I think you have the supplements pretty well covered Chris. I can tell by what you are taking that you have put some thought into this.
I take 500mg of Turmeric and Ginger, mainly for its antiinflammatory, antioxident effects and many other health benefits. The small amounts I am taking now probably do not have much effect on Crohn's, but I really do not need an effect at this time. In higher doses they can moderate a flare.
I also take a multivitamin, Magnesium, Vitamin D-3 in the Winter, also Krill Oil.
I have heard of some other people say the LDN seems to suppress their appetite, but I have never experienced that effect myself. I would think it would fade with time, but I really do not know.
I had some D recently, but since I am experimenting with killing viruses, it may be from that since I have no other flare symptoms. Actually that symptom is going away now. When I have killed intestinal bacteria in the past, I get a similar effect until the dead bacteria is purged out.
My wife had a similar reaction to the viral treatment so it is not just me.
I used to have occasional blood in my stool virtually all of my life prior to using LDN, but now I never have it. I actually ended my flare using an alternative treatment prior to using LDN, but LDN can do it on its own in most cases. If the LDN is working for you, I would fully expect the blood and D to end at some point.
If you are having trouble after a longer time, I have another method to speed things along if you are interested. It is not approved to treat anything and is also experimental, but it works well. I think you will straighten out after some time just on the LDN.
This Yahoo group can help find a doctor to prescribe LDN in your area Hezzie.