Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

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LOLOL!!! Ohhh CIC is with the firemen and rescue workers, I thought she was trying out her moves at another bar...but she hanging out at the firestation of course with the fire pole...should've are we anywhere near Amsterdam yet?
:facepalm: I'd forgotten about that pole! And, my oh my, that pole is so shiny and big!!!

By the way, have I missed something...??? What's with the CIC? Crohnsinct-in-crisis? Crohnsinct-in-custody? Crohnsinct-is-cruisin'?
Wow! You guys really did miss are getting it all in aren't you?

Crohnsinct Is Crying

Just for that I am not sharing my rescue workers!
Oh and if it is Crohns Is Cruising that would be in a convertible filled with white balloon bubbles possibly by the firestation....
Alright let's move on in this game.:cool2:


Shorter than some but a gentle soul with a lovely smile.
A caring mother with a full head of fiery red hair (Irish) that's very hard to manage.
Wardrobe is casual yet feminine. Her attitude is kind but a of a quick witt!
Rick60 I don't know how you are:shifty-t: but I feel the need to apologize for these ladies.:cool:
Hard to control they are!:yfaint:
How come you're so much nicer when you describe Suzysu?

(Although I do agree with your description.)
:yfrown:I'm not good at this game, all my people are cartoons:shifty-t:

When I hear Suzysu for some reason I think Betty Boop. I love that cartoon:thumleft:

Although for Sascot, I do get Sean Connery's equally hot girl cousin or possibly Sean in drag but I think the Scot part does that :ybiggrin:.

Sheesh sorry guys, I do have an imagination it just tends toward the insane!:ywow: (sorry I couldn't find an insane smiley)
Seriously crying you girls have me laughing so hard.

YEP! That's my suzy to! And Sascot also. Tall, slender, put together, nice coif although bags under the eyes from lack of sleep and ready to blow at any minute, has been seen crying about town to get her way...the woman stops at nothing.

MLP on the shorter side, short bob jet black hair, sweet face, ivory skin, slouches a little because she is on computer all day pouring over research but has loads of friends because she is always in the know about all things.
Onto Catherine,

She's a professional through and through. Friendly to all but puts up with no back talk or put downs. Her wardrobe is to die for and her hair is shorter but very stylish. The women around her wonder how she keeps it together and looks so good. Oh lets not forget her competitive edge she has pass onto her kids. She might be professional but she screams the loudest at the swim meets!:ylol:
O.K. trying to redeem myself but can't seem to find a decent picture. Anyway, posted graduation photos but keep in mind it was 97 degrees and 150% humidity so be kind. Also posted pics of a wedding this summer but again it was summer and we were in the car for 5 hours getting there.

I think I know what I want for Christmas...some glamour shots!
Crohnsinct, you would have loved :yfaint: it when we raised the squirrel! Just walking through the house minding your own business and WHAM! Squirrel comes flying out of nowhere and lands on your shoulder! The things we do when our kids find abandoned critters!

Hey...we can now plan the next fantasy trip to Colorado! We can have legal special brownies!
Mmmmm....brownies!!!! I saw a quote on FB today about last nights elections:

The big winner last night? Peyton Manning! He just bought 21 Papa Johns franchises in a state where they voted to make marijuana legal.....

Haha he has the munchies covered!!
Clash - :ylol2:
Crohnsinct I just sent you a friend request, I've been nice to you so please accept me so I can see what you look like as well :rosette2:
I don't remember you begging ME to be your friend???

Ok so we Know what you look like now but like but let's guess at you personality.

Jmrogers4, (PM with your name, so impersonal to type a screen name)

Your a laid back, take it as it comes person. Your supper creative and driven as long as you want to do it. I think you are one of the favorite personalities we have here. I think you are the kind of funny to be around and people make you center of attention in any gatherings. :rosette2:
Pretty close - Yes laid back and quiet until you get to know me then watch out :ylol: (Maybe it's the red hair) Creative as long as I can copy exactly what someone else has done. Imitation is the best form of flattery right?
In tears here...
Poles gay bars firemen .....
Ok back to fireman
That thought made my day.

Ok let's try this
Tall brunette ( once upon a time ago) now blonde highlights
Always has a coffee mug and sharpie markers in her
Very large purse( sharpie for O's swim meets)
Clips Starbucks coupons and stores them in large files on her ipad.

Clash ( I have not looked yet at the pic)
Also tall blond - very southern drawl .
Has car routes timed so if her son is late driving she can speed dial the car and located it on her GPS . While she is visiting the local gay bar exercising ( dancing on the bar)...

Short blond ( once brunette)
Very organized all papers including pump directions filed on her phone .
Double paper copies at home but in a pile to be filed later.
A suitcase always packed just in add there is a trip to Mexico or the Caribbean .( watch out since jmrogers( jaqui ) is hiding in the case.
Bwahahaha!!! MLP those were awesome!! I have long dark brown hair, yep I'm tallish more like lanky(blech such an awkward word) but you nailed me on the whole if C is late...GPS, EMS, GSP, FBI, CIA Fire Dept. and for good measure possibly the Marines!!! Poor fellow when he turns 18 he's going to put in to go to college in Alaska!!
That their is about the funniest this you've ever typed MLP! :ylol:
Thanks for not picking on me!:thumleft:

Pretty close - Yes laid back and quiet until you get to know me then watch out :ylol: (Maybe it's the red hair) Creative as long as I can copy exactly what someone else has done. Imitation is the best form of flattery right?

We do the same kind of "art work".:ylol:

My mother-in-law is so gifted at art. Takes her hours or days to do a mural.:yfaint:
She asked me to help once, got on the computer found the closest pic I could of the scene and you guess it. Traced it and had it done in an hour if that. She got so mad:mad2: and said I cheated and said ya.....but now I'm done!:ylol:
:ylol::ylol:. Just been on a night out (shocking - there is a world out there once the kids go to bed) :yfaint:. Went to see Michael McIntyre (comedian) and he was soooo funny.
Don't worry farmwife
You get something special..... Bahahaha
Brainey glasses.
I wear contacts thAnk you very much...
No more papers for you.
Brainey glasses was a complement!

crohnsinct is the one who said you were a hunch back!:shifty-t:

Strangely enough, even though MLP's screen name should evoke images of a cartoon penguin for my description of her(now thanks to Farmwife wearing brainy glasses):ylol: my visual of MLP is actually, one of petite build, slender frame with shoulder length sandy brown hair with a lab coat. Sorry MLP, but with all the research you seem to do in my visual you are always in a lab coat!:thumleft:
Whoa Farmwife! You started this mess! I said hunched over NOT hunchback!

Clash...pant pant...yeah yeah...MARINES...yeah yeah...pant pant...that is like firemen to the 10th power!

MLP: highlights...bahahaha that is my gray starting to show!

JMRogers..sorry girlfriend but I do not see you as the crafty/artsy type. Copier yes! I see you as easy going and ready to let the house go to hell in a handbaske if a friend calls with some idea of fun. Good boy mom...ready for an adventure at every turn...natural lover...well nature putter upper...sorry but a flying squirrel and my son would be put up for adoption!

Tesscorm: one more personality trait...bake sales? Nah tell me how many cupcakes you need and I will have Magnolia deliver them,,,fundraisers? Whatever...just tell me the cost of the trip and who to make my check out to....I'll pay extra just don't bother me!

Farmwife: bake sale...oh oh sign me up...I will make 20 dozen of the best mini quiche shells filled with fresh eggs from the farm and fresh cheese from my very own cows. Wrapped in my basket lined with a custom print I sewed myself to match the season or holiday of choice. All while Tess and I sit back and pay $3 a quiche and exclaim what a bargain butr where is the french hazelnut vanilla frappachino grande? But alas farmwife cheated...she used some refrigerated dough for the pastry and bought the basket liners...fraud!
Flying squirrel YIKES, not in my house must be jmckinley. They would all have to sleep outside. Although with the recent mountain lion sightings in the neighborhood maybe just the squirrel and if it ran into the mountain lion it's on it's own. Although we do have quite the zoo going on, 2 boys, 2 cats, a dog and a gecko.
Yes the house generally looks like a tornado has hit it, with both the boys always doing different sports and activities it's usually in to drop off one and pick up the other, of course I can always squeeze in some margarita time with the girls :ylol:
Ahhh Fireman! The one and only time I have ever been stuck in an elevator was with 4 fireman and a surgeon. It was quite the experience.
Aahh yes it was jmk!

