MRE is not too bad (as long at you kiddo isn’t allergic

They go in drink about 2-3 bottles of breeza like sprite per my kiddo
You drink one bottle per 15 minutes
Then either lay on your left side or walk or both for about a half hour
Iv is placed
Lay on the stomach with arms above the head
(At least for ours -some places use other positions)
Mri takes an hour
Half way through they give glycogen ,gallulidium and iodine by iv
Some kids vomit after this
It is cold and makes them feel like the went “pee”
If your child vomits
Insist they wipe the child off with a clean wet cloth and put in a new gown before proceeding
You can be in the room with them
They can’t move
If moving is an issue they may sedate
Mine was fine at age 6 on with them and not moving
Some have movie goggles
Or headphones for music
Afterwards your child’s stool will be bright white for one or two bm
That is completely normal
they may also check kidney function bedside prior to the breeza
cte is faster but much higher radiation
So MRE is preferred
my kiddo is allergic to stuff needed for MRE and CTE so ….
No imaging except ultrasound without contrast which is mostly useless