Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Hello all!

Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself, I am the owner of the website linked by Nym above, When I saw the referral from a Crohn's forum, I immediately clicked it to come check it out! I suffer from Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome that morphed into really really bad IBS as well, so my heart goes out to the Crohn's community, I have also had a good friend that suffered in the past, and we would commiserate about our stomach pain!

I became aware of legal CBD oils thru my own online support group for CVS a couple of years back, when patients in our group started having good results from legal CBD they were getting off of Amazon and early vendors. Cannabis has long been the ONLY thing to help me with my illness, and I have used for 30 years, so CBD was not a new substance for me. I went ahead and built a couple websites dealing with CBD to help with all of the misinformation that is out there and to raise a bit of passive income by being able to work from home when I am well, and when I am layed out by my illness, the websites are still able to "work". I have been largely disabled by illness for over a decade now. I am sure many of you can relate to this story. 6 years battling SSDI. you all know the struggle.

I just wanted to stop by and say, if anyone has any questions about legal CBD oil, I am more than happy to help out if I can, and I will not ask for your email or send you affiliate links! If you want to click thru my links, awesome, same price. if not, I am happy to offer advice on the often confusing and ever changing topic of legal CBD oil, as I am a patient and a believer first and foremost, and an internet marketer in my spare, healthy up time.

Nym has already linked to Elixinol, which would be on of my top recommendations right now, it is whole plant, and has a full spectrum of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavanoids. Endoca, Golyoli and Dose of Nature are all other whole plant worthy mentions in 2015. do not accept anything less than WHOLE PLANT in 2015. Stalk based extracts are overpriced and inferior in potency, purity.

If anyone has any questions, from someone that knows the pain of what you are going thru, and is a person on a disabled income, that knows how precious money is to people in our situation and will not turn you into a sales op, give me a shout on FB, I can see if I can help you if you have any other questions. I wont bs you, I am a super straight shooter.

Happy to greet all of you and I will have to browse some threads over here at some point, im sure I can find some useful information. For me, I have learned infinitely more about my illness through the CVS support group than I have in 30 years of going to doctors! These places are amazing resources for information. We don't have to solely rely on our doctors for info anymore, info travels faster thru these sources.

Best of health to all

Facebook = cant link, totally cool. you can find me under "Cannabis oil for sale" on Facebook.

You can pick up links to my sites there if interested, I have no interest in spamming this board and have the utmost respect for support boards! I chase the spammers off of our board! :) My other site lists more of the legal type info. * ahhhh, nice, I see you guys have a 10 post minimum before allowing links, great policy. I would not even mention the webby on the board, but wanted to be able to be associated with the above post of Nym's somehow, so you know what site I am referencing.

From everything I've been able to research cannabis products, low or high THC, do not have any effect on the inflammation of IBD.

The one study, summarized above, that seemed to have a beneficial effect apparently just covered up the symptoms, and in a 2 week follow-up the patients began to suffer more as Crohn's flares burned through the THC euphoria.

Results of low THC studies are long overdue and can be surmised to have failed.

Cannabis is obviously an effective analgesic and appetite stimulant, otherwise nowhere near as effective as conventional accepted medical treatments for other conditions. I really believe it should be legalized, under adequate controls, as a substitute for the extremely dangerous Schedule II opiates
Yes, jjk308, that would be largely correct. THC is more effective with pain, and stimulation of appetite in folks like us, as well as nausea control. I also feel that THC is tremendously helpful with dealing with the burden of illness that many of us feel crushed by at times, as well as the depression that comes with being chronically ill. So while not an immediate source of relief of symptoms of illness, it is a great support tool I find, in supporting the mind through pain and suffering/ loss.

In Cannabis, CBD is the prime anti inflammatory agent that we currently know about, and that is why the emphasis on legal CBD oil, as that is most relevant to folks suffering from our issues, in terms of the inflammatory problems that CBD may be able to help with.

I like what I see there JMA, as far as the information presented, first I have seen of that particular company. Appears to be whole plant, and pretty much the same thing every newer company is doing atm. lines like "our plants are organically grown at a specific latitude in specially chosen locations of Northern Europe. Only the finest plants are then chosen for extraction" are the same marketing you will see on all legal CBD sites that use European industrial hemp base for extract as many use the same suppliers. I like the price point, the "wiping" process, which just means it has been dewaxed and more organic matter filtered out, as good quality cannabis oils should be, this is also the current trend, and a definite improvement over early offerings. I like the packaging, much much better in a jar, than a syringe, unless it is a very viscous oil, which again, high quality Cannabis oils are thick like molasses once purified. Decent cannabinoid profile, not just CBD. All things I would look for. They are more than likely using whole plant, intersexed industrial hemp, with or without the stalk and seed base. Better companies are beginning to use just the bud and leaf and dispose of the stalks and seeds, while others still use only stalk and seed base.

Hello I'm totally new to this, I have no idea where to start, if someone would be willing to help me out, I haven't been officially diagnosed yet but doctor suspects I have crohn (I've been in really bad shape the past 2 weeks, 30mg pred for 6 days and it didn't really do much thus far)

anyway I just want to avoid all the hard drugs as much as possible and try out hemp oil to keep my symptoms under control, if anybody could help me out on how to get my hands on some I'd be very grateful

yo bro pm me
Hi everyone!! Just wanted to let you know we will be in the crowd at the Today show on Feb 4th. with a sign the says.... I (Coltyn) was here Dec 24, 2013 in a wheelchair {pic of C at the show in his wheelchair} I can STAND here Today because of CANNABIS!!
Watch for us! Hopefully we can make someone notice and give cannabis and Crohns/UC some attention!! Working on some talk show appearances and changing some laws in this country so everyone has access. Wish us luck!!!
Hi everyone!! Just wanted to let you know we will be in the crowd at the Today show on Feb 4th. with a sign the says.... I (Coltyn) was here Dec 24, 2013 in a wheelchair {pic of C at the show in his wheelchair} I can STAND here Today because of CANNABIS!!
Watch for us! Hopefully we can make someone notice and give cannabis and Crohns/UC some attention!! Working on some talk show appearances and changing some laws in this country so everyone has access. Wish us luck!!!

Great to hear Wendy! You and Coltyn are great advocates for medicinal cannabis.Will you be wearing your Coltyn's crew shirts to stand out a bit more? Let us know about any appearances you book. Have you interviewed Coltyn's doctor(s) for the forum? I'm sure many crohnies would find that interesting. Good Luck!
Support for Cairns man charged with giving medical-grade cannabis to cancer patient daughter

A man accused of giving medical-grade cannabis oil to his cancer-stricken daughter has emerged from a Brisbane court to cheers and applause from a passionate group of supporters.

The Cairns man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been charged with aggravated supply of dangerous drugs to a minor and drug possession.

At Roma Street Magistrates Court today, his bail conditions were changed to allow him supervised visits to his two-year-old daughter in hospital.

"I'm happy to see my girl," was all he said as he left court.

The debate over legalising medicinal cannabis is a hot topic for Joshua Waldron, president of the Queensland Medicinal Cannabis Collective.

He and more than 40 other people, including some wearing Guy Fawkes masks synonymous with Anonymous, gathered outside the Brisbane court to support the man.

"In the social media scene it's has really taken a foothold," Mr Waldron said.

"It's definitely taken a viral push into nationally and we're starting to see the wider demographic is really jumping on this issue and understanding that medicinal cannabis is widely needed and desperately needed in Queensland.

"In other states, we're finding people exactly the same getting amnesty for being able to treat their children where [this man] is in court today.

"The difference from state to state, to be able to save a loved one's life or your own life, in Queensland not an option. In New South Wales, the options are more relaxed.

Right, so I just got my biopsy results back and the GI has given a diagnosis of Crohn's and prescribe some HELLA costly prescription drug (asacol ec 400mg which apparently only exists in a high-dose form now). My question is, for those of you who have used medical marijuana as a means of controlling your IBD, how much are you saving/spending compared to eating piles of prescription drugs? I have used marijuana in the past and realize it's all-too-pleasant side effects could make doing daily like a little more difficult, but to me it's certainly worth being constantly intoxicated if it's an effective, natural, and cost - efficient cure.
Yesterday I made a load of bone broth and a load of cannabis leaf + stem tea (for lack of a better word):
1.5ltrs water
handful of plant cuttings
50grams butter

slow simmer covered for 1 hour. Turn off heat and allow to cool. From this I just add a few teaspoons of the buttery water to my numerous cups of tea throughout the day. I do this quite regularly and only once has it made me high. That one time was something of a mystery until today. Today I added a few teaspoons of the tea to my breakfast half cup of bone broth, and about 10mins later .... It is now almost 5pm and i've been buzzing solidly all day. It comes and goes in waves. Bone broth is a great carrier! Just time it carefully!
Hello everyone,
So i need some advise, just 2 weeks ago my doctor told me my colonoscopy was consistent with ulcerative colitis or a bacterial infection. He said he was leaning to ulcerative colitis because my symptoms had been going on for a month straight. I asked him about medical marijuana after learning about how it can help and having positive effects after trying to smoke. I did very little every day for about a week and right after i immediately felt pain relief, and had an appetite. My symptoms slowly went away throughout the week. When i asked my doctor he kinda laughed it off and said there was no studies or any proof that it can cure it. So he ended up prescribing me Lialda for the inflammation and a week of steroids. The day after the appointment my symptoms went away completely, which was a full week of marijuana. Due to the high price of the medicine i had to wait to get it from the pharmacy. I got it a week after my appt, and hadnt smoked the whole week but still symptom free, just very mild cramping 1-2 times. I was very nervous to take it hearing so many stories about the side effects. But i thought it was worth a try to not have those pains i took it that night and the very next morning all my symptoms were back, severe cramping and bloody diarrhea. Its been a week and i havent taken it again but i have had mild symptoms since and i smoke every so often just cuz i dont always have the chance. I guess my questions would be if you guys take an anti inflammatory as well as medical marijuana? How much do you use marijuana daily,weekly? Iam also scared to take the medicine hoping it really is just a bacterial infection, wishful thinking. Just glad there is people to talk to about this stuff cuz no one in my family or friends really get it.
Thank you for any advise

From everything I've been able to research cannabis products, low or high THC, do not have any effect on the inflammation of IBD.

The one study, summarized above, that seemed to have a beneficial effect apparently just covered up the symptoms, and in a 2 week follow-up the patients began to suffer more as Crohn's flares burned through the THC euphoria.

Results of low THC studies are long overdue and can be surmised to have failed.

Cannabis is obviously an effective analgesic and appetite stimulant, otherwise nowhere near as effective as conventional accepted medical treatments for other conditions. I really believe it should be legalized, under adequate controls, as a substitute for the extremely dangerous Schedule II opiates

High doses of thc and cbd together (they work synergistically) are actually more effective for inflammation than just cbd...I feel most mmj studies are designed to cast the plant in a negative light. I'd like to see a study where they actually test potent oils on patients. So ridiculous that they would pilot a cannabis for Crohn's study where they smoke 2 joints a day. I vaporize highly potent hash oil over a gram a day and it's put my disease in remission. It's the only thing I take and I had a colonoscopy last week, my first one since my diagnosis last year and I'm inflammation free!

The one study, summarized above, that seemed to have a beneficial effect apparently just covered up the symptoms, and in a 2 week follow-up the patients began to suffer more as Crohn's flares burned through the THC euphoria.


Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study.

Cannabis use amongst patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Cannabinoids cool the intestine

The endogenous cannabinoid system protects against colonic inflammation

Cannabidiol in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Brief Overview.

Cannabinoids and the gut: new developments and emerging concepts.

Impact of cannabis treatment on the quality of life, weight and clinical disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a pilot prospective study.

Cannabis and endocannabinoid modulators: Therapeutic promises and challenges

Cannabidiol Reduces Intestinal Inflammation through the Control of Neuroimmune Axis

The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol alone and in combination on damage, inflammation and in vitro motility disturbances in rat colitis

Two clinical trials on THC effects on Crohn's are currently underway (one in Jerusalem, one in Spain I believe) so we'll see what these say.

In my opinion the powerpoint presentation linked above is an incomplete overview of the science on cannabis.

It still baffles me to no end people are still discussing or doubting the efficacy of the inflammation fighting properties of THC and CBD. It's like they're not looking at half the pubmed database on purpose.

The CCFA is biased to the core, always has been, when it comes to cannabis. Do not trust them on this matter. Refer to the literature and draw your own conclusions, you will be better served.
Hello, just joined as i was searching folate and CBD as I've found I have the MTHFR gene mutation and don't process folic acid into folate well.
I have always found relief thru smoking MJ for the pain of having an IBD. Since I moved to a medical MJ state I have started taking Medibles of 10-50mg THC since I didn't have to worry about legality. The oral administration reduced the inflammation in my gut so that I wasn't waking up in the middle of the night with gas pains but I still couldn't eat well. I started taking CBD and it changed my apatite tremendously. I started craving good salads instead of sugars and carbs. Turned out, thru more research, that I had antibiotic syndrome and the antifungal effects of the CBD coupled with the increase in coconut oil(a natural anti fungal and what I extract the THC and CBD into for capsules) cured it.
Antibiotic syndrome is when you take antibiotics without antifungals and candida takes over because you killed off the beneficial bacteria in your system(not sure if it's already common knowledge here). After that it's hard for teh good bacteria to colonize. This was masked by the IBS and drs. just thought it was part of the IBS. The CBD reduced the toxic effects of killing off all that candida at once as it's an antianxiety/antidepressant. But I recommend taking the candida test for anyone with stomach problems as drs. generally don't cover those types of problems, along with diet.
I take care of my own health and consult drs.
I have been using MJ for IBS(possibly Crohn's or UC) since I was 12. I don't recommend it, it just worked out that way. I've had anxiety and stomach problems since before I started at 12. I highly(no pun intended) MJ for any stomach problems for pain relief but it can help so much more thru oral ingestion and the addition of CBD(esp for people with anxiety/depression problems which cause flares), for lots of people.
I am also genetically predisposed to be non responsive to anti depressive drugs and CBD has worked tremendously. It has "fixed" the underlying problem for me and doesn't just dope you up so much that it doesn't matter, like other drugs I've been prescribed.
CBD has 20X the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin and twice that of hydrocortizone. Smoking it does not unleash that power for the gut unless ingested orally. Smoking hi THC strains is mostly for pain relief.
Here is a some info on decarboxylizing THCA or CBDA into THC and CBD. When smoked the carboxyl group is immediately freed from the acid form and renders THCA to THC and CBDA to CBD. When eating it you need to do this to make it able to pass the blood brain barrier to get the pain relief effects AND the anti-inflammatory effects in the gut and elsewhere.

The below describes the 'range' of effects provided by different levels of activation, their benefits, and the desired outcome for the patients who choose them.

Starting with:

The least activation, producing a bioavailable solution of mostly carboxyl-intact acid components; Continuing right through to decarboxylation, and active cannabinoids and chemicals, free of their carboxyl groups; And finally finishing with degradation and the byproducts of degraded THC.

1.) - Some patients require 'inactive' but bioavailable THCA, CBNA, CBDA and the other (to us) 'inactive acids', and in flowers those doses can range from .05g to as high as 4.5g, without 'doping up' or intoxicating a patient much, if at all even at the highest doses. These are cold tinctures, processed with material that is as fresh as possible, without decarbing.

Cold, but most importantly bioavailable extractions (more than just 'juicing' plant matter is required!), provide powerful anti-cancer/mutagenic, anti-seizure/spasmodic benefits and they provide wonderful pain relief without reducing sensation of touch, they reduce swelling and inflammation even in lower doses, and especially at higher doses, and they provide especially wonderful relief for specifically for MS, Parkinson's, as well as for generally frail patients, and also for those suffering from seizures.

Where it takes literally only a day or two to build up a tolerance to the highest of doses, and these oils and tinctures do not make a person feel overwhelmed, they are wonderful for treating patients who suffer from very powerful seizures, and similar attacks. Cannabis is incredibly non-toxic, an incredibly larger dose may be given to both provide relief, and to control the symptoms of more intense attacks, preventing further injury.

These oils and tinctures are also somewhat mood elevating, but still, for the most part it's without that medicated feeling. You will have very good pain relief, without losing your sensation of touch.

2.) - The first sensations (following a cold tincture that has had no activation) of an oil or tincture with only limited or partial activation and decent bioavailability, are primarily cerebral.
In higher doses, these under-processed edibles can cause some mild anxiety and even paranoia in some patients; hyperventilating, 'room-spins', racing-mind/thoughts, even vomiting, these are not uncommon side-effects of over-consumption of THC and trace amounts of THCA, when they are consumed in quantity, minus some of the important experience-regulating byproducts,of degradation.

3.) - Then, some patients want to feel relaxed, nicely buzzed but still functional, and they need something that elevates their mood without gluing them to the couch. In which case edibles decarbed and processed in oil, as described in most of the tutorials here, are a great place to start.
For those first starting out with edibles, I make sure their first few doses are about half of what they'd normally smoke in a single session, or in a single day if they are heavy smokers. Once they know what to expect, the average dose most people are satisfied with (but at the sane time they are not too overwhelmed by), is right around the same amount used in a 24 hour period. It's strong enough to either keep them from smoking quite as much in a day, or it actually out-right replaces their smoking for the day.

So if you smoke a gram a day, you'll want to eat between a half gram, to a gram in a well-processed edible. I like to split my daily dose into two to three smaller doses. Sometimes I take them in quick succession, sometimes I spread them out, and finish with a 'sleeper'... Deciding what level of processing you need, can be the tricky part.

4.) - The longer you heat in oil (to a certain extent, up to four or five hours), the more 'body intensive' the sensations will become, without a noticeable diminish in potency.

At these levels of activation you have highly effective pain relief, that can sometimes be powerful enough to effect sensitivity to touch.... for instance if you have a low tolerance, you may notice that you become clumsy, or 'loose and wobbly' on well-activated oil, you may lose some sensation of touch.

Four to six hours in oil at 220 f, or longer, and I'm either stuck to the couch, or falling fast asleep!

