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:Flower:I know what you mean Cat and xJillx.
Hope you and hubby feel better soon.
That is one big downside to working with kids, the huge amount of germs they bring!!
I was feeling good today, not brilliant. Ok physically but good emotionally, and I even wrote a happy blog post! Then I started feeling worse and I have had to tell my friend I cant go to aqua aerobics with her. Thats the worst part, that I have had to cancel something! So now I'm just guna stay in all evening and not talk to anyone else coz I just wanna be on my own!
I work in a call centre (which I hate anyway) and I was so chuffed I managed to get through the whole week on a really positive note when the last caller on a Friday afternoon turned out to be the most obnoxious, patronising, condescending woman I've spoken to in a long time, she made me SO angry and I nearly started crying after she'd hung up on me.

Where do people get off ringing call centres and acting like completely a**holes???

You think it's MY fault, whatever the problem is? I'm just the monkey that answers the phone you idiot!

I have a job interview on Tuesday and if I got it I would dance round the office singing and if anyone rang me up and gave me sh*t I would just laugh because I WOULD BE LEAVING!!!

Rant over :(
So fortunately I didn't develop a cold, but hubby's cold got way worse and he can't talk at all today - his voice is barely a whisper, he's got laryngitis. His job at the portrait place requires a doctor's note if he calls in sick - fat chance of seeing his doctor on a Saturday! Did I mention he works there every Saturday & Sunday so not much chance of calling in sick any time he works! Also not much chance of calling in if he can't talk. So he went in to work anyway. I just got a call from his boss, saying the best she can do with no doctor's note is to send him home after a half day's worth of work. (Hubby's boss is nice, but she's got to answer to a very micro-managing corporate office and they're the ones who require a sick note.) But even so, he still has to work 4 hours with no voice, I have no idea how he's going to manage even that. Maybe tomorrow I'll send him to work with a notepad and a pen so that he can write everything down instead of even attempting to speak. Ugh!
Hannah, I used to work in a call center as well. Fortunately we had a rule, that if the caller was swearing or making threats or generally being rude, we were allowed to tell them that if they continued that way that we were going to hang up, and then of course we were allowed to hang up on them if it did continue. I *loved* being able to hand up on the awful people! If your call center doesn't have a rule like that, if I were you I'd just "accidentally" hang up! Oops, pushed the wrong button and hung up on him, how silly of me! ;)
I used to do customer service for an auto transport company, and I would do the same.

I once had a guy scream so loud and so hard I thought he was going to have a heart attack, he sounded like Mel Gibson when he was yelling at his girlfriend on the phone-all out of breath and crazy! Oops, accidentally hung up on him-it felt so good lol! No matter what they pay, it's never enough for what you get to deal with.
I also worked in a call center once upon a time. If someone was rude or swearing, we could ask them to stop, and if they didn't, we could transfer them to a supervisor. Since my supervisor was a witch with a "b", I enjoyed that very much.
I hate being stressed about money!!

We knew we weren't going to have a big Christmas this year. I've been in and out of the hospital over 6 times this year and had surgery, on top of both the kids getting pretty sick recently and having to be on meds and breathing treatments.

Now, on top of everything, I need clothes. I've been on pred for a few months, and I'm almost done tapering. I'm only on it for another 2 weeks. I was really underweight when I started taking it, and I've just recently started to put on some weight. So much so that I can't comfortably button any of my pants or jeans. I have been wearing my pj's constantly around the house. When I leave the house to go to the store or pick up my daughter from pre-k, I literally wear a shirt long and baggy enough to hide the fact that my pants are open!

I don't want to spend any money on new clothes right now, especially since I know I will get a few gift cards from in-laws and everyone will be having crazy sales after Christmas. It really wouldn't be much of an issue except that we just started getting cold here, it's not Canada or Minnesota, but it was 34 degrees when I walked the kids to the bus stop this morning. Too flippin cold for shorts!
We just built a house. A beautiful house. It's VERY well insulated and we heat with mostly pellet stove but we also have in-floor heating and our bedroom is freezing! We don't know why, can't figure it out. Grrr
@SarahAnne-Oooh I hate it when your wardrobe doesn't fit the pred taper-I'm going through the same thing, pj's and all lol. I have three wardrobes-the thin wardrobe, the regular one, and the flare one, ugh. Even down to shoes-my feet swell up on pred and my regular shoes are too small.

