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Liam's GERD diet used stevia in all it's recipes but I didn't like the taste, it's ok with strong flavors but it really does need masking.

On the forum I found agave suggested as another healthy alternative to sugar so gave that a try and it tastes great, so I think I'll probably continue to use.
I'm aware that agave doesn't have the advantage of being low calorie that stevia does. Advantages are meant to be that it's low GI and you can use less.

However that hasn't really worried me as neither of my boys have a weight issue. Other than calorie content what other issues about fructose that I should consider?
Quite a while ago I posted a handy dandy list of non processed sugars and measurements for substituting for sugar in the clean diet thread. I like to use Sucanat or Rapadura because they are clean (not processed) and have retained some minerals, vitamins and nutrients. I think I also posted something in that clean eating thread about the benefits of these.

So you see the 100 or so easter cookies I have eaten since Sunday were actually good for me because I made them with Rapadura!
One of reason why the fodmaps diet works for gots of people with IBS is that it reduces the intake of fructose as well as others.

There are members here removing High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from their diets and if your follow their thinking you would also remove agave as some believe it is even higher in fructose.

All i'm saying is check it out for yourself.
CRISIS!!! CRISIS!!! What will Twiggy put on her Beaver Tails now? Come on Germany...hand it over and no one will get hurt!

Thieves in Germany decided to go for a different kind of precious material this weekend. Instead of the real deal, robbers went for chocolate gold in the form of everyone's favorite gooey dessert spread: Nutella.

According to the Associated Press, thieves in the German town of Bad Hersfeld got away with a whopping 5.5 tons of the chocolate-hazelnut spread. The jars were stolen from a parked trailer. That excessive amount of Nutella is worth about $20,710 or 16,000 euros.
Hopefully they will hide all if the Nutella for ever and ever
( sorry twiggy)
FA to hazelnuts makes Nutella not very popular in my house
But elephant ears are ( aka beaver tails but roundish )
Well I guess if you have never tasted it you could live without it but at this point if O developed an allergy to anything in Nutella natural or not I think you would all just have to buy stock in the makers of the epi pens!

My 18 year old says that if she could ever not eat cheese that we should just pull the plug.

Italians! All about the food around here.
And just to stay true to my clean eating rep...there are much healthier alternatives to, much less suagar etc. My kids like it fine but Nutella will always hold a special place in their hearts.
I have never seen Beaver Tails (or Elephant Ears, for that matter) in Australia. :eek2::eek2::eek2:

That might, of course, be because I eat almost no takeaway food, except sushi. :)
You are right Susan, we don't have them here. The closest thing we have to animal food is a bear claw. :biggrin:
Ah, we have bear claws too! :lol: We also have chicken fingers and pigs in a blanket!

Re the nutella The thieves can keep it!!! :puke_r: Love chocolate and nuts but I can't even stand the smell of nutella! The rest of my family loves it though! :D
You guys crack me up! Contrary to how it may appear I am not a huge Nutella fan. Don't get me wrong, if it is the only chocolate option I will go for it but it would never be my first choice. My son on the other hand might not live without it... In fact if he is feeling too terrible to eat anything else he can usually still eat Nutella.

I've been good the last couple of days and had yogurt with bananas and granola for breakfast.
Stephen's all-time favourite snack/treat for YEARS were Pillsbury Country biscuits smothered in nutella! :yfaint: Everytime he had a friend stay over, he'd ask me to make them as an evening snack! :lol: I imagined every little boy going home and saying 'wow, you should see what Stephen's allowed to eat before bed!' :lol:
Something we can all relate to...and oh so true...


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I finally have a clean one for FW!

Person 1: I just watched this awesome movie
Person 2: Cool, what's it about
Person 1: The wife is brutally killed by a cold blooded killer and the son gets really hurt. Then there is a twist and the son is kidnapped. The father then begins a quest to find and save his son, with the help of a mentally ill female.
Person 2: Wow, I want to watch that movie. What is it called?
Person 1: Finding Nemo.
O.K. I posted on darling Devynn's thread that I was pretty sure my girls would not ever give their lunch to another child not because they are cold and insensitive but because they are sweat hogs!

