Me and my Toilet.

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Jan 9, 2011
Me And My Toliet.

Slowly fluid crept back tube into her mouth, quick spite out the tea with sour taste left behind and ran to bathroom. Take two steps that time up the stairs, reach for handle to push door open when out walked someone. She push pass them, slam door shut and was in for good hour or more. Not sure weather to vomit or pull her pj's bottom down first. She choose to sit and use bin for outlet flow of liquid.

Pain in her stomach was under denied cripple rock back and forward well doing her thing in toilet. She grabs all bath foam, shampoos and shower gels bottles reading them all before least four times. Many of the labels, she start to know of by heart now. Finally the cramps and vomit seem to come to stop so she reach for Andeax wipes which more suitable to use that present time. After quick tidy up with toilet brush, Detox wipes and glance in mirror wish she was someone else. Pale, thin face, with dark rings round the eyes, dull lifeless hair try in hard shine with bulb glow above.


My stomach gone to pot again, I wonder why this time, is something which I ate but I've being good I haven't ate wheat for months. Stress maybe no it can't being was had no worries only usual with my life. Vomit to boot this time so how long this week or month or 3 months. Wonder what size jeans I will fit into when all over.

I am freeze now, where did I leave my purple thick dress gown, need a washed but it mine. Sweat is pour of me, my top is soak, HM where thing take your temperate with o I know in my hi jack medication cupboard.

Oh no here come blue spot again, better sit down before I fall down. I wish I could sleep all day.
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The part about reading all of the shampoo bottles is priceless. I sympathize with your situation... and I do the exact same thing.

In fact, I took some French courses, so I will snatch at my wife's makeup if it's around because they often have French labels. Anything to keep my mind off of the pain at hand.

Im sorry to hear your stomach is all messed up. Im in the same boat with ya though!
Yup, I've read all the cleaning supply bottles in both english and spanish more times than I can count. Funny I'm not the only one that copes that way. :)
I have two bathrooms, both are filled with books and when I've read them all, I head to the thrift store to replenish them. You cracked me with reading shampoo bottles. I've done that when it hits at someone elses house. I bet I know more about hairspray than the average person.

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