My vent is even though I'm glad I get to see my GI today, I am scared. What if he won't give me the medication I need? I am afraid to get the answers to some of my symptoms,too. I need a dose of strength.
Good luck, Jeannette. Hope you get the meds you need.....recently saw my GP and he wouldn't prescribe ativan even though I've been on it before. Wouldn't give a reason, just said no. Going to have to wait to see my GI, I guess. I don't take them everyday, but with everything else (and prednisone too) there are some days when I either take one or hide from my family for the day to avoid flipping out on everyone.
My not so mini vent. Today we had winds over near 100 miles per hour. Our neighborhood got major damage, but it appeared our home had been spared. Well, our house got hit by a small tornado! It tore off about 1/4 of the roof, and damaged much of the rest.

I guess after that I just sound like a baby telling everyone how yesterday late at night I got all bundled up in the freezing cold and walked all the way to the store so I could get my favorite kind only to find out they were sold out. Then on the way back I stepped it dog crap and got it all over my brand new white shoes!
So sorry Doug. Last year we had a bad hail storm and every house in our neighborhood needed new roofs, which was a boon for us because we were saving up for a new roof, and instead we got one courtesy of our insurance company, but it was such a pain to deal with contractors and such. They never show up when they say they will, don't follow up on your phone calls and emails. I hope you don't have that experience.
I just dont believe it ... all this week I have been doing low impact exercising and walking, trying to get into shape... Well a couple of hours ago I put a log in the fire and dang, I started to go up stairs with a mild twinge and took the dogs for a run on the 4 wheeler and when I got back I could barely walk, pulled a muscle in my back like I did in the summer time putting a ball on the tee whilst golfing and my husband had to help me off the mound...Felt like a fool, only this time NO one is around. Took relaxants but just covering the pain...:angry-banghead::angry-banghead:
Ugh! I'm doing my colonoscopy prep today and the ice pops I bought have chunks of fruit in them! So I can't "eat" them today. It is bad enough that I had to do the prep, but to have got the wrong ice pops sucks too!
As much as I love my Mum she keeps insisting that I will 'get over it soon' in reference to my UC.
I have been waiting for the day for over a year now and I dont think its coming.
I love you Mum but ffs!! Shut Up!!!
Woke up this morning to find a cold sore making an appearance on my lower lip! Now I'll be worrying it all day...and of course I'm not sure where my meds for it are!!!!!
Hey, SarahAnne...maybe we could start a "lend/lease program"? We all go through the ups downs and all arounds with our weight and I for one am tired of giving clothes away only to need them back later. I have had from size 00 to size 18 in my closet. How about you?
Woke up this morning to find a cold sore making an appearance on my lower lip! Now I'll be worrying it all day...and of course I'm not sure where my meds for it are!!!!!

Yeah I got one 3 days ago, Use Abreva it seems to work, costly but anything to get rid of them.
my new fistulas hurt today. actually everything hurts today.. i'm thinking of having my entire body replaced....:yfrown:
My mini-vent- my mother, who up until this point has been wonderful! about me being in a flare has decided that if I start this new smoothe thing called Reliv it will cure me. When I told her I thought it was a waste of time she told me that if I like being sick and all of the horrible side effects the Pred is giving me well then she doesn.t want to hear about it! I mean she sent me flowers a week ago because been feeling horrible! How does someone go from one to the other so fast?!?
Someone STOLE my snowboard from the hill last Sunday =(. I only got one day on it this year and it only has about 30 days all together. I cannot replace it, too expensive. I have looked everywhere ie: rental shops, pawn shops etc. Nothing. Who does that anyway?:voodoo: You've got to have some nerve stealing a board from a lady with a family while she's taking her oldest down the run for the first time! So completely crushed.:frown:
I know this isn't about crohns, but there's my vent.:runaway:
@W2C That stinks. I hope it breaks on their first use.

