
Crohn's Disease Forum

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LOL and the hospital!! I work in Radiology at the local hospital and holy ****, there are some real weirdoes and dum basses that come in!

This woman was in here before and had this horrible cough and was NOT covering her mouth! I offered her a mask that she could put on if she felt like she could not cover her mouth. lol :) I'm in a mood today...

You know, you and I are close enough that they could drive between us, lol!
I thought remission was going to be great, but I haven't stopped having problems. Woke up Sunday morning with the right half of my face swollen. Can't find any sort of spot or bite which could be causing the swelling. The cheekbone hurts, it's not crazy bad unless I touch it.

I went to my GP and he had no idea what it was, he brought up Bell's Palsy (weird) but said I didn't show enough of the symptoms. He gave me a 12 day prednisone dose pack (hooray.) I'm not running a fever but I can't regulate my temperature, I either feel like I'm freezing, or I'm sweating buckets. I'm so tired of all this crap!!

If it gives any of you hope, there is this: my 9 year old son wants to be a scientist when he grows up. He is going to find the cure for Crohn's so I never have to hurt anymore. Our cure is coming, I've just got to get my boy through college first.
Hubby had a scrappy end to a great weekend......found out a very good friend of a good friend of ours (and an acquaintance of ours) committed suicide this weekend......very sad.....on top of a coworkers sons' suicide the weekend before......then hubby got in an argument with our friend ......hurts me to see him hurting.

Hope this crappy string of bad news ends soon!!!!!
I have to be careful to not internalize assinine criticism of me because a build-up of stressors can cause a flare-up. I believe that my body can no longer tolerate the emotional stress that it used to endure when I was younger and that this is an important factor in why I got Crohn's.
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I would like 1 day, or even half a day, where something doesn't hurt, or bleed, or go wrong.
I would even take an hour when I can sit down have a cup of coffee and read a few pages of a book in peace.
Its obviously too much to ask though
Hubby had a scrappy end to a great weekend......found out a very good friend of a good friend of ours (and an acquaintance of ours) committed suicide this weekend......very sad.....on top of a coworkers sons' suicide the weekend before......then hubby got in an argument with our friend ......hurts me to see him hurting.

Hope this crappy string of bad news ends soon!!!!!

So sorry Paso, that's so sad-sending healing thoughts and hugs your way!:hug:
I would like 1 day, or even half a day, where something doesn't hurt, or bleed, or go wrong.
I would even take an hour when I can sit down have a cup of coffee and read a few pages of a book in peace.
Its obviously too much to ask though

I've only have CD for about a year, but it has turned my life my life upside down. Everything has been stop and go, stop and go (pun intended:ysmile:), annoying as hell. Trying to get the proper medical help in a State that is wealthy but does not provide help for someone in my age and (potential) income bracket is impossible. I have heard myself say to various agency workers at least 5 times, "so what am I supposed to do, DIE?", and be met with stupefied, passive silence. Then I get into the socio-political rant which borderlines on psychotic misanthropy by saying things like, "well if I came here illegally from a foreign country and was pregnant I would be given help immediately. I have been a tax-paying citizen for decades.....etc." This only makes it worse because the worker now thinks that I have "issues" and that I need medication to calm down, never mind sulfa-based anti-inflammatories (but their conclusion might be technically correct in some ways because my CD is partially caused from tension, stress, frustration.) So, I've given up trying to get help from the State and am now 100% in charge on putting my disease into remission and keeping it there. My stress has lessened enormously, but there is always the subconscious concern that as a GI is not monitoring my illness that something could go wrong and it will be too late to fix it. :yrolleyes:
The prednisone has reduced the swelling in my face, I certainly wasn't ready to see what the inflammation was hiding. I have a quarter size *bulge?* inside my mouth, on the right side where my gum and cheek meet. It looks like a huge swollen area of cheek filled with pus. Disgusting! An abscess or something?

I am on two different antibiotics for the thing (and suffering violent, burning diarrhea because of it), but it doesn't appear to be getting smaller. It looks like it might try to burst anytime today, I'm starving on pred right now but scared to eat for fear I'll scrape the thing and my mouth will fill up with pus.

If this thing does pop, am I at any great risk? Obviously, the thought of it popping and oozing in my mouth makes me want to vomit, but could it be dangerous?

I also have some weird spots, they are the size of mosquito bites but they aren't bug bites. They are red, itch like crazy when I accidentally scratch or brush them. All of the spots are at the waist or lower. Only two are near each other, the rest are random, separated by inches at least and in no type of pattern. I'm hoping this isn't some sort of crazy reaction to the Remicade, although I kind of doubt it.

In remission and I still can't catch a break!
Sarah, I was going to ask if you thought it could possibly be an abcessed tooth, is that what it is? Sorry it's giving you fits. Gosh, although I am not sure it would be harmful to your body, I'm like you, think it would be pretty gross to swallow it.
Could the bumps be chigger bites? When I get those, they are usually waist or lower. And they love going in at waistbands, sock lines, etc.
i want to punch this stupid crohns in the face hard, and jump on its stupid nasty head!!!!! aghhhh!!! vent vent

its just not fair. and i feel like i have so much complaining to do all the time and people around me are going to get sick of it. i can almost hear them saying (in their heads) 'get over it now' 'your op was 10 wks ago' ' stop being a drama queen'
this has completely changed my sense of self. im so surprised at how long its taking me to feel normal, and part of me knows i'll never feel the same again. i hope the people around me can stick around and get used to the different me. i'm not sure if it was the other way round i would stick around.

just needed to put that vent somewhere, didnt want to make a new post but had to write down how freaking p off i am now. alright already, go away stupid disease and leave me alone. im not playing anymore! agggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

no response required
I know you said no response but I just wanted to send you some support and empathy!

LOL and the hospital!! I work in Radiology at the local hospital and holy ****, there are some real weirdoes and dum basses that come in!

This woman was in here before and had this horrible cough and was NOT covering her mouth! I offered her a mask that she could put on if she felt like she could not cover her mouth. lol :) I'm in a mood today...

I was a transportation aide for Radiology for a few years back in 91-93 lol
I'm with you Mia-Remicade quit on me, dropped me like a bad habit. Every day I get to enjoy new and disgusting symptoms I haven't had in awhile. I wish it would get lost already but so far, it keeps hanging on.

Who wants to join my pity party? I have chocolate...
Ooohhh chocolate!!!!!!!

My vent - the spot on my ankle where I had the blisters now looks like a not so lovey scar!!!!!
CLynn ~ That's what my husband asked me, but no it wasn't actually in the gum. My teeth didn't hurt. It looked to be more situated in my sinus cavity but my sinuses didn't hurt. Weird.

