My little rant about unexplained abdominal pain

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Jul 27, 2012
Northern California, USA

I have seen several posts recently where GI doctors are telling families that their kids need to live with significant pain symptoms. The GI says the CD is in remission and there's "no reason" for the pain. It must be either IBS or psychological or the kid just doesn't want to ________ (fill in the blank with chores, school, etc).

I think this is horse poop.

Until proven otherwise, it is CD-related pain. If the child is thought to be in solid remission then that assumption needs to be questioned, IMHO. If they are not in solid remission then that should be the therapeutic goal.

Does this mean that they should skip school and avoid getting on with their life? No.

Does this mean that relaxation techniques or therapy shouldn't be tried or offered? No.

Does this mean that they aren't sometimes playing us as parents? No.

But a kid does not lay on their bed crying in pain, refusing to leave the house, unable to do normal activities for no blasted reason.

And saying that the kid "just has IBS" is not helpful to anyone. Ever.

If the GI doesn't know why the kid hurts, then they should just say that. If you as parents see your child in pain on a frequent/daily basis that is severe and the GI says "it's just IBS" then you need to get a 2nd opinion.
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I appreciate this soap box as we fired our first doctor for this very reason. Our second doctor was much better about listening to our daughter and trying to figure out why her pain continued. You are right about getting a second opinion. I am nervous as we start our journey again with a new doctor. We see her on Tuesday and will see how it goes.
So very true Patricia. :thumleft:

Pain is not normal, it is not a way of life and no child should ever be told that it is something to be tolerated.

Yes, unfortunately there will be times in some children's lives that pain is very much a part of it but that is only because there is an underlying reason and a health professionals primary aim should be to do their utmost to identify the cause of that pain and treat it appropriately.

Dusty. xxx

I have seen several posts recently where GI doctors are telling families that their kids need to live with significant pain symptoms. The GI says the CD is in remission and there's "no reason" for the pain. It must be either IBS or psychological or the kid just doesn't want to ________ (fill in the blank with chores, school, etc).

I think this is horse poop.

Until proven otherwise, it is CD-related pain. If the child is thought to be in solid remission then that assumption needs to be questioned, IMHO. If they are not in solid remission then that should be the therapeutic goal.

Does this mean that they should skip school and avoid getting on with their life? No.

Does this mean that relaxation techniques or therapy shouldn't be tried or offered? No.

Does this mean that they aren't sometimes playing us as parents? No.

But a kid does not lay on their bed crying in pain, refusing to leave the house, unable to do normal activities for no blasted reason.

And saying that the kid "just has IBS" is not helpful to anyone. Ever.

If the GI doesn't know why the kid hurts, then they should just say that. If you as parents see your child in pain on a frequent/daily basis that is severe and the GI says "it's just IBS" then you need to get a 2nd opinion.

This is why I'm taking my little girl to a pedi GI. I love my gp, and he says his not concerned that she has crohns, but jas lays in bed of a night, in pain, and I feel like its either crohns, or uc or something like that, because kids don't want to be in pain, and there's no reason to say they are, when in bed anyway, or when they could be playing ect. Its horrible as a mum to have to hear her say 'my tummy is sore', and a mum on here wrote, that her child had cd, and the gp 'missed it' on her ultra sound. So I think if you have a GI that doesn't take your child's symptoms seriously, then deff go see another! Best wishes xoxo
WE had similar happen to us current GI was at a loss. So go to GI#2
GI#2 just said IBS.:ymad:

Rheumo who we adore more and more :wub:said basically when a kiddo has been inflamed as long as Ds has parts of the GI tract are not going to "function " properly that is a given- they have been trying so hard to work so long while inflamed.
But once you get everything under control for a period of time then that "functional" issue should go away since the body is no longer fighting against itself.:applause:
In his words not IBS but just part of crohn's so for all those out "there"
THERE is hope just find the right doc. :thumleft: and med combo.
At least for us- we already "know" the current GI will work as a team(discuss/consult) with our favorite Rheumo. :poop::poop::poop:

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