Never ending vicious cycle.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 15, 2009
So I'm not really sure how detailed I'm supposed to be right now, but its 5 am on sunday morning and i've been awake since thursday morning at 10 am so please excuse me if i just start going off on a tangent. lol I know that no one here is a doctor or anything but I really feel like there has to be SOMEONE out there somewhere in the world who has been in my situation & knows what I'm going through right now. I hope that one day my story will prevent someone from having to go through something like this.

Im a 20 yr old college female, 5'3'' and probably about 103-105 lbs at the time. I have ADHD and Anxiety. I'm currently taking 20 mg Adderall daily, and .25mg xanax as needed. I've been a dancer for about 16 or 17 of those years, so I was in pretty good physical shape.

August 19th, I was up in the weeee hours of the morning not feeling very well. Kind of like tonight. Anyways, before this in-particular night - whenever my stomach was bothering me I'd either lay on my stomach or I'd lay on my back and press on my stomach. Well, while pushing on my aching tummy I felt a lump in the lower right quadrant in between my ribs and my hip bone, directly to the right of my abs. and, it moved. :-/ My initial thought was "oh my god, I have a lump in my stomach & that can't be normal." I let it go for the next day or two but then I was sitting in a lawn chair, kind of scrunched down & leaning back, pressing on my aching stomach again. The lump was still there, in fact it had gotten slightly larger & i noticed that it could move around a LOT (I later learned that it tends to go away when i lay in certain positions). I called my mom and explained it to her and she recommended that I go see my general practitioner. An hour later, Dr. B suggested that I might have a small hernia. She assured me that if i wasn't in pain then it wasnt too serious, but she referred me to a surgeon just to be on the safe side. I went away on a cruise, and ate like ive never eaten before! That week was the first time I ever noticed that my belly was protruding. When i got home from vacation I was incredibly dizzy, but everyone kept telling me it was just "boat legs" or whatever. Who knows! August 28th was the first day that the lump actually hurt me. It wasnt excruciating though, it was actually more of a pressure rather than pain I believe. I do remember feeling sick to my stomach, and thats when the skipping of meals started. I made an appointment first thing Monday morning to go and see the the general surgeon - unfortunately his first available appointment was not until that Thursday.

Monday was my first day of school, and it took a lot out of me. Tuesday I was exhausted and feeling terrible .. the pain wasn't bad, it was still just a lot of pressure! But I kept telling myself that the surgeon would tell me it wasnt a big deal & then my mind would stop playing tricks on me and freaking me out. If only I should BE so lucky .. Wednesday morning while I was walking to class my right arm literally just brushed up against the right side of my stomach and it hurt SO bad I thought I was going to throw up. I called my mom all worked up because i had it in my head that it wasnt serious until it started to hurt. since I was out of my Xanax, she suggested I go to urgent care in between school & work just to have them fill my RX to get me thru the night (since my appointment was the next morning). Well, with my luck - of course i ended up with some crazy dude who literally got SO nervous when i described my symptoms. He said I might have appendicitis and that I needed to be rushed to the ER for a CT scan. great.

so after a few different ER doctors examined me, didnt feel the lump (because i was laying down the entire time) pretty much called me a liar (well at least the one dr did ..) 8 hours and $1000.00+ later, my CT scan not only came back negative but apparently im SUPER healthy. Yeah, the same mean Dr really liked to stress the word healthy too. :( Oh yeah, I know i LOVEEEE to go to the emergency room so much that I went because I was feeling GOOD. ?!!? not cool. However, I let it slide with the thought of the appt with the surgeon in the morning keeping me from having a complete mental breakdown. I realized (after being asked a million & 1 questions) that ever since I can remember I've never had regular bowel movements. Its either loose, or 4-5 days in between each one.

I brought my CT scan results with me to the surgeon the next day and explained everything up until that point and then he examined my supposed lump - while i was laying down. of course. I told him it went away a lot of the time when i lied down & he just kept saying "well it could be this or it could be that .. blah blah blah". I was just ready to scream "WHY DOESNT ANYONE BELIEVE ME!?" but instead i got off the exam table & showed him where it was. his response was "OH! ... ohhhh ... oooookkkkk, i see now .." Not the most comforting response, but hey - he felt the lump, he knew my symptoms, and he was the professional. He continued to tell me that I had a really really rare "Spigelian Hernia", and that I needed surgery as soon as possible. Well, im sure you can imagine my reaction to all of this. My absolute favorite part about my special little "hernia" was the fact that - as RARE as it was, it was most commonly found in MEN between the ages of 50-70?! my luck. again.

I needed a 2nd opinion before i made any decisions. I didnt believe in surgery that isn't for a life or death reason, so I wasnt too anxious to schedule the procedure. I just moved her about a year ago so I didnt know really any doctors let alone surgeons - so i did the only logical thing to do, ask everyone who might have a recommendation. My boss, unfortunately had very very bad cancer - but I knew she'd had multiple surgeries & she was still here, so i figured id take my chances. Made an appointment that day to go see Dr. P in a week or so (apparently he's popular?) ..

So, Dr. P got the whole run-down (i swear, i should have made a detailed outline like this back then .. would have saved myself a LOT of confusion.) and then he continued on to press on my stomach looking for the lump. He rolled back in his chair and said "you know, i get people in here every day that think they have this kind of hernia, and none of them ever do." Im pretty sure I gave him some version of the death stare, and then continued on to jump up off the table & show him where it was. "Oh man, you really do have a Spigelian Hernia! Look there it goes!" he said while pushing on my little lump, & making it go away again. He then said all of the same things about needed surgery soon because my risk of strangulation was really high because i was so skinny and active or whatever (i think i was down to about 98 at this point). I said alright well give me the whole run down. It was the weirdest feeling ever, I was so scared and relieved and anxious and DREADING it all at the same time while watching him draw on me in blue pen, where all of my fabulous new scars would be on my abs. Ugh, i wanted to die for a minute. :( I booked my "laparscopic Spigelian Hernia repair with mesh" surgery for october 2nd, and went on with my miserable day.

3 weeks later, the night before my surgery. I wasnt even crying! I was so proud of myself - i'd actually legit convinced myself that i was like .. excited to go back to feeling like myself again after i'd recovered. I woke up, took one last look at my perfectly not scarred up stomach & headed for the hospital. When i got there it hit me - it was really happening, it wasn't just in my head anymore. I totally broke down like an idiot in the middle of the waiting room .. the only good news there is that they gave me lots of happy drugs i guess lol .. & i was soo drugged out before going into surgery that i dont even remember getting wheeled away. :) I woke myself up just coughing. SOO painful. But i didnt know what was going on for a while, thought it was a sick nightmare. When I finally started to come to it - I yelled at the nurse (in a 1/2 excited 1/2 intrigued way) "HOW'D IT GO!?!?!" ..... her response? --- "You didnt have a hernia." yeah. for real. so i asked her what in the hell was wrong with me then, and she said that they had no clue. ohhhhhhh and the funn begins.

So, 2 weeks of unnecessary surgery recovery & now a grand total of $5000.000 later --- i still didnt know what was wrong with me. not to mention the fact that i was still uncomfortable & in pain from before, and now I had painful incisions on top of that. :( My family all said that Dr. P was just beside himself when he came out of surgery & that he told them he thought maybe the next step would be an MRI. He said he took a look at the outside of the organs he could see and that i didnt have any tumors or anything, so that was comforting. for all of about 5 minutes. the jerk didnt even have the decency to follow up with me after all that. so i called the office and asking to have him call me .. i was so far beyond afraid & confused at this point .. i didnt even know what to do with myself! He called me and told me that he'd examen me again at my post-op appointment, & that we'd discuss it all in more detail then. Post-Op appointment day came and the nurse was shocked & said "Post-Op appointments are always just with a nurse to check your incisions and make sure everything is healing up okay .. i dont know why he would tell you that.." so at this point, i was just done. done. done. done. done. ready to go jump off of the near roof and/or go OD on the rest of the percocets. My mom convinced me to go see a gastroenterologist instead.
con't .. sorry.

Well, Dr. M was no exception to all the others. Couldnt find the lump, made me feel like I was crazy & imagining things, started telling me all of the other possible things that could be wrong with me - until I took matters into my own hands and showed him where it was. I got a reaction similar to the first surgeon I saw. At this point, I was really way way way over the shocking responses. he said "Well, I'm gunna be honest I really don't know what is wrong with you. You may or may not have Crohn's Disease and/or your kidney could be falling out of your body." i mean, did i really expect good news at this point? He told me that he wanted me to get a colonoscopy because it would be the quickest way to rule those things out I guess. At the time, I didn't even know what Crohn's Disease was to be honest, but Crohn's Appendicitis IBS Lactose Intolerant were all on the list when I looked up all my symptoms online. I just never paid attention to those because I figured there was no way! When I talked to my mom about how the appt went & told her what he had said. She sounded really surprised, and I asked her what Crohn's was - her response was "its not pretty, its really serious. but if thats what you have, then we will deal with it and do what we have to do .. stay away from googling it or your never gunna sleep again." :) she knows me too well. and I couldnt resist at LEAST checking out the symptoms list. I've had more constipation issues including my stomach protruding out, rather than diarrhea. But, every so often I do. I've had eating, issues? i guess you could say, my whole life - but i dont look in the mirror and see a fat girl and decide im gunna starve for 3 days. I just literally dont get hungry as often anymore. and 1/2 the time when I do eat, I feel so terribly miserable later that i regret eating! I mean, in all reality I'm not even sure half of the time if what im feeling is a symptom of my little friend, or (ex. constipation) side effect of medication(percocets from surgery), or (ex. nausea & loss of appetite) if its just my anxiety or what is really going on.

Symptoms im 100% sure are symptoms:
Abdominal mass in lower right quadrant (usually depending on movement & position)
Loud bowels (all the time, but worse after meals)

Monday night, i couldnt sleep. Im so scared & confused. I just keep pulling allnighters and doing things like studying, or making a scrapbook, or randomly writing my entire life story on a forum like right now (first time for that one tho lol) I seriously will do anything just to get my mind off of how I feel, and how worried I am. Not sleeping was a terrible terrible decision because Tuesday was the day i know we ALL look forward to on here ... -DRINK DAY!!! :( but I really wasn't THAT miserably miserable lol afterall, I'd (once again, like an idiot) convinced myself that it was all going to be over the next day! I was FINALLY going to go back to feeling like myself! AND, I wouldnt have to wait to recover from incisions to start living my life again! Wednesday morning I had my colonoscopy. Dr. M walked into the procedure room and said "How are you?" I said "IM HUNGRYYY!!" and then I went off on some drugged out tangent until he came over and started like LEANING on my lump almost .. he was pushing on my stomach SOO hard :( and I got really mad and was like "are you effing kidding me right now? you dont feel that?! your hurting me!" and then i blacked out.

I woke up, well at least i tried to wake up. I swear the stuff that they knocked me out with for the colonoscopy was 100 times harder to come out of than the general anesthesia .. It wasnt until later that night that I FINALLY comprehended that all he saw was redness & inflammation. he took biopsy's and gave me some acid reflux medication. silly me for thinking it was close to being over ...

So if your still reading my obnoxiously longgg NOVEL of a posting (again, deepest apologies ;-/ ) Is it even possible for me to have Crohn's at this point? Has anyone had a lump or mass in their stomach/intestines associated with Crohn's? If I have Crohn's would I have known immediately after the colonoscopy? Has anyone ever had to wait for their biopsies to come in to be diagnosed? Any and all advice that anyone has would be SO SO greatly appreciateddd ... :)
HI there and welcome! Having being fully diagnosed took me over a year and was in excruciating pain whenever I ate. Blockages were making me have alot of hospital visits and many many tests. After getting out my appendix, they said it is out, nothing is wrong with me. My Gi and My GP believed in me that I had Crohns disease and went to a new hospital, teaching doc dx me in 5 min.

I cant say for sure you have Crohns, since I am not a doctor but, it very well could be. Some people on here are still waiting for a diagnoses. I have had it for 17 years and dx before computers. Most of my scopes were not successful only my first and last Gi ever saw pictures of small pustules and was told right there and then. Biopsies confirm...having said this, they have to get the biopsy in the right place. I cant remember if I ever had one.

You need to go to a good and reputable Gi and you cant give up because if you have Crohns you need treatment to get it under control and NOT lose any more weight it is crucial that you dont.

Let us know what your biopies say and see what meds they put you on. Good luck.
thanks for the reply :) you are the first to welcome me, which is weird because i was JUST reading your post about returning -- what are the odds. lol

So they removed your appendix for no reason? oh godd i was just reading about someone who had his large intestine removed for no reason .. and here i am complaining about 2 laparscopic incisions .. one of which did nothing other than make my bellybutton slightly uglier then before (bellybuttons are pretty weird looking to begin with so ive accepted it) haha ..

after reading some of the stuff on this forum, its already made me feel better about everything - i think its so so amazing that everyone is there for each other all the time .. its nice to know that although i may be the only person i personally know who is sick & doesnt know why/confused/scared and everything in between - there's other people who know how i feel .. and some unfortunately know better than i do. :(
Well, my Gp said my appendix was "microscopically leaking" I guess cause the Ileum is right there beside it, they just didnt explore any further and would of saved a lot of pain and misery if they did find it. The egotistical surgeon says it was in my head and the Gi says that I have Crohns, when my GP finally sent me to another hospital and got the dx.. I was her first patient and she quit after my dx. She personally told me she was leaving, but never said why. Probably the politics and egos... Even doctors cant agree, you have to go with your gut instincts (pardon the pun). My first surgery was laproscopic, and was a breeze for many years after. It is still early, more people will see your post and wish you well. Great advice and experiences here and wonderful people to help you get thru your ordeal.
Hey kiddo,


You are having a rough time right now, and it is so frustrating for you. I was very interested in the hernia situation, because I have had a hernia and my surgeon ONLY ever examined me standing up because he said they flop back in again if you are lying down - Kinda makes sense. My son has also had 5/6 (can't remember) hernia repairs and he too has always been examined standing up - sounds like you have met some very different docs to ours over here...

I have had LOTS of abdominal surgery, and I must say it now strikes me that all of it must have been in some way related to the Crohn's that I was not diagnosed with until earlier this year.

If you have a look through this forum you will see that many of your new friends have had long and arduous journeys to their diagnosis - you are not alone.

I probably can't give you many answers - I am still finding my way and learning from the great counsel and support of everyone else on here. What you will find is people care on this site - keep posting to let us know how you are getting on.

I am sending you healing wishes and hugs - keep your chin up girl, you will get there in the end.

Lishyloo x
Welcome. I fight the insomnia monster too! I've had crohn's for 15 years but last year I went to the ER for some LRQ pain that would not go away. The ER doc and I both agreed it was just crohns flaring up but the CT scan was a bit odd so they wanted to go in there and look at my appendix.
He said if it was bad, they'd take it out and I would be back in about 30 minutes.
5 hours later I wake up with 4 laparscopic incisions and a larger incision on my right side with 13 staples in it.
My appendix had ruptured but my crohns had got so bad that my large intestine had actually collapsed and after they put the scope in there they had to do open surgery to remove a large section of my colon and small intestine.
So like you I woke up shocked by the news! I also think you could have Crohn's but we'll leave that up to your doctors to decided.
I'm sorry you are going through all of this but, you will find a lot of support here. :)
I think a lot of us know what it is like to not be taken seriously. It is awful, but just keep trying.

Welcome and good luck!
In response to both of you: thanks for the replies :) ... The main (& obvious) problem here is that I havent been under the best medical care. I'm not sure if its just the doctors in Orlando, or if its just my bad luck - either way I feel like I did what I (and my parents) thought was best at the time the decisions were made. Looking back at all of it, theres clearly quite a few things I would have done differently - starting with going to a gastro before anything else. But at the time I had absolutely no idea it was going to escalate to be this serious of a situation. 5 months ago when this all started, I wouldnt have been able to tell you what a hernia or Crohn's Disease was. To be honest (and i know, this is so depressing - im 20, i should know these things) if id been given a blank diagram of the Human Digestive System back then, I wouldnt have been able to point out more than 1/2 of the organs. The one good thing coming from all of this is that I'm learning so many new things about the Human Body, and different kinds of diseases & infections .. I am literally embarrassed that I was so oblivious to how my own digestive system worked, but other than memorizing it all for science class in god knows what grade - I never really had a reason or desire (before I got sick) to learn about it all - but hey, knowledge is power right? :) and NOW I do know .. for future reference ! haha

Lishyloo: I know (now) what you mean about being examined for a hernia while standing up. Looking back - it would have been a major red flag! I'm sorry to hear that you (and your son :-/ ) have had to deal with hernias on-top of everything else. From what I've read and been told about them, they don't sound fun AT ALL :( .. hopefully you are both doing better .. :)

farm: it's funny because I feel like the majority of people i've read about have the complete opposite problem. I mean, don't get me wrong - I still get fatigued, but I just lay in bed all night unable to sleep. I still havent slept since Thursday morning, and I know that it's definitely not doing any good for my body to deprive it from sleep! :( I am SO sorry to hear about that procedure .. I am so so so so so incredibly afraid of doctors in general (I literally still see a pediatrician, im so lame) but I just have never trusted them for some reason. Obviously, in your situation - they did what they had to do to make sure you would be waking up from the procedure! But i cant even imagine how you must have felt when you realized what had happened. I woke up to find out that instead of having my abdominal wall sewn back together with mesh & having 3 scars and 4 pin points, only to find out that I would only have 2 little scars - and I WOULD be able to dance again. Yes, I was so upset (mainly because I was scared [and still am!] that they didnt know what was wrong after looking at it with a camera! But my heart really goes out to you for having to wake up to that.

As terrible as I have been feeling for 5 months, I feel like it is nothing compared to what a lot of what some of you have had to go through. For me, a lot of it is just anxiety and fear of the unknown .. If i do afterall turn out to have CD, it's in its early early stages compared to most of you - and if im this down and this afraid of everything, i can't even BEGIN to wrap my head around the fact that sooo many people go for YEARS AND YEARS without being diagnosed (let alone treated)! I'm pretty sure that im headed down the road of CD life from now on (i could be wrong, im not a doctor!) but to those of you who have suffered through all of this for so long, my heart really truely goes out to every single one of you. In the short time I've been able to spend reading other people's stories & struggles, I have learned that this disease is far more serious than I could have ever imagined. It breaks my heart that scientists dont know the causes and they dont know a guaranteed way to diagnose this, and I can NOT BELIEVE that there isnt more reasearch being done when this seems to be affecting more and more people by the second. I wish you all the best, and I appreciate the support. more than you'll ever know. :)
You haven't just joined a forum here girl, it's a family, whatever your eventual diagnosis you will get heaps of support from these guys on your journey through it all.

Good luck and make sure you keep us all posted on your progress.

MJ, I know this is so overwhelming! Farm mentioned how many of us have had a long road to a diagnosis... so true. I was told I had internal bleeding hemorhoids for over a decade! It wasn't until my son was diagnosed with Crohn's that his doctor suggested I get check out... AGAIN. My son, Keith, was only diagnosed after many colonoscopies.

Just remember to breathe... this is a long windy road that seems to change with the blink of an eye. I am always amazed by those people that were diagnosed with Crohn's quickly. If you do have it, then you get to try to figure out which treatment works best for you... which will, most likely, require some trial and error.

As you go through it all, remember that we aren't going to think you're silly or stupid. Most of us have had accidents in public places...:ylol2: I doubt if more than a few of us had the knowledge of our own inner workings when we started this than we do now.

How far away are you from home? Are you living on campus? Do you have a kitchen or a fridge? My son is 17 and starting to consider being able to go off to college someday. My daughter is 24 and has been in college forever... (grad school now) so we're just hoping she'll finish before he starts!

As Lishy says, keep us updated!
Several people on here get the fatigue but have inzombia to go with it. Hopefully you won't have a long road and will find out soon exactly what you have and will get on the road to recovery!
Rhonda said:
MJ, I know this is so overwhelming! Farm mentioned how many of us have had a long road to a diagnosis... so true. I was told I had internal bleeding hemorhoids for over a decade! It wasn't until my son was diagnosed with Crohn's that his doctor suggested I get check out... AGAIN. My son, Keith, was only diagnosed after many colonoscopies.

Just remember to breathe... this is a long windy road that seems to change with the blink of an eye. I am always amazed by those people that were diagnosed with Crohn's quickly. If you do have it, then you get to try to figure out which treatment works best for you... which will, most likely, require some trial and error.

As you go through it all, remember that we aren't going to think you're silly or stupid. Most of us have had accidents in public places...:ylol2: I doubt if more than a few of us had the knowledge of our own inner workings when we started this than we do now.

How far away are you from home? Are you living on campus? Do you have a kitchen or a fridge? My son is 17 and starting to consider being able to go off to college someday. My daughter is 24 and has been in college forever... (grad school now) so we're just hoping she'll finish before he starts!

As Lishy says, keep us updated!

thanks for the reply, and the advice :) it amazes me the number of people who go undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and untreated properly. i really wish that it wasnt such a mystery. :(

im actually living with my boyfriend and 3 roommates about 3 1/2 hours away from where we grew up. we're living in a house actually, its much much cheaper to live in a house in this area rather than on campus or in an apartment. I do have a kitchen & fridge and everything .. but to be honest, i never really feel up to cooking legitimate meals these days. its a lot of work! haha but tomorrow im actually going to go to whole foods & stock up .. try some new things. (im assuming thats why you were asking :) lol )
Hi and welcome. Hope you get your diognosis soon, Crohns is no fun as you have gathered from the forum, you will get alot of advice from Friends on here. My Hubby and myself have had Crohns for over 23 years. We do support each other when not well. We are also lucky that we do not have to pay for tests or meds as we live in the Uk the NHS is not brill but its the best we hane. We thank god for that. Hope you feel better soon. Peggy

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