Anyhoo, the stupid thing popped this afternoon. Well, nothing quite so violent, thank heavens. It got tight like - God! So sorry!! - like a pimple and got a tiny white head on it. It started leaking pus and blood slowly. I won't go into any more detail, other than it was disgusting and I'm glad no one had to witness it. I'm on antibiotics for the next 10 days so I'm not worried. My mom thinks it was a cyst. Quite possible, I don't really care as long as it doesn't present any more problems and there are no repeats!!

Spots are definitely not bites, cannot find a bite mark or "hole". They look like hives. :(

Mountaingem, I'm there. I just came home from the store with everything on my list plus a Hershey's bar (for tonight) and the fixings for a cheescake (for tomorrow night when hubby is working).

Yes, I'm on prednisone again. :rof:
i want to punch this stupid crohns in the face hard, and jump on its stupid nasty head!!!!! aghhhh!!! vent vent

its just not fair. and i feel like i have so much complaining to do all the time and people around me are going to get sick of it. i can almost hear them saying (in their heads) 'get over it now' 'your op was 10 wks ago' ' stop being a drama queen'
this has completely changed my sense of self. im so surprised at how long its taking me to feel normal, and part of me knows i'll never feel the same again. i hope the people around me can stick around and get used to the different me. i'm not sure if it was the other way round i would stick around.

just needed to put that vent somewhere, didnt want to make a new post but had to write down how freaking p off i am now. alright already, go away stupid disease and leave me alone. im not playing anymore! agggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

no response required

thanks everyone!

chocolate sounds amazing mountaingem (strolls downstairs and eats 4 chocolate biscuits haha) :thumleft:

well i went into work today and they told me to go off, need more time to recover after surgery and i need to take time to heal. it was lovely to hear. been feeling really guilty about not being ready to go back to work, think i might start a poll on here to find out how long it took people to go back after bowel resection (although i have no idea how!). i kept reading posts by people who were back after 3-6 weeks and it made me feel like i should be better than i am...
its just hard to know if i feel **** cos i havent recovered yet or if its is because i've been told i have this crappy disease and will have it forever and that its highly likely i will have to go through the horrendous hospital experience many more times in the future.

honestly ladies and men its great to have a space here to be absolutely pessimistic, crabby and selfish..because in real life its herd to be that way!
My first mini vent- I can't stand being on an ensure diet!! It is so much harder than you would actually think because you eat when your bored but if you can't eat then your bored. Just one more week and I can eat again! I would seriously rather break my leg than do this diet :( end of mini vent, that feels much better :)
:dance:Everyone is welcome @ my pity party Trev! No invite necessary-all you need is to be fed up with something/someone and you're in!
Count me in!

I am fed up and then some of this sodding nausea. It just wont go away!!
And it doesn't help when people say to me just eat something. Really!?!
I feel like i am going to be sick when I breathe through my mouth and you want me to eat something?!

hi Shazz i have found chewing gum stops my nausea instantly, maybe worth a try.

Thanks for this info in case I get nausea. I understand that chewing gum in general is very good for digestion because of the saliva enzyme activation it produces. I do chew gum often, primarily peppermint/spearmint, as these oils have a cooling effect on inflammation. However, its a double-edged sword because I prefer sugarless gum and that means having to digest artificial sweeter like aspartame, which is deadly acidic and toxic. Sugar is also acidic, but also fattening, so I take my chances with the artificial sweetener.:hug:
:ymad: another reason to vent

bridesmaid dresses came in obviously much smaller than they should have been so 3 of 4 bridesmaids cant fit them !!
Ugh....left leg /knee has been achy since at least yesterday ...... popped some tylenol PM.....hoping to get some good sleep.....oh - and I had a leg cramp in the same calf this morning!!!!
Ugh....left leg /knee has been achy since at least yesterday ...... popped some tylenol PM.....hoping to get some good sleep.....oh - and I had a leg cramp in the same calf this morning!!!!

Yep, I sometimes have gotten very strange leg cramps over the past year, or so, the kind that are excruciating and can only be relieved by forcing myself to walk. I do have knee joints problems, also, but I am hoping to resolve this by losing more unwanted weight. The issue for me is that I cannot take any kind of pain-reliever, including Tylenol, without expecting some negative digestive consequence, so I use different kinds of natural anti-inflammatory oils and that seems to help. Thanks! :rosette1:
Ugh....left leg /knee has been achy since at least yesterday ...... popped some tylenol PM.....hoping to get some good sleep.....oh - and I had a leg cramp in the same calf this morning!!!!

I used to get them quite frequently in the arch of my foot when I was first diagnosed..not sure i it was because of the disease or a prednisone side effect.

Weny to a town an hour and a bit away to tour around and have some lunch and ended up forgetting our 13 month old's cooler at the restaurant that had his snacks and milk in it
Oh yeah - I also want to vent on people who squat in pictures and snap myspace angle shots in the bathroom. That is all.

obvious breasts shots? duck faces? i hate facebook.

My head hurts. I'm thinking too much. I haven't talked to anyone in 4 weeks. I work too much. I hate my life. I'm a whiny 12 year old girl, but don't really care. blahhhh
Grrrrrr stupid Crohns ruining my wedding dress shopping. Had a two hour appt with loads of gorgeous dresses to try on, but no, my stomach decides to start cramping, making me feel really faint and nauseous - tried sitting down and drinking water to help it pass, which worked for all of two minutes and then the colour starts draining from me again making me look a lovely yellowey grey colour.....nice.......and it wasn't cos I'd caught a glimpse of the price tags......honest! :ybiggrin: :ybiggrin:
Grrrrrr stupid Crohns ruining my wedding dress shopping. Had a two hour appt with loads of gorgeous dresses to try on, but no, my stomach decides to start cramping, making me feel really faint and nauseous - tried sitting down and drinking water to help it pass, which worked for all of two minutes and then the colour starts draining from me again making me look a lovely yellowey grey colour.....nice.......and it wasn't cos I'd caught a glimpse of the price tags......honest! :ybiggrin: :ybiggrin:

So sorry for your having to deal with the CD symptoms at a time like this. I know how annoying and disconcerting this can be. Hope you feel better and try not to let this nasty ailment ruin your happy upcoming occasion:congratualtions:!
dear jalapeno cheddar bagel, Why did you call to me? Why did you have to be so tasty??? pain... I miss spicy food... *sighs*
I'd like to ask why a 55 year old woman gets to do everything that her 25 year old daughter can't. Like working, dating, social life. And it's actually her second shot at it while I haven't even had one :( Lived in a rural area with no car until the age of 18, then we moved back to town, 9 months later I got sick and 3 years later sicker. So 9 months of a normal active life for my age, 3where I could do a bit and then nothing since 2009.

She got to have a fun-filled youth and is now on her second round of life.
Why am I the one sitting in every night and she isn't? I'm lucky if I can get out of the house twice a week to do errands.

I'm not trying to suggest she can't have a life at her age, but why does she get one when I don't- it should be the other way round really or a life for both of us. Not someone who has already had a go you know while her daughter gets nothing- and i'm not one of those people who is married, working, car, own house who says they have nothing- I really do actually have nothing.

I'm the only one of my friends who lives at home still, one of the few who is still single, everyone is coupled-up, has kids and i've had 3 girlfriends get married this summer- nothing to reinforce my own pitiful situation like going alone to a weddding! My friends work and get to get all the things that go along with a wage, car, holidays etc- even Mum is off to Spain in 2 months!

Meanwhile I am in a state of semi-panic because my welfare is being reviewed, I will be failed, which means my monthly income dropping a considerable sum- £440 to £270 while I wait for an appeal to be heard, which will take 1-2 years.

And of course I still am undiagnosed and have no clue if that will ever change, so I still don't know what the hell is wrong with me/causing this pain etc etc. Even the back-up plan of long-term steroid treatment without a dx is off the table since a course of Pred failed miserably- not had pre&post trial blood results yet (inflammation markers) but from the lack of improvement in symptoms it was a big fat failure which has left me big and fat!

I have no hope for the future and nothing to indicate that will change anytime soon :(

I would appreciate some hugs :ghug: because I am in a terrible situation, and i'm not looking for "oh, it'll happen one day/ you'll meet someone some day" comments because honestly at 25 i've had my fill of those- and it's always said by someone smugly who is in a relationship. Even my 18 yo cousin had the cheek to post on fb that "you shouldn't get a boyfriend for the sake of it, wait for the right person and it's so worth it". Of course she is loved-up right now and as usual when a sad single couples up they immediately forget the pain of being lonely they felt before- I can tell you if someone said that to her while she was single she would have slapped them!

A bit longer than a mini-vent but I really needed to get it out. I seriously don't think I can carry on much longer in this physical and mental state :( No good getting anti-depressants because a) my depression has a cause, fix the cause remove the depression rather than alter the chemical balance in my body and b) was tried on them for gut problems and did nothing for that neither my depression.

I'm pretty sure the Dr in London is going to be a dead end and as yet i've no idea what the next attempts are going to be. Probably another referal outside my local Hospital because they really have tried all they can for me. And of course that means more waiting,more pain and more time passed where I don't have a life but get to watch everyone around me having one.
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:ghug: to you StarGirrrrl! I am a bit older than your Mom and yes, I have had a full life, one without having to deal with CD. Until about a year ago, that is, when I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I can tell you that now, for a variety of reasons, CD not being the least of them, you and me are in about the same spot, in life. Scary stuff. Not that misery loves company, but maybe we have to accept that this disease doesn't give a damn about who it affects. I do live a productive life, but can't depend on the medical establishment here for help, so I am on my own to fight this disease, which is frightening, stressful and lonely. I am glad that I'm bright enough to be able to research, gather information, network and do my own trial and error experiments. I am reluctant to get into close personal relationships because of the all the special problems this disease causes. My friends sometimes forget how ill I really am because for the most part I am usually able to hold this disease at bay, using my own methods. For NOW, that is. I have no idea what will ultimately happen. I have no family to speak of, but I know that if my Mom and my Aunts were still around they would be very supportive of me. However, I really do feel a special compassion for young people like yourself who cannot live a normal young life. For now, all I can say is that I am glad that you joined this site and that you are using the available help and support that we can give you. :hug:
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I seriously need to vent today. I work full-time and have done so for nearly 10 years now, including working the entire time I've been ill. My husband is an artist/animator and work is very sporadic for him, so basically I've been paying the bills and supporting him while he works towards his dream of getting a "real" job in his field. So far in the 10 years we've been married, he's been working freelance and/or part-time jobs for 9 of those years while trying to find more secure work, but it's been elusive. Last year we had a huge fight about this and I said I'm sick of being the one who has to work while he basically plays/doesn't work. He promised he would get a full-time job so that I could relax more and not have all the pressure on me to work and pay our bills.

He tried but still couldn't find full-time work in his field. He did manage to find 2 part-time jobs though so at least he was making some money (still not enough for the pressure to be off of me though). But last month, one of his workplaces downsized and he got laid off from one of his part-time jobs. That hurt us financially but we were still scraping by okay. Yesterday, I found out that hubby is probably going to get fired today from his other part-time job, and this time it's not downsizing, it's totally hubby's fault. This job was teaching art classes, and yes they did change his teaching schedule a lot, but they did tell him about a new class he was supposed to teach and he totally forgot about it so didn't show up, which means they can and probably will fire him.

I'm livind with him for getting fired, and upset and stressed and just don't know what to do! Once again all the pressure is on me, I need to work and be the responsible one so that he can sit around the house all day and play pretend that he's an artist. I'm just so sick of this! Trying hard not to cry at my desk while I type this. I don't want to leave him, but I do find myself having thoughts such as, "if I left I would actually be better off financially because I'd only have to feed myself, cover myself on my employer's insurance, and I wouldn't have hubby's student loan to pay..." Cripes. I'm just depressed and not feeling supported at home, everything's on my shoulders. I just needed to get that out there. I don't know what to do.
Oh, Cat.....hugs, hon. Wow, I know what you mean. I can't tell you how many times I've felt like the only one worrying about how it all gets paid, etc. Sucks feeling like the only adult in the house.
Thank you CLynn. As with pretty much everything on this forum, I'm glad someone else can relate and that I'm not alone, but it really sucks that you've been there & done that too. Big hugs to you. Maybe we should both just up and leave and be roommates together, ha ha. Our bills would be SO paid! :p

Seriously though, the really sad part about this hubby/job situation? We don't have kids, and hubby really wants kids. I have always been on the fence and would be just fine without kids. But I also have been thinking lately, one kid might be okay (I'm 32 so the clock is starting to tick, ha ha). After our big fight about this stuff last year, I did a lot of thinking and made a compromise-deal to hubby that we could have one kid IF and only if he found a good steady full-time job with benefits. I know that I'd be more likely to flare and might not be able to work if I had a baby, so I would really need him to have a secure good job before I even thought about getting knocked up, so that I wouldn't have to worry about money and insurance and stuff. This was all made very crystal clear to hubby, you get a job and I'll have a kid. A year later and we're right back where we were, no job and no kid. And like I said, I'll be perfectly fine if I never end up having kids, but I know that hubby will be resentful and regretful. So you would think that'd be enough to light a fire under his butt and get him searching high and low every day for a job, right? Apparently not.

