MLS and her cancer journey

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Dec 31, 2012
I'm not sure where to start but wanted
To explain why I've not here much.
In middle of April I went to my GP
Because my left thigh a the top swelled
To triple the size and very painful
Even worse at night.

Anyway the doctor told me that I had
Skin infection and gave me
Strong antibiotics and said it would be
Better after 48hrs.
Hmm how wrong she was.

5 days after taking antibiotic it was worse
I took myself to local A&E
They did bloods and said no infection
Or signs that I had one
Then was sent for x-ray.
The X-ray showed and abnormality
But they wouldn't say WHAT.

I had to wait 2 days to have appoint with
A bone speaicalist,
They booked me for MRI
Which revelead I had a large tumour
In new bone that has grown.

To cut the story short I was sent to a speaical
Tumour centre who diagnoised me to be

On the 1st of July I go for a full
Body bone scan to check it hasn't gone
Any where else.
Then on the 9 th of July I'm scheduled
To have surgery for 9 th July
Where I have half my thigh bone removed
With the tumour.
Also possibility that I have to have chemo .

I just wanted to explain what was going on
As my friends have been so
Great, caring towards me and my family
I thought you all deserved to know.
:ghug:.:ghug:.:ghug:..I'm so sorry.

I hope everything goes well with your surgery and it hasn't spread.
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Oh my goodness Mls...:ghug:...I am so very sorry to hear that you are going through this.

I hope more than anything your scan is clear of any further problems and your surgery and recovery are smooth and uneventful.

Sending loads and loads and loads of love, luck and healing thoughts your way. :Karl:

Dusty. xxx
OH MLS! I am so sorry to hear about all of this. Definitely praying for you and the surgeons and that all has the best possibke outcome! :ghug::ghug:
Dear MLS, I am sending you lots of positive thoughts, I know how much anxiety comes along with waiting for the scans and then the results, we to are waiting for my husbands scans. Please try and stay as positive as you can because attitude and mind sett are SO important, you have to believe you can beat this sneaky son of a b. My hubby has lung cancer that spread to his brain, never smoked in his life, he is now after many courses of chemo and radiotherapy tumour free in his brain and seems to be doing very well. Keep positive and strong, sending love.
I'm so sorry to hear of how much you've been dealing with! :ghug: Also sending lots of wishes for the best possible outcomes from both the surgery and scans!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! :ghug: :ghug:

Sending prayers for you that your scan will reveal no more affected areas, that surgery and recovery goes very well and that you are able to find strength and peace. And I will continue to send these.

(((((((MLS)))))) I'm so sorry to read this. I hope you get good news with the scan and that the surgery will take all of the cancer. I will also pray that you do not need chemo.
MLS you know already how much support and prayers I've been sending your way! Hope the body scan goes well. Take care and stay positive dear friend!
So very sorry about your diagnosis. I hope the treatment goes as smoothly as possible and this is soon fully in the past for you.
I will pray for you MLS. (((Hugs)))) I know this is unbelievably hard on you right now. Try to keep in good spirits and take one day at a time.

We are all here for you!
Farmwife- that was my question
About my heart being connected
To the cancer, they don't know
They said they need to put all the pieces
Was just thinking about you today! Good luck for the pre-op and then the surgery. I really hope it goes well and your recovery is quick. I will be away when you have your surgery, so I will not be able to send get well wishes then. Will check in once I get back!
Good luck with the pre op tomorrow Mls. I hope there are no additional issues. :ghug:

Thinking of you hun. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Oh Hun, we are all here for you! Wish we could all be there to help and lend support instead of just virtually. Just take it a day at a time or even hourly if that is what it takes.
Have a good cry and keep moving forward and just know we are all here praying for you and sending loads of love and support.
Hang in there!
Come back from appointment
Feeling so down and deflated just
Feel like giving up

Oh no you don't! Not on our watch! :ghug:

You are a tough, tough cookie. Look at the tough kids we all have. You CAN and WILL do this! It sucks and it won't be easy but you WILL emerge on the other side of this and will be the victor! :tank:

Keep the faith and know you have the prayers, tears, love and support of all of us here!

Now go and kick cancer's ass! :luigi:
You have a lot to live for MLS.
When you feel doubt, just look in our kids eyes.
They need you!
You'll fight because of them!
You'll fight because you have a little girl that has battles of her own.
You'll fight hard to show her how it's done.

