Need help advice on fistula surgery please

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Feb 8, 2014
Hi, so for the past few weeks I have been on TPN and nothing by mouth in order to rest my bowels as most of my intestines are swollen. My doctor told me that I had a fistula from my small intestine connecting to my sigmoid colon. The doctor is telling me that I need to have surgery to remove the section of bowel with the fistula, but also that the fistula might heal. My question is if the fistula heals will I still need to have that section of bowel removed or what? will it grow back if it heals up and I don't have that section removed? also if anyone else has had a fistula like this I would love to hear your story and how you are doing and what kind of treatment you received.
Hello and welcome sorry you are problems with fistulas. I am not familiar with fistulas than involve the intestine my hubby has had several perianal fistulas though. I just wanted to welcome you I am sure someone will come along and give you more information.
Are you on any medications besides being on the TPN? There are medications that are good with healing fistulas - Remicade for one although I'm not sure how it does with ones such as yours.

I'm sure more people will be on to add comments - if the fistula heals on its' own, there is always the risk of another forming either at that location or at a new location.
I've had a few bowel to bowel fistulas, between loops of small bowel as well as one from my small bowel to my rectum (I've also had them going to my bladder, the skin on my stomach and peri anal ones, but that's another story!)

In my case I had to have mine surgically removed by a laparotomy and was given a temporary Ileostomy so that my rectum and bladder could heal.
There weren't any other options for me unfortunately, I was already on infliximab when the fistulas appeared, and by the time I tried Humira I was too far gone. I was also on a liquid diet for 10 weeks in the run up to my surgery to give my bowel some rest and get me in a decent place nutritionally for my surgery.

Since my first surgery 15 months ago I haven't been in any Crohn's medications and my symptoms have been largely under control. I've had a lot of post op complications from my Stoma reversal (but that's another another story!)

I realise that I haven't answered some of your questions! I don't know the answers I'm afraid, I was just told 'you're having surgery' so didn't really research much.
thank you for your reply it is really helpful. what I am most concerned about is life after surgery im only 22 my Crohn's has always been really mild I didnt need much medicine or have too many problems so the fact of all these complications has me a little scared. never expected this you know. is it back to business as usual after surgery or are there things you cant do anymore? how long before im up and able move around? thank you for your replys and sharing your storys they really help
Hubby was 20 years old when he had his first surgery he was able to stay very active and enjoyed life to the fullest we also had two boys. Hubby was very athletic he was an avid runner till 2012 (torn meniscus) In 2006 he had a resection so 16 years between the two no major flares no hospital visits and two teenage boys.
The thought of surgery is scary to start with, but you're doing the right thing by informing yourself as much as possible :)

I was in hospital for 7 days post surgery and they usually get you up day 1 after your op. It feels like the hardest thing in the world, but moving about is SO important!

It usually takes about 6-8 weeks for everything to heal, but can take longer depending on the person. I had surgery 6 weeks ago and went back to work today! I saw my surgeon yesterday and he said I'm fine to start exercising again, within my own limits!
I wouldn't worry too much, there's no reason why you can't lead a totally normal life after surgery :)