Something silly though, every morning when I am on my morning break at work, I read my horoscope from the newspaper. I don't believe in that stuff but it's a bit of silly fun. Today's horoscope said something to the effect of, "You get bad news today and will have to find a way to do more with less money." Eek! How eerily accurate!
Oh my gosh! That was freakily accurate today, hmm? Yes, I know just what you mean. We got married at 27 and I was pregnant by the time we got back from our honeymoon with our daughter (she turned 18 last month), I was trying to time it out of my flare, and just jumped right in with both feet. He's always worked, but spends too, where as I am the penny pincher, non spender, robbing Peter to pay Paul, etc. Had our son 7 years later when we were 35, just under the wire. I was laid off for a year and a half, but we had a cushion from selling Mom's house, and a bit of unemployment. I got back to work, and within 4 months HE got laid off for 9 months. Didn't really look for work till the severance ran out, so goofy. I nearly had a nervous breakdown, we went 2 months without his income, and he makes twice what I do. Wondered about foreclosure, etc. Was sooooo scary.
Now me, I can (and did in my single days) live on 5 bucks a week after I pay what bills need to be paid.
I got married young, I was 22 and he was 25. We started dating when I was 19. And back then I thought that I had all the time in the world so there was no rush at all to have kids. And the older I got, the more I started to question whether I actually wanted kids or not. When this IBD hit me at age 30, kids were off the table altogether for a couple years. Now I'm in remission and coming around to the idea a bit more, but I don't want to create a life that I'm responsible for caring for, if I can't be financially responsible and stable, you know? I'm only lukewarm on the idea of having a kid, so I'm sure not going to have one if I can only see it as more financial strain rather than as a blessing. That's not fair to me, hubby, or the would-be child.

And I can so relate to what you said, I am a saver and hubby is a spender. If we get some unexpected money (like his paycheck from April), his instinct is to take a trip or buy a new TV - my instinct is to put it in the savings account and not touch it unless absolutely necessary. We usually end up splitting the difference, saving half and spending the other half (I am okay with spending money if it's on something sensible like groceries, car repairs, house repairs, etc). So as a result, we can't buy all the fun stuff he wants, and we don't have as much in our savings account as I'd like to have. Lose-lose? Or maybe I'm just too much of a pessimist.

Oh, and speaking of unemployment - hubby's other part-time job that he got laid off from last month? He applied for unemployment but his former place of work is actually contesting it - they're giving some weird flimsy excuse and now we have to fight them. If they keep resisting then it may actually go to court which is ridiculous. So we may just drop that because we cannot afford lawyers & court costs, so hubby may not even end up getting unemployment out of this whole thing. Just another straw on the camel's back. Sheesh.
Ugh poor Cat. I got married young-we were both 22-I totally get your position on kids and your instincts. Do what you gotta do to give yourself some peace of mind, and don't feel bad about it :)
Thank you so much CLynn and Mountaingem for listening to me whine today. It makes me feel a lot better knowing that you guys are listening and care. I feel better now than I did this morning. Still don't know quite what to do about everything but I'm in a better frame of mind at least. Thank you! You guys are the best. :)
What went through my mind while both of you ladies were talking about how you are the the only responsible "adults" in your marriages is that many people who have IBS/IBD are of the overly-responsible in nature type. So, we may be attracted to partners who want to be taken care of. We are often perfectionist and like to get things accomplished; personally, I am convinced of the mind-gut connection, as we tend to be obsessive worriers which sets off the environment (acid?) for digestive disorders. Just my insightful 2 cents!
Oh, agreed. I knew early on that I am a worrier. And have that need to do or fix whatever. I am the peacemaker, but with my siblings, have learned that some things just can't be fixed and it's toxic to me to even try to have some relationships.
My mini-vent...why is it it doesn't just rain it pours?.....took my truck in for repairs (oil leak)...had the garage check over the whole thing as I have some other issues with it, tie rod, oil dipstick and tube, 3 oil lines (2 were leaking) - possibly oil cooler if the lines don't come off and the thing breaks....what else...oh, still have an electrical issue, need new window motor for the passenger side.....THANKFULLY all those repairs should only run 600-800 bucks...yeah...ONLY....:ybatty:

Then, my husband called yesterday morning - our big kitty (on my FB profile) popped an ABCESS on her rear - thankfully she was near the back dcoor so my husband threw her outside before the yuk could get all over inside the house :puke_r:....took her to the vet - she might lose some skin above her tail (looks black/dead)...has a huge honking big hole on her butt with a little swelling left..and drainage but no pus thankfully.....:pale:

Anyway - that was another $100- which to me was pretty darned cheap for an emergency vet visit including antibiotics, rabies shot, and flea treatment.....

Poor kitty.....
What went through my mind while both of you ladies were talking about how you are the the only responsible "adults" in your marriages is that many people who have IBS/IBD are of the overly-responsible in nature type. So, we may be attracted to partners who want to be taken care of. We are often perfectionist and like to get things accomplished; personally, I am convinced of the mind-gut connection, as we tend to be obsessive worriers which sets off the environment (acid?) for digestive disorders. Just my insightful 2 cents!

Interesting theory. In my case, I started dating hubby when I was 19 and we got married at 22 - I didn't get ill with IBD until a couple weeks before I turned 30. So, I don't know if IBD had anything to do with who I chose as a husband. However, I am a HUGE worrier, I get that from my grandmother. She's got bad OCD and in addition to hoarding, she compulsively worries about everything. Once we went to a restaurant and she couldn't remember if she had turned the stove off at home, and she was so worried that we had to go back and check while she fretted the whole way about how her house was probably going to burn down if she did leave the stove on. I'm certainly not that bad, but I am a worrier definitely, and if my grandmother is any indication, the worrying seems to get worse with age. I'm the only one in my family with IBD though - my grandmother's father had UC but he died many years ago and I'm the only one currently living in my family with IBD, so even with the worrying, it apparently skipped my grandma & my dad until the genetics got to me. Anyway, I don't know what conclusions can be drawn from that, it's probably mostly coincidental.
Interesting theory. In my case, I started dating hubby when I was 19 and we got married at 22 - I didn't get ill with IBD until a couple weeks before I turned 30. So, I don't know if IBD had anything to do with who I chose as a husband. However, I am a HUGE worrier, I get that from my grandmother. She's got bad OCD and in addition to hoarding, she compulsively worries about everything. Once we went to a restaurant and she couldn't remember if she had turned the stove off at home, and she was so worried that we had to go back and check while she fretted the whole way about how her house was probably going to burn down if she did leave the stove on. I'm certainly not that bad, but I am a worrier definitely, and if my grandmother is any indication, the worrying seems to get worse with age. I'm the only one in my family with IBD though - my grandmother's father had UC but he died many years ago and I'm the only one currently living in my family with IBD, so even with the worrying, it apparently skipped my grandma & my dad until the genetics got to me. Anyway, I don't know what conclusions can be drawn from that, it's probably mostly coincidental.

