Looking for any thoughts

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Dec 14, 2015
I have an issue and am looking for any answers. I had some stomach pain (just under my rib cage on the right side). I got a CAT scan. I just learned from my GP that I have a "collapsed decending colon which also has some fatty tissue on it". I'm freaking out to say the least. My doctor is sending me to a specialist in the new year for a full scope.

He thinks it's Crohens or diverticulitis . The scan showed nothing cancerous. Any thoughts. I'm pretty active and health. I'm 33 years old. I'm have diaherra typically 2-3 times weekly. I routinely have soft BMs.

I'm very concerned.
It's hard to say Andy.
interestingly I have been having similar pains and had an unltrasound today. No results yet.
IN my case I am not having any Crohns related symptoms and the doc thinks it is muscular skeletal. I am not sure.
It could be so many things. Appendicitis, gall bladder...
BTW The descending colon is on the left side so why pain on the right?
Good question no?
Are you having any other symptoms?
Diarrhea, nausea, blood in stool, Loss of appetite?
You may need a lot of tests and exams to get the diagnosis right.
Have you had blood work done? That can give you a better idea.
Be thankful it is not cancer and hope for the best.
Let us know how it goes then maybe we can be f more help.
Good luck.
im glad you are getting a fallow up so quickly. I have never heard of those terms (collapsed colon, fatty tissues on colon) to describe crohn's. Unless they meant ''thickening of the colon''? Well I never had a CAT scan so maybe some terms are different, but i doubt it. the best way to know what is going on in your colon is a colonoscopy. Make sure you get biopsies. Hopefully nothing serious. good luck.
Have you had a fecal calprotectin? This can messutr the amount of inflammation. You have come upon a very supportive group. Keep us updated.
Welcome to the forum. I had never heard of collapsed descending colon, so I looked it up. The only thing I found was that it can collapse if you have a blockage in your small intestine. That would explain the pain on the right hand side. If the pain comes back before you see your specialist, I would suggest going to the ER. We all have such different symptoms, and different treatments. Keep us updated. :ghug:
I'm guilty of this too, but Try not to go to worst case scenarios in your head. Think positive, find out what MD says and then you can make an informed decision.
So, first I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts and support. I don't have many answers yet. I am waiting to hear from the specialist and get a date booked for my scope.

As far as symptoms go I've got the following:
-odd trembling muscle feeling on my backside lower down on the left.
-soft bm's yesterday and diarrhea today.

No other pain, no other symptoms. I have no mucus or blood in my stool. No severe pains in my stomach. Nothing else at all.

Like I said "collapsed decending colon." All the reading I've done does point to obstruction. But I figure the Cat Scan would have noticed a blockage.
So, first I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts and support. I don't have many answers yet. I am waiting to hear from the specialist and get a date booked for my scope.

As far as symptoms go I've got the following:
-odd trembling muscle feeling on my backside lower down on the left.
-soft bm's yesterday and diarrhea today.

No other pain, no other symptoms. I have no mucus or blood in my stool. No severe pains in my stomach. Nothing else at all.

Like I said "collapsed decending colon." All the reading I've done does point to obstruction. But I figure the Cat Scan would have noticed a blockage.
Still I would keep your doctor posted
Hello, sorry I'm late coming in on this, I've not been about on the forum very much.

Firstly, I have only ever heard of a collapsed colon a few times, usually in those with obstruction or injury. A fatty colon isn't something I'm familiar with but from the small amount of research I've done it looks like it can be an indicator of IBD.

There are a lot of possibilities for your symptoms, you may indeed have Crohns disease or Ulcerative colitis or you may have diverticulitis or one of many infections that can affect the digestive system. Do you ever notice if anything makes your symptoms worse?

Due to your symptoms not being typical, it might take you some time to pin down whats going on,it may be a combination of things. If you have damage in the gut, you can have trouble absorbing the nutrients in your food, so you might have some nutritional deficiencies even though you eat well. Some deficiencies can have weird affects such as tingling, so that could explain the sensation you describe. I'd advise getting some blood work done to see if this is the case as it is usually something thats easy to treat with some supplements.