Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

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Now I'd love to debate country vs farm (which I would win) but hubby is home and has to be fed. Good old country values!!!!! Now where did I put those hot pockets?????

City hubbies pick up dinner from one of the 5,000 restaurants they pass on the way home. 1 Point City!
Oh so you heard I met him when he was a bouncer at a club and was kicking me out.....second time we were on a stuck elavator and he had a pizza...hey a girl's gotta eat!
Well I must have the best of both worlds here, you can ride your tractor right up to the Applebees on the corner and the liquor store is on the other corner. We don't have a snowblower but the neighbor does although we do have a leaf blower
Who mentioned the Guard?

City girls just seem to find out early,
how to open doors with just a smile.

You know The Eagles!!
Oh hell - y'all can borrow my hubby - he's a "wine guy" ! It's what he does for a living - you'll never run dry even in snow storms ! LOL
CIC, here I am taking my valium, hiding in the basement waiting for the next severe weather event, looking up Dr. Forbes TORCON eval on and you are up there partying with the Guard...something seems askew!
Oh hell - y'all can borrow my hubby - he's a "wine guy" ! It's what he does for a living - you'll never run dry even in snow storms ! LOL

Throw in a pizza and I will take you up on that offer!

Ashamed to say it was my business too (up until August) but found my cellar empty more than I care to admit!
Muppet: how is the job situation? Are they done with lay offs?

They're not really doing layoffs, just a lot of reassignments and uncertainty. Right now I pretty much don't have a boss and won't until September or later. It's a little unnerving.
I grew up on a farm but am definitely a city girl at heart, I can cope with camping holidays but I love having things close, ideally within walking distance as I get bad migraines and won't drive if my head is playing up.

I've got a travelling spouse (away ~80% of the time), IT consulting seriously sucks. Useful for getting him to pick up duty free alchol but for daily errands it mostly comes down to having to do it myself.
I've got a travelling spouse (away ~80% of the time), IT consulting seriously sucks. Useful for getting him to pick up duty free alchol

Yay another city girl and she speaks my language! My hubby travelled a while ago and have to saythe perk is one less person to pick up after...I know I know...they should be doing it themselves!
I don't let him bring his washing home either. If he has consecative weeks in the same city, I insist he's only allowed to bring hand luggage home and generally encourage him to come home once a fortnight for 3-4 days as once the travel time is included coming home each weekend, is just disruptive without him being home for worthwhile chunks of time.
Clean jokes for FW :yoshijumpjoy::

Here is the Washington Post's Mensa Invitational which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting or changing one letter and supply a new definition:

And the winners are .........

1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an *******.

3. Intaxicaton: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stop bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

13. Glibido: All talk and no action.

14. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

15. Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.

The Washington Post has also published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words:

And the winners are......

1. Coffee (n.): The person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.): Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.

3. Abdicate (v.): To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.): To attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.): Impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.): Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.

7. Lymph (v.): To walk with a lisp...

8. Gargoyle (n.): Olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.): Emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.): A rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.): A humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.): The formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

13. Pokemon (n.): A Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (n.): A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.): The belief that, after death, the soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (n.): An opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.
City hubbies pick up dinner from one of the 5,000 restaurants they pass on the way home. 1 Point City!

Let me set the record strait crohnsinct!!!!

You can get takeout on the farm too.

Want streak??? Point to the cow and we'll make it happen!

What milk?????? Hand me a clean jug and I'll make that happen too.

Benefits of my takeout?

1-Good clean country air when ya go to get it!:medal1:

2-Ya don't get robbed going to and........from!:D

Tess except for the swear word those we're funny!:ybiggrin: Thanks
What swear word?!?!?! I didn't see one and, skimming it now, I still don't see one!!! :lol:

That I can't recognize one... what does that say about my language??? :eek: WTFFF!!! :facepalm:
An ER doc I work with tells his kids the alternate term for "anus" is a medical term. Oh, the conversations at school LMAO!
Only took me twice Dexky :) Are you guys getting ready for baseball season? Jack has assessments on Saturday - moving up to the big field this year.
We are avoiding baseball
Last year they kept putting DS in as catcher . ( aka target practice since he can't catch)
The kid brushes easily from the Mtx or 6-mp
So lots of bruises .
Sticking to swimming
Jack's favorite position is catcher, he was the only kid who would do it back in his pitching machine days and it has kinda stuck although he didn't get to play catcher last year now he is at the point where they like to use the big kids. We never did get into the whole swimming thing. I've asked a couple of times but they never seemed that excited. Jack has been all about baseball since he was 4 years old.
Being bad parents we didn't give them a choice about swimming. They started lessons at the y at age 3 and did 6-8 week sessions every winter and summer .
So by age 6 they wanted to compete to get ribbons ;)
We just love the flexible schedule. Practice is 5 nights a week but you can pick which nights you want to go as well as which meets you sign up for . Perfect for crohn's -
Gi uses DS meet times to track his disease since we have times for the past three years.
It works for us .
I'm so glad Stephen's competitive hockey is over!!!!! There was many, many a time I wished he'd gotten involved in another sport like swimming, baseball, tennis!

I was truly worried sick at every game due to the hitting! Over the last few days, the news has been carrying a story about a 16 year old boy who was hit from behind and broke his neck! Luckily, he will recover but will never be able to play contact sports again. And it was a 'dirty' or illegal hit (at least if it were an accident, it might be a bit easier to accept)... the boy who hit him may be given a lifetime ban (at least in the youth leagues, until 18) but, even if not banned, his coach has said he's no longer welcome on the team (this obviously wasn't the first time the kid played this way). But, we had lots of this when Stephen played! :eek: There were games (specific teams) where I literally felt like Stephen was going off to do battle. It literally made me sick to watch but I was too worried to not attend! :yfaint: One less worry... whew!
My son is going to try lacrosse for the first time this year. He wanted to do it last year but he was too sick. I am a bit concerned because it is a bit rough. We'll see how it goes I guess.
My younger son plays lacrosse he played last year for the first time. He absolutely loved it and I was lost for the first few games trying to figure out rules and what was going on. I was worried about the roughness as well but they are pretty good about when you can check and how you can check and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and they are only supposed to hit the other stick with their stick not each other.
Lots of running though. He is playing again this year. He spent most of his time last year practicing how to cradle the ball. At that age it's a lot of dropped balls and scooping them up, not a whole lot of time to be rough
I don't think EJ'll ever play organized ball again. He aged out of little leagues and the poor boy is not the most physically gifted:). His athleticism clearly comes from his mother's side. He's ok with it anyway. Gonna stick with piano and guitar!
I don't think EJ'll ever play organized ball again. He aged out of little leagues and the poor boy is not the most physically gifted:). His athleticism clearly comes from his mother's side. He's ok with it anyway. Gonna stick with piano and guitar!

I am thinking basketball and soccer for our little guy.
Liam is football (soccer) mad which is good because unlike big brother he's not built for basketball.

In football stature isn't so important Lionel Messi is only 5ft 7" Maradona was 5ft 5". Liam loves that Messi is short, it makes him feel so much better about his height. Speed, agility, skill and ball awareness matters a lot more than being big.
Liam is football (soccer) mad which is good because unlike big brother he's not built for basketball.

In football stature isn't so important Lionel Messi is only 5ft 7" Maradona was 5ft 5". Liam loves that Messi is short, it makes him feel so much better about his height. Speed, agility, skill and ball awareness matters a lot more than being big.

Lacrosse seems to have caught on here in teh past few years. "Enrollments" in soccer are up, those in hockey are down

Lionel Messi is 25 years old player with FC Barcelona & Argentina, has won more awards than any other player ever (Has won the world best player award for the last 4 years). He is the hero of all small boys who love football.

Messi was Argentina's best U12 but he was tiny, nicknamed the flea. Medical tests showed he was only going to reach 4"9'.

FC Barcelona in Spain signed him at 13 and paid for medicaal treatment. Following which he reached his adult size of 5"7' and 148 pounds however there is no controversy about the drugs used to get him to grow as it was done for medical reasons and he's still fairly small.
Oh I'm sure Matt knows! I bet when he starts talking soccer, you just hear "Waltzin' Matilda" and nod and smile a lot!!
I don't think my dad had watched a soccer game in his life until we visited last northern summer. Liam had him up at 2 am to watch European Cup replays! My experiences is boys small & bigger can be very good at getting family members enthused about the things they are passionate about.
Here's some "nothing" for ya'll...
It's after noon here. I'm still happily in my p.j's.
Feet up, slippers on keeping my toes warm, and laptop in lap.
I haven't had a weekend day like this in so long, I forgot what it feels like ! LOL.