:soledance:Thanks for your feedback. Perfectionism, compulsive worrying, over-analyzing, bad-type stress and pessimism are historically known to cause "ulcers", so that's a step in the direction of IBS/IBD. For some personality types, even good stress can cause an abundance of stomach acid. As far as compulsive personality types searching for a mate to take care of, this wouldn't be universal but I would imagine that "fixer" types subconsciously look for people to fix. On the other hand, a person might fit the compulsive type but isn't necessarily interested in taking care of anyone. There are far too many variables in the complexity of human nature to account for, to come to any final conclusions about this matter. But, when I notice patterns of similar character traits, I start to deduce. Part of my analytical nature! Guess I am still looking for answers from the body-mind-spirit perspective. For me, I have stopped trying to "fix" people, but it has been a hard-won freedom from this compulsion. In fact, when I got my first flare-up, there had been no one in my life that I felt responsible for, for a substantial amount of time; however, I was definitely obsessing on school-grades and trying out for law school, so I might have just transferred the compulsive behavior. I am trying to now keep a more balanced perspective and life-style. :ghug:
My mini-vent...why is it it doesn't just rain it pours?.....took my truck in for repairs (oil leak)...had the garage check over the whole thing as I have some other issues with it, tie rod, oil dipstick and tube, 3 oil lines (2 were leaking) - possibly oil cooler if the lines don't come off and the thing breaks....what else...oh, still have an electrical issue, need new window motor for the passenger side.....THANKFULLY all those repairs should only run 600-800 bucks...yeah...ONLY....:ybatty:

Then, my husband called yesterday morning - our big kitty (on my FB profile) popped an ABCESS on her rear - thankfully she was near the back dcoor so my husband threw her outside before the yuk could get all over inside the house :puke_r:....took her to the vet - she might lose some skin above her tail (looks black/dead)...has a huge honking big hole on her butt with a little swelling left..and drainage but no pus thankfully.....:pale:

Anyway - that was another $100- which to me was pretty darned cheap for an emergency vet visit including antibiotics, rabies shot, and flea treatment.....

Poor kitty.....

Our last prescription pickup was $2,200.00. and we have insurance.
@ paso-Oh poor kitty!

@DougUte-Oh my God! Can you enroll in a medication assistance program?

So sorry you both are having tough times. My financial problems from Crohn's has ruined our credit :(
Can I vent at myself?

First month of having a credit card and I went a little crazy. I can and will pay it all off this month but lessons have been learned- even though I am planning my next spends once statement gets issued (so it goes on next bill).


posted in its' own thread too - but I've had this annoying cough/dry feeling in throat for about a week now - and now the left side of my throat feels numb!...grr...hopefully only medication related - and I've stopped the med to see if this goes away.....supposed to go camping this weekend and don't want to keep everyone up with my hacking!! !
So this was a five day extra long weekend (2 vacation days tacked onto a holiday weekend). Ended up in the ER Saturday evening with "Gastroenteritis" and was admitted for 2 nights.....on the mend now
So this was a five day extra long weekend (2 vacation days tacked onto a holiday weekend). Ended up in the ER Saturday evening with "Gastroenteritis" and was admitted for 2 nights.....on the mend now

Oh that STINKS! Hope you are really on the mend and get ot have another (uneventful!) long weekend soon!
well...another 600-700 vehicle repair bill - compressor for the AC crapped out.....

AND - I'm getting not ONE< but TWO cold sores!!!!!
well...another 600-700 vehicle repair bill - compressor for the AC crapped out.....

AND - I'm getting not ONE< but TWO cold sores!!!!!

At least the vet bill was cheap..What year is the truck? Put 900 on mine this year for an ABS sensor ..but on the bright side it's 12 years old and paid for so I am squeezing all of the mileage out of it I can.

Back at home and feeling better, although still not 100% - fainting in the ER wait area and the Crohn's caused the ER doc to err on the side of caution and admit me. Fever spiked at 102 or 103 after I was admitted.

Next long weekend is the Labour Day weekend - taking 4 days vacation then to get a full week off - don't know if I'll manage to use up all of my 4 weeks this year or have to carry over some to next year
Truck is a 2003 GMC Sierra 2500HD....thankfully it is paid for and I haven't hd to put much into it until this past year.....

Our van is a 2005 Chrysler Town & Country - that has over 120k miles on it - double what the truck has!

Glad you are home...take it easy!
I am still experimenting with non-Rx alternative remedies and its frustrating. Since I have a mild case of CD, I still have the luxury of taking some risks, but it does get tiresome. I am now trying internal cleansing and colonics along with my regular daily naturopathic routine because I want to get to the point where I can eat foods which are currently still triggering flares. I don't really miss beef, so that's not a problem and junk foods, white flour and sugar I shouldn't be eating anyway, so I don't resent not having them. But, I still feel too restricted. I guess seeing how even Wheat and dark breads still cause inflammation, as well as rice, peanut butter and a few other foods, gets me ticked off. I am hoping that the internal cleansing, colonics, and healing internal remedies will do the trick.
So this was a five day extra long weekend (2 vacation days tacked onto a holiday weekend). Ended up in the ER Saturday evening with "Gastroenteritis" and was admitted for 2 nights.....on the mend now

Dropped my little guy of at the daycare this morning and mentioned that they should watch him close when changing diapers in case he develops gastro....then found out it kind of made the rounds at the daycare last week. He wasn't there Friday, but I figure now that is the connection to where I got it - I do the majority of the drop offs and pick ups.
This isn't Crohn's related, but my mini vent is recently I keep thinking about my ex. I don't know why, it's been over a year since we broke up, I have even dated another guy since him, and now he's just on my mind a lot.

I wish I could a) get over him, or b) meet someone even better!

Blaaahhhh men.
I've got a mini-vent!

