Himoura, I couldn't agree more. Had I not been on deaths door with no treatment options, I may have tried some smaller scale things first. Before AMAT, I tried the traditional Crohn's meds and when those failed, I did FODMAP, yoga, heavy probiotics, cut out sugar, gluten, dairy and started some essential oils! I'd consider myself reasonably "crunchy" so broad spectrum antibiotics were a little daunting to me. All of thise other lifestyle things did work to various extents, and I still do a lot of them. I'm still taking tons of probiotics and supplements to try to combat the microbiome die off.
Actually, antibiotics are not indiscriminate and do work on different classes of bacteria. These are pretty broad spectrum, but they are targeting mycobacteria, which are nearly impossibly to kill since they go to a mutated or persistor state. Pulsing would be a bad idea in my opinion, and I'm staying on them as long as they keep working, in order to combat resistance. Still, they won't kill your microbiome, but certainly can alter the composition. I also think my Crohn's was exacerbated by antibiotics as a kid. My parents say I had tons of ear infections.
The problem I run into is which risk is worse? Risk of untreated, rampant Crohn's, or killing off a lot of good bacteria. My Crohn's was so bad that I was wasting from the inside out, so I took the risk with AMAT. I wish the diet/lifestyle route had worked for me, but after abiut a year it stopped working and my Crohn's returned with a vengeance. Plus, I have a skin manifestation, and that needed to be treated ASAP. I definitely worry about long term, but will deal with each day as it comes and have some back up plans.
FMT would certainly be a backup, but my reaction was much like yours! Still, I could probably do it if it was that or die. Hoping for a FMT pill someday! Love forums like this one so if I ever get sick again, I can pick the collective brain.
Peace and good health to you!