I should be out preparing for Gab's 20th birthday dinner tomorrow.
However, she won't tell me what she wants us to cook, so she may not be getting anything! :D
actually, she sarcastically informed me of what a great birthday it will be while she sleeps the day away ! :voodoo:
Enjoy the lazy day Crohn's mom I think we all need those. And Happy Brithday to Gabs tomorrow. Wow 20 she is ofically out of the "teen" years reason enough to relax
This beautiful young woman, who happens to be my daughter, will be 20 tomorrow !! Wow !
Happy Birthday to my "baby girl"!

Happy Birthday to Gab! :):):):):):)


Are you feeling old Mummy? :lol:

Oh man T, she is smashing and no mistake! :kiss:

And best of all I have already posted on fb cause we are just so ahead of you lot!

Dusty. :heart:
:bdayparty: Happy Belated Birthday!!!! :banana:

Wow, what a beautiful girl you have!!!!
Didn't want to whine on the same post as I wished Gabby Happy Birthday! :lol:

Not a big problem, just really confused...

WTH is going on with my iron?!?!? Had a blood test yesterday, and my GP's new assistant (NP?) just called and said my doctor is seriously worried about my iron levels and wants to know what the gynecologist is going to do about the fibroids because the heavy bleeding needs to be stopped immediately!! I didn't know what to say:eek:... I thought she was calling to say that my iron levels were SO MUCH BETTER!! I told her I'd had the surgery in January (obviously GP didn't get report) and that I've had minimal, truly very little bleeding since then.

I admit, since the surgery, I have forgotten to take my supplements more often then not but, I wasn't too worried because I thought I'm no longer losing blood so... it'll all fix itself, right??:redface: A couple of days ago, I was even telling my husband how much better I feel, less tired, less moody... what a difference it makes to get iron levels back up, etc. Now, I find out they're not any better! :ybatty: (Unfortunately, NP didn't have my actual levels in hand, she's going to call back.)

I'm so confused???

First thing get your hemoglobin level has it gone up?

Are the iron level actually worse?

If the hemoglobin level is up there isn't as much to worry about as the body has been using the iron to make hemoglobin.

Also if your not taking the iron supplements it not as much a concern either.

Just starting taking the supplements again and retest is 2-3 months.

If your hemoglobin is down that another story, and is cause for concern.
I had the same surgery but different reasons.
I think Catherine is right on the ball.

Have to go... I asked Grace to sit on the couch and she thinks the world is going to end.:ybatty: Oh, how I love the mood swings of pred.:ybatty:
Thanks Catharine :) Your explanation makes sense. I was also thinking that perhaps, there hasn't been enough time to rebuild iron (both stores and/or HGB?) since surgery and, as GP didn't know I'd had surgery, may just have been expressing concern at yesterday's low level while assuming that nothing was being done to fix the problem???

NP didn't call back with the numbers, assuming she was waiting to speak to the doctor.... If she doesn't call back by noon tomorrow, I will call.

Thanks FW... you made me smile! Sometimes miss having little ones around! :)
Tesscorm, as I read your OP about the iron I was thinking the same as you, maybe it just hasn't been long enough for the stores to build up. I hope they call with all the info tomorrow and don't leave you wondering for a couple of days!! Hugs!!!
Ummm Tess ~ you sound like my college kid ! :lol:
Take your supplements and wait for your blood results (and doctors!) to tell you that they're no longer necessary !! :D

Hope it's just a miscommunication between docs tho ! :)
:lol: Tracy, I was thinking the same thing... :redface: I'm constantly on top of both my kids to take their vitamins, etc. and then there's me... :ytongue:
Well I guess we will be clothes shopping this weekend and not for myself. Jack can't button any of his pants. These are the ones I had to have altered so they would fit him around the waist.
Awesome. Great problem to have! Better get some long ones cuz I'm praying he's gonna start shooting up soon too!
So we finally enrolled O in the Remistart program. We get a lot of correspondance from the Remicade people and EVERY time they send us a letter, approval, the card etc they also include their ginormous Medication guide with all that mice type and the listings of all the things that can go wrong and probability and such.

