My post-surgery update

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Nov 5, 2009
First of all, I want to thank everyone for their kind words of encouragement and support!! This forum is amazing.

My surgery went great. No complications or anything (so far KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!) They did the hand assisted laparascopy. now, the following information I was given right after surgery, and probably explained a few more times after, but i've been so fuzzy on the details

Total it looks like they took about 18 inches of small bowel + just a tiny bit of the first a part of my colon.

I do still have active disease some in the colon and in the rectum, but surgeon was very hopeful that a LOT of my problems will be better.

I'm in a pretty good amount of pain and have lots of anxiety. I'm on diludad (spell ?)
Thanks for the update - take it easy and get some REST.....hope this makes things better for you - and that you get to hold your little one very, very soon! Nothing like a hug to make Mommy feel better!!! (at least it does for me!)
Glad to hear everything went well!

Hoping you have a speedy recovery.
Am so glad things went well :) You are nearly there, it is dilaudid and is usually used as an alternative to morphine. Are they giving you any stool softeners at all? It sounds silly considering symptoms leading up to the op but the theory is they will want things to soft so it will pass through the join easier and you don't have to strain to 'go'. I was also on a soft food diet only. I hope things continue to go well and that you can geet home soon :hug:
so glad you did well! me next me next!

Keep us posted on the rest of recovery and try and get some sleep its not easy to come by at the hospital they check on you every hour on the hour lol.
Thanks so much for the update hun! :hug:

It is so fab to hear that all has gone well! YAY! Now all we need to do is send you loads of love and luck for a super speedy recovery!...:goodluck:

Thinking about you and your Sadie bear! :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I'm glad it went well. What's the plan for the remaining active Crohn's?

At the beginning of February, I'll be starting on Tysabri. Gi thinks that is the best route to go because o've tried everything out there right now, except for Tysabri.

The surgeon looked all through the small intestine and the large intestine, she said the parts of active disease that were left looked very mildly diseased.

She also said that the long part she took out was so bad and should have come out much sooner. oh well!! It just never seemed like the right time to go through this!

Anyway, all taken care of now!! Should be able to notice a HUGE difference once I'm recovered. The surgeon just kept stressing that to me. i'm so lucky to have this doctor!! She's done all my surgeries in the past and is just really good at her job!

When they took me back to the OR they were strapping me in and getting me all ready, and I was crying! I was so scared, i was freaking crying!! The anesthesiologist told me i had to quit or he would start crying with me LOL oh well, everything was fine and dandy. i was just afraid of what was coming next :)

thank you everyone for your support and kind words!!!:hug::hug:

Oh Amanda, it's so great to hear that whatever is left is mild. :) Lordy, lordy, lordy, I am hoping, wishing and praying soooooooo hard that this gives you long lasting relief and energy! Everything is crossed hun!

Dusty. :heart:
Ah I'm really glad to hear it went well. Dilaudid really helps with pain but try and get off it as soon as you can. It's so addicting. Anyway, I hope you have a faster recovery then I did :)
Glad to hear all went well.
Fingers crossed for you for a speedy recovery.
Sending lots of hugs :ghug:
Thanks all!!

I've actually just had my first poop!!!! :) 2 days in. they have been giving me some pill to try and get things moving, and sure enough!!! I thought I was just going to pass gas, but was skeptical enough to run to the bathroom! I never EVER trust a fart coming from myself :)
hehe. okay i just blew the bathroom up again!!! 2 small ones and one BIG one!

Overall things are going fairly well for me. I'm obviously still really weak/nasty feeling and have a lot of pain, but I'm aparently progressing really well from the surgery so far.

yippee. this is only day 2 post up my surgeon said no less than 5 days in the hospital so I'm trying not to get too excited about getting ready to go home! LOL A girl can hope though.
Take it easy! But its nice to hear everything is 'working'! :thumright:

You'll be running marathons in no time!!!
Yay!!!!!!!...:poo:...and many more to come! But not too many! :eek2:

Take it easy sweetie and well done!...:mademyday:

Dusty. :heart:
:dance: Really pleased you are already pooping!! Such a good sign that things are heading in the right direction, fingers crossed this continues :)
Excellent news Amanda!
Everything's heading in the right direction >:poo:
speedy recovery!
Amanda...dont mind us celebrating poos. Butt...some of us have lazy bowels after surgery...and poo's are to be celebrated after that. You are doing really, really well!!!

Please keep us updated on poo's and other mile stones!!! :eek:
Hahah I can totally relate to the bathroom. They ended up giving me a commode to put by my bed because of how many times I was going (or that I was going to go) Too much movement. Glad to hear things are moving along though.
@terriornut- trust me!!! I don't mind you cheering for poops at all!! The last couple of days they heard no bowel sounds and then all of a sudden I am going ll of the time! You should have heard me when I did go the first time :) My mother in law was waiting to help me get back into bed and I yelled, hell yes! real loud:)

They gave me some kind of pill before surgery and every day since then that was suppose to help move things along. It hall happened so quick!

I also just had my NG tube removed earlier and started on some clear liquids. All I've really had is a couple of sips of coke, sprite, and some chicken broth.

I really just cannot believe how well I'm doing 2 days out. don't get me wrong, I feel BAD, just not bad in the same way I was expecting!

Today is mine and my husbands 7th wedding anniversary :) He's here with me this evening watching football while I snuggle up in my bed and try to get some rest.
I am sooooooooo happy that things are going sooooooooo well! :panda::panda::panda:

And happy Anniversary to you both!...


Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I am so happy to hear you are doing well only after 2 days! I think this is a really good sign.

Happy Anniversary, too! Enjoy!
Happy Anniversary!!
Keep up the good recovery.
Really glad for you that all is going well.
@ Dexky- i really hope so!!! I miss that little squirt so much! My mother in law brought some picture frames into the hospital and has them hanging out around the room of Tom and Sadie. It does help, i see her little face on my TV tray thingie that I have.

Things are still going pretty well. I'm having a lot of pain in my right side, its not even where an incision is. Not sure what that's all about, but I think I may have pulled something when I was trying to move the IV stand yesterday.

As long as I'm laying in bed I feel really well. When I get up and try to move around.. its another story, but was able to sit up in a chair last night for about an hour sipping on some chicken broth and watching a movie.

I'm hoping the doc comes in this morning and tells me I can start having full liquids today! They told me i've been doing so well, i might just be able to. yippee :)

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