Nobody Understands except y'all here....

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Jan 3, 2011
Hey all...just wanted to vent about the general public, even friends how they don't REALLY understand what I'm going through...from the pain, the gas/bloating, the constant D..the anxiety that happens when ya try to live a normal life...All my friends are great, but I know they are frustrated sometimes when I have to pin out on plans, but what do ya do? Ya make plans & then ya try to do them & ya feel sick. Nobody wants to be in public when you feel nauseous or when the D is bad...and I absolutely hate it when people say "oh you look great" when I feel like an alien is going to protrude out of my abdomen at any minute...any one else feel this way?
Yes, yes, and yes! I always feel like a party pooper (pardon the unintended pun!) because I can't do certain things or have to back out of plans at the last minute. Or if I'm invited to someone's home, that I have a lot of anxiety about being a 'good' guest while not being able to eat a lot of what they make. And while many of my friends work and make decent incomes, I don't because I'm on a very limited budget, so I can't always do the stuff they do. I wish sometimes that friends would realize that I'm just as disappointed as they are.

Over the years, I've lost a lot of friends. Invitations to go out come far less often. For many, I became "too much of a hassle" or "not as interesting." I only have a couple of good friends left and I so appreciate what they add to my life. I hope I enrich theirs in some way as well.

I also wish that people would understand that the reciprocity in friendship can come in different forms. For example, I may not be able to help someone move, but I can make a pot of stew for them.

Yeah, Abdo, I get it.

And for the record, I'm *this* close to getting a button that says "I look smashing, but I feel smashed."


Thanks made me smile..& I think I need one of those buttons too :) !..I have lost a few friends along the way, but the ones I do have are awesome, but I still have a hard time doing stuff & I can't do a lot of what I used to do, so I know ya on the "not as interesting" as well... maybe some day we all get a nice...wishful thinking eh? Thanks again..
Christie :)
I get it too. Even my wife questions my condition at times. "You look fine, you just don;t want to go." Well yes I do...I wish I had no issues. The part about planning is tough too. My wife says...will you be ok to go to so and so's house on Friday? I'm like I hope so...but how do I know. I could feel awesome or like curling up in bed with upset bowels. We still plan things and 90% of the time regardless of how I feel, I go thru with it but I have the same feelings Abdo. Feel nauseous, don't know what I can eat...I'm already thin and I am sure many people think look at him, he's not eating much, he must be anorexic (sorry for spelling) but I am not! Enough venting....I get it Abdo....things we have to deal with.
Sometimes I worry about going out in public in case I have a leak from my ostomy. I would have to drop everything and either find a bathroom or go right home! Does anyone have that same problem?:redface:
At times it is difficult. Always making sure we have washrooms. Pain is always the ultimate ennemy. My GF too gave me a hard time when I started going out with her. we have to be patient with our friends and explain the situation. Even then some are always unsure. wondering if you are faking it.
Thxs guys! & Sunshine, I don't have an ostomy, but I have to peel pretty quick or don't make it some where due to lovely accidents...I am getting better, but still extremely frustrating & embarrassing!( & I waste alot of gas in my truck driving halfway somewhere & then turning around to go home..without even getting where I want to go!!!) & Daddy119...I always have to use the line "we'll have to see the day of..." to my husband, as well...he does pretty good at understanding cuz he was around when I started getting really sick & couldn't leave the house for 2 1/2 months!! But I still hate using the line & I sometimes feels he thinks I don't want to go, either...& moogie I hear ya on the GF status & others do wonder if your faking it...if only they lived in our shoes for one day, my how their views would quickly change!!!! :)
I do agree. This f#cking disease is really funny.
None understands what you feel since you look normal. Then you have to explain in detail to make people understand it. And that is a very uncomfortable situation your you and the person that is listening to you.
I found this is not a fancy disease; this is a very embarrassing one. :mad2: It is not funny to talk about D, farting and that.

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