Little Farm Girl and a New Journey

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Sorry it's late happy anniversary
I have been married 7 years and u get less for murder in uk lol ok . He's a very good hubby and dad,x How are u and Gracie doing . Did u get any info from your gi doc,xxxx
Appointment at 4:00.:thumleft:

Yes mother :yfaint:crohnsinct I will heed your advice.

Of all the things americans can sniff, milk it NOT one of them.:lol2:
:shifty-t:What in the world do y'all do "down under"???:shifty-t:
Good luck at the apptmt!!! I so hope you leave with ANSWERS :D and not more questions!! :ymad:

Thinking of you!! Hope the appointment goes well (as well as these things can). Again this time difference sucks - don't you know Tuesday is nearly finished here!! Now I'm going to have to wait till tomorrow :(
Give me three weeks:shifty-t:

That was the words of the doctor. He said upon MUCH study he feels right now that Candida Syndrome is the possible big culprit. He said what stuck out to him is her "good bacteria was in check but the candida is high. Doctor said this should NOT be so because she's getting some of the best pro-biotic out there. Also we give her yogurt. The real stuff.
He said if we look at all the possible signs and dangers, Grace fits it to a tee. He think this still might possible be a secondary problem to ME, specially because of her declining IgA, but maybe not. He said, give the anti fungus/biotic three weeks to work. If she seems like a new kid then GREAT but if not we still have the GI apt. in October. I told him my fears about damage being done to her track but he said since she seems stable (no blood or in hospital) she's OK for now. But agrees this can't go on like this. He said he will be sending all the info to the GI and letting him know the seriousness of the situation. So if the GI wants us in sooner he'll call.:yfaint:

I know this sound horrible to all you wonderful parents but I pray it's just Candida, even through it might cause life long problems. It's been a long hall and it seems our direction is always changing.:thumbdown:
I want off this ride!!!!!!!!:ymad:

Update on Grace,

Knee pain today and tired and very grumpy.:thumbdown:
When she went poo-poo she said it's stuck and hurts momma.:thumbdown:

I'm tired. I'm going to go eat something very un"clean".:thumleft:

Oh any info you know on Candida Syndrome would be great.:sign0085:
OMG, 3 weeks seems so long to wait AGAIN!!! So frustrating for you, always seems like there's one more thing! Sending lots of wishes that the anti fungal/biotic works and she really is a NEW kid by 3 weeks!! :Karl:

(Sorry, no info re Candida)
Poor Poor lil farm girl. I am sorry that pooing is causing her pain today. I am sending ((((HUGS)))) and best wishes your way that they have finally figured out a cause to all of her problems.

Eat something un-clean for me also. im stuck on a liquid diet right now. I have all kind of un-clean foods dancing through my head.:luigi:
The science side of me says proceed with caution.
Google scholar and the like only link it back in the 1980's to heroine addicts and aids patient. Not a child thing.nothing recent......hmmmm flag in my book.
Regular google no webmd no emedicine only contriversial dx websites .
Then other websites that subscribe to selling you books on leaky gut syndrome.another flag.
Not saying she doesn't have canidia but not sure it answers everything.
Hope the drugs work and suspicions are not correct.
Well my doc is holistic/mainstream.
Meaning he always tries to give the natural way to heal thing but will quickly give prescription for meds if he thinks their warranted or asked for.
He never pushes holistic drugs if you don't want them.
However this is why most go to him. LIKE US.
Her candida was elevated HIGH on her fancy stool test.
So treatment would be called for anyways.:shifty-t:
I know it might be a stretch but I'm desperate for anything to work.


I lift my fork in thanks to you and your kind message.:rosette2:
We're friends now. I'll be sending you a friend request as long a crohnsict doesn't feel threaten by me making new friends.:cool:
She's super protective.:shifty-t: A control freak really.:sign0085:
I hope it is candida also. It is really hard to get rid of it took my mom a year if those anti fungalbiotics. If they make you wait one day past the 3 week marker and she is not this new kid. I am bringing my ball vice and meeting you at the hospital. Understood?!?

I hope she is feeling much better. ;) take care momma.
And you wonder why I go and post things on the forum that I have already told you in private?!!! Because you just can't be trusted...always looking outside the home for some lovin' I not enough for you?! Hmpf!

