Not formally diagnosed: What does a flare-up look like?

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Sep 7, 2012

I have been having stomach/intestinal problems all of my life and was recently tested for Crohn's Disease. Since my mother had it and I had similar symptoms for an extended period of time, it seemed a likely diagnosis. After dealing with the stool sample tests, two upper GI endoscopies, one colonoscopy, a CT Scan, and "the blood test", I have still not received a definitive diagnosis. It has been more than frustrating, not to mention expensive since my insurance doesn't seem to want to pay for any of it. Due to the amount of money it has cost, as well as the lack of time (I am currently a graduate student and work full time), I have not been able to go to the doctor in quite some time.

Recently I dealt with a pretty stressful string of events, including a bad break up, changing of jobs, and the death of my mother. Ever since my mother died (July 23rd of this year) I have been having intestinal issues. The three days following my mother's death I had horrible intestinal pain, absolutely no desire to eat, stomach cramps, and black, tarry, odorous stool. After a few days that passed, then after my break up the symptoms came back again. I had to miss work because I spent the night before laid up in the bathroom. Since the break up I have been forgetting to eat, which never used to be a problem for me. When I do eat, I generally have immediate stomach cramps, diarrhea (which is light in color, contains mucous, and has a foul odor, which is sometimes very metallic), and the feeling that I never fully empty my bowels.

While the food that I have been eating is not the best, which I am sure plays a part, I know that this is definitely not normal. Would this be considered a flare-up? Should I consult my doctor? I am looking for any advice I can get.

Thank you in advance.

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