Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Let's face it:shifty: the last thing we want is to be sitting in a doc office for US!
I pushed back my surgery twice and also pushed back the follow up apt. with the surgeon.:ywow:
Yes, I'm bad. I'll try to do better, next year.:ytongue:
Seriously people! In my hour of need and two days and not one funny discussion?! :yfrown: Where the heck is Angie? Tell her to quick post about Izzi and maybe you will all find some sort of nonsense to go on about.
Tess - my mom has known quite a few people who had the ablation and never had anyone with any issues with it. I believe the recovery is reasonably quick as these things go. Make sure you rest properly for a couple days!!
Farmwife - sorry to hear about your twins. It certainly seems the two beautiful kids you do have are super special to keep your heart happy!
Well guys, I am back from Amsterdam - it is a great city and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. The only drawback was Amy! I am becoming quite upset about her level of pain as well as the general reluctance of any medical staff to help her in any way :yfrown:. She woke up at 5am in the hotel in agony in her bottom - crying and actually asking for Calpol (which she hates). Seemed bad enough that I considered phoning a doc there. However she eased off after an hour and managed to get back to sleep. I feel so sorry for her.
On a lighter note - it was quite amusing seeing her face as we wandered the shops in Amsterdam (no where near the red light district of course :shifty-t:)
all the t-shirts, slippers, mugs, etc with Canabis leaves decorating them, and of course the slightly rude magnets, mugs etc. We walked past a Sex Museum - "sex throughout the ages" :ylol: - all she said was "Eeeeuw!"
Good girl Amy!!!! Give that girl a present.

Grace on the home was arguing with her brother:yfaint: because he wanted her new stuffed animal she got from the PA doing the x-ray, she told my son NO, YOU CAN"T HAVE IT!!! I HAD SOMETHING STUFFED UP MY BUM-BUM!:lol2:
I was just thinking today that I so miss the cute and funny things kids say when they're young! :cry:

I'll never forget driving Emily and Stephen home from school one day, they were about 10 years old. The two of them are in the back seat and, out of nowhere, Emily asks if I've ever had sex. :blush: So, I jokingly say, ' well, at least two times'. Then she asks 'do you have to be naked?' Still keeping it light (and not knowing where this is all coming from or going???), I tell her 'you don't HAVE to be but it makes things easier :)'. She starts going on and on 'OMG, mom, you're so nasty, I can't believe you said that!!! Ewww, that's gross. OMG, that was so nasty mom', etc., etc. All of sudden Stephen, the younger one, pipes up and says 'oh be quiet, you're going to do it and you're going to like it like everyone else!' :lol: Emily, eyes now wide open, asks 'wow, you've done it already?' :eek: He says 'nooooo, but I just know'. :rof: That was the end of that conversation!
OMGosh! Now you got me laughing...doesn't take much to get you girls on sex now does it!

Reminds me the other night my younger one wanted to hang in bed with hubby and I. She does that a lot and I just had it and said no she asked why and I said, "maybe daddy and I want some alone time" she ran screaming from the that all it would have taken all these years?

Farmwife: write that one down that is totally adorable! Reminds me of I think poppets Amy after an internal exam, "he did THAT to me and all I got was a sticker" That one is a classic!

Sascot, welcome back. Sorry about Amy's pain but how funny about her reaction. Hey maybe we need to relocate the Poo Crew get together to Amsterdam? Maybe not...way to dangerous!
Tess: pretty sure I read once that your recovery will require no house cleaning or cooking for at least six weeks...just sayin'! But yes! Lots and lots o' wine! Antioxidants and all...wanna keep infection at bay!
:rof: Awww, you're going to miss her when she stops asking to hang out in bed with you! :)
OMG, YES! I like your 'recovery'!!! And, just to be safe... I should probably head down to Chicago to get some good fresh air during my recuperation period! I would probably need some of my friends there to make sure I don't have a xxx (OMG, blonde moment... what do you call it when someone gets sick while recovering?!?!? setback?? :lol: Another reason I need my friends with me! :D)
OMG, YES! I like your 'recovery'!!! And, just to be safe... I should probably head down to Chicago to get some good fresh air during my recuperation period!)


No one go to the city for good fresh air.:lol2:

Do you know when your having this yet?
No one go to the city for good fresh air.:lol2:

Well, I was going suggest YOUR place but, if I'm bringing all my friends here, thought we might ruin your reputation at home! There'd be a whole new show called Bunnies' Poo Poo, starring Farmwife! ;)

The ob-gyn hasn't called me back yet. They've always returned calls BUT it usually takes a couple of days (between work and Stephen's GI apptmt, I didn't call them till Thursday). Am planning to call back on Monday. If, because of timing, etc., it seems that doing it before the cruise isn't a good idea, the other option they'd given me was a progesterone IUD. I'm not crazy about that because of the hormones and the fact that my mom had uterine cancer years ago but, as a temporary measure, I think it would be fine (and then do the ablation in January).
No that's not the name!!!! :ywow:
It will have to be Moo-Moo's Poo-Poo. :D
:heart:We're a dairy farm after all.:heart:
No swearing
No drinking
No smoking
Y'all will have to bow when I walk into the room.

If y'all can follow those simple things, we're on!!!:D

Or y'all can go to Chicago and send me updates on how it's going.
Did I mentioned the GI might send Grace for a test in Chicago?:shifty:
Read this on Facebook and wanted to share it with you ladies....

Like tempered steel or glass, certain additives have been placed within you to increase your ability to stand up to the pressures life will throw at you. The fact that you’ve been exposed to this level of testing is a sign that God has given you the grace to handle it. He’s not going to let you escape this trial because He’s equipped you to deal with it. So stop feeling sorry for yourself, or giving up, or saying you can’t take it anymore. Not everybody in a gym can handle the same level of weight because each is at a different stage of development. But the trainer knows. He will push you to your limit, but he will never add one weight more than you can carry. God is a good trainer and He’s working according to a plan. He not only knows the right technique, He knows how much weight needs to be added in order to get you to the next stage of development. He will let you strain, shake, and sweat, but He won’t let you break.

Have a beautiful day!
That is a really lovely quote!
Farmwife - I am saving for my trip to Chicago, but can't bow to you I'm afraid - I have a bad back ;)
Hi girls, didn't realize until now that this thread was where the party was :emot-dance: :headbang: :pillowfight: :beerchug:

Tess, I accompanied a girlfriend to her uterine ablation, it was no biggie, she said the sedation aftereffect was the worst part. Very little pain and she was at work the next day.

Violet's at King's Dominion (amusement park) today with the Key Club, I am so happy about that. :D

Ok carry on :heart:
Cool kings dominion is a lot of fun.
Farmwife I am picturing dancing cows between their cow patties( poo poo)
What test in Chicago ?
I am ok with farm party 2012
Not heading to Chicago anytime soon.
Just no moon shine tesscorm could take the whole jug ...
Then we would be in a heap of trouble .
No swearing
No drinking
No smoking
Y'all will have to bow when I walk into the room.

In other words NO FUN! Meet you in Chicago then! Hey look you will kill two birds with one stone...attend the Poo Crew Weekend AND get all our opinions when GI tells you the findings...don't worry we will set hime long as we can walk straght.

Holy Cow! I got progressive lenses today (zip it Farmwife...remember you have to respect your elders) and I feel permanently drunk. These things positively bite! They told me to give it three days,,,wonder if I start drinking if I will see better...probably worth a try...ya know in the scientific experimentation interest of things.
Cool kings dominion is a lot of fun.
Farmwife I am picturing dancing cows between their cow patties( poo poo)
What test in Chicago ?
I am OK with farm party 2012
Not heading to Chicago anytime soon.
Just no moon shine Tesscorm could take the whole jug ...
Then we would be in a heap of trouble .


The GI mentioned having Grace do a measurement of rectal pressure and motility.
He said only a few places have the know how to do these things. Chicago was one and Cleveland OH. was another place doing these.
Has anyone heard of this???:sign0085:
Sorry once he (GI) mentioned Chicago was brought up, my hubby and I went into shock and didn't get the full reason why.:shifty-t:

But most of all NO FARMWIFE IN CHICAGO!!!:cool:

I would recommend Cincinnati children's if my child had to have Manometry.
That can be quite painful.
I really would ask what they intend to confirm with the test.
What are they fishing for ?
And get a second opinion Gi first ( including a scope)
They will do a records review there (cchmc) even without seeing her.

Cchmc has one of the top Gi programs as well as a top colorectal program if they are looking at motility disorders .
Pm me if you want any specific names etc...

Other place would be Boston children's - they are number one in the country.
How is Hirschsprung's disease diagnosed?
Your child’s physician will do an exam and then some or all of the following tests:
Abdominal x-ray — This can show a lack of stool in your child’s large intestine or near the anus as well swollen segments of the large and small intestine.
Barium enema — A procedure performed to examine the large intestine for abnormalities. A fluid called barium (a metallic, chemical, chalky, liquid used to coat the inside of organs so that they will show up on an x-ray) is given into the rectum as an enema.
This results in a clearer x-ray and gives your child’s doctor a better picture of what’s going on.
Anorectal manometry — A test that measures nerve reflexes. Since it’s the nerves that are affected in Hirschsprung's disease, this test will alert your child’s doctor to the possible presence of the disease.
Biopsy of the rectum or large intestine — Your child’s doctor takes a sample of the cells in your child’s rectum or large intestine and looks at them under a microscope.

Hope that helps
Oh MLP you did IT!!!:rosette2:

When she had the test on Friday right away the PA said it Doesn't"T look like Hirschsprung's disease. I bet that was what he was fishing for. I haven't posted on my thread but the PA said her colon looks fine enough? No tumors. YA.
Of course I feel the the problem is upper GI. I just wish she would clear out all the barium. Nothing but liquid is coming out. She's still happy for the most part, :shifty-t:besides the asthma, painful hiccups, belly pains and painful bum. Time to find my bubble!:rosette1:
Just before forewarned our uppergi with sbft they said " it looks normal and definitely doesn't have crohn's"

Sometimes those tests are not what they are cut out to be.
Good luck
Just no moon shine tesscorm could take the whole jug ...

No worries MLP :thumright:... I'm sticking with the special brownies! :yrolleyes:

Holy Cow! I got progressive lenses today and I feel permanently drunk. These things positively bite!

You are one cheap date! Throw on a pair of bi-focals and you're groovin' up a storm with that pole! :yfaint:

jmckinley - thank you so much for that quote!!! It's beautiful! :rosette2:

Julie (imaboveitall) - so glad you've found the party!!! Was wondering where you were hiding... (now we know who has the moonshine! :blush: )
I do live in (though am NOT a native of) Virginia, near Franklin county the official moonshine capital. Really, they have tshirts declaring such. Is there a drunken smiley...:puke_r: nope hungover will have to do.
Unfortunately no "special" brownies here. I was told to look out for them, but maybe they were on side streets :shifty:.
Crohnsinct - you should have your eyes lasered like I did! Couldn't see someone's face clearly across the room but now I have better than 20/20 vision :ysmile:
You know I couldn't believe how open they were in Amsterdam about Cannabis (being that it's illegal in UK). Did you know the cannabis leaf is actually quite pretty and the t-shirts/jumpers/mugs/kids slippers :ywow:, were actually quite tasteful and had I not known what it was, I probably would have bought some of them!
I did get the laser by one of the top docs here in the US and HE SCREWED IT UP!!!!!!! I have permanent issues that won't even clear up with glasses. Day two and these progressives still suck! I really just need the glasses for driving and distance...well yeah and readers for reading but at this point I will happily go with two pairs and do the switcharoo all day.
Crohnsinct, I don't know about the switcheroo! I can see distance fine, but need glasses for up close and reading. I am finding it hard to see things in the car like my phone or gps. Might end up running off the road somewhere trying to switcheroo!

:luigi::luigi: WOO HOO! Moonshine and special brownies at the farm! Everybody wear your boots and bring a paper sack and a pillow case! We're going cow-tippin' and Snipe huntin'! Mr. Farmwife won't know what hit him! :emot-dance::emot-dance: Crohnsinct...those glasses might come in handy after all!
DS ran a fever of 102.5 F this morning .
Turns out he has strep. Started abx
Will call Gi in the morning to see if there is anything to watch out for while on remicade.
Traffic Report this morning on ABC radio.

It started with this is a serious traffic report.

Please look out for Kangaroo on the 4 level of the long term carpark at Melbourne Airport. The animal is stressed.
Traffic Report this morning on ABC radio.

It started with this is a serious traffic report.

Please look out for Kangaroo on the 4 level of the long term carpark at Melbourne Airport. The animal is stressed.

Update on the Kangaroo in the airport:

Upon further inspection of the wild and stressed out animal; it was discovered to be a middle aged women in a drunken state screaming where's my ticket to Chicago.

This is Farmwife reporting. Devin back to you in the studio.
:rof: :rof: :rof: Very good!!! :lol:

MLP - how's your son? Hope the strep doesn't cause any complications! :ghug:

Crohnsinct - my husband couldn't wear the progressives! They constantly made him nauseated... he's chose the switcharoo! :) I've worn contacts for distance for years and have recently been noticing I sometimes reading glasses. Just something to ask your dr. - one suggestion from my dr had is to wear one contact for distance, one for close-up. He said 'some' (only approx. 30%) people can do this but, for these 30%, their brains adjust to the differences between their two eyes. He offered to give me some sample lenses to try for a few weeks. Haven't tried as the need for reading is still only in dark restaurants, etc. but something I'll, at least, try when needed.

Just wanted to add a little blanket apology :blush: Sorry I feel like I've been neglecting some of your posts:(... unfortunately, I've been preoccupied with Stephen and things have been a bit busy so, sometimes, I've only had a little bit of time to jump in and out! Am trying to keep up with everyone but just haven't had time to always post but am always thinking of all you guys!! :ghug:
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Boing, boing, boing...
and :kissgrits: crohnsinct...

Dusty. :ybatty:
:ylol::ylol: Very funny!"

A question for all you mom's with teenagers - what can I do about bad acne? Poor Andrew is taking after me and his back is covered with bad spots. I went onto the pill to help my skin at 15, but can't do that for him, :lol2:.
Any advice on how to get rid of them or at least get them under control?
Tesscorm;518842. - one suggestion from my dr had is to wear one contact for distance said:
I do this actually I only wear one. I've always been pretty much blind in one eye but not too bad in the other so about a year or so ago when I noticed my arms were not quite long enough nor could I get those pill bottles close enough to my face and the Dr. suggested trying to wear just one. Works for my wacky brain at least so far. :shifty:
Sascot, C's acne was fairly bad on his face and back then the pred exacerbated it. We went to a Derm, and she gave us some topical antibiotic cream and Diffren Gel(px acne cream) for his face but since C couldn't take a systemic antibiotic she sent us to an esthetician. This lady knew her stuff, she had 23 years experience and she for face wash she had us to mix up Cetaphill face wash and plain corn meal about 1/2 to 1/2, you just want it more creamy than pasty, for face(and it has been the bomb). For his back, she had us purchase a back brush(not too stiff or too soft) and mix a clean spray bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 witch hazel. C has absolutely no more acne on his back, none and he has been doing this for 2.5 months. His face looks awesome too, it is a huge improvement and really smooth. He only uses his prescription stuff for his face 3 times a week now. No one can believe the difference, but she has been doing glycolic peels on his face so that has played a huge role. His back, though, has cleared up entirely with the water and witch hazel spray. He sprays it on in the shower, lets it sit for a min. or so then scrubs it off with the back brush. He wouldn't take his shirt off alot during mid summer or go to swimming parties because it was so bad but for the last month he has been going to all of his friends houses for swimming parties. Hope this helps, I know how it can really bother them even if they aren't vocal about it.
Yeah OK went on the pill when you were 15 for "acne" and you didn't eat any of those brownies....and you people blame Tess and I for being the bad influences...
So yesterday in health class O found out that our state legalized medical marijuana and that Crohns in on the list. Silver linings???
Ok I am on my way to Connecticut ASAP! Seriously my doctor talked to me about medical marijauna for my illness ( severe fibromyalgia and a nerve disorder called RSD) but unfortunately it is not legal here yet. I would tell your daughter what I told mine it that it is a medication like any other and to be used according to the directions when really necessary.
Yes Crohnsinct - I am completely innocent of any wrongdoing - ever!
Thanks Clash - I haven't had time to look for pure witchhazel, but I bought some acne wipes with witchhazel in them from the local supermarket.
Boing, boing, boing...
and :kissgrits: crohnsinct...

Dusty. :ybatty:

DustyKat front and center!!!!!

Ya now it takes a community to make a family.:yfrown:

crohnsinct wasn't the only one laughing.:shifty-t:

Lets not forget Catharine for telling us the news report.:thumleft:

Or what about Tesscorm thinking it was funny in general.:lol2:

Or how about my award winning reporting I did.:cool:

I'm just saying when you favor one, you hurt the others.:thumbdown:

Like the pic of Grace?:shifty-t: It was taking at the beginning of a HUGE corn maze. If I had taken a pic of after we were done you would have seen Grace pouting and dragging herself out pleading for us to pick her up and my son still scared their were bears around.:yfaint:

I am serious! That child is always laughing behind her she is laughing at us. You probably told her you were taking her picture for your Crohns Crazies and just the thought of us makes her laugh. She is soooo cute! Is her hair getting long?

And wow...jealous much...just cuz I get Dusty's arse all to myself?
Adorable pic of Grace!

...and Crohnsinct... the silver lining is O can make our brownies for our trip to the farm :ylol: Seriously, though...I got nothing!
OMG! You are one green eyed monster Farmwife! My arse is big enough for all of you, no need for fighting and fretting! :lol:

Ah crohnsinct...I know all about the secret of the 'hand'! Pretty poor excuse it was though...just sayin'...:rof:

Grace surely is a cutie patootie! :wub:

Dusty. :hippy:
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Ah crohnsinct...I know all about the secret of the 'hand'! Pretty poor excuse it was though...just sayin'...:rof:

Hey DustyKat it's either the hand or no pic at all.:tongue:

That's right crohnsinct doesn't know I have access to Dusty's secrete life, through Dusty secrete thread.:ghug: I feel special!:hug:
Whaaaat?! Secret of the hand? Dusty's secret thread? I hate my life! It is getting in the way of my forum obsession. Must get back to the forum hours a day.....tomorrow....
Hi my friends all thing medical

This is not a crohn's question.

I have a script for doxycycline hydrochloride 100mg for myself, I haven't had the script filled an yet as I can't getting my head around taking this medication for 6 months.

Its to treat a patch of rosacea.
I don't know anything about doxycycline hydrochloride but what is it that you're worried about specifically? Ie, is it the dosage or length of time?? Is it possible that you can discontinue early if the rosacea clears?

:hug: I know ever since Stephen's been diagnosed and I've become so much more aware of the side effects of meds, I'm more sensitive and concerned about ALL medications, but whether I'm right to worry or whether it's sometimes unnecessary worry, I just don't know... :ghug:
I think now worry about all meds also. The skin specialist said if I start the medication I need to do the full course which is 4-6 months. She said my important decision is whether to start the medicine at all but nothing else will clear the rosacea.
Catherine - I suppose it depends on how much you want to get rid of the rosacea. If it annoyed you enough to check in with the doctor, then you must be wanting rid of it, if so, then it's probably best to take the meds. I am assuming it's an antibiotic? If it is then you can take precautions like having it with food so it doesn't irritate your stomach too much and take a probiotic every day as well to ward off any thrush.
I agree with Sascot Catherine. :hug: (Doxycycline is an antibiotic Sascot)

I tend to assess medication on what it will do for me rather than how it will affect me. What I mean by that is if it is going to improve my quality of life (QOL) then I will take it. This may be something as simple as taking a cough medicine...if the cough I have is only a middling thing then I won't take it but if the cough keeps me awake half the night and I know the medicine will stop it then I will knock you over in the race to get to it! :lol: I use this philosophy with all meds, no matter how simple or complex.

Dusty. xxx
Hmmm, I think I'll apply the same QOL logic to merlot or special brownies!!! :lol: Crohnsinct, care to join me in adding some TLC to our QOL? :luigi:
:lol:! Oh nice one Tess! Turn my quaint idea into some debauched excuse to get pissed and high!

OMG! I just had a thought! Just posted this on my blog thread!...


...Now YA'LL PACK YOUR BAGS AND HEAD TO MY TOWN!!!...we'll have a ball!

Like I said in your thread Tess...upstairs for thinking but it's downstairs for dancing! Woot, woot!

Dusty. :poop:
I prefer to spending my time downstairs!! :banana: BUT... is a Turkey Run anything like cow tipping?!?! :eek: Crohnsinct and I will definitely be needing to improve our QOLs! :yfaint:
We have a turkey trot also Dusty.:soledance:
It involves a riffle and patience.:ybiggrin:
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same with out it.:thumleft:
Ours just involves plenty of entertainment and loads of booze!

Right up Tess's and crohnsinct's path! :ybiggrin: I can just hear crohnsinct now, in her best chugging voice, turkey, turkey, turkey...:beerchug:

Dusty. :cool:
Well, the Turkey Run's sounding awfully fun! :headbang: although, before I commit, I do want clarification on what 'riffle' means... loads of booze and some oh-so-patient riffling could be fun too! :lol:
No riffle as in bang, bang, your dead.:shifty-t:
:thumright:Nothing like a Golden roasted Turkey on the table for the holidays.:thumleft:


:rof: Growing up in the city and being a little short on big strapping husbands, we can only imagine what happens in corn mazes and hay piles! :thumright:

No riffle as in bang, bang, your dead.:shifty-t:

Ahhh, I get that at home... hubby just went hunting last week! When I told him killing a bunch of innocent birds just wasn't impressing me :boring:, he tried to tell me how macho he is and should these 'survivor' shows ever become reality, survival instinct will kick in and all the women will want HIM as HE will still be able to put food on the table! :lol: ....I'm thinking of going vegan!:ytongue:
Seems to me that your imagination is, perhaps, working overtime! :lol:

Here I'm thinking that you can get lost in the maze or fall deep into a hay pile and you need a big strong strapping guy to help you out!

YOU seem to have a different story to tell! :eek:
:ybiggrin: Have to agree Farmwife, it's your mind that seems to leap to DIRTY way quicker than any of us ;)
OMGosh! You girls! LMAO!

Yes, when I read Turkey my mind immediately went to the booze!!!

Tess:going vegan! :rof::rof:

farmwife: the gig is up...they are now seeing you for the perv we all know you are!!!!

Off to my Christian concert tonight and wondering if concessions will still be serving beer?

Rushing home tomorrow to do a trunk or treat. So excited about the idea for decorating our car. Will post a pic tomorrow!
Have fun at your concert... maybe you can 'sneak' in a couple of beers in your purse!! Just in case.. :eek:


Have never heard of a trunk and treat! Will be watching for your pictures! :D
Crohnsinct, you are not alone. My sis in law in I had the discussion last year about whether or not it would be wrong to stop and have a brew on the way to WinterJam! :beerchug:

I did a Trunk or Treat last year and decorated the car as Cat in the Hat! Ryan and I were Thing 1 and Thing 2!

We have a Turkey Trot also. Sadly, it does not involve either crohnsincts or farmwifes idea of "Turkey". Ours is a 5K held the Saturday after Thanksgiving! You get to go run off all the other "Turkey" :eek2:
We have a Turkey Trot also. Sadly, it does not involve either crohnsincts or farmwifes idea of "Turkey". Ours is a 5K held the Saturday after Thanksgiving! You get to go run off all the other "Turkey" :eek2:

There was a race here with that name not sure if it was a 5K or 10 K - the Santa Shuffle and Resolution Run are coming up here.
Hi All,

I know it looked like I was working my way back but now this hurricane has derailed me again. We are under madatory evacuation by the water and school is closed for three days. I don't know what access if any I will have to a computer etc....or alcohol for that matter (don't suppose they have any at the shelter huh and for the record during Christian concerts they do NOT serve beer and wine even though it is on the concession menu).

The concert on Friday was totally amazing. O and her friends had a blast. We got home in time for trunk or treat and our car won all sorts of prizes. Will try to post a pic before leaving home.

O swam her first swim meet healthy and bested three out of three times and a couple by a lot...two of her times qualified her for other meets so we are in a very happy place right now.

Hope everyone else in the storms path stays safe and sound. See ya in a few days.
O.K. posted a pic of trunk or treat and just realized never posted a nice pretty picture of the family. Trust me the old hag in the picture who only had three hours of sleep and who is not wearing any make up is not me!
Crohnsinct, you tell whoever is in charge of the evacuation that you have to report into your committee on an regular basis because we will all load up and invade the area on a search and rescue mission that would scare the Frankenstorm itself! Please stay safe!
Crohnsinct the pic was awesome! How did you guys ever come up with that idea! I bet y'all blew away the competition! Oh and way to go O! Woohoo on the meet!
Yeah yeah yeah...invade! Forget Chicago and bring the booze to the shelter!

I came up with that idea and actually didn't know we were going to participate until Friday morning! I told you CT is the Martha Stewart capital of the world!

Oh yeah and lost in the picture is the fact that we had "Rubber Ducky you're the one" and Splish Splash I was takin a bath" playing and I had a jar of water and splashed the kids as they came up for their candy. It was a hoot and a half. So while the rest of CT was preparing for a state of emergency I was yucking it up in my car tub!
and before you even ask Tess or Farmwife yes there are clothes on underneath and no the ballons are not a part of my act!!!!!!
Hmmm, so you say... :ywow: But, is 'Rubber Ducky, you're the one' part of your act??? Cuz, I could definitely see how that could worked in :ytongue:

I've been running around most of this weekend but was truly so happy to read your update... loved the car!! :) And loved to hear of O's swim successes!!! Woohoo!!!!!! :medal1: Amazing news!

Take care of yourself over the next few days! :ghug: Let us know how you're doing when you have a chance!!!

And, anyone else in the storms way - also, please TAKE CARE!!! :ghug:
So getting on the computer for 15 minutes at a time and rather than email my family do my banking etc I am checking in with you guys!

I brought my laptop figuring I could just use my battery power if electric went out etc only to find out the high schools don't have wifi. Apparently the kids would be surfing the web on their laptops or iphones etc when they should be taking notes. Who would do something like that? THat is like if you were at work and constantly checking the forum...that's just wrong! :shifty-t:
:rof: And just who are you implying??? :eek:

How are things there? Looks terrible on the newscasts! :eek: Hope you guys are all good!!! Is Gabby with you?
haha...Well C has wifi at his school and I am all but certain that is what he uses it for because he never knows what is on the actual Edline site that gives, notes, lectures, test times...ughhh!

It looks rough that way, I have a friend that lives in Brooklyn and they evacuated to CT. Ummm...I'm a little worried since you guys evacuated too!!!
Stay safe crohnsinct!!:hug:
My Aunt lives in upstate N.Y. and she was told to leave.
Which shocked us because she's no where near the coast and high elevation.
I guess for them it will be the wind guest.

BTW the wind has picked up big time here in Michigan. Were use to November gales but they never change wind direction ever 10 minutes. :eek:STRANGE!!!:yrolleyes:
Happy Halloween everyone!

I hope everyone out east weathered the storm alright. Got my fingers crossed that you are all ok.
27-07-2012, 10:24 AM
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4,629 Thanks in 2,789 Posts Happy Halloween everyone!

I hope everyone out east weathered the storm alright. Got my fingers crossed that you are all ok.
Interesting date that you have here, Dusty. Looking at the content and the post's place at the end of the thread, I'd say that you posted it this morning.

I can't get this to quote properly so have just copied and pasted.
Hi Everyone! We are all safe. Roads closed. Power out everywhere. No hot water, shelf stable food only (haha clean diet totaly out the window), no cell service...but we are all fine and the clean up begins today. I am at a local Y for showers, charging and internet access. Daughter at University is fine as well although they have cancelled classes until next Monday and want us to pick her up. I guess college kids with nothing to do for four days spells trouble.

They say we may get power by tuesday and it is going down to 22 degrees this weekend (note to self..more wine for warmth)!!!

Although we are fine the town is a disaster. Halloween has been moved to next week (assuming the roads will be safe and power is restored). Many people have lost their homes and I hear it is even worse in some areas of NJ and NY.

Thanks for all your prayer and concern. I also pray for everyone else.

Well, leaving Y now and will talk to you all Tuesday.
Crohnsinct, I have been thinking so much of you and your family. Glad to hear you all are safe. So sad the devastation this storm has caused. My thoughts and prayers will remain with your family and those affected by Sandy. We have missed you!!!

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