As for unclean...I still have plenty of swim stress so hubby brought home some Magnolia bakery for me....can't wait to dive in! And yes typing slowly because of Merlot in my right hand.

Candida...oh boy this is something I know all too well. It is a b%$#h to get rid of. You are lucky (I think) to have a doc that actually acknowledges it and seems to know something about it. BUT I have heard it takes far more than the probiotic treatment to truly get rid of candida and like MLP said proceed with caution. Candida has been linked to every symptom known to man and with the sugar in Americans diets just about every American will test high in could be ignoring the true underlying cause of all her troubles.

But since I am so patient (cough cough B.S.) I will wait the 3 weeks if that is what you want to do but I am with Mary...not a day over 3 weeks..and if the little princess is not better she must have scopes...I beg you please get further tests so we know for once and for all whether or not there is damage being done and whether or not it is IBD?
LOL at you in general.

Yes my doc did make it CLEAR that Candida could be a SECONDARY cause. BUt............we were and are hoping this might be it. But...............I still want to ware a size 8 someday!
As for unclean...I still have plenty of swim stress so hubby brought home some Magnolia bakery for me....can't wait to dive in! And yes typing slowly because of Merlot in my right hand.
Oh you tease! Well I guess I will just have to pretend my green jello is really a jello shot. :beerchug: and my grape juice is wine.

Email me a piece of cake! I wont tell the nurse where I got it from. PROMISE :cookie:

But...............I still want to ware a size 8 someday!

You can do it!!!!!! :ghug:
Oh no, another 3 weeks! :( I'm with the others - if nothing happens then, let me know and I will fly over there with my Scottish rolling pin! Maybe I could just make them eat Haggis, that might be threat enough! :ylol2:
Hoping the next 3 weeks go quickly and with any luck Grace will be feeling better!
I hope the antifungal makes her feel better. LAst year I had thought Candida may have been contributing to Danny too (because it was found in his lungs after several months of antibiotic treatment). At my request, his GI gave him antifungal for ~8 days. At the time we did not think it made a difference ... but it may have started things moving in the right direction because he slowly started to improve AND started to lose some excess weight that he kept gaining in spite of all the D.

Glad you are still keeping your GI appointment!!
I hope the med works and she if feeling better soon! If not, scopes definitely! Your Princess needs to be feeling Grand! Look up a candida diet, might help the meds along. I am sure it eliminates sugar, but I don't remember what else.

Hmmm, Candida...well I surely hope that that is what it is and your beautiful Grace is soon feeling fab! :kiss: <That is for Grace and not you cause I don't like milk sniffers, we prefer to sniff gum leaves with the Koala's! :lol:

If you use the search function you will find many threads about Candida and how many feel it has a played a role in their disease.

Good luck hun and loads of love and well wishes to Grace! :Karl:

Dusty. xxx
Update on Grace:

Day 1 of antibiotic- She was dizzy for half the day and naughty:yfaint: the rest of the day. No stool

Day 2 Great most of the day untill:thumleft:.....passing stool at night became very painful and her prolapse started to show again.:eek: Gave her glycerin enema which help but not as much as before. Hoping the new meds are doing this.

Day three so far so good.:shifty-t:

I hope all is well with every one.
The farm is busy and my 9 yr. old nephew is in the hospital and was just diagnosed with epilepsy. Poor kid. My twin hasn't stopped crying. He's fine now the swelling in his brain went down and the seizures have stopped for now. THANK GOD. I'll be helping them out when I can. The doc told me that Grace had little immunity and now thanks to the med she'll have close to NONE. So we can't go visit in the hospital. But Grace will color him a picture with a love note in it. Hug your kids and remember their's always someone that has it worse.
I think it is too early for the antibiotics to be doing anything I would think. I takes a couple days to get them in her. Just wanted to mention... Idk which antibiotic she is on but... Cipro will cause things to really get firm. When Rowan was just on them she was having "normal" looking stools without a colon. It was crazy. So don't forget to miralax miralax miralax.
Hope today continues to be good and the BM problem quickly resolves itself!

I am so sorry to hear about your nephew! :hug: What a difficult time for your twin and your family! I hope that his medical issues can also quickly be brought under control! :ghug: :ghug:
How are things going with Grace?

