Non-psychoactive hemp-based CBD elixirs

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Nov 12, 2011
Nevermind... I don't think this is as effective as the Rick Simpson oil.
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That's awesome you found those elixirs, considering they just launched a couple weeks ago. *I wonder how long that stuff will be available. I'm kinda worried to order it.* It is super low dosage, but I'm still slightly hopeful about the idea of enteric delivery. Like emptied probiotic caps or empty pentasa caps, for instance. Maybe for temporary relief during rougher times?

Yeah, he says to have 2 oz for two months, I think. Granted that is mixed oils, but I'm guessing it's probably about a 1 oz of bidiols, maybe less. I do think allowing a couple months of daily administration is more realistic, as far as any lasting healing going on.

*Well, I found this on
Q: CBD is non-psychoactive. Does that mean it is legal?

A: No. Technically, CBD is forbidden in any form (pure or from a plant) in the USA, despite its total lack of addictive potential or any rational danger. Cannabidiol and all other phytocannabinoids are Schedule I drugs in the USA. The code number for cannabidiol in Schedule I is 7372. It is not psychoactive, but it is illegal in the eyes of the federal government. You may find it listed here: under Schedule I where it says tetrahydrocannabinols. The part saying "and others" includes all phytocannabinoids, even CBD. The situation is different in other countries. In many, CBD is not controlled at all.

So I'm not exactly sure how this is being sold, if at all, outside of compassionate states?
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My brother's girlfriend actually found out about it. She has a MM card in Colorado where the company is based and thought the elixirs would be useful to me.

I was curious about the legality of it too. I can't remember what I googled but it basically said that hemp products are legal because of the absence of THC. Your links obviously say otherwise.

I wonder if there is some sort of loophole?

I guess wait a few months until reviews start popping up from people that have tried it out. Was hoping that this stuff would be as awesome as the Rick Simpson oil but, he uses the stuff with THC in it.

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