5.) Any longer than a few hours at such temperatures will reduce THC content. But while 'perceived potency' diminishes, and the ratio of THC begins to fall, the material becomes overloaded with byproducts of degraded THC, primarily in the form of delta-8-THC and CBN, and when combined they are powerfully sedative.

While their effects may seem weak during the time you can keep your eyes open, these oils and tinctures usually knock a patient out cold within 45 - 60 minutes, leaving them well rested upon waking the following morning (or afternoon)!
Thanks for your post Sweet D. This CBD oil
is less expensive than elixinol. Do you have a comment on its purity and fullness of spectrum?
Sorry I had to take out the URL
That site says there are 247 mg/gram/$45. The medibles I make, I get 700mg/3.5grams of plant material. I pay, at dispensaries, anywhere from $200/$350/oz of plant material. That equates to about $25-45 for 600-700mg of CBD which has to be extracted(for me) into coconut oil.
If you grow it yourself it brings the price down to well under $100oz. for even the worst indoor grower(after you pay for the actual equipment, can be less than $500 startup). Outdoors it's pretty much free. All you have to do is find a cut of a hi CBD/lo THC variety. Hemp is very low in CBD(appr.3%) while medical strains have been measured at up to 20% CBD and less than .03% THC. These strains SHOULD qualify as hemp although I wouldn't test it with local law enforcement. They still hate the plant altogether because it causes a conundrum. ANY THC is considered illegal to possess by the FED gov't. It's very unfortunate as I have been using it since I was 12 and the only problems I have had with it was the result of law enforcement.
If I could've lab tested what I grew back in teh day and made medibles(without fear of worse incarceration) I could've gotten much farther, much earlier in life. I'm just happy my wife got a job in a medical state.
The most non-toxic med available and a longer history with humans than any other medicine available and it works on more diseases than any other medicine available.
CBD counteracts the anxiety some people get from THC. I used to use strictly Indicas because they are more sleepy but since taking CBD caps I can smoke hazes and heavy sativas(which do have a better munchies effect IF it doesn't cause anxiety) which for some might contribute to a flare. CBD counteracts teh munchies effect(craving sugar) UNLESS it is anxiety that contributes to your inability to eat. Then CBD reduces the anxiety to provide for a healthy apatite. Everyone is a little different but because anxiety is related to lots of people's flares CBD should not be overlooked when looking for relief. CBD MAY be all that some people need for total relief. It's taken me years to get the "perfect" mix but only because CBD wasn't readily available and known about in the past. Everyone starting out now can/should be able to experiment with the right "mix" instead of only getting half of a medicine. Medibles generally produce less anxiety if you don't take too much because it is not such a rush to the system. It takes a while to kick in and the amount of THC(actually 11-delta THC? your liver converts THC to a more potent form, which is why less goes a lot longer with medibles) and is generally spread out over a longer time rather than a spike for a shorter period of time.
Joe just wondering your thoughts on low thc, iv read that 5mg of thc has the same psychotropic effects of placebo, this is important to me because since orally ingesting home made cannabutter (probably high concentrate thc) I had an anxiety attack and ever since then even the smallest amount gives me extreme anxiety... Do you think 5mg thc would still be enough to get one in remission combined with the other CBDs and compounds? Trials are happening in Australia soon, don't know if they'll be for crohn's or not though.
I got rid of antibiotic syndrome with CBD/THC and coconut oil. THC and CBD have very good antimicrobial properties and since we evolved with it, I imagine good gut bacteria "should" be unaffected and cannabis oil should help with bacterial and fungal infections. Probiotics should help when taking cannabis oil as it should kill off bad bacteria and candida in teh system. One thing to note is that, if you have a candida overgrowth, you may feel worse before getting better as the candida die off in your system and cause a toxic affect to the system, including anxiety, anger, irritability, etc.
Barelyalive what type of cannabis oil is it? Also I sent you a private message several weeks ago and didn't hear back from you I hope you stay the course with this. I would like you to know that if the cannabis oil does not seem to be working it maybe because you have a significant bacterial imbalance in intestines and need to supplement it. I also suggest taking a vegan-organic multi vitamin as I have heard it helps with the healing process though I have been taking one for years so I do not know how effective it can be. Enclosed is the links to the vitamin and probiotics I take. Perhaps this will help with the synergistic effects that the cannabis oil needs to operate.
Did you ever get tested for Candida overgrowth? CBD is a good antifungal. At first I thought I was so tense over time that when I took the CBD my muscles relaxed and were all sore, I was exhausted for 2 days but felt better mentally. Turned out to be antibiotic syndrome.
Hollistic Joe. Thanks for the help. I haven't increased the dose yet. I am actually not feeling well and wondering if anyone else has heard of mm making you feel worse. Slight increase in # of bms and D. Should I continue and it will start to improve? When I first started the high CBD caps I felt worse for a couple of days and then back to the way I was before but with an improvement in pain. I added the oil 3 weeks ago, slowly increasing it but am only up to 4 drops.
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Also, hemp oil is not CBD oil. Hemp oil can have CBD in it but isn't CBD oil. CBD oil from the buds and leaves of a hi CBD plant is honey colored and consistency and has closer to 700/mg/gr if it is extracted to leave out the chlorophyll. Not that it's bad but the CBD oils on the legal market have hempseed oil and other oils in higher concentration than a hi cbd oil from a dispensary. Hemp oil provides amino acids and has it's own health benefits.
At IronLabs dot com you can find the tests from oils made by Michigan caregivers and the hi CBD type are 60-70% CBD and 6% or more THC. Which means 600-700mg/gram.
I don't think(pretty sure although I've always had THC in my system while taking CBD) CBD needs THC to be effective or work in conjunction with like terpenes which work synergistically with THC. I do know they work better together though. THC takes care of the pain/helps with apatite and CBD takes care of the inflammation.
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4.) - The longer you heat in oil (to a certain extent, up to four or five hours), the more 'body intensive' the sensations will become, without a noticeable diminish in potency.

At these levels of activation you have highly effective pain relief, that can sometimes be powerful enough to effect sensitivity to touch.... for instance if you have a low tolerance, you may notice that you become clumsy, or 'loose and wobbly' on well-activated oil, you may lose some sensation of touch.

Four to six hours in oil at 220 f, or longer, and I'm either stuck to the couch, or falling fast asleep!

5.) Any longer than a few hours at such temperatures will reduce THC content. But while 'perceived potency' diminishes, and the ratio of THC begins to fall, the material becomes overloaded with byproducts of degraded THC, primarily in the form of delta-8-THC and CBN, and when combined they are powerfully sedative.

While their effects may seem weak during the time you can keep your eyes open, these oils and tinctures usually knock a patient out cold within 45 - 60 minutes, leaving them well rested upon waking the following morning (or afternoon)!

This is why adding the oil or butter to stews, bone broths works so well. I have actually eaten and fallen asleep before any noticable effect only to feel it later when waking to use bathroom (urine). I go straight back to sleep after.

Great info, Norby. Thanks! Am also using coconut oil.
I've got my DNA sequenced and found out that I have a common mutation called MTHFR. It has to do with folic acid methylation where I don't convert 50% of the folic acid i take in because the enzyme is misshapen. This is quite common as it affects up to 50% of the population and can be very tied in to inflammation, gut problems and psych(anxiety,depression,etc.).
I've started taking methylcolabin and 5 methylfolate(the bioavailable forms of b vits.). It may be of concern for people with Crohn's and UC as it lists these and other inflammatory diseases as possible outcomes of this mutation and it is VERY prevalent. It can throw the whole methylation cycle out of whack.
I'll have to link to the video on youtube after I get 10 posts. You can search it thru this:
Methylation and MTHFR Defects presented by Benjamin Lynch, ND
Good day all, I am a long time crohns patient I am 32 years old have had my colon resected twelve years ago and am mostly in remission with day to day short gut issues. I was wondering is there anyway to get involoved in a research study? I have found that marijauna helps as a general analgesic, as well as deal with the doldrums of pooping all the time, it helps keep my guts in check and feel alltogether pleasant when i medicate (almost always with various medibals) that said i would be interested in participation in a medical marijauna study?
I have no idea who to talk to about this, I don't really have anyone to not only talk to about bowel issues but no one who really understands.

