Thank all my friends ere. You saved me, all of you, by listening and reading what I post ere. Even when I read it all I can na believe it all...all seems so unbelievable. But it is all too real. I wish that was all not real, some huge lie, or some f'd up nightmare.
The I fixed a police scanner that someone gave to me knowing I could fix it...which I did. After it began working my family and I listened to it for days. We all became utterly disgusted and enraged. We became like that because every name that they ran ,charged and went out of their way to invoke up fines and/or jail time.I swear 98% of the time the people being charged, harassed, and racially hated on were my people.Native Americans...West Indians...Canadian Aboriginals are now and always have been in war with the RCMP. I WISH THE WORLD WAS A FAIRYTALE. Who do they serve and protect? They work against and harm(even kill?!) my people. They waged war on us for hundreds if na thousands of years...Why would they stop or become what they are supposed to be now?
Many days I feel soo much pain that I do na feel like myself...trying to sleep and na achieving that adds it that all. But now Dr.Werner has given me HIGH powered pain killers with HIGH powered sleeping pills. This ocean of pain overwhelms me. But now I get flashes of normality. My head gets temporarily out of that ocean of pain. In those flashes...I ave come up with a plan.
All of those who truly know me...know that I hate popularity contests. But there is one contest I feel I must enter and win. That contest? My reserve election for Chief of my tribe. I am going to run...AND I AM GOING TO WIN. Not for me and my family. Not for my own personal gain. For what is right. I want the real criminals of my people to go to jail for stealing from the tribe.
Fifteen years ago Chief and council made up laws that helped the RCMP in their war against us. They proclaimed our tribe was a Dry reserve. Anyone drinking alcohol was charged a $250.00 on top of any other charge the RCMP could dream up of. That money stayed in the "white society". People were and are still being imprisoned for having a drink. Top all of that all, Chief and council then went forward and created our own police force which was really created for that one law that made money for the closest white society to our reserve. All of the reserve police's salary combined came up to over a million dollars a year. Guess who paid for all that? My tribe. Now Chief and council say we are broke any and every chance they get.
One of neighbor tribes which has like ten times the amount of members as my tribe leads the way when it comes to criminals. They went to war on their own. Coming up with a law that takes to home of those who get busted for drugs specifically trafficking drugs. So if anyone gets busted they automatically lose their home?! Guess what my Chief and council did? Without asking anyone in our community they followed that f'd up tribe and made up the same law in my tribe?!
Isn't native life hard enough without our so called leaders joining the war of the RCMP...Are they na supposed to work for us? That sounds like they are working against us! Then the real criminals who inbesil and steal money from us are still free. They are the ones who should be in jail...they are the ones who should lose houses and be BANNED from any reservation.
I am a sick man, but I can no longer stand aside and let this continue. This all has to change.
First item I will put into action? Item one:A referendum asking my people...Should we continue the so called dry reservation and the monies it makes for other communities? Yes or No? Item two on the same referendum...Should anyone lose their house if they are caught selling drugs? Yes or no?
Those are two ideas off the top of my head. I believe anyone in the leadership positions should be full of ideas...not full of **** lol. They should have countless ideas on how our tribe could produce money and positivity. All they have now is countless ideas how to spend money and wage war on our own.
I am Native Orion Sith... and I will be Chief in three weeks.
Thanks for all who read and really listen to my ideas.