Today, my youngest came home and told me she gave away her home made, italian, pain in the butt to make mommy only makes them twice a year cookies to her friend because she didn't have a lot to eat for lunch!

I don't know if I should feel like a good mother for raising such a great kid or bad mother for ever doubting my child haha or worse for being pissed it takes so much to make them!
I have had a Mac for yonks! I received it for my birthday in 2011. :)

I use to wash the glass until I came upon this fab little gadget thingy called SmartBurn. I was sceptical at first but it is a fair dinkum goer! :thumleft:


Oh just is an Aussie invention! :lol:
How much$$$ and how often do you use them?

….of course it is!! All good things come from the land of Oz!!
No, but if it works, next winter cuz I hope I'm done for this season, I'll give you a warm, heartfelt, publicly acknowledged thank you!…and I may even say something nice about Australia and the intellectual superiority that so evidently abounds there!…outside of NSW!
Dex, Dusty - how much wood do you guys burn in the winter. I went through 2-3 cords when we had the wood insert at the old house.
Never heard of a cord. :)

We buy ours by the tonne and we use about 3 tonne in a milder Winter and 4 tonne in a colder Winter.

Bear in mind though we have quite large extremes of temperature. On the most extreme end for a Winter's day we can go from -11C to 18C so the days we burn at high rate all day aren't huge, plus we both work so the fire just trickles a lot of the time.
A cord is essentially two ricks. A rick is a stack of firewood 4ft tall by 8ft long assuming two feet firewood length.

This winter I burned about 3 cord I'd guess. Last year, I doubt I used half that.
Never heard of a cord. :)

We buy ours by the tonne and we use about 3 tonne in a milder Winter and 4 tonne in a colder Winter.

Bear in mind though we have quite large extremes of temperature. On the most extreme end for a Winter's day we can go from -11C to 18C so the days we burn at high rate all day aren't huge, plus we both work so the fire just trickles a lot of the time.

what a great way to buy firewood, 2 ton of wood and half a ton of water.

we buy ours by the cord, 8ft x 4ft x4ft. or by the cubic metre.

also not cold enough down here for a fire yet.
I have had a Mac for yonks! I received it for my birthday in 2011. :)

I use to wash the glass until I came upon this fab little gadget thingy called SmartBurn. I was sceptical at first but it is a fair dinkum goer! :thumleft:


Oh just is an Aussie invention! :lol:

may have been invented in the land of oz, but the inventor Peter Hutchison is a KIWI........
what a great way to buy firewood, 2 ton of wood and half a ton of water.

we buy ours by the cord, 8ft x 4ft x4ft. or by the cubic metre.

also not cold enough down here for a fire yet.

Haha, that's some expensive water!!

....and now we know the truth behind the real genius down under!!
For those of you (DustyKat at any rate) who've been waiting to hear what my husband brought me for our wedding anniversary. (Quick recap: on the day of our anniversary he was in Ghana sightseeing around the coast, and I was stuck home looking after a sick child & walked into a door & broke my nose.

I didn't get anything :(
He bought hand painted bracelets for our nieces in Australia, and a Ghana Football shirt for Liam but nothing for me.

I feel seriously cheated :( Think a visit to my favorite jewelery store (Turkish) or my is in order.
Oh my gosh! How did I miss the broken nose story?! That's awful! You poor thing.

Husbands forget anniversaries because they aren't is just a blissful experience and not one to be counted down on a calendar...or so says my friend's husband when he forgets.

Hubby and I are odd...we don't exchange gifts or really celebrate (for us...we do for the kids) birthdays, anniversaries, valentine's day, mother or fathers day. Just Christmas and this year we may (emphasis on may) take a trip and call that our Christmas gift and be done with it for the rest of this year. Sounds kinda sad, I know but it works for us.
In this case he didn't forgt the anniversary just decided he couldn't choose between al the beautiful jewellrey and craft items he saw in Ghana ded I should pick something for myself when we ent there as a family.

Talk about wishful thinking! Although he's aware that Liam's been really unwell he still had this idea in his head that we we're taking the boys to Africa this Summer, really can't see that happening at this point.
He would need Yellow Fever & Typhoid. Yellow Fever is a live vaccine. Typhoid isn't. still harsh.

Yellow Fever vaccination lasts 10 years and if we get an opportunity would be great to do as it opens up lots of future travel options. But I'm not comfortable having him vaccinated for Yellow Fever when his BMI is so low (I guess I should check with his doctor whether my concern about this is justified.) I feel like he can't really afford even minor help blips at the moment.

Also Africa means anti malarial medicines and even if your careful a reasonably high risk you'll get a dose of gastro at some point during your stay. Once again I just think he's too thin right now to be able to cope with those things.
Not to mention what a bad case of travelers diarrhea or gastroenteritis could do... I think you should think long and hard about this trip... I hope he feels better this summer either way though.
I would stick my neck out and say there are so many beautiful places you can go that don't need any vaccinations at all. Vaccinations are one of my pet peeves (a touchy subject I know) after my daughter started all her issues the day after her pre-school boosters.
Also feel free to ignore me, but Africa is not a place I would take my kids - ever. Having grown up in South Africa - we got out as soon as we could after being robbed 8 times in a year and a half, one of my friends was robbed at gun point, my uncle got shot (he survived), another friend had their car hijacked and I was going everywhere with mace spray in my handbag. I know that 98% of people living in these places are really kind and welcoming - but there are those 2% that make it a risk I am not willing to take my kids into.
These are just my feelings from personal experience, maybe we had just been really unlucky.
My husband goes to Ghana for work and he absolutely loves it there and raves about the place (boys have seen lots of photos). It doesn't have the same sort of violence issues that some other parts of Africa do but health wise there are lots of things you can catch (which is a concern for me when Liam is so fragile.)

Because we've lived and travelled in the third world my boys have been vaccinated for most things.

Pete has been away about 90% of the time this year and only has 4 weeks over the Summer, so the plan has been that we'd do some travelling with so we had a bigger block of time together as a family. But not sure that's going to work out this year.
Catherine, the travel planning cycle for Pete's work is really short.
4 - 6 weeks out he has vague ideas what he thinks is happening but its still at the flip coin likelihood that, that is what will actually happen.
1 - 2 weeks out priorities are finalised, flights are booked and he knows where he is going.
If we're working around his work timings it's going to have that same level of total unpredictability.

It's still 6 weeks until Summer holidays so discussions as to what we'll do and where we'll go are still unbelievably vague. I'm hoping he can push off the next block of Ghana work to at least August (I've strongly encouraged him to try to do so).
I LOVE to travel. We are definitely planning on taking the kids to Africa sometime. We all got the Yellow Fever vaccine prior to a trip to Peru in 2011, and prior to my son's diagnosis. I hope to go to Namibia and Botswana.

I would check to see if getting the Yellow Fever vaccine now is advisable. If possible I would do it even if you aren't going to go to Ghana this summer. I HATE the fact that my son won't ever be able to get this vaccine again and I am super happy that we lucked out and got the vaccine before he started azathioprine.

Now I'd better get planning that trip. Or more accurately, I'd better get to work so I can afford that trip. :yfaint:
Wait! What happened to was it Georgia? You know the place with the beautiful countryside, lovely people, great grains and og yeah a welcome bottle of wine? I would pick wine over diahrea anyday!

Sascot: did you live in a city? :eek2:
Yeah we are heading to Georgia on 20th July for 10 day. But there's a month between end of school and that trip (dates were set by timing of visit from my uncle & aunt).

After Georgia I'll probably take the kids to Australia.
But there is a month to fill in before that, when my husband will be working, really don't want to be stuck in Dubai on my own with them in mid Summer (when it's too hot here to do anything much.)
Maree: :bigwave:ADOPT ME! I come potty trained, no medical issues, college and wedding already paid for and I clean my own room. ADOPT ME!!!!!!!
Your welcome to come and visit anytime! The Winter is nicest.

Liam got his first business travellor passport aged 7 (48 pages instead of the usual 24) because he'd completely filled the previous one. My kids have a rude awakening ahead of them when they finish high school, leave us and return to the real world.

About a week before we headed away last Summer, I had a conversation with them that went along the line:
Aren't you excited? Answer: No
Where going away for 8 weeks, to 4 countries We do this every year.
Most kids your age would think that's really exciting No one we know!

At which point I was ready to throw things at my spoilt brats. Don't get me wrong, most of the time their great but they do take for granted how lucky they are to have such amazing travel opportunities.
Cutsie pics from Oz to brighten your day...:biggrin:


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Hmmm, think I should make this my philosophy to live by...:lol:


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How fab is this cake! Hush my puppies and prune my magnolia's, some people are so talented! Did any of you guys in the UK see this?...


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They're all cute but I love the dog running!!! :D

Our new puppy came home on Thursday... OMG, if anyone's seen Marley and me, you'll know what we're dealing with! :yfaint: This little guy is absolutely adorable (will post some pics this week) BUT is biting EVERYTHING and EVERYONE with razer sharp teeth!!!! Yesterday morning, he grabbed one of Em's shoes and took off with it, chased him down and put them away. He followed me, I took my shoes down from the shelf (can't leave them out!), as soon as they touched the floor, he was biting them, tried to shoo him away with my feet, he started biting my toes, got my shoes on, still biting at shoes... ran into the family room, saw a rolled up area rug hidden behind a chair, on a trunk (because he'd already thought it was a chew toy), he was able to reach a corner of the rug, tried to tug it down, hubby grabbed it and put it on the chair, he started jumping on the chair to get it down, hubby pushed him down, he ran under the wall unit with all the electricals (lots of wires! :eek:), had to pull him out by his hind legs... keep in mind, all this took place within 10 minutes AND he is only 8 weeks and 9 pounds... OMG, what have we gotten ourselves into?!?!?!? :ack:

That picture above, of the dog running... is how he spends all day!!! :lol:
Love all those pictures!
Crohnsinct - no I didn't live in the city (somewhere I avoided unless absolutely necessary). We lived in a nice, quiet suburb!
That sleeping dalmatian is a CAKE??? Unbelievable. It looks so much like a puppy I'm not so sure I'd feel ok about cutting into it! :ylol:
My good friend asked Nick what he had for breakfast today and he said two waffles and a side of steroids ! I thought it was hilarious.
AW thanks for the laughs today guys! I just can't get those three girls (and one little one) in Ohio out of my mind. Been so sad all day:( That story is so heartbreaking. Just when you thought it was safe to turn on the T.V.. ..
On a more cheerful note....O's concert is tonight. She is in choir (and band). She tells me at rehearsal today the choir director had to move her to the risers because she has grown so much.

Bahahahahaha...:kissgrits: Crohns!

Yeah I know fw...shame on me...bad city girl!
Yeah I know fw...shame on me...bad city girl!


:confused2:Oh, you do miss our country vs. city banter don't you.:ghug:

I'm sorry my city slicker friend I've been away but the farm calls. It's nice to get the fresh air and raise my kids with good old fashion values.

I hope you can do the same....just take a weapon/dog/hubby with you.

Looked at the calendar this morning and realised just 5 weeks to go until the Summer holidays. Can't wait. I'm so ready for this year to be over.
Thanks for that Maree...

Meanwhile in Oz...half way through the academic year and very quickly sliding into Winter. :lol:
Nick shared this morning at the bus stop that there were only 15 days of school left !
Then one of the kids said wow Nick you are getting really fat ! But your legs and stuff are still really thin, it's like your face got huge. Then the bus came and away they took him. I then cried all the way back to the house, worried all day and went to pick him up so he wouldn't have to ride the bus home. Guess what, he was fine about it, he said the other boy was right and it was just an observation ! He said it made him feel sad but its OK. WOW, he is just a great boy who makes me proud every single day.
Ok so my daughter, J,(non ibder) told me of a recent conversation she had with some friends at college.