So my issue is this, I am VERY hesitant to discuss my medical marijuana use with my doctors. I know that to receive the most optimal care I should be open with them, but I fear living in TX which is a completely illegal state, that if I tell my doctors, they will just dismiss me as a drug abuser. I also have nerve problems in my lower spine and sometimes require pain meds, and those have some much of a stigma around them, I don't want to get the stigma of "abusing" marijuana. I have self medicated with marijuana for years, using it as a way to control my intense cramping and whatnot. I know there is a significant improvement when I am using it versus when I don't. I am diagnosed with IBS, and I recently finally saw a GI who is thinking it is probably IBD. I just don't know if I can trust my doctors to understand where I'm coming from. Any advice from someone who might have had this issue or something similar?
Take the spit test for Candida overgrowth to make sure that isn't "in with" your IBD and they are not looking for it. It can exacerbate symptoms tremendously. I'd recommend the MTHFR gene test as I never felt content till I started taking bioactive B vitamins. My body wasn't processing B9 well because of this common mutation that interrupts the methylation cycle. 40% of whites have the het mutation which makes it so you can only process 50% of B9 and 20% of the white population have the homozygous mutation which makes it so you can only convert 20% of the B9 you take in. That's more than a 50/50 chance that this mutation affects you and if you take folic acid supplements it just builds up in your system, causing risk for cancer because of the hi amount of folic acid being a bad environment for natural killer cells, which take care of cancerous cells. not to mention if you mess up the methylation cycle it affects the process which makes other vitamins bioavailable. It can mess up seratonin and dopamine levels, b vitamins availability, Sam e glutathione, etc. I had anxiety and depression issues, which exacerbates the IBD, from age 10 to age 45. I just recently got rid of the Candida and started on Methylfolate, methycolabin and P5P and potassium, magnesium, etc. and I've NEVER felt better in my life. When I took regular vitamins all it would do is make me pee yellow, all the vitamins were getting flushed thru my system because of a messed up methylation cycle.
Also a lot of pain docs make you sign something saying you won't take ANY other drugs while in treatment. You may not want to mention anything to a pain doc. At least check what the stipulations are before mentioning anything to someone who prescribes you pain meds. Studies show overdoses are WAY down in legal MJ states as you don't need near as much when taking MJ too. Still docs will drop people as doctors aren't usually up on the latest info. Either that or their hands are tied because of the laws.
I have no idea who to talk to about this, I don't really have anyone to not only talk to about bowel issues but no one who really understands.

So my issue is this, I am VERY hesitant to discuss my medical marijuana use with my doctors. I know that to receive the most optimal care I should be open with them, but I fear living in TX which is a completely illegal state, that if I tell my doctors, they will just dismiss me as a drug abuser. I also have nerve problems in my lower spine and sometimes require pain meds, and those have some much of a stigma around them, I don't want to get the stigma of "abusing" marijuana. I have self medicated with marijuana for years, using it as a way to control my intense cramping and whatnot. I know there is a significant improvement when I am using it versus when I don't. I am diagnosed with IBS, and I recently finally saw a GI who is thinking it is probably IBD. I just don't know if I can trust my doctors to understand where I'm coming from. Any advice from someone who might have had this issue or something similar?
Hello everyone I come here now with not so good news......I have been in what I can consider the worst flare of my life since Martin Luther King weekend. I am still only using MM to combat the flare but need help at this point in figuring out the exact combination that will give this current flare a knock out punch so to speak. I created this timeline a couple weeks ago
Dec 25-28 -Ate and Drank like I was 18 you know what I'm talking about everything Christmas brings plus I'm Italian so you know where that goes a lot of cheese/ red sauce and not good for crohns things and every liquor under the sun
Dec 27 - White vein on Stool I assume Mucous
28th same thing twice
29th no go at all - 30th full normal but blood on toilet paper 1 time
31th blood at end otherwise normal 1 time per day this repeats until Jan 7th start eating more fiber think its hemorrhoid Start prep H on 12th - 3 times blood only on 1st
Stop Prep H 16th at night did not use
This repeats until 17th woke up full flare mode all blood 5xs day since then already at 2-3 today same thing. 18th started Zithromax think I may have perhaps food poisoning but showing as flare? I don't I just think this is a little crazy.
Finished the Zithromax and doubled my Rick Simpson dose to .20 MLs a day and 120mgs a day in Specialfx quad chuck 30mg/perpiece/4 times a day. My symptoms have improved just not gone away and are still pretty debilitating still going 4-6 times a day all watery at least 2 times a day with some blood a lot better than a month ago but still not where I would like to be at. Also I HAVE CONSTANT INCREDIBLE CRAMPING, I have never had it like this before this one feels a lot worse. Also should add Doctor saw me told me to monitor myself with the MJ and see how it goes. Tested negative for C.Diff though I am thinking I may have some sort of other bacterial infection, though I don't know which. I only say this because I take 2 sackets of VSL3 a day never had a problem before now after I drink them for the first twenty minutes my body can not stop shaking and I get this crazy not pain but feeling inside of me like I can not even describe it. At this point I will close this out with any thoughts of what I should do. Any ideas I just got some Cannatonic #7 to smoke its 6% CBD 6%THC it seems to have stopped the cramping for now but again I WANT TO KNOCK THIS OUT.....I'm suppose to graduate law school this semester.
Ok, first things first. Partying is completely over if it ain't already. No alcohol, no caffeine, no acid drinks and no sodas. I'd also avoid fibrous food (wholegrain bread), uncooked veggies and greasy/fried food.

Secondly, in aggressive flares like this, I suggest adopting a liquid diet for 2-3 days (applesauce, soups, etc) to give your colon a break. Each time you eat food it's the equivalent of scraping sand paper on bloody wound, but inside you.

Thirdly, where do you get your RSO? NY is not a legal state. Do you get it in NJ? Are you sure it is dosed properly? 0.20ml doesn't tell us how much cannabinoids you are ingesting. What's the RSO dosed at?

Fourthly, smoking is not an appropriate delivery method when flaring. I've said it many times in my time here and I will say it again until it becomes a well known fact. Smoking is practical and something you should do only when in a pinch. For someone who is seriously ill like you, you need to invest in a vaporizer. Even if you don't like it or feel it is less effective because of vapor density. If vaporizing isn't an option, then stick to RSO or tinctures. Smoking is not only harmful and wasteful of your expensive medicine, it will never deliver the massive doses of cannabinoids you need to counteract an aggressive flare.

A potent and quality RSO should have no problem handling a small flare but the dosage needs to be appropriate. How much do you weight? Clinical trials typically stick to a X mg of THC per KG of body weight when dosing their subjects.

6%CBD/6%THC is incredibly low. Especially if you smoke it. Forget about CBD for now, it's much more important you deliver massive amounts of THC in your gut via a potent RSO to address the acute inflammation and that will be easier to do with a 20% strain then a 6% one with CBD in it. CBD is great, but I've been maintaining remission with 0.1% CBD in my regimen. THC on its own works great too.

Do you still have a GI? Some prednisone for a week or two might help bring inflammation down enough for your diet changes and RSO to do the rest.
Yes sir I stopped the partying first sign of blood in December I haven't left my apartment since Martin Luther King Day other than to go to the Doctor or Class.
I have to let you know I go to law school in Michigan so I get my RSO there. The place I go to has no idea what the strength of it is other than they said they know its over 90% THC.
I have been consuming over 120 mgs a day of THC medibles which have shown promise as I said but its not working 100% and I am frustrated
I started eating nothing but Soups and small plain white bread sandwiches and seemed to be turning the corner than last night I had Chicken with plain basmati rice and I am dying today.
I know smoking does nothing we have this conversation regularly on here. I just couldn't get anything else this time at the dispensary and am desperate. I was thinking about turning the bud into a oil tonight after class honestly.
Currently I weigh 155 pounds I do not know what the mg to weight should be if you do I definitely would appreciate letting me know.
So let me sum this up here, I should go back to eating all liquids for couple days and perhaps increase my dosage some more until things subside.
I REALLY want to avoid pharmaceuticals at all costs though I have cortifoam and Canasa on hold at rite aid if I want them.
What are your thoughts?
I understand you want to avoid pharmaceuticals at all cost but you won't be able to study for the Bar if you're in pain, possibly anemic and sleep deprived. Not to mention the stress of having to deal with all of this is not helping the studying nor the colitis. In that regard time is of the essence, and steroids are fact acting. Even a one week course of prednisone at a moderate dosage will provide some relief and much needed aid to combat the inflammatory cascade. At 4-6 watery BM per day, bloody stool is soon incoming if it's not there already. You need to act quickly and get this under control ASAP. If that takes pred so be it.

As for the proper dosage I don't remember it by heart so will need to look it up to be sure. From memory it was 3mg per kg of bodyweight. 155 lbs is 70.3kg, so we're talking around 200mg of pure THC per day to get on the road to remission.

200mg of THC would require at least 1g of vaporized herb per day, with a 20% THC strain. A 6% strain like you mentioned would require you vape at least 3g per day. If you're paying $10/g, it can become expensive quickly. You can grow a pound in 90 days for $200 in nutrients and electricity cost (not including the capital necessary to buy the grow equipment, which is around $2000 for a 4x4 stealthy grow area). If you have access to RSO that is properly made in Michigan then this is fantastic. If the RSO is dosed at 1mg/ml, then you need 200ml per day.

Your 120mg medibles are a good place to start but you need to eat at least two of these per day. Continuity is key. You can't just take RSO or medibles once in a while. It's everyday.

So let's summarize:

-Get on a liquid diet for at least 2 or 3 days, longer if you can tolerate it. It will give your colon a HUGE break.

-Try to get at least 200mg of THC in your bloodstream on a daily basis. Better if they're delivered directly to the gut via oils or tinctures rather than through your lungs.

-Considering the Bar you have to get ready for, I'd take that pred for at least a week and see where things are at then. If the the amount of BM per day has diminished and watery stools have subsided then you can consider stopping the pred, else I would do another week.

You will know you are taking control of things when your pain is absent and the time spent on the toilet each day is diminishing. Diet is a huge factor when addressing flare. It also helps to know your dietary triggers, which are unique to each individual.
I haven't seen any RSO that measures 90%THC. Do you know if it is decarbed? I'm not sure the acid form of THC works as well for inflamation as I always decarbed mine. The quad chunks should be decarbed already.
The highest test THC RSO on Iron labs is 85% and the 2nd is 81% and the 10th is 77%.

If the RSO wasn't decarbed you may want step down as the head effects will probably be higher.

The chocolate in the quad chunks probably isn't helping any either. I'd try for coconut oil caps as they seem to be very bioavailable and coconut oil is beneficial in it's own ways, esp as an antifungal to keep candida growth down.

Smoking is good for the cramping, CBD may counter the painkilling effects. CBD is also an anti inflamatory at 2x that of hydrocodone and 20x that of aspirin. You may want to try to make the cannatonic #7 into coconut oil extract and try taking it orally, a little at a time.
You have to get it to where the problem is.
And I agree that you can't eat and drink that stuff.
Hollistic_Joe, try some bone broth and paleo meals. Omit all rice unless it has been slow cooked overnight in water. All your food must be thoroughly slow cooked at this time. Throw a whole chicken - no stuffing - onion, some garlic and herbs into a pan. Add about 1.5 cups of water. Cover and into a hot oven. Let it cook for about an hour. Reduce heat to moderate and let it cook for as many hours as possible ... til it's falling apart is ideal! If at at all possible make some cannabutter and add a tsp or two to a hot tea before bed. No milk, cream only. You're Italian! ... get some broth recipes from the elders :)

Try some colloidal silver for any infections you think may be brewing.
Hey guys thanks for all the good advice Francis I have taken your advice somewhat I started using the old Canasa I had left over from before I started using RSO. This time however I put RSO on the Canasa before I used it I figure it would work as a 1-2 punch well see. I am going to contact my doc about getting a 2 week regiment of Cortisone or pred depending on what he thinks. I WILL continue my use of Marijuana and will up my dosage to over 200 mgs a day.
I would like to note I realized last night that since November early December my RSO is markedly different the Tubes I use to buy were 40 for .5ML now they are 40 for 1 ML so obviously there has been a significant loss of quality and concentration with the new stuff probably why this flare has been so odd in the first place. I hope this works and I REALLY appreciate all the help/advice from all of you it is very much appreciated.
I do grow my own weed I have a grow tent next to my bed I got 6 plants going right now. I have never attempted to make oil before and bought some Coconut oil extract last night with the intention of trying it out with some of my homegrown mixed with the 1/8th I bought yesterday -ANY directions on how to do this effectively are appreciated.

In terms of my well being yesterday was by far the worst day in a long time I have seen a lot of blood over the last 24 hours. More than any other time over the past couple of weeks. I also would like to add this past week and the week before I had several consecutive days with out much problem I do not know why this flare keeps going from one extreme to another the only difference to my diet in the last two weeks from the flare to non flare has been plain basmati rice so in that regard I am confused.
Also just want to add that since taking the Canasa early this afternoon I am now vomiting which I NEVER have done from this disease before or at least to my knowledge.
The vomit looked like Bile mixed with chocolate I assume from it was the edible I had ate bout an hour and a half ago.

I really appreciate all the help and support keep it coming and Thanks a lot!!!
It helps to know the THC level of what you're using but basically:

You can decarb the flowers dry and it cuts down teh boiling time. Boiling water is just under the temps for a quick decarb. You'll have to boil for 3-5 hours or more to decarb the THC and CBD in the boil. You can do it quicker by putting the flowers in the oven at 250 for about 30 minutes. If your oven swings too much in temps it can ruin your herb. I use a baking stone and place a pyrex bowl over the tray of flowers because my oven will reach over 300f from teh coils. The pyrex and baking stone make a mini oven in the oven which stabilizes temps. You may want to go another 10 minutes if you put the bowl over the flowers cold. It'll take a little longer to reach 250.

Add a half gallon water or less to a soup pot and add coconut oil and flowers to the pot. I figure about 1gram of coconut oil per dose and about 7 doses per gram of flower(which is about 18-20% THC). This way you get 180-200mg THC per gram of MJ and if you make 7 doses of that you are at about 25mg THC per gram of coconut oil. A 00 capsule holds just under a gram of coconut oil. It's a pain to cookie cutter fill 50 capsules so you can just use a portion cup and scoop out a gram per dose to add to hot tea or put on an english muffin. You can use more than 7grams of oil per gram of flower and just calculate the dose(14gr co would be 2 gr per dose, 21 grams co would be 3 grams per dose,etc. The more oil you use teh more THC you get out because you loose some coconut oil to the flowers when you strain and press the water/oil from the flowers.

If you decarb the buds to activate them first you only have to boil the concoction for about 45 minutes to infuse the THC into the oil. Strain the flowers by pouring from one pot to the other thru a strainer. One that attaches or sits snug over the empty pot your pouring your liquids in works best. Wait till cool if you can.

Once you've separated the flowers from the liquid you can place outside or in the freezer till the coconut oil hardens on top of the water. This will happen by the time the water cools to 60f. Scrape the coconut oil off the top and place on paper towel to get eh water off. Then you can remelt it and put it in a jar or put it in the fridge on a plate so you can fill caps. You can also put the oil into molds like chocolate with a little confectioners sugar or honey and vanilla or anise extract/peppermint, cherry, etc., I'd avoid the cocoa though.
Joe, if increased dose of cannabis doesn't work then you should think about flagyl & cipro combination for a week.
If you have, candida overgrowth can cause this too and cannabis would not help too much.
I would also take oral and rectal mesalazine.
Hey guys just wanted to update all of you I finally caved in and went to the hospital Saturday. I was discharged last night. 2 things of note, they did blood work, 7 vials worth and a full CT scan of my entire body.
The blood work was nothing spectacular my C-protein is 1.8 which apparently is high my white blood cell count was 12.1 -.1 about normal and my esophils were 10 when the range was only to 6 and my monocyctes were also elevated. I have heard the last two are immune responses to allergies so it seems my body is throwing everything including the kitchen sink at this latest flare. If anyone has any insight about this let me know

The results of the CT scan were surprising I have Inflammation from my ascending colon to the hepatic flexure only. What is interesting about that is that my initial diagnosis in 2013 found the inflammation primarily at the sigmoid colon to my rectum with none on the previously mentioned side. I do not know what could cause a total reversal of inflammation like that if anyone does it would be helpful. The doctors at the hospital put me on a 10 day course of Cipro, Flagyl and Canasa. I have been on these drugs since Saturday and the pain is pretty much gone after just 2 days and I am noticing Stool formation is returning. There is still blood however as of now but I figure give it a couple more days and it should dissipate, no pain typically means healing.

I have been thinking that I could potentially have MAP- Mycobacterium avium tuberculosis based on my symptoms and how they have evolved and what they have responded to best if anyone knows about this it would also be very much obliged.
Thank all of you for the support I will continue to update all of you as it goes.
Hey joe, well IMHO I think a lot of Crohn's is caused by map, if you do suspect it there is very detailed forums all about map on this forum, more and more information is becoming available about it, and dr crohn himself actually thought the disease was likely caused by map. Accurate tests identifying map in humans are close to being finished and made avail, in the mean time there are tests you can do like the nod2 or XIAP genetic mutation tests, which basically are genes responsible for our bodies handling intracellular or mycobacterium such as map and certain strains of ecoli, like AIEC. It's very good that you are responding to the antibiotics so well but please not upon ceasing them symptoms may return, there's a doctor in the States called Williams Chamberlain, he does anti-map therapy which is a triple anti-biotic regime, there is a lot of literature out there supporting map as a cause of crohn's and a lot of people getting better on anti-map (higher remission rates than biologics).
I'm sorry but I don't know how to open a new topic. I am a grandma and not a person who has used pot more than a few times back in the 70s. I wanted to talk about high CBD/low THC strains for older people like myself who have not been regular pot users and might not tolerate the psycho-active effects of regular marajuana.

My doctor said a high CBD value, ingested orally, was a better treatment for my Crohn's, and since I don't like the psychoactive effects from THC I was happy to find a source for a 17% CBD 0% THC strain (Swiss Tsunami) that I brewed into a tincture and now take several half-droppers a day. It took a few weeks but I feel much less crampy and have a bit more energy than before I started taking this.

Could be coincidental, but I've noticed enough change I intend to keep up with this treatment. Fortunately, I live in a state (Oregon) that allows medical marijuana and I am able to use a grower to get enough medicine to cook up my own batches of tincture.

I don't care for the taste of the tincture, which is a fifth of 190 proof alcohol and 30+ grams of medicine, brewed in a magical machine. I have found it palatable when I add some lime zest and lime juice and water. I was told to use the tincture sublingually, but the high alcohol burns and I would rather ingest the medicine.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from others if they've tried making tinctures and how they've found ways to make them taste better. I'm not sure if using a lower alcohol agent (like vodka) would work or if you have to keep the alcohol level to 90% for the extraction.

Hello OldCrone,

To remove the taste of tinctures, you can infuse it into honey or agave. You can let it simmer in a pot for a couple of hours. Alternatively a coffee mug placed on one of those warmer, left overnight, will work just as well.

Once the transfer is done you can use the honey in tea or coffee, a smoothie, or you can apply it sublingually without having to deal with the burning effect of 94% alcohol.

I couldn't find empty dropper bottles so bought these in a natural supplement store and emptied them.


This is what my tincture looks like before the transfer into agave:
Hey Guys just wanted to update all of you following, the 10 days of Cipro and Flagyl and 7 days of canasta though there is no way the Canada helped I am actually in better shape then I EVER have been. After 7 days of the antibiotic combo I went from watery/sometime bloody stools 4-6 times a day to 1 time a day full no blood nor water - At this point my doctors are somewhat baffled apparently. From what I have been told by both my doctors, both GIs, my doc here in MI and my doc in NY, an antibiotic combination like that by itself should not be that effective on a Crohns patient. My doc in NY thinks it may be possible that he misdiagnosed me and that I may not even have the disease, I may have had some bacterial infection the whole time. HAS ANYONE HEARD OF THIS HAPPENING?
I have not found anything. I should also add both my doctors are confused as to how I could have started out with what they considered Crohns proctitis or as my doctor described “inflammation in my sigmoid colon to my rectum with extra intestinal manifestations I.E. Geographic tongue”. 2 years later have no inflammation nor scaring in that area of my colon but have inflammation on the complete opposite side at the ascending colon to the heptic flexure with no inflammation anywhere else. I would like to add I have never had surgery either also I am NOT gay STDS are out. Again HAS ANYONE ELSE HEARD OF THIS HAPPENING?

I want to ask because I am curious before everyone was diagnosed what was all of your diets like before your diagnosis and did certain foods cause you trouble before the diagnosis or did certain foods just start troubling you after the diagnosis. I only ask because for about ten years before my diagnosis I lived on a healthy diet of peanuts, popcorn, whiskey, taco bell, for example ate at the Nassau Ct TB day of outbreak laden food ate the menu item with Ecoli did not even get a stomach ache.
All the stuff that should mess us up or trigger a reaction and never had a problem. My first symptom was geographic tongue followed by the other intestinal issues some 5 weeks later. This is why I think my doctors maybe right about the misdiagnosis though I am not sure. I tend to think I got MAP but we will see when I get back to NY in a few weeks. Anyone else have similar experiences?

I want to close this out by saying that since starting MM in January of 14 I have not been this stable, and this normal. When I first started writing here using RSO by itself I thought I was symptom free, this was not necessarily the case based on how I am doing now. When I started the RSO for the first four months I had nothing but watery stools 3 times a day just no blood and had control but still no formation. I thought it was from an excess of fiber in my diet. Well after this with the cirpro and Flagyl I REALIZE how wrong I was. I am not trying to discount MM, I know it works the thing is though if you are not dosing right in terms of milligrams to body weight the effects will be either nonexistent or in my case early on only semi-beneficial. Some improvement is better than nothing. What I am trying to say is that since the antibiotics I have not been this good since before the symptoms started. Even the geographic tongue has gone mostly away though I think it is possible I may have some candida from the meds as there is no red patches but a little white patch in the middle of my tongue. I will give it a couple more days before I consider fluconazole.
Any input is always accepted and I just want to thank all of you for the support over the past several weeks when I was in hell. Sorry for making this super long but I want to really start documenting this stuff for future use possibly in a written study.
Hi joe

Yes I have heard that happening, a lot of people get drastically better on anti-biotics, what will be the true test and really what is the only way to see if you were mis diagnosed is to see if symptoms eventually return after you've ceased anti biotics. Though if you are having such good results, I would go onto anti-map therapy and not risk it, however it is your life and you know your body best.
Well I was thinking about going on Anti-map honestly though I would want to get tested for it first before I started taking something I may not necessarily need. I have been off the antibiotics for 8 days now and have not had any symptoms at this point at all I haven't stopped using the MM so I am sure that may be contributing at this point.
Well I was thinking about going on Anti-map honestly though I would want to get tested for it first before I started taking something I may not necessarily need. I have been off the antibiotics for 8 days now and have not had any symptoms at this point at all I haven't stopped using the MM so I am sure that may be contributing at this point.

The problem with testing for Map is that there is no reliable test available to the public yet, dr Herman Taylor and dr Naser are the only two people in the world that have developed accurate tests, (they're seperate tests independent of each other). I hope for your sake you remain well, if not then at least you know you respond well to antibiotics and anti map will likely be your Magic bullet, but yes it is a very hard decision to make as treatment is usually indefinite, or at minimum taken for 2 years.
I wouldn't get excited Joe. Cipro & Flagyl combination for some time is very effective for crohn's disease flare ups. Add this the RSO. It is normal your gastrointestinal health has become very good. I hope it lasts that way.
Holistic Joe....may I ask for an update on how you are doing....I am tempted to try Cipro and Flagyl.....Been on FECO for over two months, added VSL #3 DS to the regiment..I HAVE NEVER FELT WORSE
Hello guys :)

I'm seuxin, a 28 french guy with crohn dissease since my 17 years !

I only have two "crohn's fall" (is it the right word in english ? ) since my 17 years, so i'm a,"little case".

I'm on imuran since the beginning.

Acutally, imuran is less effective than on beginning.
My specialist would give me infliximab, but i'm a little affraid to take it...

I prefer to wait for the next treatements generations !

Maybe i would like to try marijuana as oil or vapor in order to stay in remission but i don't have a lot of knowledge ! "It's a new world for me lol "

I read many articles on Crohn and Majijuana and i'm a bit lost....
I know that it's a bad idea to smoke directly because of Carbon monoxide and THC.

So, have you a guid for the "newbies" like me ?

I juste want to add an add-on to my Imuran in order to stay in remission until new treatments in a few years.

What's the best : smoking with a vapo, or, using cbd oil ?

Thanks a lot and a lot for your hepl, i hope you could explain me the best options for cannabis for crohn ! :)

Best regards,

Since I have been asked and didn't see it before. I will give an update. UPDATE!
Since my ten day cipro/flagyl I have actually not been better. I also changed my RSOs up I get a CO2 extracted THC high oil its 1/2 gram at 500mgs so I have been taking between .08-.1 a gram per night so anywhere between 80-100 mgs. I also take a 50mg co2 extracted peanut butter cup everyday so in total I am taking between 130-150 mgs per day give or take some days I will take an additional 30 mgs-60 mgs if I know I am going to eat more than usual.

This being said I would like to take the time to state in the past month I have never been better oddly enough. This is the longest period of time going once a day non-watery in 3 years. I am currently of the belief that I may have been either misdiagnosed from the beginning or am dealing with MAP based or similar type of infection. I could very well be wrong but when in the last month I have done everything other than drink alcohol to see if I could have a reaction or at least watery/Diarrhea and nothing. Maybe I am jumping the gun here but we shall see. When I get back to NY in a couple of weeks I am going to my mothers Mt. Sinai Doctors for tests to confirm or dispel my suspicions.
Just want to add for the first time in three years my geographic tongue is also gone. Don't know what else to think.
I want to know, what everyone here thinks, GOOD, BAD, UGLY.
Even if you are fed up with hearing about me lay it all out there. I am a open book.
Barelyalive - I am sending you a private message- Lets chat, well see where your at.
Marijuana oil is more effective than vapeing. From our experiences here oil/tinctures work best. The mg dosage should be based on body weight I have figured that getting close to my body weight per day in mg doses seems to have the best effect as well. What part of France are you from? I recently read there are MAP clusters all through out parts of France, which is something you should consider looking into, if you haven't already.

I'm near "Reims" city.

So, my weight is 53kg (116,84lbs), so how amount do you think i should use ( it's just in order to add to my Imuran in order to stay in remission, i don't need a very high dosage).

Have you any special oil to advice ? Because there is a lot of CBD oil on Internet and i'm a bit lost...

Thanks a lot :)
Hemp oil or hempseed oil is legal in my country. Can hemp oil help Crohn's disease? Hemp oil has high CBD with minimal to no THC
I would like to have informations about vapoting.
Which product is needed ? ( i speek about the CBD, not the vapo' ).

Can you give me advice for the product?(53 kgs, and just in order to maintain rémission).

What is the average price for one month vapoting please ?

Thanks a lot :)
The THC has a much better synergistic effect. Though all the Cannabinoids have an effect when operating in the human body. This being said I have not responded to your inquiries as I have been looking for the scientific journal I found that discussed MAP bacteria clusters in France. I thought it was in Reims but I could not find it. If I was you I would look into that to see if you could possibly be a candidate for Anti-Map therapy.

I am currently in the process of writing a blog/article/statement about why I think Cannabis would work in a MAP setting, in a nut shell its the cannabis ability to essentially boost the immune system to assist in immune controls of the bacteria. That should be ready by the end of the month.

I don't want to take THC, just CBD. But i don't know which CBD smoking...and the amount...In addition, i would like to have an idea for an average price.

I tooked about Anti map thérapy to differents specialists in France : No one eard about it !

No one !

That's why i would like to try cbd in a vapo
My Doctors here in the US have been all the same way they have never heard of ANTI-Map therapy yet it is having interesting effects on people on it. I would attempt to find those in France that know about it, even if it means traveling a bit. I firmly believe I am MAP positive as my reaction to antibiotics always assist in inducing remission. I do not know if you have had similar results.

In terms of taking oil if you don't want THC, CBD I do not think is strong enough to induce remission on its own. Not by itself at least, if you wanted to use it as a supplement to maintain remission I would be inclined to think that this could work. However if you are active as said before I do not think CBD can work alone. This being said I do not want to discourage you and would say try CBD oil as an oil or tincture and eat it, do not smoke it as Smoking is no where near as effective as eating it. Think of it this way when you eat it it is like direct injection to your intestines where smoking has to go through lungs then blood then finally intestines obviously by the time it gets to your intestines it is heavily diminished. This is why eating it is much better. I would also suggest if you are looking for alternatives looking into Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal Antiviral By Stephen Harrods Burher those books have been incredibly informative to me in the last couple of weeks. Even if you do not prescribe to the MAP causes Crohns theory (even though I think it does one way or another) the herbs listed in those books have synergistic and anti-inflammatory effects which could assist with diminishing the symptoms especially when taken in unison.
OK, thanks for the answer.

I'm actually on remission and i'm on imuran. I just want to add CBD for help Imuran.

So, if the vapo is not the best way, can the use of spray on the tongue do the job ? So, what do you mean by "eating" ?

For the THC, the problem is the psychedelics effects, can be dangerous with time :(

Edit : For the MAP, i'm waiting for the Anti-MAP Vaccine :)
Hi all,
Just signed up to the forum and wanting to hear about and learn more about cannabis use and experience for Crohn's.
Just signed up and on the beginning of a quest to find healing advice and support. Have heard a lot of hopeful bits of information about cannabis for Crohn's and am hopeful to learn more now!
Just signed up and on the beginning of a quest to find healing advice and support. Have heard a lot of hopeful bits of information about cannabis for Crohn's and am hopeful to learn more now!

It's not a miracle drug. I used it and only it as my medication for 3 years and all it does it slow down the disease progression. Diet needs to be perfect, stress levels need to be low, breathing needs to be deep and consistent.

Just started to take pentasa now that I understand how to best manage the disease. Combined with kratom I think these three will be a winning combination.

-How did you use marijuana please ? can you detail ?

I could explain you how optimize it ! Marijuana can be very powerfull for crohn if good used !
Voth says marijuana has serious toxic and long-term effects, and causes domestic and spousal violence.

Best part of this article is this statement. I dont know about any of you but when I use marijuana I tend to be completely opposite of violent as a matter of fact I don't know anyone who gets violent from Cannabis but you know reefer madness still has some people stuck. Stay safe people!!!
Also just want to add it doesn't stop progression so to speak it boosts immune function thereby allowing which ever bacteria that causes crohns symptoms to be put back into immune controls. The reason why ASAs work is because they stop your immune system from responding to the bacteria so in the short term you are a-ok however depending on the progression and incubation of the bacteria symptoms will eventually return as the bacteria stakes a foothold in your intestinal track and expands from its original point of infection. This is why I believe as years progress the ASAs typically work less and less as does the steroids and then the remicade and cyclosporine.

Since we still generally refuse to acknowledge that this disease is of infectious origin we will still treat it as a disease of "unknown origin" where the body stages a mutiny against itself. From a purely logical perspective it makes no sense that suddenly your body would start acting like that unless of course something started it. In the future we will learn this definitively that this disease is infectious. As we did with leprosy, All STDS, and most recently (relatively) Lyme disease and peptic ulcer syndrome all of which have been proven after years, in the case of leprosy centuries, that are bacterias we did not know about or did not think to look into. Tuberculosis use to be called consumption because its progression consumed you until you died. We thought this was of unknown origin at points in history as well. All I am trying to say is that we need to keep this going and take it all as a totality of the circumstances I.E. GENETICS coupled with infectious bacteria.
Again I CLOSE this with what I always say

Questions, comments, concerns, I want it all even the colorful verbs telling me off. I want the conversation not the silence.
Well that's one article I have not read till this point regardless it doesn't disagree with what I am saying. Generally so as most antibiotics have an anti-inflammatory effect this anti-inflammatory has antimicrobial effects. Interesting... Keep it coming if the guys with the degrees refuse to put it together lets show them what we find...
Coltyn just past his 13 month in remission milestone mark all from cannabis. We have just discovered in all the patients that we follow that takes the same oil as Coltyn now, when they tried another type of oil they got sick, and we've deducted that its from the Chlorophyll in the oil. Coltyn's oil is made from a bubble hash and then diluted with safflower oil so its a really pretty golden oil. Has any one else found the tar oils make them sick?
Also.... You NEED THC to gain remission with cannabis... Coltyn is 15 and he doesn't get high from the THC but he has to have it!! We learned that the hard way! Do not be afraid of THC you need it to truly find homeostasis.
Yes, I noticed that, if I kiefed the flowers too much to make the caps, that they would cause stomach upset. You can either lightly shake the flowers or you can freeze the isopropyl alcohol and flowers and do a quick wash which returns a much more golden oil. It only returns about 10-15% in oil weight but makes for a much cleaner oil. I have been using THC since I was 12 for my IBS and had I had hi CBD access my whole life would've been different. The hi THC excacerbated the anxiety, manic depression and schizophrenia, ADHD, ocd, etc. which are things I am genetically predisposed to. THC is perfect for some people but CBD, CBG and CBN also help tremendously with side effects that could cause problems with certain conditions. I've found that about 2 to 1 THC to CBD works best for me. CBN is better at nite.
Hello, I live in France so i can only buy CBD oil...I take since 10 days 20mg cbd/day (oil).
No changes for now...I'm waiting a cbd e-liquid for using in addition...

I relly would like to try THC oil but i don't know where buying it...
Is there a possibility to buy this coltyn thc oil ?
yes... we are about to manufacture Coltyn's oil in bulk soon so there will be access to the same oil Coltyn takes in THC and CBD if you are in Colorado. But until the schedule gets lifted we can't ship. We are also working on an IBD study as soon as we can get NIDA to grow the right strains! Its kind of a mess.
Hi, I'm the mother of an 11-year old who was diagnosed at age 8. He's been on azathioprine, but his doc took him off it because it was affecting his liver too much. He is still on sulfasalazine. We started dietary changes 3 months ago and cannabis 2 months ago, both of which seem to be helping. We're waiting to see how his calprotectin comes back to determine whether his doc will recommend Remicade at this point, but his symptoms are certainly lessened.

I'm looking into refining his cannabis medicine. RSO was the first thing recommended (extracted with isopropyl), but I'm intending to switch to a CBD-rich CO2 oil, which we have experimented with a little. I would love to hear input from anyone who has hit on a strain or preparation that works exceptionally well. I'm inclined toward CO2-extracted Cannatonic (approx 1:1 THC:CBD). Other suggestions?
Cannatonic #4 and Perkins cannatonic is what I use for CBD. Both are >1% THC to appr. 16%CBD. Since I take it and want the antianxiety properties from it, it has to be decarbed to pass the blood brain barrier. Decarbing time is different for THC and CBD(maybe because of the higher boiling point for CBD) and takes 2x as long at 280f to decarb CBD. If my THC and CBD were in one strain I would be turning most of the THC to CBN(a sedative, the degradation product of THC) to get the CBD to decarb. I keep them seperate and take 2-4 CBD pills a day separate from my 1-3 THC pills and smoke before or after eating here and there with hi THC strains.
Not sure if you are getting what you want(antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, etc.) medicinally with or without decarbed oil. Non decarbed THC, I think has most of the medicinal properties in the acid form and doesn't pass the blood brain barrier that well so as to get the medicinal benefits without much of a high. So it all depends on what your looking for as there are sooo many ways to use it with different benefits each way. I am planning on crossing my Perkins
Thanks, Norby. Interesting idea decarbing your THC and CBD separately; I was aware they had different decarb temps but had never heard of anyone doing that.

I would love to know more about what Coltyn uses. Considering he's getting such great results, I'd like to learn how to make it myself. (I'm in OR, not CO)
yes... we are about to manufacture Coltyn's oil in bulk soon so there will be access to the same oil Coltyn takes in THC and CBD if you are in Colorado. But until the schedule gets lifted we can't ship. We are also working on an IBD study as soon as we can get NIDA to grow the right strains! Its kind of a mess.

Saddly....i live in France...
Got good news from the lab! Calprotectin is the lowest it's tested at since J's diagnosis, and this is on only sulfasalazine and cannabis. Hoping to get it down to cannabis only in the near future!
I would love to know more about what Coltyn uses. Considering he's getting such great results, I'd like to learn how to make it myself. (I'm in OR, not CO)[/QUOTE]

Hi J's Mom! Coltyn uses a blend of cannabis. I honestly don't believe one plant type is any better than the others, and with all the searching I've done there are 100's of strains that work. Cannatonic is what Coltyn started on when it finally started working. I really feel a higher CBD, around a 10-20:1 strain works well, but THC is very important! But the most interesting thing I've found is that what works best is a hash based oil, golden in color. Made like bubble hash and then diluted in organic oils, like olive or safflower. Almost any extraction artist can do it or you can even find the process on youtube!!! LOL! I've seen that the less chlorophyll there is left in the product, the better the results.
Thank you so much for the info! I've just started some Cannatonic plants because of their 1:1 balance, which I ultimately plan to extract myself (potentially with the help of a friend with a CO2 extractor) but I also got some high-CBD, low-THC oil from the dispensary so he can get the extra anti-inflammatory action during the day (I only give him THC in the evening).