BTW, who said the mini-vent had to be crohn's related?
My vent is the CRAZY mode people around here are in at the shopping malls, Target, Walmart, etc. This lady cut in front of me in the checkout lane, which made me mad but no big deal. Then her mom came from behind me and the daughter told her to come up to her register. Since I was in the way she RAN her cart into me...that did it! Between the pred, the hysterectomy and the flare, I'm lucky I didn't end up on the news.
CUSTOMERS!!!!!!!!!!! Some of them out there like to treat people in the" lowly "job of retail, like a chunk of poo on the bottom of your shoes. We are NOT your dog, so please do not whistle at us to get our attention. This includes , snaping ( do we look like your servants?)clapping or yelling, HELLO HELLO when you are right behind us. DO NOT pull on our shirt, just don't touch us in general .
( For the most part I ask if you need any help what are you trying to find..etc..and go from there )
If we give you a nod, or made eye contact with you, we've seen you so we will get there.
We do not speak a zillon different languages. (Trust me there are days I wish I did.) So please be nice whenwe ask you to slow it down a bit so we can understand,( I want to answer your question.)
I am not a young adult who doesn't give rats butt about his/her job. I am a seasoned worker, and by my actions and can help you in a kind and respectful manor then I should be treated as such.

Whew! thats my vent, and i am sticking to it. :):hallo3:
If you guys read my thread, I've been in the hospital for 10 days of the last month, two emergency surgeries, high fevers, and lots of pain medication, and even a ride in an ambulance with the lights. Well, here in Canada we have free health care, and OHIP (Ontario health insurance plan). This includes free ambulance rides unless you abuse it for stubbed toes and what not.

Guess what I got in the mail today... A bill for the ambulance ride! It's only $45 bucks, but still! I specifically asked them if I would get billed because I needed emergency surgery and every single time they promised me I wouldn't.

It's no wonder why people are so hesitant to use our so called FREE healthcare system.
I would mention it to them KWalker. Every penny counts these days and you did ask! We get enough surprises with Crohns without adding more.
Can you fight stuff like that? I've been really considering contacting the hospital to try and get them to remove it
At least it was only $45-! last ambulance ride resulted in a bill (to my insurance thankfully!) of over $300!!! For a FOURTEEN MILE RIDE!
ok - my mini-vent.....hubby went for a colonoscopy today to see if there was anything evident that is causing his abdominal pain (besides his head!)...well - scope went fine, I was in a pissy mood because I found out I spent more than I thought at stores and am now BROKE.....

NOTHING to really note was found in the scope! 2 small polyps were removed, and some internal hemmies - which would explain the small amounts of BLOOD hubby finally decided to tell me about THIS MORNING!

Can you fight stuff like that? I've been really considering contacting the hospital to try and get them to remove it

Well its probably worth questioning. I mean they did tell you you wouldn't have to pay so there must be something in it. Be worse to find out they were chancing their arm for a few pennies that you shouldn't have paid. bet they wouldn't give it back. If in the end you find out that you do have to pay the bill at least then it isn't too much and you will know better for next time, what the situation is (cos you'll have found out all the nitty gritty details this time). Mind you I hope there isn't a next time!
I'm terrible, I question everything the older I get.
Hmm, I'll give them a call and see. The way they look at it is, if you don't really need it, that's when they'll charge you. Once I got there the doctor called a surgeon immediately and I was admitted for emergency surgery so clearly it couldn't have been avoided.
Now your thinking like I do. They wouldn't send you to emergency surgery if you didn't need it and the ambulance took you there for something you clearly needed urgently. I dont want to get your hopes up too much or sound like I am an expert. I'm not, but I dont see the harm in questioning it. Best of luck with it anyway.
I'd like to know my surgery date already! This waiting is so frustrading! I checked today at work (= hospital) if there's any date yet mentioned when my surgery would be but nothing. I've been told it's probably gonna happen in February but as an impatient person I'd like to know the exact date. NOW. THANK YOU. :hallo3:
I want to know what my test results are already!! I have got another 12 days before I find out and its driving me nuts. butt crack feels squishy - it was itchy last night and of course since I have thin skin/scar tissue there from years of fissures etc - all it take is one good rub with tp to make it bleed! Which makes it then more squishy.....

AND - something I ate doesn't really agree with me - my belly is gurgly.........

maybe I'll just go home early.....
Been thinking about it and decided to get a bottle of something nice (ie alcohol) for NYE which is never a good time for me anyway... the next day my shoulder pain comes back with a vengance after a 3 month almost remission! So back on the painkillers and no booze for me now!!

I rarely drink now; a few social situations were the only times I really did and I can't do those anymore so I don't drink. And can't even have a drink to get rid of 2011.


And waiting on 2 test appointments, wish they'd hurry up!
Beer battered onion rings last night. So stupid, but oh, so good.

