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Dec 17, 2011
Ok well months ago I started having pain in my upper stomach, at one point diarrhea, then mucous and blood. Went to doctor because of the amount of blood and she did colonoscopy and said it looked maybe like crohns, def had inflamed colon and ulcers but also on appendix or something like that. They then calllled and said biopsy did not show crohns, that I has colliris and she put me in canasa. After taking for awhile blood and mucous stop, pain stopped and I got my energy back. Well whenever I stop canasa the blood Nd mucous come back and the total lack of energy!!!!! I cannot even explain how tired I am and now the pain has been coming and going in upper stomach. Does this sound like crohns or colliris and is it normal to have NO energy I mean none. I am usually very energetic !
Crohns and colitis are cousins to the disease. Both can bleed and cause pain. Colitis is in the large bowel Crohns can be anywhere. Many people get false negatives because the biospy has to be in the perfect spot to show up. It took me a year of tests to finally get results. Most crohns pain is in the lower right Quadrant, but others have had it in other places. We are all different. Canasa is a suppository or oral pill? I would get your Vitamin D and B12 checked it is common amongst having IBD.

I would see a Gi specialist. What country are you from? Sometimes it helps other to help you in your area. Good luck.
Hello sbrown and a very warm welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your bowel issues. All of us here can identify with the fatigue you describe and like Pen said, it would be worth having your B12 and Folate levels checked. Inflammation can mean that your bowel is not absorbing nutrients like it should. Constant D and pain do not help either.
So what are the doctors saying? Do you have a regular GI? Canasa is one of the milder meds and it sounds like your dose needs to be upped or you need to be moved onto something stronger.
Are your symptoms aggravated by foods at all?
I'm not really sure if it's caused by foods, sometimes i think ice cream aggravates it? I know that I was low on vitamin d and b-1 deficitient. Canasa is a supository that I am suppose to do 2 times daily and I hate that! I wasn't suppose to have to take it forever? I am seeing specialist and they say biopsy showed no crohns so it is collitis. She said something about ulcers on appendix or something like that, anyone had that ?
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My crohn's was diagnosed in 1971 when the appendix was near rupturing. When they went in to remove, the surgeon saw about 7 inches of regional enteritis and removed to whole lot. I'd been having trouble for a couple of years but no dx at that time.

I guess it would be interesting to know how many people having infected appendices actually developed crohns or uc afterwards.

I love skyline chili!
I am like you. They know I have some form of IBD but based on that my disease is located in my colon and appears to be UC they treat me as if I have UC. I did receive a letter from a previous GI(the one who treated me in the hospital) who said my biopsies and serology 7 bloodwork showed I was crohns positive. To me though the back and forth is really confusing so now I just say I have IBD.

Basically the treatments for both crohns and UC are basically the same. I think there are 1 or 2 which you have to fight to get if you have UC(humera I beleive is one) To me is sounds like you have one of the 2 diseases. Dont give up!
Hi and welcome! Take it from me, you can have false negative biopsies. I had a diagnosis, but it was stripped from me since biopsies are always negative, but I most certainly have Crohn's. So, being that you had blood and mucus after stopping canasa, it sounds like you have chronic (reoccurring) inflammation. Therefore, you most likely have UC or Crohn's.

You should contact your GI to tell him/her your symptoms have returned. You'll probably need to go through more testing, but you need to get answers. And if you have IBD, you need treatment.

Feel free to visit with us in the Undiagnosed Club.