Oh my goodness...:hug: I am so very sorry to hear about your nephew, bless him. I hope they are able to get things under control quickly and keep it there. How awful for you to see your twin going through this and it must be dredging up some difficult emotions for you too hun. :ghug:

Thinking of you all, :heart:
Dusty. xxx

Thanks Dusty for asking.:kiss:

Grace is having bouts of dizziness and an unwell feeling.
They last a few hours or so.
Then she bounces off the wall.
Last night the knee pain return.:voodoo: my ever optimistic view on life,:D her meds need more time to work!:shifty:

So don't anyone worry you might still be able to get rid of me yet.:dance:

Dear Catherine are you supporting (HUG) the idea of me leaving or Grace's meds need more time to work?:D
More because I did know what to say. Have you made major diet changes with the candida diet?

Poor kid can't catch a break.
Yes Catherine we're doing the "clean eating" diet.
We've cut sugar and wheat big time.
However her doc said he still wants her on some wheat(organic) and sugar(natural).
I saw the out line for Candida diet. I so hope we don't have to do that one.

I've lost 7lbs on this diet:dance: and Grace has put back on 3lbs :dance:she lost at the start of this diet. She also had a growth spurt.:dance:

See you might still be able to kick me off in a few weeks.:D
I dont like the look of the candida diet myself but thinking of trying for my rosacea. Once I get over the itchy skin which appears to have been caused by vitamin d.
So don't anyone worry you might still be able to get rid of me yet.

*******! You sure know how to burst someone's bubble! :ylol2:

Big :hug: and :kiss: to Grace! :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Hi all,:rosette1:


Grace is sick with a cold I believe.:frown: I'll have to watch to see if it moves into her lungs. If it does that will be a different ball game. :ywow:Her BM's are still not right. But I hope that's because of the meds.:thumright:

On a side note- My nephew is at home and doing well. No seizers so far.:medal1:
Wow! Sorry to hear about your nephew, but glad he is home and doing better! I know how hard it is to watch a sibling struggle with a sick child. And poor Grace! As if the tummy troubles aren't enough! It's that time of year...dealing with all the colds and allergies! And our kiddos have terrible immune systems. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Now if there was just some way to get those cows to milk themselves.......
I am sorry to hear of your nephews diagnosis, but am glad to hear that he is home. Fingers crossed they find a med that works well for him!!
Hoping against hope for candida...feel better, farm girl!Q!
and mama, no chance of you leaving. We need a rolling pin wielding wife around...what is there to do in life besides discuss poo???
Glad to hear your nephew is back home.
Sorry to hear Grace is under the weather, hope the cold goes away quickly!! You are not allowed to go anywhere missy - wouldn't be the same without Farmwife popping onto the posts!
Sorry I have missed this thread until today. I have had some major stress going on in my life. Issues with one of my other children :( Anyway I hope Grace is doing better. I want to ask how does the doctor explain the joint pain with the candidiasis? I have never heard of that being a symptom. Diflucan is a great medication. It is not an antibiotic but an antifungal drug.
Good to hear all is going well with your nephew. :)

But how is Grace going hun? Is her cold settling?

Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxx

Grace's cold is subsiding.
Ironically her brother got sick yesterday with the dreaded cold and is sicker than she was. :yfaint:
I should have known he started to get really bad canker sores a few days ago.

:thumleft:Grace is having no symptoms to speak of:thumleft:, other than tummy pain after eating once in awhile.

I'm still holding out hope it's this Candida causing all this havoc.
:shifty-t:It's just hard to get my head around the fact that for YEARS "yeast" could have done this.

I did notice one day during a party I let Grace have sweets (bad mama). That night Grace had pains most of the night. So maybe there is something to it.

Kimmidwife - The research I was given did say it can cause joint pain. Also my doc kept saying anti-fungal/antibiotic. I will have to ask again. Thanks
That's great that Grace is doing well! Hope your poor son gets better soon. Andrew has been off school for 3 days with a bad cough/cold. The joys of heading into winter I think.
Candida is a bear! The Clean diet helps a lot. Not exactly the Candida diet as you are still eating pastas, rice and fruit but it is a much easier diet to stick with. She gained 3 pounds?! Woo Hoo!! You lost 7?!!! Double woohoo!!!

When are we going to the GI? Have you picked a scope day? Obviously I am not quite buying the Candida being the "whole" reason for all her trouble.

