New to forum - my brief story and stricture problem

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 4, 2012
Hi all.

This is my first post ever on any type of forum. My name is Luke and I am 24 yrs old from Scotland in the UK. I was diagnosed with Crohn's aged 13 after 6 months or so of various tests and a pretty bad flare up with the usual symptoms - lots of; vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, extreme stomach pain etc. I was admitted to hospital on numerous occasions throughout the process until I was successfully diagnosed. I missed a lot of school and wasn’t able to socialise or play sports - as I'm sure you have all experienced.

I was then treated with Prednisone (forgive me I cannot remember which doses) and the symptoms disappeared, only to return a few months later when I stopped taking the steroids. After another long flare the Prednisone finally kicked in and the symptoms settled. At this point I also started taking azathioprine (75mg per day, now up t0 125mg) in addition to the steroids.

After my second flare, aged 15 I was nearly finished my course of steroids when I ruptured my small intestine (at the ileum - where my crohns is) playing rugby. This required emergency surgery that evening and I then lived with a Colostomy for about 6 months until it was reversed.

At the time of rupturing my intestine life could not have been any worse, including the 6 months that followed trying to balance life as a 15 year old with a colostomy. Anger, resentment, fear, pain...the lot.

However after my reversal life began to return to normal. During the initial operation to repair the ruptured intestine, the doctors removed a section of small bowel and as a result my flares have never lasted for longer than 2-7 days as a result. Lucky I think in retrospect.

Now though for the last year I have been intermittently suffering from large amounts of stomach pain, and bloating around the area of my crohns and scars from my surgery 9 years ago. I have had an MRI scan and a capsule endoscopy which suggest I have a stricture which has been caused by my scar tissue from the operations. I am told it is likely to require surgery to remove the stricture as my ileum cannot be reached any other way. Has anyone else had a stricture removed/repaired and how did it go?

Thanks for reading.

In addition to thw above

Has anyone had a small bowel stricture operated on and if so what is the process involved eg: length of time out of action/work, safety of the procedure, how long the recovery process takes and anything else that is relevant?

thanks again,

Hey Luke and welcome :bigwave: The type of op you are asking about is the one I had in September. It was done via key hole surgery, they went through my belly button and then I have two smaller scars underneath. They cut out the stricture and then joined the two ends together. I am very pleased with how this went, I had the op on the Friday morning and was home by Tuesday teatime. They advise for a while that you eat soft foods and gradually introduce stuff that takes more chewing :) They say a normal recovery time is 6-8 weeks. I was back to work after 6 with only a few expected niggles which was muscle related. I would say I was a typical textboook case. They do have to warn you about the risk of if things are worse than expected they may need to open you up fully or give you a bag. There is also about a 4% chance of a leak at the join but if this happens they will act quickly and accordingly. Our age helps (I am 26) and apart from the crohns I have no other health issues so this all helps towards a good recovery. They also gave me some stuff to drink on the day before the op which they said was some sort of booster for the body to help it start to heal. Personally the op was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be and pain from the op was a doddle to deal with compared to the pain of the stricture. When are you due to see the doc and get confirmation on whether surgery is the next step?
Mate, thank you so much for the reply. That really helps and eases the worry a bit.

My doc previously mentioned it would likly be keyhole if they can easily access the stricture in this way or alternatively a small opening near the stricture. I will know more after an additional MRI scan this Thursday (5th) as the one i had 6 weeks back was not clear enough. the MRI should determine the length and thickness of the stricture and if surgery is definitely required - which type either keyhole or open surgery.

glad to hear you recovered well with little/no complications.
No worries :) Please keep us informed on how you get on. Also have a good look around the forum when you can, with the experiences you have already had I am sure you will be able to assist others with their queries. This is a great place to be and you will always find help and support here.
Hi Luke and welcome! I am sorry you are facing surgery. I haven't had surgery for my IBD yet, but I know many members who have and are so happy they did. Many have experienced long remissions afterward. I hope this will be the case with you.

Good luck!