I was on the toilet all morning long and I still don't regret it. They were that good.
SarahAnne, I did the same thing. I had a glass of sparkling wine, which I KNEW I would pay dearly for it, but I did it anyway. Not that it matters much, because I have such diarrhea anyway, that it is sometimes hard to tell the difference between "regular" diarrhea and "bad" diarrhea.
I feel like CRAP.....been battling feeling 'off' for about a week - got done with my period thankfully!...have a nagging little bit of a sore throat, and the past 2 mornings woke up with nasty, hard yellow ick stuck at the back of my throat/nasal passage....

Almost went to the doctor today to get a quick strep test done.....but wanted to get home (was out running to the store for a couple things)....

and of COURSE - I have my next Remicade infusion tomorrow morning!
I hope it isn't anything major, Pasobuff.

My mini-vent for the day is that I woke up with severe pain on my right side, it hasn't gone away even with several BMs, and my mother is coming for dinner tonight and the house is a complete mess. I just don't have the energy to clean, let alone cook.
Hope you feel better Linda! And if Mom can't take the house being a mess when you don't feel well.....well...let HER clean it! (only halfway kidding!).....and, there is always take out.....

We are having scalloped potatos with ham for dinner - got the potatos prepped already and hubby will be putting together the if I just feel like eating.....
Today I went to my office to clean out my desk. I purposely didn't eat or drink anything before, because I didn't want to be sick while I did this. When I got home I had 3 sips of water before I had intense pain and then after a few more sips, running to the bathroom. Really? A half a glass of water.

I give up. I just never feel like eating any more.
Linda, I totally know how you feel :( I look at the fridge and try to determine what I can most likely shove into my mouth without retching and extreme effort of willpower. I think I'm going to switch back to a mostly liquid supplement diet although sometimes those were nausea-inducing as well.
Mini Vent: Apparently Naked Juice gives me the WORST reflux ever. Literally, my esophagus feels like it's on fire. And a double dose of Zantac hasn't helped. Stupid, I know, but this feels really bad right now.
Grrr!!! Why am I still awake? Oh, yeah, the pain medication isn't working and I have such abdominal abominable pain.
Can you fight stuff like that? I've been really considering contacting the hospital to try and get them to remove it

I have heard of one senior who complained to city hall and they forgave it, he was happy he did not have to pay.This was in Hamilton.
You could try your city hall and see if it works.
Hugs and best wishes
Three of my friends are getting married this summer, and one called it "the summer of love".

Excuse me while I stick my fingers down my throat, then try and fail not to think on my own, hopeless (it really is, please I beg you do not tell me I will meet someone, it is complicated) situation.

Some reminders are harder than others that I have no life, the last bad one I got I cried for 2 hours in the early hours of the morning. Let's hope I get to sleep fast tonight and have no time to think!
starrrgirl, I have been there, and it is so hard. I hope you sleep well.

My current mini-vent is my husband. He is usually so understanding, but lately, when he gets home from work, he doesn't understand why I haven't done much at home. He thinks that I am staying home to do housework, not because I'm so sick and spend the majority of my time either in the bathroom or in bed.
My mini vent is that my job requires me to stand for 8hrs straight. I always leave there soooooooo fatigued. It's 6pm and I'm ready to sleep for the night! Also I had chili for lunch and it was a horrible idea (meat + beans + cheese + greasiness). I'm having the worst reflux. It's Saturday night on my college campus and all I'm gonna do is SLEEP.
My mini vent is that my job requires me to stand for 8hrs straight. I always leave there soooooooo fatigued. It's 6pm and I'm ready to sleep for the night! Also I had chili for lunch and it was a horrible idea (meat + beans + cheese + greasiness). I'm having the worst reflux. It's Saturday night on my college campus and all I'm gonna do is SLEEP.

Will you need earplugs?

My mini vent is that the drain on our kitcken sink is plugged ugh!!!!
Mini-vent of the day: Gray hairs! Urgh! I colored my hair about 10 days ago. I color my hair at home pretty frequently as I started going gray at age 29/30 when this stupid gut illness hit. The instructions say to leave the dye in your hair for about 10 minutes, or 15 if you've got resistant grays. So I left the color in for 15 this time even though I usually just do 10 minutes. It's been less than 2 weeks and my grays are already back!! That is so annoying! There seem to be more grays this time around than usual too. If I pluck them all, I'll go bald! Stupid hair.
What did I do for my 22nd birthday today? Spend some extra time with my toilet.. stay home. Not see anyone. Writhe in pain a little too. Lovely. As usual ):
I ate something forgetting it was on the "banned" list. Now I remember why it is on the list. :ybatty: Good job I didn't finish it. Ick!

My wife and I head dinner at Wingers last night. They put a bowel of popcorn on every table and like an idiot I kept eating it. Paying for that this morning.
I just want to smack my husband upside the head.....vented in another post.....but WHY do men think only about THEMSELVES....arrgghhh......
I am so flippin' stupid.....put out snacks at my daughter's birthday party yesterday, and before I even realized what I was doing, I was munching on carrot sticks. So dumb.

I am so jealous of my fellow IBD'ers who can handle raw veggies. Ouch. :yfrown:
SarahAnne, I feel your pain. I've known for awhile that I can't digest tomato skins, but I stubbornly kept eating tomatoes anyway and would always see what I assumed was just the skins in my poo. But lately I've been really dilligent about peeling my tomatoes and removing ALL the skins and seeds too. And yet I'm still seeing tomato in my poo. Guess I can't digest any part of tomatoes and it's not just the skins that were the troublemakers. *sigh*

Another mini-vent on the same subject while I'm thinking of it, my brother just moved out of my house (yay!) but before he went he bought 2 big packages of strawberries and brought them to my house. Our conversation went like this:
Bro: You should eat some of these strawberries!
Me: No thanks, I can't have strawberries.
Bro: You should have some though.
Me: No, I can't. I can't digest them.
Bro: You should have some though.
Me: No! They come out looking the same as they went in and they hurt all the way through!
Bro: Have some strawberries.
Me: Argh!
(At that point I just walked away. So glad he moved out and I don't have to deal with that kind of crap from him anymore!)
Funny, Cat! I was out once with my in-laws and made a comment about how I really wanted a salad, they just couldn't understand my reasoning behind not ordering one. I was trying to explain it a little more delicately than, "I don't feel like crapping out an entire salad, thanks!" Maybe if I just chew everything up a little better? I could chew one bite for 10 minutes and I don't think it would do anything except give me a sore jaw.

My biggest vent right now is my husband's cousin Traci. I love her to pieces, she's really sweet and a truly amazing mom. Her son has SMA and she is completely dedicated to him. My irritation, for lack of a better term, is not directed completely at her. A lot of it is Aunts and Uncles, etc. She is one of those weight conscious salad eaters, I don't know if she eats much else. Back when she was pregnant and living in Texas, she got diarrhea really bad for about 2 weeks. The doctors told her she had Crohn's! To my knowledge, she's never had any imaging or barium tests, no scopes, I think the most she had was bloodwork and stool cultures.

So five years later, she has no bowel problems, she hasn't been on any medications and still eats salads and raw veggies like....well, like someone who doesn't have Crohn's.

Since when does having 2 weeks of diarrhea constitute a diagnosis? I can't even talk to anyone, I feel so petty, but it drives me crazy when I hear people talk about "poor Traci, taking care of Max and dealing with Crohn's...."

I can't stand being compared to her. I know Traci can eat salads. I'm not making some crazy excuse why I can't eat healthier.

Oh, I *hate* being compared to others with gut problems when they are totally different from me. This reminds me of my family too! So I'm undiagnosed as you probably know, although my doctors have unofficially said it's IBD and they're treating me as such, and as a result I'm in remission. When I first became ill I had no idea what was going on and my doctor said it could be something like Crohn's or celiac. My mom had a conversation with some cousin of hers and this cousin has celiac, and she got my mom freaked out and the two of them decided I must have celiac - and if I have celiac, then my mom must have given it to me since it's in her family and therefore my mom must have it too. So she freaked and went gluten-free. And then she told the rest of the family about it and my aunt and cousins jumped onboard with the celiac panic and they all went gluten-free too. No tests or anything, they just all presumed they have celiac. I of course went through numerous tests and celiac was ruled out for me, I definitely do not have it. And gluten doesn't bother me so I don't even have a gluten sensitivity - breads and pastas are some of my safest foods! But my crazy family members all still think they have celiac (and none have had testing yet!) and sometimes they try to compare their "tummy problems" to mine. I so hate that! They are all perfectly healthy and fine and just crazy! I'm the legitimately ill one and it's NOT celiac and my gut problems do not compare to their healthy digestive systems! Ugh.
My husband's step-father has diverticulosis, and I'm pretty sure he thinks it's the same thing as Crohn's. He has been told to cut out a lot of the meats and cheeses (he's from Philly, ha!) and eat a higher fiber diet. Since that's what he's been told to do, he assumes I must be on the same diet.

