Hi Everyone..
After searching on the web for a couple of hours I ended up here - probably a good thing as after reading some posts it really looks like some great advice is giving here.
My son who has just turned 15 was diagnosed with Crohns in March 2011. He has been taking Imuran ever since and we have just finished round two of Prednisone due to the fact that his symptoms returned 1 week later after the first round. He just finished tapering down to his last Prednisone (5 mg ) today and about 3 hours ago he had a terrible time. Lots of blood and pain...
Going to speak with the GI tomorrow but I am just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?
Was searching around some web site and looks like Remicade is the next step but pretty scarey side effects for children...ie: rare lymphoma.
Thanks in advance for any help!
After searching on the web for a couple of hours I ended up here - probably a good thing as after reading some posts it really looks like some great advice is giving here.
My son who has just turned 15 was diagnosed with Crohns in March 2011. He has been taking Imuran ever since and we have just finished round two of Prednisone due to the fact that his symptoms returned 1 week later after the first round. He just finished tapering down to his last Prednisone (5 mg ) today and about 3 hours ago he had a terrible time. Lots of blood and pain...
Going to speak with the GI tomorrow but I am just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?
Was searching around some web site and looks like Remicade is the next step but pretty scarey side effects for children...ie: rare lymphoma.
Thanks in advance for any help!