New here....... And very stressed! Really need some advice

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 17, 2011
Hi, well I'm new here..... Obviously :tongue:
I am a 20 year old female. I'm healthy well apart from the issues im about to share with you!

I seem to be experiencing some weird symptoms! some of which I have had for a LONGGGGGGG time, others seem to havestarted recently! Whilst I haven't been officially diagnosed I could really do with some advice.....Please :) I know that you ant give me a:stinks: diagnosis but I am hoping that from your own personal experiences you could hopefully advise me a bit.

So like I said I have been experiencing some strange symptoms. My doctor has been absolutely no help. So here's a list of the symptoms-

-weird bowel movements. Very soft not quite diarohia (spelt that completly wrong sorry!) It get worse when I eat certain foods. It also feels like i need to go even when I don't. I have once or twice notice slight bleeding. But it is so infrequent it hasn't worried me to much.
-the need to Burp/ belch/ hiccup a lot.
- I also bring up food/ acid frequently.
-stomach pains similar to hunger pains, stomach cramps, lower abdominal pain.
I have been experiencing these symptoms for years.
-muscle/joint aches
-spots right at the back of my tongue.
-chest pains- like a pressure at the bottom of my ribs, pain in sternum, sometimes pain in upper chest (this seems to start after eating. If i am wearing tight clothes such as a waist belt. Or when I'm carrying something against my torso)
-enlarged lymph nodes in neck.
-a sensation of something being stuck right at the back of my throat. But it doesnt affect my swallowing. It also comes and goes.
-upper and lower back and shoulder pain.
These I have been experiencing more recently maybe a few months.

I have been to a doctor for my chest pains as they were worrying me. i was prescribed antibiotics which have helped the pain! But I have still got the pressure thing going on and all my other symptoms. I went back again last week to ask about the lymph nodes she felt them and wasn't at all concerned. At first I thought all these things were unrelated, the more I research it the more I think it is related to digestive issues.

I am sick of feeling like this! Though the symptoms most of the time are bearable. This is affecting my life! I'm more irratable. I don't go out clubbing etc anymore because it just makes me feel worse to drink this is affecting my friendships. I am so sick of all of this and no one is taking me seriously. I know there is something wrong!!!

I am sorry this is such a long post!! I just wanted to give you the full story. I would be so gratefull for any ideas or advice you may have!

Hey and welcome! I am only 21 myself. Judging by the list of your concerns, you've come to the right place lol. A lot of people with crohns notice it goes hand in hand with joint pain and the bowel movements are normal too for someone with crohns lol. I have never had formed bowel movements in my life. The only thing I'm not too sure about is the throat pain, and maybe even the chest pain. I know I've gotten acid reflux before and they said it could be brought on from a crohns flare and it gave me bad chest pains and lots of burping/throwing up acid.

You'll find lots of help on here trust me. This is a great site full of awesome and well knowledgeable people. Hope to see you around!
Hey there. It sounds like you should bring your list of concerns to a doctor. If possible get a referral to a GI. The GI will ask or some tests and from there a diagnosis can be made. Also a lot of digestive disorders and even internal diseases/disorders mimic crohns disease. The only way to diagnose crohns is to get a colonoscopy with positive imaging and positive biopsies.
Thanks for the replies! I originally thought the throat and chest things could be reflux... My dad has it. But the other symptoms made me think they might be something more..... Especially the lymph nodes they freaked me out!

Guess I will have to stand up to my doctor and ask for a referral :S
Hi there and welcome :) I agree with lookame, get a referral to a GI. What you mentioned could be a combination of a lot of things. My guess is that many are dietary related. Have you ever tried an elimination diet? I'd also request your vitamin D levels be checked, especially if you don't get much sun.

I hope you keep us updated as to your progress :)
Hi Jade and welcome! Yup, it's time to see a GI. The GI will either take a passive approach (blood work, imagine test, stool sample) or aggressive approach (colonoscopy and/or endoscopy). Though it might not be ideal, I'd push for the aggressive approach. Scopes are the best way to see what is truly going on. Also, biopsies can be sent to the lab to test for IBD.

I hope you can meet with a GI soon and get some answers!
I had a blood test back in march for something unrelated, which showed I was vitamin d deficient. I stopped taking my supplements a while back. I will start taking them again i never realised they may help my tummy issues. As for cutting certain foods out of my diet, I haven't been able to identify 'trigger' foods. I have symptoms regardless of what I eat. I should maybe start a food diary to look in to that. Well I have an appointment with my gp on the 27th so I will be demanding a referral. Thanks for the advice especially the vitamin d thing!! :)
Do you remember what your vitamin D levels were? And what sort of vitamin D supplement are you taking now, what is the dose, and how often?
They were calcichew d3 forte, 500 mg calcium (10 micrograms vit d) once a day. I can't remember my levels. I stopped taking them about 3 months but im going to start taking one a day again, hopefully that will help....
Hi Jade,

If I am not mistaken, Calcichew has only 800iu of Vitamin D. That is WAY TOO LITTLE for a Crohnie that is deficient. Many here are taking 5000+ iu per day. Please read this entire thread for more information. It's very important to get regular tests to determine your vitamin D level and then supplement in high enough doses to get your levels above 65.

Don't take 5 of those pills per day though. Get your levels tested and get on a supplement that will provide high enough dosage :)