I'm so tired of people WITHOUT letters after their names telling me what I should and shouldn't be eating because so-and-so said this or does that. I value my privacy, I don't want everyone to have to see me writhing in pain or blowing up the toilet while I vomit into a trash can just to believe me.

I swear crazy relatives make it 10x worse.
Was at college yesterday and had a minor dash to the loo. Why do the cleaners have to close of all of the toilets at the same time to clean them and just 5 minutes before class. I just ignored the sign anyway and walked in and then ignored her annoyed remark that the toilets were closed. Would have been worse if she has to use her mop for something more!... also tired of having a sore bottom and walking around with a a mini tub of Vaseline in my pocket :(
I was just reminded WHY I don't sit on the floor - was wrapping presents for a baby shower and had to crawl across the floor for a minute before I could get up!!!
My vent is.......... Why is it when you eat corn, no matter if its creamed corn or not, it always comes out as whole kernel. Doesn't matter how much you chew it, it comes out whole kernel. And some times it comes out as corn on the cob. Just asking.
Pirate, I've had the same thing happen with strawberries. Even strawberry yogurt, which I thought would be easier on me. Nope! I poo out whole strawberries, I swear. I could probably put strawberries in the blender and have them in a smoothie and they'd still somehow come out whole. I presume the strawberry seeds are taking root in my guts somewhere and growing into strawberry plants, and then the full-grown strawberries fresh off the vine get poo'ed out. Like how when you're a kid and you accidentally swallow a watermelon seed and your parents tease you that now a watermelon plant will grow inside of you? I swear that really happens but with strawberries. :p
Garbage wasn't taken out when I got home...we will see if hubby remembers to do it in the morning! .....

And my daughter wasn't feeling well this afternoon - of course we have a baby shower to go to tomorrow...hope she feels better tomorrow!
My vent is.......... Why is it when you eat corn, no matter if its creamed corn or not, it always comes out as whole kernel. Doesn't matter how much you chew it, it comes out whole kernel. And some times it comes out as corn on the cob. Just asking.

I hear ya....took me long enough to realise it myself though but I hear ya.
My vent is about my sister in law. My four year old nephew obviously is having some issues that need looking into-he barely talks, gets completely enraged, hits, bites and kicks, and when he gets into a mood, he smacks himself in the head and screams. He has to come out of it on his own-her and her husband say he's just "getting weird".

Well, I have had enough of everyone pretending nothing is wrong with him. My husband had talked to her, but she just got mad at him because we don't have kids, how could we possibly know anything? His mom nagged her to have kids and pushed her to have IVF, so she feels she can't say anything. WTH?

Well, I don't think you need kids to be able to tell something is wrong. Poor little guy! He needs help but as aunt and uncle I don't know what more we can do...
Oh Jeannette, I'm so sorry! It must hurt terribly to see what's going on and not be able to do anything.

I have been keeping my 8 year old nephew after school for the last several months. I'm trying really hard to help him, he is obviously having issues but there is only so much I can do, not being his parent. My sister lives with my parents and pays child support because my nephew lives with his father. His father makes a lot of money, and has several rental properties in town. He moved into a studio apartment with my nephew to save money. They share a bunk bed, the whole place is no bigger than my living room. No real kitchen, they have a microwave and a hot plate. They live right by the elementary school, and my nephew walks to school. I found out that he was walking home every day, and staying by himself until his dad got home around 5:30 or 6:00! An 8 year old boy doesn't need to be by himself for that long.

My sister and her ex are both very immature, and my nephew is starting to have behavioral problems, nothing too serious now, but if it remains unchecked I can see him turning into a very angry and destructive teenager. They spend more time trying to piss each other off, than actually interacting with their son. And now his father is using me for child care, he actually took off of work the other day and flew his power para-glider on the beach for 4 hours while I kept his son. He always says, "I don't want to impose, if you can't watch him, I'll just take him with me." Yeah, right. Leave my nephew on the beach, BY HIMSELF, during SPRING BREAK, while you're thousands of feet in the air.

