Nsaid's are they that bad

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Jun 20, 2012
Today i woke up feeling like complete crap and stuck in the toilet oh oh maybe flare snuck up from nowhere didn't do anything wrong no symptoms day before felt quite good.

So when I have a day like this i take some advil or nurofen and my guts settle down and i start to feel better so my question is, is it that bad too take nsaid's once in a while if they really help you
i was warned against neurofen,not sure what advil is but if itson the same spectrum then i would also avoid them too.there are plenty pain releif thats safe to take....
Yeah but what I'm trying to say is ibuprofen settles my symptoms when I'm flaring and makes my bm's slow down and nausea and general ill feeling goe away
I don't see why it would have any impact on your bowel movements. Everyone is different but I'd be careful and talk to your doctor. The latest science on IBD is very anti NSAIDS.
The problem with nsaids is they mask the damage they are doing by stopping pain and inflammation. They do serious damage to your stomach lining and really should not be used by anyone unless they take some agent to protect the stomach,ie zantac in normal people or somac or nexium or the likes for folks like us.Ron.
nsaids are a no- no for IBD as they inflame the bowel and can cause ulcers (in stomach and bowel). That said, my gastro ok'ed me taking voltaren and mobic once or twice a week for back pain - those are aussie brand names but they are heavy duty nsaids.
Current advice is to not take them, but I guess if you find they help you Ozboz then it should be ok - maybe check with your gastro next time you see him. Maybe it depends on whether you are prone to bleeding or how frequently you take them..........????
Hey ron would somac help with my symptoms or do you mean to take somac with the nsaid's
Somac would help with problems that nsaids might cause. I take pariet which is similar so may be why my gastro ok'ed nsaids in moderation.
p.s I don't advise people take them (nsaids) without checking with their doctor first.
I think it really depends on the individual. I cannot take NSAIDS as they really irritate my stomach( I also have H-pylori so this may be why). But that being said, I also have a friend who had a bleeding ulcer in her duodenum that acts up from time to time but she is able to take advil as long as she take like 2 zantac with it.. I think as long as your not taking them everyday and only from time to time you might be ok( that is if they do not cause you issues).
If they seem to improve things for you then certainly have a chat with your GI. Some people are very very anti NSAID but personally I do not see occasional, sparing use as harmful overall.
My GI told me to stay away from Advil and Ibuprofen. It will, according to my GI set off flares. He said use Tylanol. He said that is pretty safe as long as you keep it under a certain milligram. I think I had 4000 a day when I had my surgery.
It is particularly bad for my son because his crohn's is in his stomach. But his Dr. said he could take 1 per day for no more than 3 days in a row when he was having some knee pain. You just have to decided personally if it is worth the risk for you. But I would use very sparingly if you decide to use it.
Guess I am the bad kid here. I take them occasionally. Tylenol does nothing for joint pain and sometimes, when no one is looking, I take a couple advil. It has not caused me any extra issues that I aware of, but again I am talking about once a week tops.
Aspirin and NSAIDs cause me to flare big time. I am supposed to take aspirin as a blood thinner and I have gotten a lot worse since taking it. I personally detest the stuff because of the way it reacts in my body.
I would definitely not take any NSAID products. I was given a "suped up" version of advil by my arthritis doc and it did wonders for my atrhritis, problem was after a week or so I started loosing weight 5 pounds a week! Didn't think much of it at first, then after about 20-25 pounds came down with what I thought was the flu, vomiting, diarrhea etc... I got extremely weak at this point and was loosing weight still, ended up taking myself to ER, they ran blood work, as soon as the test came back, I was admitted and on an IV so fast I didn't know what was going on. Ended up in hospital for 9 days no food or water allowed, on IV and too many drugs to mention. At the end of it all found out that the arthritis was brought on by my Crohn's and it was triggered into a tail spin by the "suped up" advil I was taking.
I highly suggest you discuss your use of NSAIDs with your GI to make sure you are not causing more harm than good in the long run.

NSAIDs run the risk of aggravating crohn's symptoms as well as causing relapses. There are some instances where doctors may allow occasional use depending on your specific condition and its severity. However you always run the risk of making matters worse by using them in general.

Here's one of the articles I pulled up regarding NSAID use and crohn's disease:

Are NSAIDs Safe For People With IBD?

Crohn's Disease Treatments and Drugs
Pain relievers. For mild pain, your doctor may recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve). These are likely to make your symptoms worse.
Hey ron would somac help with my symptoms or do you mean to take somac with the nsaid's

Hi OZBOX, Just a word about Somac [Pantoprazole]. I've taken 40 mg daily for the last five years for Barrett's Oesophagus , which can be associated with Crohn's Disease. For the most part I am asymptomatic in terms of either reflux or heartburn.

Without going into too much detail, Somac radically reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the lining of the stomach and in doing so prevents the body absorbing the Éxtrinsic Factor' aka Vitamin B12. The end result is a deficiency of that vital vitamin. Thus like many other Crohnnies I self inject B12 2/12.

On the bright side I have never experienced any untoward side effects from Somac, other might say differently!

I hope this helps.
i believe aspirin can affect intestinal permeability, which may increase symptoms a bit.

ibuprofen may have the same ability.