Are my parents hiding something from me or is my doctor just that slow to get back to me? Really. I'm meant to go in for blood tests on Fridays now I'm on azathioprine, and my first one came back all clear (even though I spent all day in the hospital because I didn't feel so great). But now he's dropped off the face of the Earth? He'd give us phlebotomy request forms and we'd just take them down to the hospital on the date. Simple as!

But now it's been two weeks since my last blood test. I didn't know whether we were going to move to two-weekly, or what, since we only got a call from a different doctor to say everything looked fine when we left hospital. Dad called and had to leave a message, but that was like last week and we still haven't gotten a reply.

I'm just terrified I'm going to get pancreatitis or something and it'll somehow be ~my~ fault. :( I don't want to keep pestering my parents because they get seriously annoyed.
My mini vent today is that I'm getting ANOTHER cold. Second one this summer! I hate summer colds, they're so annoying. At least in the winter I can bundle up, eat hot soup, etc. I was in denial yesterday, my throat started hurting and my sinuses were funky but I kept telling myself, "It's just allergies!" But today I feel worse and have started coughing, so it's definitely a cold. Blah! No fair getting 2 summer colds in one season, I think that's a first for me. Stupid wonky immune system. :(
My mini vent today is that I'm getting ANOTHER cold. Second one this summer! I hate summer colds, they're so annoying. At least in the winter I can bundle up, eat hot soup, etc. I was in denial yesterday, my throat started hurting and my sinuses were funky but I kept telling myself, "It's just allergies!" But today I feel worse and have started coughing, so it's definitely a cold. Blah! No fair getting 2 summer colds in one season, I think that's a first for me. Stupid wonky immune system. :(


Are you on TNF blockers? or something that screws up immune systems even more than Crohns? Just wondering as I'm going to be screened for the study, and if I don't get in to it, then I am left with MTX and Humira. Which will be bad for my immune system.
Scaryman, nope, the only IBD med I'm on right now is Asacol (also on Nexium, Zantac, and Amitriptyline). Not on any meds that would outright screw with my immune system, it just seems that my immune system is not normal ever since I became ill with IBD. Sometimes I could be in a room of coughing sick people and be fine - other times I randomly get sick when I seemingly haven't been exposed to any germs - this is one of those times! Nobody else I know is sick, so where'd I get this cold from? No idea, which drives me nuts too. I like having somebody to blame! Ha ha. vent for today is...
1) I hate it when 2 people come up to my teller window and then proceed to speak to each other in another!
2) Do NOT come up to do your business and be on your cell phone!
My mini vent today is that I have just deactivated my facebook account (which I enjoy) because of this bloody Timeline. It's my own stubborness I know but why do other people like to force you to do things their way. I may not own the page but at least let me have some choice in how it looks. Oh well, hope I dont regret it :(
My mini vent today is that I have just deactivated my facebook account (which I enjoy) because of this bloody Timeline. It's my own stubborness I know but why do other people like to force you to do things their way. I may not own the page but at least let me have some choice in how it looks. Oh well, hope I dont regret it :(

LOL goldfish, you know I just did the same thing to my Facebook account 3 hours ago, because of similar reasons but mostly whats the point? Perspective employers will see that I have a FB account but not able to read it. But I just felt like its time to dump it.
Ha ha Glad I'm not alone Scaryman :) I will probably go back to it one day as I liked finding friends I had lost and totally know what you mean about "whats the point" but I kinda wanted to make a point with them. ah well we'll see. It might get me off this computer a bit if I dont have it... gotta be good health wise hasn't it?
It might not matter if I can work out the box I sealed myself in 21' years ago with SSI. Trying to reapply if the application can be processed quick. Long boring story but the perspective employer problem is out. Issues i have with social networks is the data mining, so what's the point? Even though I don't post sensitive stuff on FB. For crying out loud look at the stuff everyone (including me) posts on these forums. The point is this is more sensitive than what i post on fb.
I am still experimenting with non-Rx alternative remedies and its frustrating. Since I have a mild case of CD, I still have the luxury of taking some risks, but it does get tiresome. I am now trying internal cleansing and colonics along with my regular daily naturopathic routine because I want to get to the point where I can eat foods which are currently still triggering flares. I don't really miss beef, so that's not a problem and junk foods, white flour and sugar I shouldn't be eating anyway, so I don't resent not having them. But, I still feel too restricted. I guess seeing how even Wheat and dark breads still cause inflammation, as well as rice, peanut butter and a few other foods, gets me ticked off. I am hoping that the internal cleansing, colonics, and healing internal remedies will do the trick.

As an update I am doing much better with different foods since I began the colonics and internal cleansing. Inflammation is sometimes non-existent, and the bleeding (from hemorrhoids and/or colon) has stopped totally. And I also have had perfect elimination over the past three days, text-book, perfect.:ytongue: ( I should take photos and post them, LOL).
I wish genetic testing was as quick as shown in CSI. In reality I will be looking at 4-8 weeks for the Hospital to get the results back.

I am being seen at a specialist, one-of-a kind unit in London to try and dx my inflammatory problems. But they are starting with a blood draw to look for the genetic types of Amyloisosis which is their specialty. One because that is a rare disease my rheumy has managed to think of and can be tested for, and two I guess it's much easier for them to do that than booking me in for 2 days to have a barrage of tests to look for the non-genetic forms as a starting point.

So even though I go next week will be rather an anti-climax!
It might not matter if I can work out the box I sealed myself in 21' years ago with SSI. Trying to reapply if the application can be processed quick. Long boring story but the perspective employer problem is out. Issues i have with social networks is the data mining, so what's the point? Even though I don't post sensitive stuff on FB. For crying out loud look at the stuff everyone (including me) posts on these forums. The point is this is more sensitive than what i post on fb.

Actually isn't it mind blowing what some people DO post on there? It makes me wonder really.
Arg! This isn't terrible, but annoying for sure. So I work out in the gym 3x every week, and I use the gym in the basement of my workplace (it's free for employees to use). There's a TV with a DVD player down there. And today, for some strange reason, the DVD remote suddenly decided to break. So now I apparently can't watch DVDs in the gym until they get/find a new remote to replace it with (maintenance tried fixing it but couldn't) - and I always watch DVDs when I exercise! I have a DVD that I burned myself of my favorite singer in concert, it always gets me pumped up. Now I can't watch it for awhile! How frustrating! That's what I get for going to a free gym, ha ha. Oh well.
well I guess its my turn as I have been lucky for a while now but I seem to have begun a mini flair ( I say mini in the hope that that is all it will be). I nearly died the other day when I almost had an accident in the gym but was very lucky to have been in the changing rooms at the time and made it to the toilet. i had had an accident in their a few months ago and although it was nothing major I was mortified. The worst thing is that I have no idea its about to happen and then, Oh my God! Well I am sure you guys can all guess. So from there I'm afraid I have D again but only one day so far when I couldnt leave the house as I couldnt trust myself. The last few days I get the cramp warning so I get half a chance to get to the loo. Am back on anything gluten free and wheat free again but because I have been Crohns free all year I have kinda forgotten how I got back on track last time. I am going on a few days hols in 2 weeks and really want to be better for it. One of the worst things I find is the tiredness, i really really hate that. These are my summer hols, im supposed to be full of life before I go back to college.
My best friend celebrated 8 years with his girlfriend/now wife this year.