"Trapped" in an elevator with four firemen...nice try JM,,,how much did you pay your friend to gunk up the works?
O.K. seriously? Just happened to turn on the tv before 11 and saw promos for a show "Chicago Fire" Really? Sounds like we have to watch.....
Well I wont get to watch Chicago Fire tonight, I have to make sure my house is clean and we have clean clothes as we are making a quick trip to the big city (Seattle) this weekend and my mother-in-law is coming to take care of the zoo.
Hey, didn't Washington legalize marijuana also? It was a vote for recreational, not medicinal! Can you believe it? Brownies for everybody!

Yep, the squirrel was me!
So wait are we meeting in Chicago, Denver or Seattle??? Decisions, decisions, decisions...:cool:
OMG, I am bloody laughing out so loudly my family thinks I've gone completely loony! (I told them 'just call me Clash from now on!' :lol:)

I don't even know where to start!...

But, priorities... FOUR FIREMEN AND A SURGEON! :worthy: That could be reality show - XXX Factor! I just want to know what type of performance could get them booted off!

MLP - OMG, your description of me was so bang on! :rof: :rof: I literally JUST threw out the Reintroduction of Food Diet (figured I'd posted it enough times I could always look here if I needed it)! And, Stephen's medical records... First, made an extra copy for me (just in case), then made another copy for his GP! My two copies sat in a pile for 4 months, one I stashed in an envelope for safekeeping, the other... well, bought THREE binders cuz I wasn't sure how I would organize them! Have I mentioned that I have all of Stephen's lab results in an excel spreadsheet with mini 'cheat' definitions (cuz I'm not really smart enough to remember what it all means), with the lab's high and low ranges and the entries are formatted to automatically glow bright red if they fall outside of the range! I was thinking of charting them but wasn't sure what I would do with Stephen's HGB charts with trending lines! :lol: (By the way, anyone wants a blank of this spreadsheet, I'll leave in the definitions, lab ranges and formatting, I'm happy to forward to you! :))

But, MLP, I think everyone's bang on with their description of you... very similar to mine... except I think long sleek dark hair in a pony tail! Yep, can totally see the lab coat over totally awesome clothes! And, okay you've got contacts but you've also got trendy reading glasses!

Crohnsinct (or should I say CIC?) - I am with you on the bake sales and fundraisers! Who the heck would want to buy my cupcakes when they can get them for free (hmmm, sounds like something my mother told me years ago! :lol:) but you know what I mean. And, CIC, save that table at Starbucks! Skim milk cappuccino with double chocolate!! And one of those new Seattle's best brownies on the side!

I've probably missed something but there was so much I missed here in the two hours I tried to bond with my family :facepalm:...
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Oh, by the way... Chicago, Seattle or Denver... doesn't matter to me, I really do have a half packed suitcase in my closet! :lol:
Oh, how could I forget!?!? CIC - LOVE the pictures!!! You look so 'nice', not at all the way Farmwife describes you! :lol: But, seriously, you look GREAT!

Now I'm friggin' stressed! I've got some major reno work to do! :yfaint:

You have a zoo, need to come to my house, 3 girls, dog, cat, rabbit, 3 chicken, burgie, two turtles and approx. 18 fish (won't stay still to be counted).
Me I'm insurance professional although didn't go back to work after Sarah's MRI wasn't in the mood. My hair is blonde and very long. Have no interest in fashion.
What?! It's Dusty's birthday? How did you know that? Are you one of her lucky friend's on facebook? You probably know her real name too!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUSTY! For your birthday we didn't pick on you!
Sorry crohnsinct,:redface: still not part of her inner circle! Maybe if you were nicer to me I would tell you about her secret thread!

:heart::D:dance:HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN DUSTY!:dance::D:heart:
I'll take your guys zoo any day.:D
1-Farmer, 2 kids, 2 Lg. breed dogs, 15 barn cats, 80 some milking cows, 1 bull, a lot of calfs and yearling and parent-in-laws that live BY us!!! Need I say more! Oh, lets not forget the birds that call our farm home. DustyKat can tell y'all how I love my birds.:voodoo::voodoo::voodoo:
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What?! It's Dusty's birthday? How did you know that? Are you one of her lucky friend's on facebook? You probably know her real name too!

I just happened to see it where the birthdays are.....Don't know what made me look there...:lol2:......and no i don't know her real name.
Her name's not DustyKat????

What? My hubby calls me farm wife!!!!

OK lets finish this game that has taken on a life of it's own.


:heart:A professional with a heart of gold.:heart:
Short of stature with think crazy hair that has to be pulled back to keep it tame.
She has curves to die for:D (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) and a vocabulary to make a sailor blush!:ywow:

I'm I right?:shifty:
Fair Dinkum!!! I feel like I've wandered into the twilight zone! :yfaint:

Aside from the fact that I am so bloody lost, thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! :hug::hug::hug:

Until yon post above I thought my description ended with me being Skippy's (The Bush Kangaroo) love child!

Some right, some not right...

Heart of gold? Depends which side of my mood you are on! :lol:

Stature? Not short but closer to that than tall.

Hair? Long and Auburn in colour but under control. :wink:

Curves? Yes but at this point they have not deteriorated to 'matronly'. :lol:

Vocabulary? Yes, I would make a sailor blush. :)

*Personality - Try as you might you will never be able to insult me. Many have tried but failed miserably. :biggrin:

*Humour - Wicked and irreverent. Just in case you weren't sure. :tongue:

That's right it is finally Halloween round here. Although, 40 less houses to trick or treat at this year:ywow:
That's a shame about the missing houses Crohnsinct! Hope you all manage to have a happy Halloween.
Just got home. It was so sad. Lots of tears. I think ther reality of it all is starting to hit everyone but it was a beautiful night to be out and those who are left and who decided to give it a go gave the kids a good time.
I mean for crying out loud!:voodoo:
Why must you egg her on????:ybatty:
Shame on you jmckinley!:eek2:

:rof::rof:Now that's my kind of advent calendar:rof:

Believe it or not, I am in charge of the advent workshop at church and they want me to come up with a clever advent calendar...think this will fly?

If anyone's looking for a fundraising idea, this was one of the most successful fundraiser we had on both Emily's soccer and Stephen's hockey teams... Called it Holiday Cheer (basically it was a stock your bar) draw. Tickets were sold for $10 each and first prize was 12 bottles of mixed alcohol (ie one rum, one vodka, etc), second prize was a wine tasting (3 or 4 bottles of wine) and third prize was beer (3 or 4 bottles of different beers). Gotta tell you it wasn't hard to sell the tickets for $10. We always ran it a bit before the holidays.

We just had to be careful as the kids got older that they weren't buying for themselves!!! :eek:
crohnsinct, you could still do some kind of consumable advent calendar. 25 boxes/bottles with "safe" items like chocolate, mints, etc

You could also do "25 Acts of Kindness" with something to do on each date like "Send a card to a distant friend" :hug:
Hmmm, why not a get Dusty to Chicago advent calendar where you each donate daily to my cause? :rof:
Oh dear!! Now if you just replaced the wine bottles with pear cider - I would be happy to give it a try :ylol:
On a side note - I have had a really fun few days (not said that for a while) :thumleft:
Went to the Twilight films marathon - all five films in a row with the last one just after midnight! Super fun and loved the new film :ybiggrin:. Then I went home, got 4 hours sleep, took the kids to school and went to see the new film again with another group of friends :cool:. The TENS machine seems to be working, so no wimpering to be heard - all good :thumleft::thumleft:
:(Officially jealous Sascot! I haven't been able to go see it yet. I wanted to go Friday during school, then Ryan informs me that he wants to see it too! Then today, I wouldn't take him because he had homework to do! Grrrr!
OMG, you let homework get in the way?!?!? :yfaint: :lol:

By the way, I love your 25 Acts of Kindness advent calender... what a nice idea.

I'm also all in for the Get Dusty to Chicago fundraiser... anyone for a stock your bar ticket! :lol: I think we raised about $1,000 the last time we ran the draw! :thumright: hmmm??? You all think selling to Crohnsinct alone might raise enough money! :kiss:
I prefer the term connoisseaur if you don't mind! :ytongue:

Hey is Dusty's Christmas countdown ticker freaking anybody else out but me?
Talking about Christmas I just got this video about why we don't give our "elders" technology without explaining it to them.

The daughter who's visiting her dad, ask him how he liked the i-pad she sent him.

It's in German but you'll get the point.