They were on the way out to eat and there were four of them. Two girls in the front(A and M) and J and a guy(R) in the back. While in convo, on the way to the restaurant, the guy states, "Yeah, I use my disease to pick up girls." J realizes from his facial expression that he does have a disease and the comment is in jest but the girls in the front think he is in jest about the whole comment and tease him about "his supposed disease" all the way to the restaurant. J can't find a moment alone with them to tell them to knock it off the guy is being serious about having some type of disease.

So at dinner he wonders out loud(his first time to this restaurant) what would be safe for him to eat. One of the girls(A) says teasingly, "Why will it affect your disease." J kicks her under the table and says he really has something and he says "yeah Crohn's Disease."

J said then it turned into a parody of ettiquette errors because the other girl(M) then replies "oh well that's nothing, it's not even serious.", to which A kicks her under the table because she knows that J's brother has it but then A turns right around tells the guy that he can have the chipotle buffalo chicken fajitas with jalapenos to which J kicks her under the table because she figures the boy can't eat that with CD. Then the other girl gets kicked under the table by one of 'em because she says everybody has some form of CD so she doesn't know what the big deal is.

J said, by the end of the night she thought that every inconsiderate comment you could think of regarding chronic illness or someone dealing with CD had been covered by her two friends and that their shins were probably fairly black and blue. She said in the end all she and the guy could do was laugh because their friends were tripping over themselves with all the inappropriate comments.

Oh and J really hasn't been around since C was dx'ed since she was already at college and I didn't think she really knew that much about CD but apparently she has researched too at some point.
:confused2:I just want to send a hug out to all those in Oklahoma USA.:confused2:
Up here in Michigan we are being told that the tornado was 2 miles at it's base.
My heart goes out to everyone involved and prayers to all the families of those who died,:confused2: especial the children that die in the school.:confused2:
You know your a parent to an IBD'er when................................................

Your 6 yrs old non-IBD'er is going poo and Grace (4yrs) walks up to the door and YELLS, :yfaint:
Are you ok? Don't push to hard! If it hurts I'll tell mommy. Don't flush! Do you need a book?
Farmwife: sounds like your daughter is very considerate of what others may be going through too............ so cute!!!!!!!
:ylol: Farmwife - that is sooo cute!
Well, I'm off to have an operation to remove a lump on my shoulder today :eek2:. Seemed like a good idea at the time - it has been bothering me recently. However, it's typical - doesn't feel too bad today and I am slightly worried about the general anaesthetic. Last time I had an op, the anaesthetist managed to cut a hole in my throat while intubating me!
Oh well, in a few hours it's all over and I won't have the unsightly lump and can wear my bathing costume with pride (pity about the other lumps and bumps :ylol:)
Thanks. Op is over - was pretty straightforward. Feel sooo groggy though - my eyes keep wanting to shut. Not had that before.
Did ask the surgeon if I could have a free tummy tuck at the same time, but he didn't take me up on it :ylol:
Glad all went well! Enjoy the sleep!! I spent half of my day at the doctors (for me) today - he kept apologizing for having me there that long - and all I could think was I read two magazines *2*!!! Without kids calling my name and the dog barking and the phone ringing and the computer begging and, and, and... laughs...

He asked if I could come back tomorrow to do a stress test - Yep!
Shell, you're the only person on the planet whose stress level goes down at the doctor's office!!
Best baby shower cake ever??? :ylol:


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Sascot, I'm glad your surgery went well, I hope it continues to heal without problems. That cake is funny - I hope it was an all-ladies shower! I don't think I'd have the guts to bring one like that! Makes one lose your appetite regarding eating it! I think it would be funny to have at an OB/Gyn gathering too.