Grace seems down a bit.
Painful hiccups.
Painful BM's. Specially when wiping. Even though I see nothing red or irritated.:sign0085:

I wish I could blame it on the virus or Candida but something tells me this is different.:yfaint:

Today is a new day and we'll see what it brings forth.:rosette2:

Love to all
Hugs... So sorry about the pain.
Fwiw DS started having more painful bm's and was having minor internal tissue when the ibd spread to his rectum . His biopsy slides confirmed this from his third scope in June.

I really hope I am wrong.
You can go back to your regularly scheduled bubble program.
Go to a beauty supply store and get squirt bottles like the ones they give you after you have a episiotomy. Squirt her bottom with warm water. It really helped Rowan. Something with the warm water helps. Like a sitz bath.

I hope her bum feels better, Rowans got some butt burn too. It is rectal not on the outside either. Poor kids
Aw so sorry gracie feeling down and having bum pain things were going so well,lewis gets pain inside when his poos getting a bit hard can u up her lactulose help it slide out abit . Hope she feeling a bit better hugs to u both.xx
Thanks Mary. I've been using clean warm wash cloths to help.
The bottle would be better Thanks.

Lewis's mum Grace is on 3 doses of Miralax (lactose).
Still not enough now.


Belly pains:thumbdown:
R. leg weakness:thumbdown:

BUT...on a good note :thumleft:no painful hiccups.:thumleft:

The GI nurse said at the beginning that when she looks like a flare is starting get her labs done. My worry is should I wait till it gets worse (if it does):yrolleyes: or do it now? 9 months ago she was in constant pain. So far nothing to that level yet.

I fear another impaction might be brewing.:confused2:
Knee/leg/ankle pains are STILL continuing since 4:30pm.
As we speak she's sitting on a heating pad. Seems to help.

The good news is she had a good Sunday and a week from today is her GI visit:hug:.

Oh I tomorrow I'm not asking.......... I'm demanding :ymad:a referral to a rheumy from my GP!
I've been practicing my best crohnsinct impression to get my point across.:eek2::rof:
Bahaha and then after you get the rheumy referral start practicing "SCOPES!!!!!" for your GI appointment. Has hubby come around on the scope front yet? This might require feminine warfare;)
YAY - GO FARMWIFE!!!! Rheumy!, Scopes!, get some answers!!!!
Sorry Grace is not doing well again. Hope that you all manage to survive till the appointment next week xxxx
Has hubby come around on the scope front yet?

I've mentioned it twice and twice he said NOTHING!:shifty:

I mean he saw her take the heating pad in tears and wrap it around her leg in pain.

Update: :medal1: Talked to the head nurse and said how long does Grace have to suffer???? She said she shouldn't have to at all!!!!
I asked for the rheumy appointment and she said she's on it NOW!
So we'll see because the doc has to sign off on it.:shifty:
Also she brought up the Candida diet. Told her my worries about Grace keeping weight on and she said keep doing the "clean eating diet" for now.:D
Well that's not too bad. Sounds like the nurse is fighting for you which is great! Hope it gets sorted soon.
No go!!! Not till January.
The doc brought up the GP we went to a few months ago (you know the one we were thinking of replacing him. but he doesn't know that) this GP was also a internist with pead. training in adult meds. I told her that we didn't feel like he got the point of what's going on. She said she'll call another pead. rheumy down state and see when they can get us in. So here I wait, yet again.

But the good news is the doc does thinks she needs to see one now!
Also the nurse is worried about the brewing impaction.
Wow - January!!! I know just how you feel :frown:. Hope the nurse manages to get someone who will see you asap!
January??! Really??! where is my ball vice? Where did I put that darn thing? You have got to get her in sooner. Down state yes down state sounds like the answer. Sorry about the foreshadowing impaction. I hope it clears with no pain. Poor kiddo.
Just sending lots of hugs, hugs, hugs! I hope the impaction doesn't develop!!! And, yes, to the cancellation list if you can't get an earlier apptmt!! :hug:
What happen to you people?!?!?!?!


I'm hoping the impaction broke up.:shifty:
Grace is sleeping more an more.
Loss of appetite.
Loss 2 lbs in two days.
Put back on shakes.
Pains continue after eating.
Was even spitting up water at the table.

