New joint pain?

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Aug 5, 2010
Has anyone here start having your Crohn's attack other joints other than the usual ones? Last Saturday night, my right wrist started hurting real bad. So this morning, I wen to a local "convenient care" (hospital entity for non emergencies) to have it looked at. Doc told me that my tendon that connects my thumb to my wrist and the cartilage and whatnot is swollen. I can't even use it sometimes, and I'm a diesel mechanic and that's not good. Today at work, I was using just my left hand to do all my work. I was just curious because I haven't done anything to hurt it. It just started hurting all by itself.
Yup, I have had many different joints affected... wrists, hips, ankles, knees... pretty much anywhere there is cartilage, it has hurt at one time or
Gosh I have joint pain all the time. I've been through so much physical therapy too. Now all of a sudden I have joint pain in my wrists. Just stinks!!!

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments:Current- pentasa
Past- prednisone
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, and fish oil
My right knee always hurt, it just depends on what day it is that determines if I walk with a limp or not, or if it's gonna be real stiff. It's hard for me to move around now as it is. When the doc said swelling and I did nothing to hurt it, Crohn's popped up in my mind. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't loopy.

Oh, it has also affected my right eye too. Made it swell one time. That was not a comfortable experience.
Its bad enough having crohn's disease. Its even worse having joint pain along with it! Joint pain so bad you can't even move. I've been thinking about this a lot and I bet I've had this disease for years and didn't even know it. I started having severe TMJD at age 12. So bad in fact the cartilage was all gone and the bones were rubbing together. Gross just thinking about it. Now I have all kinds of joint problems. They're much worse when I have flares. I also have eye problems as well; tons of floaters. Oh and they feel swollen at times.

Mesalamine isn't working for me right now! I'm sort of panicking. lol

If you don't mind me asking, I only eat meat and veggies. What do you eat?

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- prednisone
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, and fish oil
Pretty much just meat (no steak at all, but can have hamburger), rice, and potato related products as long as it isn't the actual potato or mashed, and a serving of green beans. That's all I can stand. Everything else makes me regret it. I can't even take multivitamins as they, too, make me ill.

And the further I stay away from processed food, the happier I'll be.
My diet is pretty bland. All the meat I eat has to be lean. I can't have potato or very much rice. Then all my veggies have to be steamed. I get really sick of my diet but it helps to keep it restricted. I'm allergic to milk, eggs, and gluten. I couldn't take a multi-vitamin for the longest time until I found one that didn't bother me. Have you ever tried the chewable multi-vitamins?

Yeah. No processed foods. All whole foods :)

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- prednisone
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, and fish oil
I haven't tried the chewables yet. I oughta go out and buy some to try it and hope I have the same luck. With me, I'm not lactose intolerant, but I CANNOT have dairy whatsoever. I can have milk in food items as long as it's less than 1/4 cup, and that's it.

Yeah, all my allowable vegetables have to be cooked in some way. I did try a spoon full of black eyed peas today, and it seemed to have gone well. I also have to have lean meat. If it's too greasy or fatty, I'm in the veritable "land of no return", lol.

I suffered greatly with joint pain after coming off Pred, especially tendonitis in my elbow, or tennis elbow! I've not been playing tennis, it just came!
my ankles and knees were killing me, I couldn't bend them, they were so swollen!
doc gave me a 2 month course of Entocort at 6mg, and I now have no joint pains anywhere, whatsoever!
I have arthritis starting in my lower back, had 1 knee surgery to clean out the joint (have to get that looked at again!).....doesn't help that I have 'beaten up' on myself over the years too.....

Today is an achy day - stiff, sore all over - tired....not sure if it just from working a LOT yesterday, B12 being low (I get shots every 8 weeks) or a combo of both....
I always feel that way. I'm always sore and stiff. Some days are worse than others. And I'm only 23! Walking and getting out of the bed or getting up off the floor is a big chore.
I bought me some gummy bear multivitamins today. They are great! Let's hope the are easier for me to digest and won't make me sick.
I always feel that way. I'm always sore and stiff. Some days are worse than others. And I'm only 23! Walking and getting out of the bed or getting up off the floor is a big chore.

I hear ya! I started developing joint pain at age 17 and now I'm 27. Gosh dang it! Too young for this. Probably had crohn's for years and didn't know it. Maybe that is why I was always so thin. Hopefully the chewable vitamins will work for you!

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred. :thumbdown:aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
My elbows hurt so bad right now that the skin on the elbow and around the elbow hurt so bad anybody ever have this happen to them?
My elbows hurt so bad right now that the skin on the elbow and around the elbow hurt so bad anybody ever have this happen to them?

Can't say I've had that. But my knees and now wrists are now visibly swollen all the time. So bad that I rarely wear shorts anymore, unless I'm having a real good day. Same thing with my stomach, its so visibly swollen, I don't normally take my shirt off around people anymore.

:runaway: <-----I'm like this guy with inflammation, nothing works (other than prednisone, and I'm not taking it again), and I'm running in circles.
Yeah Gibby, I have both wrists and it comes and goes just like CD doses. Mine feel painfull and very week so much so its hard to hold a plate or a remote control. Sometimes mines off and on a couple of times a day. Sometimes its non stop for a week or so.
Yikes. Nothing appears swollen... yet. I don't have anymore generalized aches but both my hips are in constant pain. I feel like I'm walking on knives:eek:. Its like I can barely stand at times and when I do I don't know which leg to lean on. I tested negative for rheumatoid arthritis. Thank god I'm negative. My grandma had crohn's and rheumatoid.

I was told by my physical therapist to put ice on my joints and heat on my muscles. Seemed to work pretty well. Have you ever tried physical therapy?

I still have severe joint pain and that's because I didn't get enough physical therapy visits to fix a lot of the problems... due to insurance. Not only that but I had to stop doing the stretches and stuff for a time period because I was so sick. Everything came back so now I'm back to square one:yfaint:.

Sorry about all the questions but have you ever had pain that feels like a pulsating, searing, burning pain that radiates down the right side all the way to your foot?

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred.:thumbdown: aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
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I haven't tried physical therapy yet, because I feel I don't need it just yet. Some would argue that I do, though, just ask my friends.

The pains I have felt on my right side are burning, sharp, searing, and dull. It can go from my chest all the way down to my hip. Those pains come and go as the weeks go by. This morning I felt some burning and sharp pains. I just attribute that to my Crohn's just spreading into my small intestine and I'm not used to that yet.

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