I celebrated 8 years of beig sick (and single).
I sometimes REALLY hate the general public/everyone around me. Friends literally told me back after my surgery that they don't really get why I OCCASIONALLY complain about my Crohn's-related issues and pain because I don't SEEM sick. Well, news flash. Every doctor I've seen in the past year and a half has told me that I have an incredibly high pain tolerance, so I can usually stick it out without complaining, but that doesn't mean that my days don't consistently suck! One of my friends was complaining to me all week about her stomach pain because she "knew I'd understand." Don't get me wrong... I do understand because that's my daily life. But last night she was really in pain and constantly texting me and I basically diagnosed her pain as probable appendicitis (using my vast, Crohn's-gleaned knowledge). Sure enough, that's what it was, and she's having surgery tonight. I feel bad for her, but it pisses me off how she and everyone have reacted to it. She keeps talking about how she's so scared to have the surgery. I HAD my appendix out in high school. It is NOT THAT BAD. It's a freaking laprascopic surgery. She's not going to have ugly scars or be in the hospital for weeks. Everyone's acting like she's on her damn death bed or something. But because I don't complain much or appear sick, everyone makes light of the fact that I was in the hospital for basically a month and almost went into septic shock. People need to be educated on this stupid ******** disease and realize that it's no just your average stomachache.
I hear you elizamt-I have a friend that had laproscopic surgery on her shoulder and my God you would have thought it was an aputation. Being sick and in constant pain makes it hard to deal with whiny people.

Just because we are in constant pain makes some people around us think we should be "used to it" by now, as if that's even possible. I too have a high pain tolerance and often look "fine"-because I try not to look too sick if possible, so I fix my hair, put on the war paint, etc.

Insensitivity is the real issue-and all of us face it with friends and loved ones. One of my sis-in-laws was griping about laproscopic knee surgery (from rock climbing, natch!) and it was all I could do not to roll my eyes. Then she says, "Oh, that's kinda what you have right?" Uh, no.

I just smiled and shook my head, when inside I was screaming at her to get the f away from me, lol. I did tell her I have AS and bone spurrs on my spine the size of my husband's fist, that shut her up. :devil:

The great thing about this forum is everyone I try to let it out on here rather than smack the person, not making any promises though.
ARGH!!! Husband is being an ass tonight.....I know he doesn't feel well but that isn't an excuse. We were texting earlier, and he told me he had an idea for cooking something...I respond 'k?'...minute later the text read 'answer the effin phone'.....I text back my cell never rang and to call my Moms as I just got there (pick up our daughter after school/my work).....guess it is MY FAULT that he tried calling HOME and I wasn't there to now he isn't talking to me. least he won't be home for another hour - he is driving home from the fire academy....
I hate prednisone. I've been off of it for well over a year and yet my face is still "fat". Went to see a plastic surgeon and its $7,000 to get it sucked out and tightened. I'm In my 20's and i'm not overweight!!! I wish i had never taken it. :y:cry:
Lola, I hear you - I was on Entocort for 7 months, and it's been well over a year since I've been off of it too. I had lost a bunch of weight when I was really ill, and being on Entocort allowed me to gain my weight back (and then some) but it all seemed to go to my tummy! I work out 3x per week now and I still have a flabby gut, yuck. Seems like steroids can have long-lasting effects on the body.

And that's not even my vent for today! My vent today is that I have ANOTHER cold! I'm not on immunosupressants, I'm only on Asacol. But this is the 3rd cold I've had since summer began. And whenever I get a cold, it seems like my guts get a little angry too. So I'm sniffling and coughing and cramping and nauseous. Yuck!
Yep, count me in the prednisone chubby club. I'm on Pentasa, Humira, Methotrexate and Prednisone and I'm still flaring-are you kidding me??????
Does anyone else have problems with office staff when calling for an appointment with their GP.?
My experience repeatedly is as follow
Me:I would like to make an appointment with Dr XX
Receptionist: Why---whats the problem?
Me: the GI would like follow up on some recent tests from a serious episode in the ER., and before starting new treatment for the crohn's.
Receptionist: The Doctor has no appointments available for three months-----
you can have an appointment with the nurse practitioner next week.,
Go to urgent care or emergency is another repeated advice.
Me: no the GI specified information needed from the doctor.I will let the GI know.
Receptionist checks with GP---he has an appointment next week for me!!!
This happens repeatedly and I don't deny a nurse practitioner has a place but not with serious complicated cases, they are not doctors.Except for emergency and urgent care this GP takes care of me all the time.
Talking with the GP she says they are dealing with the office staff and system now..
This has been going on for a year now.
It makes calling the office very stressful and presents a very poor image of an excellent
It will leave me no option but to find another GP which is next to impossible right now.
Another option would be to seek private care but I don't think that exists in Ontario.
It is bad enough coping with the ill health and all the crohn's problems without having to endure unsympathetic and obstructive office staff.
Trysha, my GP is really good about seeing me right away, but the hospital here is like how you described. If they feel that I'm really ill then they get me in immediately, but if not then there's always a several month wait! When I had my c-scope, I wasn't sure if I could afford it so I didn't book the appointment right away. They decided that because I didn't call right away to book it, that I must be "fine" and therefore I could wait 4 months to have the scope done. Fortunately they took pity on me when I called back in tears and explained I was suffering and just couldn't wait that long, and they got me in the following week. Still, though, that's pretty crappy and I feel for you. Are you able to talk to someone besides the receptionist? I find that receptionists are pretty uncaring and know nothing and don't have much power to change the schedule. If you can talk to a nurse instead, they often know more about what you're talking about and also have more power, so they have more ability to sympathize and to get you in quicker. I usually email my GI now instead of calling, because when I call I don't always get to talk to a nurse or my doc, but when I email it always gets responded to by a nurse or my GI. They don't let the receptionists do email I guess, not at my clinic at least. Anyway, I'm glad you got an appointment in spite of the receptionist being a pill!

