Give me three weeks:shifty-t:
That was the words of the doctor. He said upon MUCH study he feels right now that Candida Syndrome is the possible big culprit. He said what stuck out to him is her "good bacteria was in check but the candida is high. Doctor said this should NOT be so because she's getting some of the best pro-biotic out there. Also we give her yogurt. The real stuff.
He said if we look at all the possible signs and dangers, Grace fits it to a tee. He think this still might possible be a secondary problem to ME, specially because of her declining IgA, but maybe not. He said, give the anti fungus/biotic three weeks to work. If she seems like a new kid then GREAT but if not we still have the GI apt. in October. I told him my fears about damage being done to her track but he said since she seems stable (no blood or in hospital) she's OK for now. But agrees this can't go on like this. He said he will be sending all the info to the GI and letting him know the seriousness of the situation. So if the GI wants us in sooner he'll call.:yfaint:
I know this sound horrible to all you wonderful parents but I pray it's just Candida, even through it might cause life long problems. It's been a long hall and it seems our direction is always changing.:thumbdown:
I want off this ride!!!!!!!!:ymad:
Update on Grace,
Knee pain today and tired and very grumpy.:thumbdown:
When she went poo-poo she said it's stuck and hurts momma.:thumbdown:
I'm tired. I'm going to go eat something very un"clean".:thumleft:
Oh any info you know on Candida Syndrome would be great.:sign0085: