My journey to getting well

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178lbs this morning. I've handled the cold weather well. And overall I'm feeling pretty upbeat and good. There is always a time or two a year that I feel half way human, and so it is nice to start out the year feeling well.

I've gone ahead with the idea of eating cheese and taking a little extra Imodium. I'm confident that I'll be well to the stomach quickly. The one question I have is the brown rice I'm eating. The brown rice, while not much, might be enough to keep me from being well. So as a result if I'm not well within a week I'll stop eating the brown rice and see how I feel.

I'm confident the brown rice gives me some extra energy. As a result I'd liek to continue being able to eat it.

Once well to the stomach I'll stop eating the cheese.
Wow, very good day. I weight lifted and then walked for 13 miles. To my surprise I have good energy this evening. The stomach was OK today. I'm not well but not all that sick either. Fingers crossed the stomach improves in the days ahead. If that does not happen I'll take out the brown rice from the diet and see what happens.
Success! Success! Eating lots of cheese, taking an extra tablespoon of Imodium did the trick. The diarrhea stopped. It was a good time in the bathroom. :ytongue:

Now that I know this idea will work, Im going to stop eating cheese. It's something I dislike. I'll now stick to the same diet and give my stomach time to heal.

From time to time I'm liable to eat cheese again, try the experiment to make myself well. I think overall though I have found a key to what has made me so terribly sick over the years. Fingers crossed the answer is spices.

As a side note, eating cheese popped out my stomach area. Imagine that will go away after a few days of avoiding cheese.
Success! Success! Eating lots of cheese, taking an extra tablespoon of Imodium did the trick. The diarrhea stopped. It was a good time in the bathroom. :ytongue:

Now that I know this idea will work, Im going to stop eating cheese. It's something I dislike. I'll now stick to the same diet and give my stomach time to heal.

From time to time I'm liable to eat cheese again, try the experiment to make myself well. I think overall though I have found a key to what has made me so terribly sick over the years. Fingers crossed the answer is spices.

As a side note, eating cheese popped out my stomach area. Imagine that will go away after a few days of avoiding cheese.
Congratulations on your success
Well this morning to the stomach. I'm feeling a little bit weak though. That is typically what happens when eating cheese. I figure my gut remains tender and has a tough time handling fiber or bulking foods such as cheese. Imagine I'll be feeling more energetic by tonight.
I'm feeling quite upbeat and well this morning. It was a good experiment that I did with eating lots of cheese to make myself well. I know from past experience that it takes a combination of the right diet and eating cheese to make myself well. If the diet isn't working no amount of cheese or Imodium well help.

There are a few negatives with eating cheese. The one I complain about the most is that cheese makes me tired. Yesterday I was worn down and tired most of the day. I blame the cheese that had been eaten the days before for that.

Cheese also causes my joints to ache and be sore. The soreness is not overwhelming but noticeable. My knees will hurt, my knuckles will not bend as freely, etc. Now that I've stopped eating cheese this morning everything feels much better, with my joints. THey do not hurt.

Well, this week I'm not planning on eating cheese. As a result I should return to being mildly illl to the stomach. My energy levels though should improve nicely, as I feel they have this morning. I'm feeling upbeat and happy overall.
Rather tired this morning. Yesterday I had a mild upset stomach and I'm sure that is the main reason why I'm feeling a little run down this morning. overall though I expect it to be a good day.
I slept very poorly last night. It happens from time to time when getting well I've noticed in the past. When I was eating cheese it would be somewhat common for me to have a bad night. The cheese while helping to make me well, would also irritate the intestine causing some discomfort and pain. That is what happened last night, minus the cheese. I should do well today though. I'll be tired but I can push through that most likely.
Since this is a digestive forum I can mention, as I suspected would happen, I went to the bathroom and all the pain being experienced overnight went away. My energy levels have rebounded nicely too. It is strange how that happens but it is common during this period of healing from what I recall in the past.

Thought to mention of late I'm seeing my eyes turn blue more and more frequently. Hope that continues to where the eyes are blue in the morning also. Right now the blue is seen in the evening when I have more energy typically. It is as if the machinery is being turned on.

I'm predicting in my mind that of the body fat I have, most will go away once I have more energy and further improved digestive system. I believe that has happened in the past and predict it will happen again the future. Exericise amount will remain the same.
As expected it was a tiring day. On the positive I find myself communicating better, as overall I'm less fatigued.
Doing OK this morning. The stomach decent. Energy levels good enough. The pain level tolerable most of the time. My weight is hanging around 180lbs. I tend to not become hungry while on this diet. I'm easily able to stop eating at noon and not eat again till breakfast.
I'm feeling very good day, upbeat and good energy. I noticed in the past that after eating tuna in olive oil I tended to feel better. That's a hard item to test but it seemed to be my opinion that tuna was beneficial. As a result I began taking some fish oil capsules. I believe the fish oil is beneficial also.
177lbs this morning or even 176lbs possibly. The needle is right between the two. I don't know why the weight loss happened. I'm not sick. Most of the time I've been decently well to the stomach. The only newish food added was fish oil capsules. I have doubts that caused it. My weight lifting is behind by a day. Weight lifting tends to put water weight on me for a day or two. Possibly that is the reason for the weight loss. What ever it is glad to see it. I'm doing well with the gut and energy in general is good.
Oh wow, I was well to the stomach. I've been well to the stomach for a few days but the situation improves. Maybe the fish oil and it's reported anti-inflammatory effects helped. Fish oil's EPA/DHA is said to be essential nutrients. Possibly I was short on that.

Also I'm talking quite well. Went purposely to the mall this morning and talked with sales reps. No problems for me in doing this. I have much for energy so not surprised.

Hope all this goodness continues and it isn't a flash in the pan.
I know this is more of a personal blog but I couldn't help read it as it appeared in new posts and was curious to find out how other people are getting on but I also find that fish oil tablets help me alot in settling my stomach and inflammation and sometimes and taking just one extra tablet a day isn't such a bad idea even though it puts my total at the moment to 19 tablets in day it stops me being as ill and fish seems to be my safe food as well which makes sense! Glad to read your having a a few better days recently
I know this is more of a personal blog but I couldn't help read it as it appeared in new posts and was curious to find out how other people are getting on but I also find that fish oil tablets help me alot in settling my stomach and inflammation and sometimes and taking just one extra tablet a day isn't such a bad idea even though it puts my total at the moment to 19 tablets in day it stops me being as ill and fish seems to be my safe food as well which makes sense! Glad to read your having a a few better days recently

Thank you for writing about your experience with taking fish oil.
177lbs this morning. I weight lifted yesterday and thought I'd weigh more this morning. That isn't the case. Don't know what is causing the weight loss all of sudden, possibly the fish oil, but I'm not complaining.
Ate a large amount of cheese with lunch today and as a result I'm exhausted this afternoon. The cheese looked delicious for a change. I'm not regretting that I ate it. I should be more energetic by the morning.
Still a little fatigued this morning from the cheese eaten yesterday. That is OK. I should be feeling more energetic as the day moves along. It is to be a rare rainy winter day here too. Good day to do chores indoors. The temptation to eat cheese came from the limited diet I'm on. The diet is nutrient rich but does get a little boring at times. Being at the store can bring out the desire to expend the diet. I probably should add some more foods to the diet in the near future.

Overall I feel I'm close to being on my feet, feeling decent and having good energy most of the time. It's a good feeling to be close now.

The fish oil still keeps doing me good. Historically I've personally had mixed feeling on synthetic vitamins. For me a multivitamin causes stomach and fatigue problems so for those I avoid them. The natural vitamins though tend to not be a problem to even being helpful as with the fish oil. Vitamin D is similar, though I'm not taking that now. I've been sunbathing instead. I might have to explore this area more in the future. There are likely more nutrients that can be helpful for me.

As a side note, a friend of my father's visited us last week. He used to own a large vitamin/herb company best known for selling and promoting into central and south America.
Mild upset stomach this morning. Nothing terrible though. With January winding down I'm guessing February will be a good month. If I'm luck February will even be a fun month. With weight loss seen of late I've noticed that some loose skin has tightened up. I remember in the past similar happening when the stomach began to improve. The same should happen in February.
I was a little more tired today than expected. Doing well overall though. The stomach has been good, very good of late. I expect that to continue.

Going on a walk on the beach here in a few minutes. For what ever reason barefoot beach walks help the stomach, some. It's not a great help but for what ever reason i tend to be healthier to the stomach.

Saw Fox News had an article on catching worms when walking on the beach. It was more about Canada and their medical system not having a medication that can help with the condition and having to buy the drug here in the USA. I'll take my chances, take my shoes and socks off, and hope the worms stay away. No love for barefoot walking.
I have good energy this morning. Nice to see that return. Energy levels ended up being good yesterday though too. A nap helped in that area also.

We're only a few days away from the month of February. I have high hopes that I'll be on sounder footing, being healthier, more reliable overall. It's exciting for me to think, gain my freedom in February. I can dream about all the choices and opportunities that will open up for me.
It was largely a good day. The stomach was pretty much well. I haven't been taking Imodium of late either. This is a very good sign I believe, showing the digestive tract is healing. At least I hope that is the case.
I have a mild upset stomach this morning. It isn't entirely unexpected as I ate more fiber than typical yesterday. It hurts a bit but nothing terrible and shouldn't last long. I would guess here with the positive way things have been going in 2 weeks the extra fiber rich foods I ate would not be a problem for me to handle.
I've noticed this before in the past and thought to type down. I've noticed that if I eat more rice cakes in the day I look better. The down side is that more than 2 rice cakes in a day causes an upset stomach. So for today I've been tired and the stomach upset but I appear healthier. I suspect the healthier appearance is due to the nutrients in brown rice, or possibly the fiber in the rice. With anyluck this eating to much fiber probably will be over soon.

Tired today. Needed to install a new printer and while a simple task it seemed to take for ever to do. No fun being fatigued.
Yesterday I ended up sick quite a bit in the afternoon. It wasn't terrible though. Overall I had decent energy considering. In the recent past, maybe 2 to 3 weeks ago, being stick like that I'd be down and out for the count. Today though I feel fine. My energy levels are decent. There is some fatigue but nothing terrible. Overall I consider this good. Historically I've had periods where I could be sick to the stomach yet still had good energy overall. I'm guessing I'm in another similar period.

I'm also in the strange period were I become stick yet gain weight. I'm up to 182lbs this morning. I'm guessing if I was sick day after day as I was I'd begin to loose weight. Now for some odd reason I gain weight. Most likely the gained weight is water weight. I make it a point to keep myself well hydrated.
I did good today. I was wrangled into walking 3 times today. It was much more than expected or wanted but I handled the exercise well. The legs are tired and the rest of me is so too, but I'm still standing.

Well, I'm pretty sure I have my stomach answer, with spices being the main culprit. It's special to have energy after being pretty sick yesterday. With that I'll likely be posting much less in the days ahead. The stomach ups and down I expect will continue for a long time. With a little bit of luck by the end of this month i'll be decent. I'll undoubtable be a long long ways away from being recovered but I'll be on more solid standing.
The finger nail pitting is back. It isn't bad but it is there. Don't know what to make of this. In the past I've assumed once the pitting was done the stomach would improve. Now the opposite is happening. The stomach continues to improve along with seeing improved energy. Maybe the pitting will go away as I continue to see better health. I hope so.

Appearance is not so great. Some of that has to do with the extra exercising being done.
I should make note of this. I've noticed in this last week that writing, typing and spelling have all become easier. When writing anymore, I'm far from perfect, but I'm able to more easily type down as I think. All to often in the past this has been a problem. Spelling is also becoming easier, but I'm far far far from perfect in this area. I know from experience that when well and recovered to the stomach spelling is easy for me to do.
Ate a little bit to much fiber the last few days. As a result I'm feeling weak and have some discomfort in my gut. This is dangerous in that I know there is a decent chance I'll be sick over the next 48 hours. I might not be sick, but will more likely be ill and as a result I'll need to be careful with what I do and where I go.
I'm going to try and little short experiment. I'm going to avoid beef, gelatin and dairy products to see if the finger nail pitting goes away. I'll continue to avoid spices as that has done me good.

I've had trouble with eating pork as my primary meat source in the past. The main problem being swollen gums. I'll eat eggs with the pork. I'll also often eat tuna in olive oil.

Should be interesting, with the finger nail issue and also with weight. Something causes my weight levels to fluctuate without known cause. Maybe beef is causing it. Will take notes and findout.
I'm kind of kicking myself for not doing both ideas, continue to avoid beef and and dairy products along with avoiding spices. Well, I'll probably do both for awhile, at least for this test. I've lost some weight already for today. Will be interesting to see if the weight stays down for the rest of the week.

In the past I've noticed that cheese will give me slight arthritis type pains. Now I'm thinking possibly beef does simlar. Hard to say though and something I'll be monitoring.

This evening I'm at 181lbs. Typically I'd weigh more at this time. I would not be surprised if I weighted in the 178 to 179 range in the morning. THat would be a drop in weight by a few pounds.
I did drop down to 179lbs overnight. I'll keep close notes to see the downward weight loss continues since avoiding beef and dairy for the week. Would be nice to loose the weight. it appears to me to be water retention.

Finger nail appears the same. There is some pitting in one nail. The more I think about it the more I realize that shouldn't be. I don't recall ever being well overall as I hope and having nail pitting.

The stomach is doing well. I guess something I can monitor during this week trail of avoiding beef and dairy is cramping. I've had more cramping than typical while eating beef. Will see if that improves.

Overall I'm doing well, and feel I've been doing well for awhile now. If I do end up doing both ideas, avoiding spices and avoiding beef and dairy, that will be very restrictive. I'll need to make it a point to figure out a good rich diet to follow for the long run. I'd probably be best served if I went for a year long diet trail, make it a non thinking event. That's a negative with taking notes on how I feel and the diet I follow, it gets me thinking on how I'm doing. IT's why I often feel I shoud stop taking notes. It should be more clear cut with less thought, maybe as with sports play. Most play poorly when thinking how to move and react when playing a sport. It's best when the play is automatic response.

Writing is still improved. That might be due to the fasting I've been following. Of late, for about a week, its been very easy to put on weight. I could easily have been int he 190lb range I suspect if I hadn't begun to fast from noon till breakfast. Will be interesting to see if the avoid beef short trail will change the weight gain.
Worth noting, I'm feeling quite upbeat and happy this morning. I don't feel all that sore, and my energy levels are nice. It's a good feeling.
No big weight loss today, at least so far. I did weight lift today so that might be playing a part. Then again something else might be going on. Doing well today. Ate a lot of nut fiber yet haven't felt ill.
Since avoiding beef and dairy products along with continueing to avoid spices, I ended up loosing another pound over night. I'm at 178lbs this morning.

I've mentioned before, but when avoiding beef and dairy products I need less sleep. I also sleep poorer. Last night I slept poorly but feel rested decently this morning. .

I go from wanted 8 hours of sleep to wanting maybe 5 hours of sleep.
Forgot to mention i can still feel grooves in the finger nail with the pitting. The nail looks better to me though.

Soreness in joints such as the knees is largely gone. I've noticed sore joints when eating cheese. Possibly beef causes similar issues. Will keep on top of.
I've had very good energy today. That's the main goal to achieve, more energy. if more energy is achieved when avoiding beef and dairy products there must be more to the story. I'm also eating nuts, sometimes to many nuts. Nuts are a good source of minerals and nutrients. I've suspected nuts helped improve my energy levels but nuts only help sometimes. Will have to monitor to see if avoiding beef and dairy along with eating nuts is the key to good energy all the time. If that is true then I have my answer. Having an upset stomach holds me back some, but a lack of energy and feeling fatigued limted me more.
Yesterday afternoon I was sick. The good news is I still had good energy levels. This morning I'm feeling energetic. The sickness was most likely caused by eating to much nut fibers. This will be an issue for awhile I imagine. Nice though to have the energy.

Naturally being sick has caused me to gain weight. I'm 180lbs this morning.
Thanks guys. I'm doing better today. There was a delayed tiredness in the morning but I seem to be recovering from that this later afternoon.

On the good news area, my joints really are doing better, being less sore, not really sore at all. Avoiding dairy and beef would be worth it just for that.

Been expanding my diet of late which is good. More safe foods to add to the list the better. I'm thinking I'll go with the joint avoidance of spices along with beef and dairy for the year. Not that much fun but is doable. It would clarify two major concern food sets in my mind.
181lbs this morning. I ate dinner last night, a rarity so that likely explains the extra weight this morning.

Something I've noticed since avoiding beef and continuing to avoid milk products is that my hair is growing much quicker. ALso my finger nails look much nicer overall. The one messed up finger nail appears nicer. All the other nails look nicer too.

The is something worth noting too, I've been pretty good about avoiding dairy products for awhile now. When avoiding spices and writing that I'm feeling better, that could be from avoiding dairy products too. Hard to say of course. i'll continue to avoid both groups spices and cow items.
Today marked 3 months of avoiding spices, in particular avoiding garlic and onions. I'm far from well, but have had some good days while avoiding this. With a little bit of luck avoiding beef and dairy along with spices will turn out to be the answer. It will be a long road, or maybe better put a long time on the diets to see results, is my guess.

Did well today. Energy was poor this morning but I lived up this afternoon and felt good.
I'm doing well this morning. I expected to be more tired than I am since I lifted weights in the morning. Doing well though. Stomach is hanging in there also, at least for these morning hours.
Wanted to note that when exercising hard I can experience charlie horses or muscle strain. Hopefully that will go away soon. They can be painful. Experienced a bad one today while washing the car.

With diarrhea I've been doing well most days. I would guess I average diarrhea 3 to 4 times a day. It's manageable. Somedays are worse but nothing terrible experienced, other than one day of late that was pretty horrible.
I've been quite amazed at how much exercise I've been able to do of late. Most likely the extra energy has come from the nuts being eaten. I've at least noticed that in the past.

The stomach has behaved decently the last couple of days. My weight appears to be up slightly. I'll have to do something about taht with family reunion pictures coming up in a month.
181lbs this morning. My knees are not sore this morning. Typically, when eating cheese I would expect to have sore knees today. Possibly I've found a dietary answer for what causes my knees to become sore. Will see, as tomorrow should be telling.

Typically what would help me overcome sore knees is to workout, doing leg exercises. The lifting exercises help the knees for a few days, then they become sore once again. This morning I would be looking to exercise but at least for now that does not appear necessary.

I'll hold off on exercising for a day or two and see what happens.
My knees feel great today. I made it a point to run up and down stairs today. That is something I wouldn't want to do with tender knees. No problems noticed. The knees feel strong. Something appears to have made my knees stronger since avoiding beef and dairy products.
My knees remain feeling good and strong this morning. My left leg in particular is the one that becomes sore easiest. No issues with it is seems. I can push off on my left leg with full weight and not feel pain. I'll have to remember this, make a mental note that avoiding beef and dairy products helps the joints for what ever reason.

Overall a bit sore this morning. I've begun swimming which stresses new muscles. I'll be sore for a few days I imagine.
It was almost fun, I ended up doing a bunch of leg extension lifting this morning. The exercise typically makes my knees ache for a day or two. As a result I typically pass on doing this exercise. This morning after the exercise my knees feel great. No pain felt.
I'm considerably sore and fatigued this morning. This is due to swimming, which is stressing new muscles that haven't been used in awhile. Will be nice once I get used to swimming!

Knees remain feeling great though. No soreness to report there. The knees should be very sore after the exercises I did yesterday but that isn't the case.
It's a very tiring fatigued day! Swimming for a couple days in a row seems to have really zapped my energy. it's amazing how a new exercise can ware a person out. Hopefully I'll be more energetic by tomorrow.
I'm doing much better this morning. THe muscles do not hurt. I'm tickled pink that my knees feel this good.

There is a new problem that has come up. It is a problem expected though. I began eating turkey the other day. As a result I'm not experiencing more diarrhea. Turkey and chicken for what ever reason seem to bring about this issue. I'm not sure what is going on. In the past this problem went away if I ate cheese with turkey. If I did that I could be well to the stomach. I'm not eating cheese now. I'll monitor and see if the problem becomes worse. Hopefully not. I can only think of one time were I was able to eat turkey without cheese and not be sick to the stomach. So it is possible, it just might take a long time with lots of healing to happen.
Today was nice. It was an upbeat good day. Energy levels remain so so. The pool swimming really wore me out. Hopefully by tomorrow that will resolved for the better.
I feel as if I'm becoming more and more reliable while following this diet. I can be ill still but even my low energy days are not as debilitating as I recall previously. Hopefully this tend will continue to improve.

Appearance wise look unhealthy and beat up.
My knees still feel great. It's a good improvement to notice. I have been eating to much fiber, nut fiber to be specific and that seems to slow down recovery time from exercises. That is my guess at least. The stomach is handling the fiber OK though. It's an area that will improve so long as I'm on the right diet.
It is so interesting to me, when I watch an older movie, one that I watched in my youth, floods of memories come back, in particular about how healthy I was! Nice memories. Surprising that happens as it does, about memories of good health.

Been feeling good and upbeat of late while on this diet. I can hear the upbeat tone in my voice. It's an energy issue. I have more energy it appears.
A bit tired getting around this morning but it isn't unexpected. Yesterday I was active and on my feet for the whole day. That isn't something I can typically handle. Should be another active day today. I'll likely sleep well tonight.
Doing well with the stomach and health overall. The finger nail with the pitting still has the pitting but overall I believe my finger nails look healthier. Knees are doing well and not hurting. I am a little sore this morning from swimming yesterday but not much to complain about with that.
Im overly sore and tired this afternoon. It is from the swimming done yesterday. It takes little to stress the muscles and tire me out. Hopefully, if the diet is right, I'll heal quicker. Imagine I'm lacking in nutrients after the couple decades of diarrhea.
Tried an experiment last night. I grounded my bed. In the past I would sleep on grounded bed sheets. The last sheets I had though ripped 2 weeks ago and so I tossed them away. I didn't believe the grounded bed sheets helped much so I didn't order new ones.

For the last two weeks I've noticed that at times my legs can feel heavy. It's easy to explain in that I've been walking 10 miles a day more or less. I figued the legs were getting tired.

This morning after sleeping on a grounded sheet that I had, the sheet didn't fit the bed but was comfortable to sleep on, this morning my legs feel better. At least the legs don't feel heavy and worn down.

it's just one day and not something to be all that happy about, but something to continue trying to see what happens.

The rest of me feel tired this morning. The swimming done recently wears me down.
Tiring day but a good day. I worked on preparing some outdoor steps for painting. TOmorrow I'll do the paint work. I'm exhausted but it's goodthat I had the energy to do this work.

Hopefully I'll gain further energy in a months time. In a month family comes to visit for two weeks over spring break. I'm looking forward to it and fingers crossed I'll be able to keep up with everyone.
A newer problem has developed of late. I go to bed early as I tire easy. Now I find myself waking up much earlier in the morning. I'll have to make it a point to go to bed later and see how I do. Hopefully this is a good sign that I'm waking up earlier, needing less sleep.

Should be a tiring day with painting.

Of late I've noticed I have less desire for sweats.
Very tiring and exhausting work this morning painting the back porch stairs. I got the work done though! They look nice. I'll have to spend the next few days resting.
I thought this might happen. The painting work has given me an upset stomach. I was bending over using my stomach muscles a considerable amount while painting. Doing stomach crunches I know is a for sure upset stomach later on. The paint work must have done the same. It explains also why I'm as tired as I am.
This would be good. I noticed yesterday that the swollen stomach was gone. Will have to monitor to see if it remains gone. This could be a positive sign I imagine, similar to the knees not hurting.

On the negative, my back hurts and my stomach hurts also from the paint work done. I'll likely be sick today. Well, I'm sick every day but more sick than typical.
Today has been as expected, tiring, slight upset stomach. Tomorrow should be a better more normal day I would guess. I get to sit around for most of the day tomorrow so less stress on the stomach.
A little sore and tender this morning in the stomach area. Imagine though today will be a good day as I'll relax more. Stomach still remains flat, not bulged out as before.
It was a long morning, being tired and fatigued. I'm doing much better this afternoon though. The stomach area remains less bloated in appearance. I'm quite pleased about that. The knees are doing well too. No pain in the knees being felt. Finger nail still looks messed up with denting in it. Hopefully that will do away soon enough. I believe it will. All and all it's a typical day I'd say. Oh, hair is growing quicker than in the past, at least that is the impression I have.
A bit tired and fatigued this morning. Most likely this is caused by the nuts I've been eating irritating my digestive system. I'll stop eating nuts for a few days and see how I improve.

The stomach area remains less bloated this morning. Last night I dug up some older shirts that were to small to wear. Now the shirts fit due to the stomach bulge being gone. I never had a large bulge but big enough to have me not want to wear tighter shirts.
THis morning the finger nail remains looking problematic. I don't know if it is getting better or worse. The finger nail tips do look white and clear now though. THe ends are often rounded too.

For the past few days I've noticed a change in appearance along with the less swollen stomach. My eyes have more color in them. My hair looks somewhat healthier. I still have a long ways to go in this area but a change can be seen by me.
Doing decently well this morning. Might have figured out the cause of the running nose that happens from time to time. The family cats are staying at my place and since having them I've begun to have a running nose! I suspect the problem is more complicated than having the cats around for 24 hours though. So far the runny nose has not been as bad as it had been in the past. Possibly my health overall plays a roll too. Time will tell.
This is a positive change, I can now read for long periods of time without nodding off to rest. For the past couple of days I've found I can read books for long periods of time without to much difficulty. TYpically this is not the case. Typically I can read for around 20 minutes than will nod off. Hope this positive change continues.
I like cats, but I'm allergic to them. I also have hay fever. One doctor I saw, who was a dermatologist, said allergic issues often happen with autoimmune disorders. The cat allergy is immediate, if I pet a cat and then touch my nose...runny nose and watering eyes...aaachooo! If I wash often and avoid the cat as much as possible, as well as places like pillows and blankets it may have been on, I can cope with it. I know this is a personal journey thread, but I thought you might be interested.
This is a positive change, I can now read for long periods of time without nodding off to rest. For the past couple of days I've found I can read books for long periods of time without to much difficulty. TYpically this is not the case. Typically I can read for around 20 minutes than will nod off. Hope this positive change continues.

Good luck.
I like cats, but I'm allergic to them. I also have hay fever. One doctor I saw, who was a dermatologist, said allergic issues often happen with autoimmune disorders. The cat allergy is immediate, if I pet a cat and then touch my nose...runny nose and watering eyes...aaachooo! If I wash often and avoid the cat as much as possible, as well as places like pillows and blankets it may have been on, I can cope with it. I know this is a personal journey thread, but I thought you might be interested.

I appreciate you sharing your experience with cats and allergies. That makes sense.

It was another good day for me with the cats. The sneezing and running nose is there but very slight. It still isn't a problem.
This is nice. I woke up this morning not feeling fatigued. Yesterday I had a chance to go swimming. The previous times while on this diet, while I swam the next 2 days afterwards I felt overly tired and exhausted. So far at least I'm feeling good after yesterdays swim. I am a bit sore but don't feel run down basically.
I had a very good morning. I had lots of energy and overall felt quite well. After lunch I tired a bit and returned to more normal levels of late with doing OK. It was a good feeling this morning and hopefully that will continue and continue to improve.

On the negative part of my gums are sore. Eating pork can do that. Eating nuts also can cause this problem but to a less degree. Fiber additionally can cause the gums to inflame a bit I've noted in the past. The gums are not painful but it is noticeable and I'll work to lessen the inflammation with my diet. I'll eat fewer nuts and imagine that will take care of the issue.
Yesterday I was thinking of a theory on why my gums can become inflamed, sore and bleed when eating pork. The idea goes like this. I can get my stomach entirely well when eating grass fed beef and eat lots of cheese. The problem with eating beef and cheese is that I'll have low to no energy. I've tried many ideas to solve this problem without resolution. Something wrong is going on with a beef and cheese diet.

Problems arise when I avoid beef and cheese. One problem is that when eating pork often my gums swell up and bleed. I've not known why that it. I've asked dentists and doctors about this issue and they don't have answers either. The swelling problem is a main reason why I loose faith in the avoid beef and cheese idea.

An idea I thought about yesterday how to do with how chewy pork can be. Possibly with pork being chewy, my teeth are being pushed around causing the gums to become sore, swell and bleed. Overtime as I gain health my gums will become stronger.

In all honesty I don't have much faith in this theory. I can think of several reasons why it is wrong. Then again it has some possibilities.

Regardless I'll eat pork less frequently in the days ahead. This in its self causes issues as I know chicken and turkey cause a particular type of diarrhea that is unpleasant to have. Oddly thought I can eat turkey and chicken, be overly sick to the stomach, yet have good energy.

Anyway, I need to try something at this point to keep the swelling down.
Had a mild upset stomach today but nothing terrible. I had good energy for most of the day,which is a big plus. Looking somewhat healthier I would say too. Overall not a bad day but could have been better.
Yesterday I avoided pork. As a result the itching largely went away. The swollen gums experienced improved greatly. I was also thinking about the finger nail that is appearing poorly. That began once I added pork to the diet. Overall it makes more sense that pork is an allergen.

I'm going to make a dietary change. I'll stop eating pork. Instead I'll begin eating beef once again. I'll not eat cheese though. I'm guessing that it is cheese that is hurting my energy levels causing me to feel fatigued and worn down. It wouldn't be an allergen with that, I'm guessing. Possibly something else is going on.

Anyway, will see if the dietary change leaves me with good energy. I expect the stomach will be sour and upset with the new diet. It will take a long time to heal what ever diet is fllowed that I don't react to.

Hopefully this is it! I'd like to once and for all move on, do more productive activities.
I'm off to a very good start with avoiding pork and avoiding cheese. I had great energy levels today. This is after working out this morning harder than typical. The stomach was so so. It could be better but imagine if this is the answer, I'll have many days of being so so with the stomach.
So far so good this morning. My energy levels are decent. Yesterday I ended up having diarrhea 6 times, which is more than typical but nothing out of the normal. I was afraid that I would be tired this morning as a result of the extra diarrhea but that doesn't appear to be the case. I might wear down quicker as the day progressed though.
Oh forgot, my gums feel great this morning. The inflammation is nearly gone.

Also for the past few days my watch tells me when I sit and read a book my heart rate jumps to 120beats per minute. Yesterday while sitting and reading no heat beat warning was given from my watch. I've read in the past one way doctors used to test for food allergies was with increased heart rates. Don't know if the test good or not but found that interesting yesterday.
Today was an alright day. My energy levels were not as good as yesterday but they were good enough. It wasn't surprising that I wasn't terribly energetic considering I lifted weights hard yesterday. For the last month i've noticed when doing these weight liftings, I'll often be sore the next day. For what ever reason I'm not sore today.

It has me thinking tomorrow and going forward I'll swim frequently, if not daily weather permitting. THe last few times I swim often I became overly tired the following.

I'm also going to be keeping a close eye on the finger nail that is looking poorly. If it heals up in the next week or two I'll know for certain that pork is a problem food, one to be permanently avoided.
Pork is an older idea I've tried several times. It's one that might even have a family connection with a slight allergy. The main difference with this latest try when avoiding pork is to see if I have greater energy levels avoiding pork and avoiding cheese. Stomach health is important too, but I don't believe I have the patience to wait months to years to heal the stomach system, if pork is the answer.

So far so good this morning. I'm feeling I have decent energy.

This morning and early afternoon has been good. I have a decent amount of energy. I find myself running around more than typical.
I have decent energy again this morning. I was thinking too that the mineral rich nuts I've been eating lately is likely helping improve my energy levels.

THis morning I noticed something odd, possibly. It's a problem I've experienced for many many years but don't know why it happens. This morning putting shorts on, my shorts were loose and didn't fit well. My waist has shrunk some, it appears. I tried several different pairs of shorts and had the same results. Maybe this new diet of avoiding pork and cheese is playing a part in why my waist can become smaller.

Don't feel sore this morning, despite lifting weights with my legs yesterday. I plan to swim this afternoon and suspect I shouldn't become sore some the exercise.
I've had good energy for the day. Went swimming this afternoon and don't feel sore. TOmorrow though is when I'm most likely to feel any effect from swimming and sore muscles. Overall I'd say things are looking good with the current diet of avoiding pork and cheese.

My finger nail with the beat up appearance still appears beat up. It's hard to say if improvements have occurred.
I'm doing well this mroning. Yesterday I ate a great amount of nut fiber. The stomach so far has not been a problem since doing that. I expect the worst but seems I might get away with eating that many nuts. There is a part of my gums that is now slightly inflamed. It's mild but I know that fiber can cause this problem, sometimes. Most likely that is what is going on. It should be resolved by tomorrow as I'll be sure to no eat as many nuts today.
I am sore and tired this evening after a second day of swimming. Will be interesting to see how I feel in the morning.

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