor.
Bed?! You farmers go to bed early! QUOTE]

We have to go to bed early because we get up so early to tell,....wait maybe being a city girl you don't know this but.............:shifty-t::shifty-t::shifty-t:

:thumright:Don't you know that the farmers go yell at the sun to come up????:thumleft:

I thought you city folks know it all.:yfrown:

My link must be playing up - for some reason I had been unable to see all the posts about the results etc - GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
how scary that they called you out of hours and they want to see you 'as soon as possible' (ie next tuesday!!). Have they sent you the results yet? what do they say????? Can you phone them back and tell them that I can't possibly wait till next tuesday for more news!!!!
big hugs - how is Grace doing today?
They do snail mail (through the mail) here. I might get it tomorrow or Sat.
I don't even know how I would be able to read a stool test.:yfrown: I know nothing about the levels in the GI track.:shifty-t:

As far as moving it up, I'm ok with Tuesday.
Maybe because I'm overwhelmed with school for Grace and corn harvest is in full swing and I'm on day two of clean eating diet, which means a lot of different kind of cooking. I think it a lot of fun to try to figure out how to make this all happen food wise.:thumleft:

Have to run. Be back on tonight.

Thanks for your concern SuzySu. I always like hearing from you.:rosette2:
Well at least they phoned! Gotta love nurses that give you half a story and then leave you to stew. Hope you get some answers when you do go! Wishing I was going to bed early but too busy catching up on here :D.
"I don't even know how I would be able to read a stool test"

Just type out the whole report and we will call the big guns in to read report, and put together a list of questions, for the long awaited appointment on Tuesday.
I'm shocked!:awe:
You seemed soooooooo calm. You swear!!!:ywow:
I expect that from some here (no names shall be given). Not you! :blush:
The poor GI has done nothing to deserve such brutal treatment.:runaway:
I mean I would be arrested and my hubby would never allow such contact with another man. :eek:rder:
I mean are you trying to cause problems in my marriage????

Wonder who you have in mind farmwife:whistleinnocently:

And you hit the nail on the head!!! The GI doc has done nothing!!! And that is why he deserves such treatment!!

Mary you can be in our city gang anyday!
Ya crohnsinct, maybe you and someone from "down-under"

Don't go to the city-girl side.
Come back to the light.
It's safer over here.

Update for my journal I mean thread.

Grace is day one without Poo.
Still happy and no pains but dark circles under her eyes.
Weight dropping a bit but we are on day three of the "crohnsinct clean diet".

GI apt. on the 15th of October.
Might be changing so hubby can go. BUT....
Only if they have something open with in the next week.
I will go with out him. One of you might have to meet me on the outside of the big city and drive us in.

Good night y'all.:ghug:
Yeah! I vote Mary and her ball toting vice!

How much weight are we talking about? With all the fiber going in with the veggies and fruits and whole grains that should help with the poop...make sure she is getting enough water.

Are you sure you are doing the diet right:tongue:
You can do it.
If I can drive over 5 hours by myself to get the kiddo there so can you.
Sometimes the Gi just needs a little nudge to get things moving.
No changing appts she needs to get a dx so she can get better .
We are here for you ( pushing all the way into the city).
Our Gi got the " nudge" he needed and thankfully the Rheumo is up to the challenge to keep my kiddo in the best shape possible by doing the nudging.
One thing to watch when you cut wheat you cut fiber so make sure your clean diet has oatmeal daily tO help in the transition. The oatmeal bake can be made clean and it delishious.
Yes on the diet. I'm not 100% clean but a close 87.6% clean.
She's drinking a lot. My hubby thinks it's because she's a sugarhilic and her bodies adjusting. 2lbs is nothing big yet. If she get to 5lbs I'll add a shake back in.
One thing to watch when you cut wheat you cut fiber so make sure your clean diet has oatmeal daily tO help in the transition. The oatmeal bake can be made clean and it delishious.

Are you cutting wheat farmwife? You don't have to in order to be clean but maybe for fodmap or some of the other diets you do.
One thing to watch when you cut wheat you cut fiber so make sure your clean diet has oatmeal daily tO help in the transition. The oatmeal bake can be made clean and it delishious.

Are you cutting wheat farmwife? You don't have to in order to be clean but maybe for fodmap or some of the other diets you do.
Yes on wheat. For the most part I'm trying glutton free and yeast free. I still I'm using unbleached white flour for my bread but I'll be switching that soon.

She's on LOW fiber. I know the sounds strange but fiber backs her up. Mary had the same thing with Rowen I think?
Wait......... no on cutting all wheat.
Sorry to many post at once.
We're only eating real wheat product.
I would love the oatmeal bake recipe MLP.
We tried gluten free and I bound her up really bad. If u don't do the processed food Ur good. We did all soluble fibers. She still had wheat in the end it was easier to digest. I didn't buy anything packed with wheat fiber but I know whole grains would loosen her up. Lots of fruits and veggies.... Tons of water, seriously she drinks a 50 ounces of essentia water daily.

In regards to the city thing, I am going camping now, but I live 20 minutes from Detroit. I was born in the city. I swear when provoked. Actually, I can be a real bitch. lol I can keep my composure usually so long as I get my sleep. Me at the big H before the remicade and sleep deprived. Watch out. Forgot the ball vice at home that time. Those residents got lucky. I like to visit the country a few times a year. So long as i have a bed and toilet of course.
New update:

Grace did go poo before bed.:dance::dance::dance:
Lots of poo. :eek2:The most I've seen in ages.
Normal looking at first then pure liquid after.
Still I hope we're going in the right direction.
Maybe I can stay in my bubble a little longer and forget all this GI stuff. KIDDING, I THINK.:shifty:
Trust me do not go back to the bubble.
If your hunch is right damage is going on even if you can't see it.
It needs to be stopped the sooner the better.
I have come to the realization I can not go into the bubble ever again but reality is a good thing- even the docs noticed a difference in DS.
You can staying in happy bubble so long as you move forward with testing and make sure out of it when speaking to dr , gi or medical people in general.
Good girl Gracie! I never mentioned this and I dont know why not because if anyone can handle this you guys can but O does happen to have a large volume of poop since moving onto clean diet. Oh and her younger sister who tends toward constipation....regular now and has lost a little weight and pouchy tummy gone.

I don't know what to say about the liquid at the end though....
That's great news - one less thing to worry about! She will probably feel alot better with all that out of her tummy :ysmile:
Woohoo! WTG Grace! :poop::poop::poop:

WTG for your girls too crohnsinct! Well done! :poop::poop::poop:

What a special group we are celebrating all things poop!


Grace is happy:thumleft: but no BM.:thumbdown:

Tomorrow will be our 12 year anniversary.:hippy:

We're having a visiting Evangelist visit our church so we'll be having a pot-luck.:banana:
Meaning I don't have to cook. Plus clean up, I will have 10 other women help me.:ghug:
Happy anniversary to me.:applause:
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Happy anniversary! We celebrated 19 years this Month. I am glad Grace is feeling a little better. Hopefully you can enjoy your anniversary.
:emot-waycool: Happy Anniversary!!! :congratualtions:

Hope you have a wonderful day!!!! :rosette2:
Didn't you say your eldest was twelve and a half?!?! :yfaint:

Seriously though, Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you have a fab day!!! :):):)


You have reached a milestone I never will! :ylol2:

YAY for Gracie!! sorry I'm so slow on this thread for some reason there is a 24 hour delay between me getting the posts!!!! I hope she stays symptom free over the weekend and I hope you have an amazing anniversary!! xxxx
Grace went poo. It was normal. First time in months.
But the first part was BLACK and looked think like tar.
Something she ate I bet. I'll keep an eye on it.

Had the pot-luck today.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO not a good day for the clean diet.
I'll get back on it tomorrow.
It will be interesting to see what Grace does.
Will she have pains and problems being on over processed foods for a day? I guess only time will tell.

Our Anniversary is going good. I'm on here and my hubby is in the barn. Hopefully I'll see him before bed.
Yay poop!

OMGosh! Don't even talk to me about dirty eating. It Sucks (is that a forum approved word)! Friday had meeting at T's school no time to eat. Fainting so I had a big box store blueberry muffin and coffee...stomach ache and felt like crap. Upset friend asks me to come with her to lunch..burger and fries out...felt worse... then Friday night threw up. Saturday clean breakfast but dirty pizza out...felt yucky. Today, clean breakfast but pastry and bagel at church then O's birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory and I am home sick again. I can't believe only 5 weeks of clean eating and I can't do dirty anymore. I am NEVER eating out again! Can't wait till tomorrow to nourish my body again.

Get that girl (and you) back on track.
Get outta here Farmwife! I think you have been sniffing too much milk! :rof:

Dusty. :ybiggrin:
It's Tuesday!!!!!! :soledance:

Time to come out of your bubble and go to the doc and start getting some answers. :shifty-t:

Leave your sweet apple blossoms at home and channel your inner Mary, Dusty and Crohnsinct. Write down all your questions and do not leave that office until every last one is answered. Write down everything they say.

Repeat after me "I want the scopes!".

Good luck! I will be praying it goes well and of course stalking the forum all day to see your detailed accounting of everything that what said and for the date of her scopes. :rosette2: