MLS and her cancer journey

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Thanks so much for the update Mls! :ghug::ghug::ghug:

Thinking of you hun and sending tons of luck and healing thoughts for a speedy and uneventful recovery!

:goodluck: and :getwell:

Dusty. :heart:
Sorry I know you want to be at home. Hang in there and let them take care of you in the meantime. Thinking and praying for you.
What a bummer! But really...try to enjoy it. When else will somebody be doing all your cooking and cleaning for you? How are you feeling otherwise?
Hi. How are things? Are you in a lot of pain? Do they have you non-weight bearing for a while? I'm thinking of you.
Hi carol
Yes I'm in alot of pain and on so many
Different pain killers that do different things.
I'm non weight bearing at the moment
So trying to learn to walk with on leg
Is not easy , I'm using a gutter frame
At the moment but will change to normal
Frame when I go home.
I will be non weight bearing for quite a few
Months and will use a wheelchair to
Go out that's if hubby is there or someone
To push.
I really hope you recover quickly and can get home really soon.

Much love and (((HUGS))) xxx
Thinking of you!! Hope the pain starts to lessen soon. Don't know about where you live, but the shopping centres near our house all have the shopmobility where you can use a mobility scooter once you register. Most of them are free or a small hire charge for a few hours use. It gives you a bit more independence when you get out, rather than relying on your hubbie to be there and push.
Hi MLS your poor body has undergone tremendous trauma , take all the time you need to recovery fully and get your strength back before you try to return to a normal life. I remember rushing things after colon surgery and it set back my recovery. Had I spent another week in hospital I would have been so much better off. You don't even consider things like hand grips above your bed until you get home and try to get out of bed without them. stay well Ron.
I totally missed this thread as I have not been on more then a few minutes here and there. I know we have been PMing back and forth but I am glad I found this thread today so I could catch up since it has been a week or so since we talked. I have been sending heals g thoughts and prayers your way everyday. I hope the pain is improving and you are starting to heal. I am wondering if your insurance would pay for you to get one of those scooters so you don't have to rely on someone to push you around. I know in the States some insurance companies will pay. Also if not through insurance sometimes there are organizations that can help you get one. Anyway take it one day at a time. Sending lots of hugs form the states!
Thinking of you Mls and sending you loads of healing thoughts and squishy hugs across the great pond! :ghug:

Onwards and Upwards! :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Hi Sunshine (forgive me for giving you a handle, but I think you also deserve a great name).
What a fantastic job you are doing, recovering, keeping positive, and just getting on with it. Some times it's all we can do ! I have my hat off to you and understand in a small weigh how you are feeling.
My hubby will have his brain scan tomorrow followed by full body MRI to see where we are with his lung/brain cancer. So far we are kicking butt, he has fought hard and through excellent medical care, good luck, positive thoughts and prayer we are 12 months further on than we thought we would be, but do you know what MLS aka sunshine? his positive I am not giving up, I don't care what it takes, how much it frigging sucks, or how much I have to endure/give up/miss out on attitude has carried him through. Your attitude will go a long way to helping you recover and I am guessing you are a very determined lady, who will do everything in her power to get better. Never give up, keep that positive outlook it will help tremendously. Sorry for hijacking you post but just sending much empathy, luck and hugs your way.
Just want to let my dear friends know
I made out of hospital after 3 weeks .
Things are far from easy
I'm trying to get around with one leg
By a gutter frame and a brace on my
Leg that goes from top to bottom
To keep my leg straight.
You don't know how hard it will be untill
You get home and then it hits you.
I still don't know if the cancer has all been
Removed or has spread to any where else.
Thank you for all your kind messages x.
I can't imagine how difficult it would be to try to get on with everyday routines while trying to recover from this type of surgery! Try not to push yourself too much! :ghug: I'm hoping you'll soon start to find that your recovery is becoming a bit easier. :ghug:

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that you are firmly on the road to full recovery!! :ghug:
Thanks for the update Mls...:ghug::heart::ghug:

Good to hear you are home! :) I hope all is going well and continues to go well. Good luck with the results hun, hoping and wishing that all is clear. :heart:

Thinking of you.
Dusty. xxx
MLS - how are things going? Any more results? Hope things are settling down for you (((HUGS))) xxx
No more results as of yet, I go back to have check up on Monday
To have X-ray on the leg then another scan on my lungs.
I'm hoping the results are going to be ready to see
If the cancer is clear or not.
Still in alot of pain on so many strong meds that are morphine
Based and pain for nerve pain, and injects to
Thin the blood.
I was so happy yesterday I had a referral
In to a wheelchair and disability company
For a wheelchair and they told me it
Could take upto 8 weeks before I would
Be able to get one. Anyway yesterday
Morning half asleep a lady said there was
One being delivered and yes I've got my
New set of wheels lol. ........ A bit of freedom.
Yeah my prayers where answered
Thanks godx
It was driving me mad having to not
Be able to go out at weekends as
Hubby is off and I'm not allowed to be left
Alone due to risk of falling x x
Yay for the wheelchair - you should get your 11 year old to push you - she will think it's great fun :lol:. My kids love pushing my mom around while we're out - not quite sure she feels the same way though :)
Thanks for the update. I stopped in to see how you were doing. I'm thinking of you. Glad to hear you didn't have to wait 8 weeks... I don't understand that kind of nonsense!
Thank you everyone for your messages.
I want to say I'm touch by them.
Also I'm sorry for not being on here much
Or posting, but things are still very differcult
For me and I'm still trying to come to terms
With how my life is right now.
Also I managed to get a infection in my
Leg which made the pain 10 times worse.
At the moment I'm still no weight bearing
Which is driving me mad.
I'm waiting on a decision from a big sarcoma
MDT meeting to see if I need rounds of chemo
Or not,so everything feels up in the air
With no confirmed answers.
Anyway I hope everyone is doing ok
And hugs to you all x x
Just wanted to know you are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Know we are thinking of you and understand if you don't get on often. It is tough to have to readjust your life and circumstances. Sending you lots of hugs. I hope your daughter is doing well. Sending her hugs and love as well.
It's never fun to have things up in the air. And I am sorry to here you are still in pain. Sending big hugs and loads of prayers and good thoughts your way!
Count on prayers from me too! I know it's rough, my husband is currently non-weight-bearing w/a surgical infection from knee replacement. Hang in there!!!
I am sorry to hear this. I really hope that you get some good answers soon

(((Hugs))) :ghug: xx
Sending loads of love, luck and squishy hugs your way Mls. :ghug::ghug::ghug:

Thinking of you, always. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
I think it's time for an update.
Thing have been like a roller coaster
The past 4 months.... Yes 4 months
Months that feel like years.
I'm still no weight bearing and getting
Around by wheelchair.

I went for a check up 3 weeks ago
And have now started pshyio at home
3 times a weeks .

I've been to that its going to be 1 year plus
Recovery with pshyio which really
Hit me for six.
I have alot of damage after surgery which
Needs to be fixed.... And it's right
When they say no pain no gain.
My gosh it's painful.
Anyway will try to keep you all updated.
Love you all xx
Massive hugs MLS. So hope you start to feel better really soon xxx

Thanks for the update. Hang in there, it is hard but you will get there so much faster if you do all the physio. Sending you loads and loads of hugs!
Hey Sunshine...

Thanks for taking the time to update us... I'm so sorry to hear you are going through so much pain... You're so strong! No pain, no gain?! You go girl!!

I'm glad you are getting the treatment needed, I pray that your body heals fast...

You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers...

Hi everyone... I've not updated for a while
Simply cos my update isn't good.
My phsyio has stopped due to complications
My leg has swelled and has filled with fluid.
The pain has increased alot and things have worsed.
I've had ultra sound to rule out DVT .
And tomorrow I got to the tumour unit for
More testing not only on my legs but my lungs also.
My fear that the cancer has come back is one thing
They need to rule out, the other is lymphnode edema
Which means the lymth nodes have become blocked
And damaged. I go tomorrow for tests
So sorry to hear that. Good luck for the tests, hope the results are better than expected. Thinking of you!
I've been thinking of you lately, sorry things have not been going well. Hope the results turn out well and you can get back on that road to recovery.
I'm sorry the suffering is still happening. I hope they can confidently rule out cancer and can find a cause with a fairly easy fix. I pray you are holding in there emotionally.
Praying for you that the cancer has not come back! Lymph edema thank goodness can be treated so I hope that is all it is. Sending lots and lots of hugs and prayers!!!!!
Sending hugs MLS have everything crossed for your tests tomorrow. Xxxx:ghug::ghug::ghug:

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