Great photo. That is awesome! :dog: :emot-waycool:

Love the video farmwife! Some don't do much better even when you do explain the technology to them! :ywow:
All right! Time for another game.

This is called....(Yes I stole this idea from another thread.):kiss:

You know your a parent to an IBD'er when.......

I'll start.

You know your a parent to an (possible) IBD'er when.......

You tell your hubby to run like the wind, when your little girl looks up at you and says oh no mommy I have to go poo and your standing in the middle of a HUGE corn maze.:rof:
You tell your hubby to run like the wind, when your little girl looks up at you and says oh no mommy I have to go poo and your standing in the middle of a HUGE corn maze.:rof:

Oh we have so been there! We were at the football stadium this summer for his younger brothers football game and he gave me the look :eek2: We both were dying laughing after we finally found a bathroom on the other side of the stadium I can still picture Jack running as fast as possible with cheeks clenched, oh the looks we received.

Here is my entry - whenever you walk into someplace you immediately note the location of every restroom and mark the quickest ways to get there.

Here is another one but this may just pertain to my crazy kid. You are in a nice steakhouse and Jack after finishing 1/2 his steak is begging me to eat his broccoli - Yes he said "PLEEEASSSE can I eat my broccoli now!, look how much steak I ate" I think everyone at the table turned and looked at us with the craziest look. Another one we still laugh about
When you start checking the toilet for any signs of diarrhea..:ybatty:

My daughter is a lot older than Grace so i TRY not to question her too much...;)
How about...

I'm not paying that for underware!:ymad: Do you know how many she goes through?:eek2: I'll wait till there on sale.:rof:
Oh yeah totally been there. Hiking 3 mile sinto the woods with a kid not in remission yet. Track meet 3 minutes before the start of her race running for the portapotties...

But you know you are the parent of an IBDer when your kid uses the porta potty and you are analyzing all the other poop deposited prior to your child's.
Ah yes and I just noticed that even if I did accept the forum monitor invite you have more thanks in less posts so you would probably still out rank me! But I am older and you are supposed to respect your elders so :ytongue:
Sorry FW but I have to agree with CIC here.
Seasoned Ibd mom 's just can't be grossed out by ANYthing coming out of any of either end.
I have so btdt too many times .

You stock up on cottenelle single flush able wipes so your DH can have them in his pocket, in your purse, in the backpack etc..
You always have a backpack complete with wipes fresh clothes,
A barf bag and bucket, zofran plus pedialyte singles no matter where you go
Just in case.

One more:

You mention blood to the Gi during an appt . DS heads to the bathroom during the visit and you see the Gi running down the hall way ( like a slow motion movie) . Both of us ( doc and myself) are yelling "Don't flush" at DS who is in the facilities.:ylol2:
The rest of the staff thought there was something really wrong going on.
MLP and crohnsinct. :hug:
Isn't strange my daughters poo fine. Others make me sick. I may not be a full timer IBD mom but I am a full time dairy farmers wife and a cow poops up to a 100 lbs A DAY! Maybe that's where I get my nausea of other peoples poo from.:ybatty:
These are all Too funny !

You know you're a parent of an IBD'er when your daughter comes home to visit and see's the surprise mom has left for her in her room - 2 economy size packages of toilet paper - and she gives you a giant hug and is super excited ! LOL
You know your a parent to a (possible) IBD'er when.......

You see Miralax on a sale and figure you mine as well start stocking up!:ytongue:
Here is another one but this may just pertain to my crazy kid. You are in a nice steakhouse and Jack after finishing 1/2 his steak is begging me to eat his broccoli - Yes he said "PLEEEASSSE can I eat my broccoli now!, look how much steak I ate" I think everyone at the table turned and looked at us with the craziest look. Another one we still laugh about

Just your crazy kid.:rosette2:

Or how about a little twist to the game.

You know your a full time forum member when.............

You we re-read your post and see the spelling mistakes but you figure they'll get the idea.:ylol2:
You wake up and the first thing you do is check to see whats happened while you were asleep..:ylol:
When you spend your Sunday in your pjs not feeling good and read posts ALL day just to know you're not alone :)
you guys! :rof::rof: I say as I sit in my bed with lights off checking in on y'all before I go to bed!
When none of your friends have nice normal names and your children start asking you how are Farmwife and Dustykat today:ybiggrin: