New here, undiagnosed, advise please

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Dec 22, 2011
Hey there, my name's Alicia. I'm 26, married, 2 kids and a college student.
I'm here because I just started seeing a Gastroenterologist. My first appointment was just a couple days ago. He ordered blood work and booked me a colonoscopy for January 5th. He said he checking for Crohn's among other things. My family doctor thinks it's IBS, but the symptoms are extreme.

Symptom wise, (TMI sorry) I get diarrhea lasting months, 1 to 6 times a day and it's like water. The smell though is horrid! I have a lot of gas with this as well. The abdominal pain is at the max too. If I'm not near a toilet and have to wait, it takes a matter of 5 minutes before I start to feel light headed and like I'm going to vomit. I have yet to actually have an accident though, thankfully. This has been going on for about 3 years now. I have noticed only a couple times a little blood, and also have noticed quite a bit of mucous, and sometimes the actual stool is a different color. Not very often though. I have also noticed that sometimes the stool is very narrow. It's more like a thicker string than anything.
I haven't noticed much change with different foods though. It just hits when it wants to. This can last up to 6 months on end, and then I'm back to my normal constipated self (once or twice a week) for a couple months, give or take.

I'm not sure if this is related, but earlier this year, I ended up with a rash covering my entire body. It was red spots, some were scabby and peeling, none raised though. It lasted a good 2 months. Now, I have these patches of rough skin that are peeling, which could be something like Dermatitis of course, but not sure if there's a relation between these two things and the bowel issues.

I'm also anemic.

I'm just wondering if anyone can relate to my symptoms? I'm wondering what this could possibly be. My biggest fear was colon cancer, but my Gastroenterologist said it's unlikely, still possible, but unlikely in someone my age. Which is a relief. That was my biggest concern.
The mucus is probably the most concerning symptom. That usually indicates inflammation. The other symptoms *could* be IBS, but could also be something else. I wouldn't be surprised if you were diagnosed with IBD at your colonoscopy.

I hope whatever it is, they figure it out and are able to get you on a treatment plan that has you feeling better. Good luck.
Hi Alicia. Welcome to the forum. :)

Nic is right about the mucous. It's really a great thing that your doctor has ordered a colonoscopy. And if your stool is that narrow, it could be because your intestines have narrowing.

I really hope you get an answer soon. :hug: Keep us posted.
Welcome to the forum, Alicia. I have been in limbo for some time now, so I have done a lot of homework between the differences of IBS & IBD (Crohn's or UC). First off, bleeding is not a symptom of IBS. However, the blood could be coming from a fissure (tear in rectum) if you are frequently in & out of the bathroom or hemroids, for example. However, everything else could be explained by IBS, including the mucus. As my friends above said, mucus is a sign of inflammation in Crohn's, but mucus is common with IBS, as well, being that when the colon spasms, it over produces mucus.

But, I must say it sounds more like Crohn's since you are anemic, have experienced rashes, and vomitting. I am glad you are seeing a GI and are having a colonoscopy done soon.

Please keep us posted and visit with us in the Undiagnosed Club!
Hi Alicia and welcome :bigwave: I am pleased to see that your doc is willing to do some proper investigations and isn't just patting you on the head and giving you Imodium. I hope all goes well on the 5th and the good thing is the doc will be able to tell you straight away if there is any inflammation so at least you will know quickly if it is looking more like crohns.