How come they take every opportunity they have to send you this thing? Is it required by law? If I wasn't a little skiddish before I certainly could become so is almost like they are CYA'ing or something. And now that I think of it, when O first started infusions, I got all this same stuff in the office, then by mail from Remicade and then by e-mail.
Have to admit, I usually LOVE dealing with people/organizations who are efficient, offer lots of info, available to answer questions, etc., etc. but I have also found the remicade experiences just a little scary!!! GI put me in contact with a nurse from BioAdvance who has been super nice and helpful, dealt with insurance, etc., then the people from the infusion centre have been really nice, calling to schedule, offering info, etc., then the pharmacist called to offer information, give me their hours, run through all Stephen's other meds and supplements, said if I have questions to call them and they can reach the GI when necessary, etc., etc....

Hard to explain what makes me nervous about it but it's like they're all SO nice and helpful that there must be some reason for it?!?!? and, yes, I know I sound a bit stupid and paranoid! :lol: (maybe I'm just not used to such efficiency from our medical system :facepalm:)
Grrrr...H has been SO good about taking his iron supplement...and now he is back to fighting it again! Can't bribe him with dollars or BBQ chips. *sigh* I will lay off him for a couple of days and hope that he resumes compliance.
Tesscorm: feels a little cult like huh?

Henrietta: BBQ chips?! I would do ANYTHING for BBQ chips. ugh...maybe time to up or change the anty.
Crohnsinct - YES!! :lol: I think that is what it feels like! It may be because I never wanted into this 'club' but I'm there and now everyone's trying too hard to convince me how great it is to be there! :eek:

Since I am 'there', I'm certainly grateful that it's all so efficient and easy but just can't help that I'm not getting the 'warm and fuzzies'! :lol: (...Perhaps my hubby would just say 'Oh, she's never satisfied!' :rof:)
LMAO! Come off it. I am in that club and you know you practically begged your GI to let you in so you could be just like me:ylol:

Bet if they served you wine at infusions you wouldn't bat an eyelash.
A little bit of wine, a couple of Marines at the door, a little footrub... hmmm... I could be convinced! :kiss:
Haha! CIC just because you bring the bottle in your purse to the infusions doesn't mean they are serving wine!!:lol2:

I'm in that club, and get this I just let them give C an infusion at 3.5 weeks last month...I had valium for that though!:eek:

Joining sucks but the membership does have the benefit of all the other wonderful remicade Moms that will vent, cry and drink right along with me.:ghug:

Oh and I just made a new email address and let the hubby pick up the mail when all the Remistart precaution/reminder thingies started coming:eek:
We are terrible at picking up the mail! Thank God I never see the mailman, he must curse at us every time he tries to jam in MORE mail in our already overstuffed box!! :lol: so, I haven't seen all this literature you're talking about... hmmm, will make sure hubby picks that up... no worries that he will read it! :ybatty:
Thankfully- gi never gave us any of the pamphlets or booklets on remicade- maybe because I asked too many questions-He just briefly went over them .
They did give a minor 3 paged typed thing when Ds had his first infusion but nothing since.
Other than discharge instructions.

So the key is to keep giving the GI copies of research papers then they assume you know all the risks don't have to be reminded every single time with the big book of papers.

I want so BBQ chips but add doughnuts and chocolate -
I am going to need it
I am taking DS on Monday to get his infusion on Monday and purposely giving him
steroids in the docs words so if he does have a reaction it should be so bad.

The only thing keeping me calm is I have two epi pens strapped to him at all times
-and I have used them before .
Mmm, what are bbq chips? Sounds good, along with the chocolate and wine.
Just to give you guys a laugh - I have managed to pull a muscle in my back - while drying my hair :ybatty:
Have to say my husband has been very sympathetic - after he almost fell over laughing! :yrolleyes: So unfortunately no wine for me while on the muscle relaxants from the docs or it will be me falling over :ylol:
Bahaha! Sorry but that's hilarious! Hoping your back is feeling better soon and you can get back to self medicating with wine. BBQ chips are potato chips with BBQ flavor. Potato chips take up entire grocery aisles here...we have all's pretty ridiculous!
Sascot - :lol: Sorry but had to laugh! I hope it feels better soon! (You may want to consider a brush cut going forward??? :rof:)
MLP - Good luck on Monday!!!!! :ghug: :ghug:

I hope ALL goes smoothly. Some chips and box of chocolate Timbits in hand won't hurt anyone! ;)

(In case you don't know, Timbits are the 'holes' of doughnuts! :lol: So, little bite size doughnuts!!:banana:)