Good news...... no leg pain.:medal1:
Hugs for you and Grace...
Does the Gi know about the rapid weight loss and trouble with water etc...,
When do you see him again ????
Not sure why they are making you wait for a visit ... Grrrr
When I learned to scream enough I have gotten an appt in 1-2 days....,
If they won't see you soon you can call the offices business manager that tends to get you in quick as does the ER.
Just concerned with the rapid weight loss for her age she could go downhill very quickly .
Our posts must have crossed! My :rof: was meant for Mary's post...

Poor Grace... It just continues to amaze me how long they are leaving Grace to suffer through all these symptoms while they slowly run one..... test..... at..... a..... time....! OMG, can they not just get on with it! I can only imagine how frustrated you must be feeling!

MLP may be right... maybe ER is the route to go! Is your GI based in a hospital (can't remember if you've mentioned)? If she continues going downhill, I would take her to that hospital's ER and tell them that she is Dr. GI's patient! (After two months of tests and Stephen's ped saying she wanted to wait a bit longer to 'see', we took Stephen to ER and he was tentatively diagnosed within hours!) I cannot believe they would send a little girl home who's in pain, losing weight, lethargic, can't eat and can't drink!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
You want one like this?
Love that smiley face :rof:, sure cheered me up!
Definately worth phoning and trying to speak to the GI! Wish it would just get sorted so Grace can relax and enjoy being a kid!
MLP we go to the GI on Monday.

When I called the nice GI nurse, she saw that Grace was going to be seen on Monday and can ask the doc myself. Well I did the best crohnsinct impression I could and said NO you don't understand I need to know if senokot is good for her, also she is going down hill what do we do?????????????? We talked about which ER to go to, the one up her or the one at their hospital. We think the kids and I will head down state Saturday (if she gets worse) and stay at my dad's. That way if she needs to go, we'll be right there, 20 min. away.

Sleeping almost 16 hours a day (not all at once)
Weight steady.:thumleft:
Pain after eating and pain on the backside of her bum and lower back.:thumbdown:
Poo the lightest I've ever seen it.:yfaint: (waiting for GP nurse to call back, possible liver problems because of Diflucan):sign0085:
Said she's hot, no fever.:shifty-t:

Sorry for all the updates it just keeps things recorded. :rosette2:
Take photos of the BM just in case for the Gi .
Good idea to go to your dad's
If the pain gets bad take her to the ER and call the on call Gi while Driving there.
They just really need to scope her period.
Enough is enough.
Did they even do an MRI yet???
Good idea to go to your dad's! At least you know you are near the hospital.
I agree it's colonoscopy time - you could try tears and the rolling pin - surely one would work!
Things came up and no go for my dad's house.:ymad:

Oh well, on to plan B.:confused2:

Since brother got home she's happy and naughty.:yfaint:
Still waiting for the nurse to call back and
tell me if the her pale poo is a warning of liver problems
because of the Diflucan or just her over all poor health.:yrolleyes:

Still no good amount of poo. I don't want to use that Senokot all the time.:ybatty:
I think I'll wait till tomorrow to see what I have to do to "help" her poo.:eek:
If she gets any worse just take her to the ER. This is ridiculous the way they are jerking you guys around. Really, enough is enough! That poor baby!
You need to make sure they do a colonoscopy.. if Grace has some sort of IBD
just think of all the damage that is being done while they keep playing games with you's .

We had trouble trying to convince my daughters doctor to do the scope for a long time. In the end we told him she can't keep going on like this if you can't do it we'll go somewhere else.

So make sure you ask for that scope even if they tell you they aren't too concerned at the moment. Your her mum you have to tell them what you want.
So speak up for poor little Grace.:hug:

Good luck and all the best
Also i just wanted to add i know how hard it is to even think about a scope BUT at least then you'll finally have some answers and you won't have to keep guessing whats wrong............ And believe me these kids are strong.
Oh my goodness Farmwife...:( :hug:

I so hope things settle for her over the weekend but if not I wholeheartedly agree with getting her to the ER, any ER.

Sending you and Grace loads and loads and loads of love, luck and healing thoughts...:hug::heart::hug::heart::hug:

Dusty. xxx
In some way sarah symptoms were very similiar to Grace 6 months prior to dx. She had a ultrasound which we told was clear. We change gp had a number of bloods done but on the bases of clear ultrasound that new gp had not seen he mention a colonscopy but did not recommend it Sarah was dx with ibs. Fast forward four months, hemoglobin levels dropped to 9.0 and weigh loss began and in a two month period she losted 12kg.