:hug:We're all here. Vent when you need to, cry when you have to and laugh when you want to. We're all here.:hug:
Remember, half the battle with any disease is mental, so know you can always come to us with your worries, to vent, to cry, and we'll be there cheering you on.

Let me share a few of my coping things, though I only had Stage 1 colon cancer. When I was going through the testing, surgery and chemo, I would repeat to myself, "I am stronger than cancer." Some days I shouted it, many days I didn't believe it, but I knew I had to keep fighting for my husband.

My oncologist told me, "If you were hiking and a mountain lion jumped on you, would you let the animal carry you off without a fight?" Of course I said no, and then he said, "Cancer is a beast, fight it with everything you've got, and show it no mercy." That stuck out in my mind and helped push me forward through the rough times.

When I had side effects from the meds, I reminded myself that it was because the cancer was dying and didn't like what I was using to kill it, and for me, it made it worth the misery. I made picture albums of things I wanted to do in the future, places I wanted to visit, etc and I would carry them with me to remind myself to fight. I made charts to mark my progress so I would not forget how far I'd come.

I hope these things will help or give you some ideas that will help you. Best wishes to you and please, don't hesitate to PM me anytime :)
Tomorrow I will take a 2 hour journey to
The hospital to hopefully be
Admitted for my big operation aslong
As my blood pressure is fine and heart
Rate. If they decide to do it this will
Be done the next day Tuesday the 9th.
They will remove the large tumour from my
Thigh with a minimum of half my thigh
Bone and replaced by metal.
I tell you the truth I'm not looking
Forward to this infact I'm scared
Of being asleep for so long, and the possible
Complications, but I know it has to be done.
Sending hugs and prayers your way! So sorry for all you are having to endure, I pray the surgery is effective and quick healing!
Lots of prayers for you MLS.
Soon I will have a bladder tumor removed and it is nothing like what you are facing---I still dread it though.
I can really empathize with you and pray you will have no complications and a fast recovery.
Hugs and best wishes
"God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season--He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to Him." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Hey MLS - I saw this quote and thought of you... I realize our faiths may be different, but I have such a strong testimony that we are loved by a Heavenly Father and YOU matter!! I pray you feel His presence and you are comforted by this knowledge in the days, weeks ahead as you recover from your surgery and in the years has you forge forward taking care of your family and other around you that love you so much!

You are in my thoughts and prayers!! :hug:
Sending healing prayers your way! Please know we are all pulling for you and hoping and praying for a successful surgery and a quick recovery
Hi MLS my best wishes for your surgery and speedy recovery. I was dxed with stage three colon ca with a very poor prognosis. They gave me three to five years but they really don't know. That was only statistics and statistics vary. I have been ca free now for over fifteen years, wishing you the same good fortune , Hugs Ron.
Thinking of you Mls and sending you loads of love, luck and healing thoughts. :ghug:

I hope all goes well and your recovery is a speedy and uneventful one. :goodluck:

Dusty. :heart:
Thank you everyone it means alot
They have agreed to do the operation
Tomorrow . It will be done sometime
Tomorrow morning.
I will spend sometime in HDU after x
Will try and keep u updated when I can .
Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!

Sending lots of hugs and wishes that all goes well tomorrow! :ghug: :ghug:
Hey MLS! Me and my 105 new friends prayed for you tonight and will again tomorrow! Praying you have strength and that the surgery gives you the best of outcomes!
:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: Here's to a successful surgery tomorrow. Wishing you strength and the best outcome possible.:goodluck:
Morning everyone
I'm sat here waiting to go down
To theatre in a couple of hours.
I'm trying to keep myself busy
And not think about it, but I'm so
Nervious x
You are in our thoughts Mls! :ghug:

Tons of wishes and healing thoughts headed your way! :goodluck:

Dusty. :heart:
Sending hugs and strength to you! You'll soon be through the surgery and on your way to recovery!!! :ghug:
Sending loads of hugs and hand holding here. Praying for successful surgery and quick recovery for you.
That's me just home. Will catch up on the rest of the threads tomorrow. Just wanted to send best wishes. Hope the operation went well and your recovery isn't too difficult.
Hi everyone
It's been a long week
I had my op on Tuesday morning
They told me it was a bigger op than
Expected. They took the tumour which
Was 11 cm and took a good half of my
Thigh bone, as they where removing it
They made a small crack in what bone
They where leaving. They replaced this all
With a metal plate and alot of wires .
I've spent 6 days in HDU and not been able
To move, unfortunately I've had to have blood
Transfusion aswell.
Thank you all for your kind words and support
It means so much x x

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