Sorry, that took off for so long. Didn't realize how angry I was!

Good luck with the in-laws, keep doing what you can for your nephew. Hopefully, they will realize that he needs some help and take him to the doctor soon.
Jeannette, I am so sorry for your nephew. It almost sounds like autism from my non-medical knowledge and complete layperson opinion. Just do the best you can for him.

SarahAnne, you are doing a great thing for your nephew and one day he'll appreciate it.

I never understand people who don't cherish their children.
I dont have kids either but you can definitely tell the kids that need help. All that it really takes is for parents to open their eyes for heavens sake. You guys that look after those kids or look out for them mean much more than you know. Keep up the good work. Just cos a parent tells you to mind your own business does not mean that you should. Those kids need you!
Well it's just like SarahAnne said, the parents are really immature-too busy trying to still be 25 that being a parent doesn't fit in with the image they have of themselves.

I've suggested to my in-laws that getting my nephew tested would be a good idea, just to make sure, but it only leads to a fight. I'm open to any suggestions on how to approach it better, but they would rather spend the money to go to ComicCon than on their son. When we are with him I try some behavior modification techniques I read about for autistic kids, and it will work temporarily, but his parents will undo everything as soon as they pick him up.

It's really tough to not be the parent, but here in California once he starts school if he exhibits this behavior testing will be mandatory and his continuing at school will depend on getting him some help, thank God.
It's great that you guys are looking out for your nephews like that.

My vent for the neighbours have been feeding the deer in the neighbourhood - they will actually come up to the back yard and wait for lettuce to be thrown out of the house into the back yard
Well it's just like SarahAnne said, the parents are really immature-too busy trying to still be 25 that being a parent doesn't fit in with the image they have of themselves.

It's really tough to not be the parent, but here in California once he starts school if he exhibits this behavior testing will be mandatory and his continuing at school will depend on getting him some help, thank God.

I am really glad to hear that testing is mandatory at school if they think he needs help. At least then they will have no choice. Shame that the school are often left to pick up the pieces though. Best of luck.
i have had blurry eyes for a few days, thought it may be a side effect of methotrexate, GI says no, woke up and couldn't see out of right eye.went to optometrist, got sent to ophthalmologist, i have superior vein occlusion, going to another ophthalmologist in Tauranga tomorrow who may inject the eye. really looking forward to having someone poke a needle in my eye. i dont believe in coincidences and still think it may be the metho as it states this is a rare side effect. worst is i may have lost the sight permanently. i have edited out all the f words.
My mini-vent today: My dog has a leg injury, again. Different leg this time though! A few weeks ago she had surgery on one of her back legs to remove an infection from her foot. She had to have a bandage on and couldn't go on walks for a few weeks. Finally the stitches came out, no more bandage, and she was cleared to walk again... and then this weekend, a big dog at the dog park knocked her over as they were playing. The big dog wasn't being aggressive, it just seemed like he didn't know his own strength and he hit my dog pretty hard. When she got up she was whining and crying and limping. Turns out she sprained one of her front legs. No bandage or surgery required this time, but once again no walks for 2 to 3 weeks. That's just great! She's going to go stir-crazy from spending so much time in the house off her feet. And she's going to get fat (well, even fatter) from no exercise. Ugh! Can my dog please not get injured for awhile? That would be lovely.
Couple of (few?) mini-vents today.....had a cold sore pop out on my upper lip this monring, and what feels like one wanting to come out on the skin between my upper lip and my nose! my period too ugghhh.....

AND - found a note in my daughters' backpack this morning from the school nurse advising that there is a HIGHER THAN NORMAL incidence of STREP going around the school!!!!!!......................any bets on what I might catch this spring???
My mini vent today is....people talking on their cell phone when they are in the bank standing at my teller window! Stay off the phone while you are doing your banking, please!!
My mini vent is today we are having the 2nd bomb threat at my university in a month, not to mention a week ago there was a shooting at a hospital on campus with 2 dead and 7 injured... I feel less and less safe here and it makes me sad :( all these scary things are happening at once.
@Emily - yes, stay safe.....hopefully the person(s) reporting the bomb threats are caught.....when I used to work security at a college we got them all the time - but it was a different world back then too.....