NEVER again will I eat...

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I was a human garbage disposal before I got all messed up.

Now I will never again eat my delicious homemade hamburgers. I even tried them with extra lean ground Turkey instead of beef and no go :(
I was sooo searching for this thread yesterday and couldn't find it.

I ate a cheeseburger for lunch. The picture on the menu just looked so good. I knew better...but I did it any way. It had been months since I had a cheeseburger and the last time I did it I believe I was on here yelling at myself about it too! Of course, I spent the entire afternoon in the bathroom. What in the world was I thinking?? But it was sooo tasty. (I'm still not sure I regret it ;) )
Never gonna eat an entire loaf of gluten free bread made into toast with jam on it.... it was coming out all flaming night, damn pred munchies!!!
I have ulcerative colitus I got it when I was 21 I am now 50- I just found the specific carb diet and have been on it for 2 weeks tonight. I have not cheated-I am so much better it is amazing- I dont want to be gross but no more fear of gas-no bloating at all- no more gurgling in my rectum-no more mucus-no more cramping and every day there has been less blood and today none!! It is not an easy diet to follow- but I have been cooking food and making enough for left overs and the desserts are really easy to whip up and you can eat so much of it and not get fat! I take one day at a time and hope that i can make it through the 1-2 year protocol. But it sure beats the way i was feeling-i highly recommend checking it out-there is nothing that can hurt you on it. It is much stricter than the celiac diet- which is basically how i ate before but with no results. why drs dont recommend it makes me extrememly angry- why would they if you get better no more tests - no more meds- no more office visits- and why is there no so called scientific data to back it up? well who is going to pay for a study that noone can make any money off of after!! please check it out- i bought the book breaking the vicious cycle and it is hard no chocolate at all- but if you follow it for the recommended time and slowly bring the foods back you should be able to eat normal again- and know which foods so avoid. AMAZING!!
Mountaingem said:
Never again will I eat nuts, drink tequila *sniff*, or eat any curry, the pain's so not worth it.
I should probably say I'll never eat curry again but I know I will. I might just as well :ybatty: but it is just soooooo yummy its worth a few :poo:
pop corn is all chemicals now- made from genetically modified corn - hydogenated corn syrup and corn oil- also from gm corn and artificial flavors and it even smells synthetic - DONT EAT POPCORN EVEN IF YOUR HEALTHY
avoid gm foods for sure
the seeds are gm so they can spray the hell out of the fields with round up and then you eat those foods. think about it!
Boston Pizza, it sucks, no taste, $33 bucks and I was in a hurry, usually I eat Pizza Pizza ... and a 1/3 less money....first pizza yesterday in 2 month, now I got the runs for a shi!!y Pizza.. guess I only rented it lol. But $33 bucks I thought you get one and pay half price the other, they bring it out I said where is the other one and the girl says oh I thought you meant only one large... I can get another one for you and I said and do what pay over 15 bucks for another one????? :voodoo: I walked out. NEVER great day by myself got ruined at the end of the day. :(
ie Chinese Food
straight thro within minutes, waste of dosh
buy it, put it down the bog, cut the middle man out!
and all of a sudden, I cant eat red meat, lamb, beef etc, ?
Really missing Kellogs corn flakes, ice cold milk, and sugar for me supper, sob,sob,
Butterkist sob, sob
And finally, I feel ill today cos I ate mushy peas from the chippy last night, so more sobs,
:poo: Second that Astra on the MSG and Chinese food. The last time I had Chinese food I forgot to ask about it and ended up on the bathroom floor the rest of the night. I was begging for mercy. NEVER NEVER NEVER again!
I miss not being able too go out somewhere too hav a meal because I can't trust what's goin into my food or if it's being cooked how I can eat it
Fruit - apples, bananas, grapes.....

But then again, I did just have an apple. And tomorrow with breakfast, I know I'll have banana, after lunch, I'll have grapes, and for a snack, I'll have another apple!!!!!!
Charley's Steakery...Philly Cheese Steak...don't think it agreed...been to the bathroom with D twice since then...hoping it has stopped as I haven't been in awhile!! Didn't taste that great this time around either, so I won't miss giving it up, so that's a plus :) I'll just stick to their Raspberry Lemonade instead!
tamesis said:
Chinese food. Last thing i ate before i threw up this week, BLEH!
Ohh that had to of been rough!!
Chinese food is always hit or miss for me, sometimes I'm in the bathroom and other's it doesn't bother me at all...who knows!
ameslouise said:
Right?? I swear I chew them and they come out whole!!!

Yeah.. one of my old GI's said she's removed whole ones during colonoscopies before.

Mushrooms + strictures = very bad news.

I just try and stick to a very low fibre diet.
A can of plum tomatoes with my egg & bacon
never ever ever again
as long as I live!
What a great post-

Only I am still trying to figure out what I CAN eat. Seems like anything I eat I swear I will never eat again. I had to go off brown rice :-(

All I can eat right now is sweet potatoes and cabbage juice and bananas.

Pain is worse than ever. Too bad we need food. What a curse. :confused2:
Looks like a lot of us have trouble with Chinese food. Especially the MSG. Has anyone tried Chinese food without MSG? A lot of restaurants here advertise NO MSG.

Still, I have sworn off Chinese food forever!

And a lot of other things after watching Food, Inc.....
ugh...i have been flaring for a while and reducing off prednisiolone, my system still hasnt reset so appetite still really poor recently, but today down to pure greed and nothing else, i wasnt even hungry, devoured what us Scots call a sausage supper....which is like battered sausages and chips, covered in vinegar salt and kecthup...

and i paying for it now....damn pred would be clear my tum hasnt quite recovered.....but i had to try, and it did taste damn good...even tho its killing my tum....the noises are NOT pretty :(
Fried buffalo chicken wings with cheese fries. Such a wonderful comfort food - it was almost worth the agony.

I needed a two-week course of Entocort to fix the mess that meal made inside me - which, at $8/pill x 3 pills per day, wasn't cheap at all. My co-pay was only $45, but of course the full cost has to be covered by everyone with insurance. So now when I crave something fatty and delicious, I try to tell myself that my nasty habits will help accelerate the death spiral of our health insurance system.

Strange, but so far guilt has been a better deterrent than pain.
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Being an idiot, and before I new what was going on (released from the hospital after a horrible flare up under assumption it was gastroenteritis or some infection or something) and all I craved was a Burgerville hazelnut milkshake.

OH MY GOD! Raw nuts a swollen intestine do NOT go well together!
hahah did they have to take them out your nose?

I'll put one down for my M-I-L. Pecan Butter Tarts. The woman is a 20 year Crohn's vet and after 2 resections she has a nasty restriction around the site. Anyway she ate a box of these things in an episode of weakness and got a visit form the NG tube fairy as the result. I don't think she will eat those again!
saw a half of a huge sandwich in the i swiped it. Turns out it was buffalo chicken! after the first bite, knowing i shouldn't......i took a few more bites. The next morning.......i took my a** to the hospital!

Buffalo chicken is officially off the list!
I carn,t eat.... sweetcorn, onions, sage and onion stuffing,(and i love this so much with chicken or pork) bannanas, tomatoes, all of the above go right through me.. and my other half pays for it in bed at night, when i have farted the sheets away.... lol....
Just thinking about eating cheese makes me have to go to the bathroom. I can't handle dairy products at all (ice cream I miss you!!!!!!), but if I eat even the tiniest bit of cheese I can pretty much forget about doing anything the rest of the day.
Lydia said:
This was a few months ago but never again will I eat a tamale pie. OMG that was horrible.

I just Googled "tamale pie"...yes, that does certainly look like a recipe for disaster (literally!). You poor thing!
whysoserious said:
I just Googled "tamale pie"...yes, that does certainly look like a recipe for disaster (literally!). You poor thing!

lol. Yeah, it was back when I first came out of remission and I was still in denial over what I should or should not eat. Lesson learned. I miss spicy food.
When I was on Day 2 of a clear liquid diet, I started to dip into the sauce. Chicken wing sauce. Spicy. It was AMAZING! (I only had a couple of teaspoons since it isn't a clear liquid, but ohhhh, was it good.)

But I will probably never again drink apple juice.
Black Forrest cake!!! I had some for dessert tonight, first time I have had something like this in over two years...I think it's trying to kill me!!! :poo:
Steel cut oats, I love it but it really hates me!!

Kelly: I can't drink apple juice either, burns like mad!
Oh, Jody, I need to learn the "no more sugar" thing. I had hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies today, all kinds of bad.

(Also, great signature line!)
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I'll be having my homemade pizza tonight, which are fine, but we'll see what happens when I put the prosciutto, salami and pepperoni on it :smile:
My pitfall is that I keep on eating things that my body tells me not to. One thing I should never eat again, but I'm positive I will:

Blueberries. I just can't digest them, for whatever reason. But they're so tasty, haha.
Admiral Ruffles said:
Hot Dogs, or any processed meats :(

Hot dogs are a no no, rubbery and acts like a seal in the intestine... mystery meat LOL. Love them but havent had one in 8 years.
Pulled pork and spare ribs. I'm sure there will be more to add to this list soon, since I'm still pretty new at this and learning....
Kayak, so sorry you've had to say goodbye to pulled pork. Sigh.
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Red Velvet cake, very VERY red. :( Sad cause I just made it and it is fantastic.

Fish and chips.... I know I can't, but I deal with it if I feel ok. Man it hurts but I will take it for a bit.

Oh My Gosh

I too cannot eat pepper jack cheese or any spices that are hot. I have ended up in Emergency from Pain an had to get pain killers in intravenous to stop the spasms. I will never eat flax seeds but can have them ground, nor can I eat spicy hot foods. No Red Meat, kills my intestines, no soda with carbonation or just no sodas period, no dairy it gives me terrible cramps, and no wheat, same effect.

I relate
forum contributor said:
Ugh... so I'm feeling better taking Creon, this digestive enzyme for whatever the hell is wrong with me (doc thinks pancreas or Crohn's)... not absorbing fat. I take it right before and right after I eat. Cool.

BUT - I just spent the last 15 minutes in the bathroom, with stomach spasms, almost in tears from what I ate last night while we were out w/friends.

SO..... NEVER again will I eat:

Pepper jack cheese on ANYTHING!!! :ymad:

What about you? What will you never eat again because it makes you feel so horrible?
This has nothing to do with Crohn's, but I will never eat liver of any type again, haha. Beef liver and onions was the worst. :puke_r:
I hate liver too! Liver is an organ and a filter. Besides it is loaded with cholesterol. Use to be a good thing for iron way back when ... I would never eat it...gross!
Yeah, the first time I had just a bite of beef liver. It was my ex-boyfriend's fav thing to eat at this certain restaurant and he wanted me to try it. I was too embarassed to spit it out, so I forced myself to swallow it. Yuck. The second time I had liver it was chicken livers. I was staying with a host family in Poland and apparently it is a popular dish over there. I ate a few to be polite, but declined on seconds, haha. Never again.
I'll probably never eat Chicken Gizzards again. Oh and Picked Pigs Feet. I'll probably never try one of those ever again either. Used to watch football with my Dad and eat that kind of stuff.
mwb3779 said:
Chicken hearts.... also bad.

I love when my mom makes authentic hungarian paprikash with chicken hearts and gizzards. Its one of my favourite dinners that she makes. So fricken awesome.

I hate beef liver but I love chicken liver. I also love liver pate.
Sea weed, popcorn, and celery.
When I was first dx... and still learning. I ate them all in one day.....
What a nightmare. NEVER NEVER again.
Pizza... Last year I was in Sicily for 6 weeks and had my worst flare up EVER.

I ate so much pizza because I was under Sicilian hospitality, it wasn't a holiday. So I ate what they gave me... it slayed me, it really did. That's when the Just a Drop stuff would have come in real handy... although by the end of it I was just pooping blood and undigested food so there wasn't any smell.
Corn soup.
I was living in Tokyo and went through a phase where I ate this yummy cream corn soup everyday.
And then I had a flare... so every time I ate it, in went the soup, and 10 minutes later- out came the soup.
Chocolate I know I am on here earlier with that but stupid me , I ate it again and I am paying large now with gas and pains:voodoo:
Oh man.. last night I had red wine, cashew nuts and peanut m&m's. BIG mistake. I can feel my stomach preparing to explode this morning! Argh!
Cheese cant eat cheese that makes me in so much pain, no full fat milk, cream or creamy yoghurts, no hot food omg the last time i ate hot food my butt was just as hot as it :-(
I don't think there is anything I will never eat again....just stuff I never ate in the first place...LOL! Never did like liver, spicy foods, or I don't really miss them! LMAO!

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely foods out there that bother me...I just make adjustments.... splurge on them when I know I don't have to go anywhere the next day... HUGE jar of diaper cream... and let the punishment begin! lol (Seriously, I don't over do it that bad... but stuff like Chinese foods and popcorn are definitely saved for Friday nights...although, not the SAME Friday night....). I just love food way too much.... :redface:
Wheat, gluten, corn and all their derivatives. There are many many. I saw that some people can't tolerate Chinese foods. This may be due to the high gluten content in the soy sauce. I order steamed chicken and vegetables and add a few spices to it. I also avoid high fructose corn syrup. I have been medication free for 2 years on this diet............Lynne
Cherries!! OMG! I made my version of the Magic Pans Crepe Jubilee---OMG! I've been in pain for two days...Yikes! Sue
Popcorn, pizza or anything DAIRY!! Ohhhh how I will miss you sweet ICE CREAM!!! But you don't like me how I like you LMAO!

Never ever ever will I add schwartz cajun spice to ANYTHING!

I always tolerated chilli (on its own) very well, but whatever extra spices they add to this evil thing made me very ill. It was only added to chicken, and I ate it in a salad (with no dressing).....

Well, about an hour later my boyfriend was making an emergency stop on the side of the motorway.... I still have scars on my leg from srabbling into the hedges....

do not believe:
"Perfect Shake Cajun Special Blend brings the rich, spicy tastes of New Orleans to your food. This special seasoning blend with chilli powder, herbs and spices, is perfect with chicken, steak or salmon."

Hi All,
I havent been diagnosed yet (next month I go for an end/colonoscopy) but have been suffering from classic symptoms of Crohns for years. I empathize with the "can't eat pizza"...Whereas we used to order pizza every friday, now if somebody in my family even mentions Pizza 73 or Chicago, it can send me gagging. Because I do love pizza, I have found a way to still kind of enjoy it without any gut issues. Here is what I do :

Tortilla Pizzas

Flour Tortillas
sauted veggies - mushrooms, green peppers, onions (I can eat little onion if its cooked)
black olives, pineapple
ham or gluten free sausage
pizza sauce
low fat mozzarella

What I do is I spray a non-stick frying pan with cooking oil and fry the tortillas on both sides until golden brown. This will make them hard enough to hold the toppings. Then I spread on a couple of spoonfuls of pizza sauce, add toppings, cover with a little cheese and bake in the oven at 350 until the cheese melts. (You just have to be careful not too load too much on). I make a combo of veggie and hawaiian - my family enjoys these as well as I do too.

I think that its the combination of the low fat cheese and the lack of dough that make these tolerable for myself. I really hope that somebody can benefit from this recipe :)
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I havent eaten KFC in 7 years, and prior to that 7 years, just learning that greasy fried foods dont mix...
Hi All,
I havent been diagnosed yet (next month I go for an end/colonoscopy) but have been suffering from classic symptoms of Crohns for years. I empathize with the "can't eat pizza"...Whereas we used to order pizza every friday, now if somebody in my family even mentions Pizza 73 or Chicago, it can send me gagging. Because I do love pizza, I have found a way to still kind of enjoy it without any gut issues. Here is what I do :

Tortilla Pizzas

Flour Tortillas
sauted veggies - mushrooms, green peppers, onions (I can eat little onion if its cooked)
black olives, pineapple
ham or gluten free sausage
pizza sauce
low fat mozzarella

What I do is I spray a non-stick frying pan with cooking oil and fry the tortillas on both sides until golden brown. This will make them hard enough to hold the toppings. Then I spread on a couple of spoonfuls of pizza sauce, add toppings, cover with a little cheese and bake in the oven at 350 until the cheese melts. (You just have to be careful not too load too much on). I make a combo of veggie and hawaiian - my family enjoys these as well as I do too.

I think that its the combination of the low fat cheese and the lack of dough that make these tolerable for myself. I really hope that somebody can benefit from this recipe :)

Hey corn dog welcome (I will never eat those things lol) glad you are here whether you have a diagnosis or not, we can still be of help. Let us know your story so everyone can meet you too! Go on a your story thread and tell us what you got so far. Hope you join us!
I had a craving for a cookie yesterday (still on prednisone), waiting for my next Remicaid treatment...I'm sure the oatmeal cookie had butter in it 'cause it was soooo gooood at the time.
Not so good this morning.
i have found high fiber foods to really kill me to makes me real nasuea. the GI doctor dx me with gastropersis which is slow emptying stomach and fiber is real hard to digest as it is it just plugs my stomach and causes all type of horrible pain and bathroom trips.
Spam Lite. I'm not talking about the original Spam because I'm fine with that. I tried the lite version, thinking I'm saving on fat. Well, sick as a dog about an hour later. There was only one work different on the label. The original Spam was made with potato starch, the lite version was made with "modified potato starch". I'm thinking that the lite version is modified with corn starch. Anyhow, I'll never eat the lite again.