MRe for 8 year old

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Feb 3, 2024
can anyone describe what it takes to go thru to complete MRE? How much liquid they have to drink before? do they give IV? any tips?
my 8 year old had hard time to drink colonoscopy prep drink so I cant imagine what this is about.
MRE is not too bad (as long at you kiddo isn’t allergic 😉)
They go in drink about 2-3 bottles of breeza like sprite per my kiddo
You drink one bottle per 15 minutes
Then either lay on your left side or walk or both for about a half hour
Iv is placed
Lay on the stomach with arms above the head
(At least for ours -some places use other positions)
Mri takes an hour
Half way through they give glycogen ,gallulidium and iodine by iv
Some kids vomit after this
It is cold and makes them feel like the went “pee”
If your child vomits
Insist they wipe the child off with a clean wet cloth and put in a new gown before proceeding
You can be in the room with them
They can’t move
If moving is an issue they may sedate
Mine was fine at age 6 on with them and not moving
Some have movie goggles
Or headphones for music
Afterwards your child’s stool will be bright white for one or two bm
That is completely normal

they may also check kidney function bedside prior to the breeza

cte is faster but much higher radiation
So MRE is preferred

my kiddo is allergic to stuff needed for MRE and CTE so ….
No imaging except ultrasound without contrast which is mostly useless
MRE is not too bad (as long at you kiddo isn’t allergic 😉)
They go in drink about 2-3 bottles of breeza like sprite per my kiddo
You drink one bottle per 15 minutes
Then either lay on your left side or walk or both for about a half hour
Iv is placed
Lay on the stomach with arms above the head
(At least for ours -some places use other positions)
Mri takes an hour
Half way through they give glycogen ,gallulidium and iodine by iv
Some kids vomit after this
It is cold and makes them feel like the went “pee”
If your child vomits
Insist they wipe the child off with a clean wet cloth and put in a new gown before proceeding
You can be in the room with them
They can’t move
If moving is an issue they may sedate
Mine was fine at age 6 on with them and not moving
Some have movie goggles
Or headphones for music
Afterwards your child’s stool will be bright white for one or two bm
That is completely normal

they may also check kidney function bedside prior to the breeza

cte is faster but much higher radiation
So MRE is preferred

my kiddo is allergic to stuff needed for MRE and CTE so ….
No imaging except ultrasound without contrast which is mostly useless
my doctor was good with intestinal ultrasound so Im considering if MRE needed.
also the question about what is the difference in testing humira antibodies from labcorp vs Prometheus lab? I got script to prometheus and all I read is super expensive and the insurance rarely cover this.
Ultrasound is ok but not very good at picking up inflammation,thickening etc…
MRE is what you really need though .
You need to know what the disease looks like in the small intestine .
Prometheus is not in network for anyone
We have used quest and labcorp for antibodies test
Quest was easier for our insurance in terms of cost .
Not really
That would just be for the levels of humira in her system.
Make sure you get explicit instructions on the day to test
Some want the test the day before the next dose to see how low the levels go .
Others want it with 1-2days of shot given to see how high .
Right after the first dose she won’t have antibodies yet .
Never tested on humira ever
Only tested on Stelara twice for insurance not for symptoms
thank for this forum, I always feel like leaving doctor office with so incomplete information. the med assistant sent me the blood work script with message make an appoitment after induction dosage. never said if that means after 80 mg first shot or second 40 mg
also the question about what is the difference in testing humira antibodies from labcorp vs Prometheus lab? I got script to prometheus and all I read is super expensive and the insurance rarely cover this.

The Labcorp and and Prometheus tests both test for both the drug levels and the anti-drug antibody levels, but they do it by different test methods. The Prometheus tests are based on HPLC - a method that separates proteins based on their physical size, and Labcorp uses ELISA - a method that measures the proteins based on their binding to their target drug and by another antibody, usually a mouse monoclonal antibody.

Both methods can work fine, and have different strengths and weaknesses. And they usually give the same or similar results for a given specimen.

And as mlp, said, if they are looking to test shortly after the initial dose of drug then they are looking at the resultant drug level in the blood only and not a the antidrug antibodies, since it takes far longer than that for those antibodies to form in the first place.
The Labcorp and and Prometheus tests both test for both the drug levels and the anti-drug antibody levels, but they do it by different test methods. The Prometheus tests are based on HPLC - a method that separates proteins based on their physical size, and Labcorp uses ELISA - a method that measures the proteins based on their binding to their target drug and by another antibody, usually a mouse monoclonal antibody.

Both methods can work fine, and have different strengths and weaknesses. And they usually give the same or similar results for a given specimen.

And as mlp, said, if they are looking to test shortly after the initial dose of drug then they are looking at the resultant drug level in the blood only and not a the antidrug antibodies, since it takes far longer than that for those antibodies to form in the first place.
the doctor got back to me and said she wants my daughter to take antibody test before 4 dose. If I can not make 4 dose (Im leaving out of country) then before 3 dose. 🤷‍♀️
MRE is not too bad (as long at you kiddo isn’t allergic 😉)
They go in drink about 2-3 bottles of breeza like sprite per my kiddo
You drink one bottle per 15 minutes
Then either lay on your left side or walk or both for about a half hour
Iv is placed
Lay on the stomach with arms above the head
(At least for ours -some places use other positions)
Mri takes an hour
Half way through they give glycogen ,gallulidium and iodine by iv
Some kids vomit after this
It is cold and makes them feel like the went “pee”
If your child vomits
Insist they wipe the child off with a clean wet cloth and put in a new gown before proceeding
You can be in the room with them
They can’t move
If moving is an issue they may sedate
Mine was fine at age 6 on with them and not moving
Some have movie goggles
Or headphones for music
Afterwards your child’s stool will be bright white for one or two bm
That is completely normal

they may also check kidney function bedside prior to the breeza

cte is faster but much higher radiation
So MRE is preferred

my kiddo is allergic to stuff needed for MRE and CTE so ….
No imaging except ultrasound without contrast which is mostly useless

how did you know your child is allergic to stuff?
My child has had severe allergies since he was an infant to anything and everything including multiple drugs (not antibiotics), foods, pollens ,animals etc..
He was under the care of a pediatric allergist since he was 14 months old.
The radiologist and radiology techs are trained to look for allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.
Trust me you will know if your child is allergic .
just little update here. My daughter had yesterday MRE and it was breeze for her. She had to drink prep drink 250 ml every 30 min, she did not need to finish whole thing, she cried when they did IV, but was tottaly fine after minute. Being in the machine was easy too. Glad we did it. Now waiting for result.
Glad it went well
Try buzzy 4 shots
Buzzy bee for the iv
The vibration makes it harder to feel the iv stick
Also ask for emla cream
You put it on half hour prior to the iv stick
Wrap arm area in Saran Wrap
Numbs the skin
No point in having pain if it isn’t necessary
can anyone translate/interprete this for me

this is the MRE result

what reactive mesenteric lymphadenopathy means in this case?

Active inflammatory small bowel Crohn's disease involving the distal 15 cm ileum and
terminal ileum and ileocecal valve with short segment (2 cm) terminal ileal luminal
narrowing without upstream dilatation but with pseudosacculations. No sinus tract,
fistula, inflammatory mass or abscess identified in this exam.
Please note evaluation of the colon is limited due to underdistention and stool.
Reactive mesenteric lymphadenopathy.

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