Memory loss, fatigue and all else that goes with it

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 26, 2011
So, after being diagnosed with Crohn's for a couple of years, it's come to the breaking point. I'll try to describe in as much detail as possible.

Memory loss, or rather the lack of it is becoming unbearable. I am not sure however if this is a trait in Crohn's, or it's just me. I forget the most important details in my everyday life as a 17 year old. I'd have to do something, and it wouldn't even spring to my mind at any point. One example would be having to visit a certain location and I'd only remember once the day has finished. This happens on a daily basis, all the time.

I have a few questions, too. Does it ever happen to be completely random? (the fatigue, of course) so much so your joints feel flimsy, your legs become weak and the pain of breathing is hard, you can't even go to the bathroom as you're going to fall over. Your mind is spinning, and to an onlooker such as a family member, you seem fine.

Do people have problems believing you, to the extent of your illness? My family have stated several times they don't fully believe me on how bad it gets. I think to this day, it's one of the worst feelings I've had.

The shaking, the fatigue, the dizziness and flares are taking up my life, when in reality they shouldn't. Ask me any questions you like. I need to see whether I'm losing my mind.
My memory is terrible also, its a common complaint on this forum. Fatigue is too. I seem to be fine and then instantly I'm out of gas, strange.

Not uncommon at all to be misunderstood. Even by doctors let alone family.

Trust me everyone here knows exactly what you are talking about. Sorry you are suffering at such a young age. But you are in the right place here in this forum.

Good luck

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I have been having all of the symptoms that you described in your first post on this thread. Blood tests have shown that I am quite anemic (low iron), so I have been prescribed iron shots from my doctor.

Perhaps this is happening to you. Have you told the doctor how you are feeling? Have you had any recent blood work?

David, our site administrator, would also suggest that you get your B12 Vitamin levels checked if you are fatigued.

I can't help you with the hemorrhoid question.
Sadly you are far from alone. I started a thread some time ago: here. Lots of people seem to get it, yet the doctors don't seem to want to know or cant help.

As for people not believing how ill you are... yes, and it stinks.
Yes, a while ago the gastroenterologist told me I had little to no iron, and was prescribed iron tablets to deal with it. I had a blood test done not so long ago, and will get the results from both the MRI of my liver and the blood test, so I'll be updating this thread later on.

With the memory loss, I told the doctor about how I felt on them after half a year and said they were causing memory loss. However, now I think it was more to do with other things! It's a shame, too as they were working brilliantly on my large intestines.

As for Vitamin B12 Deficiency, I'll ask about this too. I've heard of it before but wasn't sure if I had it. I don't eat a lot of fruits of vegetables and I never have, so this could also be one of the factors.

Thanks for your posts, they're really helping me bit by bit piece this together. To Beth; I read your thread a couple of days ago, which is why I came to this site. It's on the top for google and turned out to be very helpful, thank you!