I currently have J on about 7-10 mg THC/day, and I'm wondering if he needs that dose increased over time. I'd love to know how you've handled THC dose; I've been able to find very little guidance about that.
You do build up a tolerance to the high, I'm not so sure it's the same for medicinal properties. 100 years of cutting the population off from a way to take care of itself has it's downfalls. We are currently in the infancy of relearning and a lot of things, just like life, its about being aware of how you feel and knowing what you need. Animals still live, not by language but by instinct and trial and error. Terpenes have scent, we've lost touch with trusting our instincts and getting our medicine from the things around where we live. Animals still use their scent and trying things in their environment and memories to catalog how things make them feel and knowing when to use those things. We just know how to go to the dr. I started when I was 12 years old because of stomach issues. I heard my friends talking about this thing they tried and the effects they had. I asked because I knew I was anxious, depressed and had stomach problems(genetics and a ptsd dad). I asked if i could try it. I knew from then on all the studies i'd encounter were wrong and this helped my condition. My dad and grandfather died at age 45, my father had quad bypass at 37. I'm 45 and have not had to go to hospitals since I was a kid other than getting xanax. After i found CBD there is no more need for xanax. It only took 33 years because recreational is hi THC and hemp is illegal and you could never test anything to find content.

Cannatonic, if you are growing from seed, runs the scale of low THC and hi CBD to 50/50 to hi thc with low CBD. So unless you can test the finished product and clone from that one, you won't know what the ratio is always going from seed. If you bought a cut that was labled that ratio, it may change(jsut slightly not hi cbd to hi thc) depending on the way you grow it, the lights you choose and the environment in your room. I'd also get the finished product tested since I got, what was supposed to be cannatonic #4(14%CBD and less than 1% THC and the test came back 14% THC and less than 1%CBD. IHADSTART ed with my meds right away and took 3 weeks to get the tests. I mixed the caps from bought c4 and the ones I made and had taken overdecarbed THC(which made them hi CBN caps, thc's degradation product and a sedative) and CBD caps mixed. Some made me tired(relaxed but tired) and some worked well. I didn't quite notice till the tests came back. I was more OCD and a little more jittery but the depression didn't come back, nor the anxiety attacks. It was at this point I descovered I had cured my antibiotic syndrome which had caused a methylation cycle breakdown since I am het for the MTHFR mutation. I know too complicated but it's the story of me controlling my own health when given the chance. The reason I put it all together is that I craved salads as soon as I started taking CBD. candida overgrowth(antibiotic syndrome) has the well I think you guys know it changes your apatite to crave sugars to help itself colonize because that's what candida eat. The CBD killed off the candida and because my actual apatite came back I craved salads for the folate since I couldn't convert folic acid to folate, a useable form by the body. My instincts told me to eat the leafy greens that are the only thing that contain bioactive vit b9(folate). That salad tasted better than the best bowl of ice cream I ever had in my life, better than the sweetest candy better than anything I had ever tasted before that. Sorry for the long windedness.
Thank you so much for the info! I've just started some Cannatonic plants because of their 1:1 balance, which I ultimately plan to extract myself (potentially with the help of a friend with a CO2 extractor) but I also got some high-CBD, low-THC oil from the dispensary so he can get the extra anti-inflammatory action during the day (I only give him THC in the evening).

I currently have J on about 7-10 mg THC/day, and I'm wondering if he needs that dose increased over time. I'd love to know how you've handled THC dose; I've been able to find very little guidance about that.
J'sMom.... For Coltyn the THC really depends on the pain level of the day or if he feels like he needs a boost. You're about right on the THC. Hopefully you'll be able to cut that down once he gains remission. Coltyn is on a really high cbd for maintenance now. If he feels like hes going to flare we add the THC. I really think you have it under control! Remember its not only trail and error but our ECS's are all different too, so what works for Coltyn may not be the magic ratio for J. be patient, it takes time and diligence. You're on the right track! :)
I'm at the end of my rope with my child's GI specialist. Despite the fact that his labs are good and he's eating well, she is pushing hard for Remicade. She does not respect our choices and basically believes we are harming him by delaying Remicade treatment. She has not given me a concrete reason for this belief. The best understanding I got from her colleague was that they believe that early, aggressive treatment staves off future complications (such as cancer). This colleague also said that he had worked with patients who have used cannabis oil and that he believes it only masked the illness and did not induce mucosal healing. I said that I was also concerned about cancer and pointed out that Remicade is a known carcinogen, which he acknowledged. We basically come down on different sides of our cost/benefit analyses because we have different information, and my child's doc seems deaf to mine. Any suggestions? I'm down to flat out refusing her recommendation at this point.:sign0085:
I'd find a different doctor if you feel pushed. If that second dr. gives you the same rec without you telling them what the other dr said, either it's recommended(not neccessarily right) or they are both in the pocket of big pharma.

While it has been known for a long time that cannabis is a powerful anti-inflammatory, the discovery that it actually reintegrates the intestinal lining is a new one.

I didn't find the original paper but I'll look for it.
Anyone else have experience treating a flare locally by taking thc/cbd as "rectal suspension"?

I found out that for me the most effective treatment with inflammation flares is basically shooting the medicine up in the colon in liquid form.

I got the idea when struggling with heavy flare - smoking/vaporizing and eating didn't completely do it this time. I hade been fighting it two months when I came across Asacol as rectal suspension. Asacol didn't do much but the treatment inspired me to try the same with cannabis.

So I took the Asacol Rectal Suspension bottle and ditched the content, cleaned it and filled it with warm water and cannabis extracted in coconutoil.

Used it before bed time, after last stool. Calmed the bowel movement drastically so the nightly stools stopped and I got better sleep. Don't know exactly how speedy it healed the inflammation but when I took the tests after three weeks the inflammation was gone.
Thanks. Her explanation is basically that because J's BMI is 3rd%ile, he is malnourished as a result of his disease, so his low calprotectin and food intake are not swaying her Remicade recommendation. She believes it is the way to heal his bowel and that cannabis and the other natural approaches we are pursuing are unproven. She is still pushing hard, even though I told her we are pursuing more natural treatments under the supervision of other physicians.

Incidentally, he's gained a pound in the past 2 weeks.
Are you using coconut oil to mix in the capsule's? I may have had added benefits from the coconut oil I was using. Just found this.

5th% to 85th% is "normal". If he's doing well, I'm definitely not a dr., but that seems not too much off the "healthy" grade esp. for someone only on natural remedies and the other drug you mentioned and having crohn's that young.
I'm 18.7, the NIH BMI doesn't go to 130lbs. for someone 70" tall(below 19). It bottoms out at 132lbs. and my dr. thinks I'm healthy as an ox. So I think I have been in the 3-5% my whole life. And I eat well, I just don't gain weight.
I take my bioactive vitamins for my MTHFR and Mag, Pot, Vit c, Zinc, Etc. and my probiotics, some for the mutation, some to make sure I'm getting enough vitamins for reduced absorption. I take ashwaganda because it's supposedly a relaxant and heals the gut. But that's me, I've been 120-135lbs and 5'10" since I was 12 years old.
If you think he's healthy and you see progress I'd not compare him to all the other kids to make a decision. If the drs. well if I let them try to get me to a "normal" weight, it'd never work, my metabolism is too high. But I think a lot of drs. may try to put everyone in a chart or box that may not fit there.
Do some "healthy" kids fit into that category without being malnourished or is that a gold standard for the US? If his vitamin levels and bone density and such are ok, would that qualify as not malnourished? I'm not qualified but those are some of the questions I'd be asking.
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All good questions, Norby. My child's dad and I have both always been quite thin, I'd guess the 5th%ile or below, and we don't have IBD. I pointed this out to the doc, but it doesn't seem to make a difference to her. I think I just need to be done with her and move on to someone more open to other approaches before diving into IV immunosuppressants. Just because a dangerous drug is "proven" to stave off other problems doesn't make it the best choice.
Hello guy's,

I'm planning to grow up marijuana but i definitively don't know which variety used...
It's for make oil as caps and in order to vape too.

Please help me....which variety use ?

Thanks :)
Hello OldCrone,

To remove the taste of tinctures, you can infuse it into honey or agave. You can let it simmer in a pot for a couple of hours. Alternatively a coffee mug placed on one of those warmer, left overnight, will work just as well.

Once the transfer is done you can use the honey in tea or coffee, a smoothie, or you can apply it sublingually without having to deal with the burning effect of 94% alcohol.

Since you have a lot of experience with tinctures I'm wondering if you've ever tried using 40-45% alcohol instead of the high 94%? I'm guessing it would be less potent, less THC in it but maybe good enough?

What about vegetable glycerin tinctures?

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