Morning all....procedure day....

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Staff member
Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Well - can't sleep - did my prep last night and though I went to sleep around 11ish, was up at 4.....been hitting the bathroom again so I decided to hang out on the sofa and watch tv until it is time to get up.....

Didn't get all the prep down last night - but things are water although a bit cloudy.....should be fine though = no bits and pieces....

One thing I noted this morning was some discomfort/pain on my right lower quadrant when pushing...this is the same spot that was sore on palpation at my last gi visit.....kind of hope something is seen - but then again I don't..... to the loo again in a minute!
thanks! Got hubby and daughter up, now to go make some lunch for the little one, get dressed, stand over the coffee maker inhaling the coffee odor.....

Won't be back on until later!
Hey paso,

All the best for today. Will be thinking about you!


Dusty. :hug:
Good luck Paso and Toni! The worst part (prep) is over, now you get to go and be medicated and sleep. :) That was what I was told before my endoscopy by the nurse - she said that even if I was having a really bad morning, it was about to get way better because they were just about to give the the happy/sleepy drugs. :)
Hey all - thanks - been back for a while but spent most of the day in bed taking it easy (Don't get to do that often).....

Feeling pretty good - have a headache now and belly is a bit gurgly..go figure lol.....

Results look good - no active disease seen, biopsies taken will get the results in a couple weeks.....

I think dinner is ready - hubby cooked a pork roast and the smell is getting into the bedroom - smells yummy!
Hey there! Glad it went well for you today and that you're feeling okay. I hope that you enjoyed that pork roast!! YUM!
Hi Paso: Glad it was a good test day for you today. Keep relaxing and taking care of yourself (and letting hubby cook!).
Glad to hear this good news. Hopefully the biopsy results will be good as well.

Have a great weekend and hope you're recovered from the test!

- Amy
Thanks for the update paso. Good to hear that everything looks good and I hope the biopsy results reflect that!

Take care, :)
well.....feeling pretty good - this morning I wasup, got the trash together and went to the dump....then went down to a local gravel pit and got a load of stone....helped hubby start to put together his shed.....went to the liquor store with Mom......

Got some heartburn today.....will be keeping an eye on that to see if I need to get checked for reflux etc - haven't had an upper scope in years and years.....

Hope everyone else is doing well!

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