I wish I had pushed the colonscopy when it was first mentioned. I wish I had got a copy the ultrasound.
:sign0085:OK, crohnsinct start driving,
:sign0085:Mary grab whatever you need to,

Grace just spent 6 hours last night in eye pains.
Never have they last that long and her pupil dilated and
didn't go back to normal for hours.
Her rash is showing back up and NO POO yesterday!!!:yfaint:
Will be talking to the nurse today again!!!:cool:

I will say that Grace woke up very happy and ready to go.
She ate two "clean" blueberry muffins and a smoothie.:thumleft:

I'll be off for a few days. I hope every one will have a good week-end.:rosette2:
Oh no, poor Grace...:hug: But what a little trooper she is, she fair makes your heart sing, bless her. :heart:

Good luck with the appointment! :goodluck:

Thinking of you and yours, :)
Dusty. xxx
Hope Grace has some relief from her symptoms over the weekend!! :ghug: If not, I hope you are able to get some answers for her!!! :ymad:

Will be thinking of you! :hug:
Wow! I can't believe there's actually a smiley like that! :biggrin: Remind me not to run into you ladies in a dark alley!!

:frown: Oh No! Poor Grace! I agree with everyone else...ER! That's where we finally got results with Ryan when he was first dx'd. Just plant yourself and say I'm not leaving without some answers!

That Grace is one tough Farm cookie isn't she! Her appointment is Monday right? Three more days! I am praying that she could hold out three more days with no energencies!!!
Saying a prayer for you! I hope you get your answers soon :) I had to get just plain nasty before anyone seemed to take me seriously. After visiting two different ERs for three days straight, I'd had it! On the third trip, the doctor came in and acted like I was a loon for being upset (I thought he was going to die for heaven's sake! He sure looked like death!). I got VERY angry (that doesn't happen often) and told him (more politely than I wanted to) that NO ONE was leaving the ER until I got some answers!!! He was admitted that night (early Tuesday morning actually) and was finally transferred on Thursday morning to a larger hospital about an hour and a half away with pediatric GI specialists. By Sunday they had run every test known to man, xrays, scans, stool, and blood, then they did the scope Sunday morning (endoscopy/colonoscopy) and confirmed their suspicions of Crohn's. I honestly cannot believe they are STILL jerking you around like this!!! I am really praying for all of's hard enough to have your kids suffer, but when they're little like that is worse. My little boy hasn't had all of the symptoms you've had to deal with (though looking back I wonder if some things weren't surfacing), so I'm praying you get to the bottom of this soon! If I could get you out here I would recommend our Dr. C! He's the best! Thanks for keeping us posted!

I hate this!!!!!:ymad:
I don't care much on what she's suffering from.
I just want to find out what in SAM HILL this is!!!!

For the second year in a ROW, Grace can't go to the city's open firehouse.
Our fire-station goes ALL out for the children. Grace went when she was 1 1/2 and STILL remembers it. Last year she was too sick and this year the same thing. Grace spent most the night with asthma like cough. No way can I take her out in 35 degree rainy whether.:thumbdown:

Sorry just feeling sorry for her and maybe myself a little.
I told Grace we'll cook some cookies and cuddle up close and watch a DVD and I'll let her nap in my bed.

Have a good week-end y'all.
Appointment is on Monday. Be back on Monday night or Tuesday. I hope.:shifty-t:
One day down...two to go! Hang in there Gracie! Hang in there Farmwife! Monday is coming. Let this fuel you to get real good and demanding!

Um...bad mommy here...I would leave Gracie home with daddy and bring Gunner to the way this mommy would miss the firemen!
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Oh Farmwife :(:( I hate when I hear one of the kids has to miss something... those were the times that upset me the most when Stephen was sick! I hope you two have a very nice afternoon baking cookies and cuddling! :hug: (And, OMG, I am soooooo hoping Monday brings you some answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Crohnsinct - :rof: bad mommy!!!! Between the wine, poles and, now, firemen ... If there's ever a Desperate Housewives of Connecticut, I'm nominating you!!!! :lol:
Honey, I am praying you get your answers soon! You need to know so you can get her the help she needs! I hope she feels better soon and I hate she's missing out. But at least you gave her an alternative that is awesome! Nothing better than spending time with Mom :)
Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way - hope the weekend is not too bad and am keeping my fingers crossed that Mondays appointment goes well - ie they DO something xxxx

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