My mini vent today is that I seem to have a pinched nerve in my neck! Arrrgh! It's just one thing after another lately. Some backstory, I have GERD and it's been steadily getting worse. I normally sleep on my left side, and lately I've been noticing that I have a sore throat in the mornings, but my throat only hurts on the left. So I figured it's probably from acid coming up my throat when I sleep, and it settles on the left side of my esophagus as that's the side that's lowest. So, last night I decided to try to sleep on my right side as an experiment to see if I woke up with a sore throat on the right. My throat really didn't hurt this morning, but as the day has progressed my neck & shoulders/upper back have hurt more and more and it feels like the time I had a pinched nerve. It's a sharper and more intense pain than just neck strain from sleeping funny, but sleeping on the opposite side is the only thing I did differently than normal so I'm thinking it must be related somehow! But anyway, my neck flipping hurts and is pretty stiff (it's not meningitis, I looked up the symptoms of that and I don't have dizziness nor fever nor confusion or any other symptoms). Oh, and my guts have apparently decided that anytime anything goes a bit off with my body, that they're going to get upset too. I had a cold last week and my guts got upset. My GERD went more haywire than usual and my guts got really upset. And now my neck hurts and my guts aren't happy with that either! I seriously cannot catch a break lately. So sick of this!
Hi Cat-a-Tonic,
Thank you for your concern.
I will see what the GP has to say tomorrow.
This is a critical time for me because the GI told me I will be having Remicade and the coordinator will be calling me. He said it is important to get the renal problems dealt with before the Remicade can be given.
I am not exactly thrilled with either of these two things and quite nervous regarding the remicade.
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time and hope things will soon ease up for you
Hugs and best wishes
Ok, I just need to vent a little here. I posted yesterday that my GI doc went out of the country on vacation and wont be back for a month. I am not diagnosed yet, but have been having issues on and off for little over a year now. I have not been feeling to good this past week( a lot of intetsinal pain and just feeling bad). Well I called to try and get in with one of the other GI's there. The nurse called me yesterday and said I should go to the ER. I explained to her that , NO, I cannot really afford to run to the ER. My deductible is $2,500 that I would have to pay, and I am certain the ER would likely be useless( do blood work, do an xray or CT scan and send me on my way with a HUGE bill!). She then tells me that I should see my regular primary care first and if they think I need to be seen, they can call their office and I would maybe get in to see one of the other GI's there.

OK, so my nurse at my regular primary care docs office calls and talks to this same GI nurse. My PC nurse tells the GI nurse that my doctor thinks I should be seen asap by one of their other GI's there since my GI is out for the month. Get this, the GI nurse goes and tells my Primary care nurse that she recommends I just go to the ER!!!! My pC care nurse then tells her that I do not need to go to the ER, that I just need to be seen by one of their GI docs there since mine is out of the country for the month. At this point my primary care nurse is getting annoyed with this GI nurse. My primary care nurse asked her how many GI docs do they have on staff. There are 19 of them. So my Primary nurse told the GI nurse "Dont tell me out of 19 doctors there on staff, not one of them can see my patient"! The GI nurse then tells my nurse, "Oh, well even if she did she one of the other GI's here, they could not order any testing for her".

OK, can someone please tell me if I am wrong here, but is this not the most insane, stupid and most unprofessional thing you have ever heard??? This is a top hospital here in Chicago. WTH! This is so very unprofessional. It is so ironic, I mean they are complaining here that too many people frequent the ER instead of going to the dr's office. Yet here they are telling me to go to the ER! This is absurd. I am beyond angry right now. My primary care nurse said she was going to wait until the GI's offcie closes and then she is going to call the GI doc on call and talk to that doctor and explain what is going on. Hopefully this will help. I swear I am so close to just never going back there, but it is a good hospital for the most part and I know if I went somewhere else, I would really likely have a long wait. I am so frustrated. I feel awful and just want to be seen and get the ball rolling so I can set up some tests already! Sorry for complaining, and thanks for listening.
We are going camping this weekend, leaving Friday afternoon....I managed to get the camper put down, most of the stuff packed up...then realized we still need to cover up the whiffletree (threaded rod for cranking up/down) again - never put the cover back on after trying to fix the crank system. Would have done it this evening before it got dark, but Little Kitty left a 'present' (aka half eaten bird!) right where I need to lay down!!! YUK!
Headed out of town for a conference today - over a five hour drive - discovered that I forgot the garment bag containing shirts and sport coat beyond the point of turning back
I just hate the feeling when you had your BM and see the toiletseat full of blood and it's dripping out of your bum. Like, "tip, tip, tip...". It's like someone has butchered in there. :eek:

And i inject Humira 80mg every two weeks. It doesn't seem to help anymore :(
I just hate the feeling when you had your BM and see the toiletseat full of blood and it's dripping out of your bum. Like, "tip, tip, tip...". It's like someone has butchered in there. :eek:

And i inject Humira 80mg every two weeks. It doesn't seem to help anymore :(

I feel your pain. I had the same problem a few years ago when i had a bad fissure that wouldn't heal. Luckily it healed and it didn't happen again for years my crohns is under control now and its started up again. I guess i better start eating my veggies:lol2:
Phoned the rheumatology nurse two weeks ago who assured me she would get me an appointment as soon as she could. Well haven't heard anything back from them so phoned them today as I haven't slept properly in a week because of the pain and guess what no record of a phone call. I nearly burst into tears on the phone I know it's not the receptionists fault as she didn't take the call but I was so annoyed luckily she was lovely and gave me the number to contact the nurses. I phoned and left a message asking them to get back to me as soon as possible but somehow I don't think it will be today :-(
i had surgery in april, at which point I was diagnosed to crohns, before then it meant nothing to me. i was glad to hear the result, they cut all the active stuff out, great! as it had been the cause of my vomiting and pain for 1-2 years.

now ITS BACK. i'm so angry and annoyed. I knew it would come back, i read everything that said it does come back in most people, most people need more surgery, etc etc. but i thought i'd have a bit of time :(

i saw my GI today and he prescribed prednislone. :( :( :(

im really p* off at this stupid condition. people areound me are trying to help but they can't take it away and it sucks. I feel like i've read every advice column and post about diet for crohns and still have no idea what i should be eating. Its poo. worse than poo.


vent not over.
You should google "Elaine Gottschall" and "SCD Diet A-Z". The SCD Diet works amazing for me (just don't cheat on it and it'll work miracles). It's a shame I discovered it as late as I did, but it is surely a blessing. I've had Crohns Disease since age 11 and am currently 25. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.