Our Friend Jerman

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Jer, is it okay if I judge you? Going to anyway, bro.

Your a human being that has ups and downs like anyone else. So your's are a bit rougher bumps than some others. Doesn't make you a bad person or anything like that. Just makes you human like me and everyone here. It makes you a friend that needs a sholder and a hand once in a while and I have both available at any time for you.
Great news with the job, buddy. Hope it works out and you can start getting back up on your feet again. Remember, I'm holding out my hand to ya when ever you need it.
Good for your son on the football. My boys are all sports nuts and loved playing high school ball.
Keep your chin up, bro.
You can do it, JER! I have so much faith in you :) If your children see as much strength in their father as many of us on this board have seen, you have nothing to worry about. I will be praying for/thinking about you this Friday. Can't wait to give you a great big WAHOO!

As far as what you said about the loss of relationships for your children not being addressed - have you thought about bringing them with you to one of your counseling sessions? Maybe bring it up with your counselor to see what they say/think about it. Could be good for the little ones to express how they feel in a safe and accepting environment :)

Thank you, great suggestion, thankfully we have the relationships and i have the skills to do some of the counseling and conversations we need to ourselves. It has been tough but I will become who i need to in order to be the dad i need to be. :thumright:
Jer, is it okay if I judge you? Going to anyway, bro.

Your a human being that has ups and downs like anyone else. So your's are a bit rougher bumps than some others. Doesn't make you a bad person or anything like that. Just makes you human like me and everyone here. It makes you a friend that needs a sholder and a hand once in a while and I have both available at any time for you.
Great news with the job, buddy. Hope it works out and you can start getting back up on your feet again. Remember, I'm holding out my hand to ya when ever you need it.
Good for your son on the football. My boys are all sports nuts and loved playing high school ball.
Keep your chin up, bro.

Thanks Greg, holding out my hand with pride to be pulled up a bit further. You are a very caring person and I appreciate your offer and thank you for your friendship.
Your very welcome, Jer. This is what friends are for. Even though we're cyber friends and have never met doesn't mean that our words can't be as strong as our physical presents.
Just wanted to chime in and say that I think you are being amazingly strong and positive about things, even though you have your moments and there will be a lot more of those to come. You seem to be really in touch with your feelings and don't mind letting it all hang out - that's good! We're here for you - you can't keep it all bottled up inside.

It will be a long road, but we'll be here every step of the way for you!

- Amy
Today is the day, I have my interview @ 1pm. Will let you all know how it goes, should know today if i am hired. thank you all for your support!
Hey Jer, good luck!! But dont worry cause you wont need luck, I am betting you got the job!!! Please let us know one way or the other. Hugs.
I don't know you, but I know what you are going through. We all hope that you are recovering quickly!! I can't wait to meet you!
Today is the day, I have my interview @ 1pm. Will let you all know how it goes, should know today if i am hired. thank you all for your support!

**Pen crosses her arms and taps one foot* ok, we are waiting it is waaay past 1pm. Let us know the suspense is killing me. :smile:
Hey my friends, one more interview on tuesday in the Vocational department, i will definitely have a positive answer by late afternoon. thanks for all of the support i love you guys!
Hi Jer... Good luck on Tuesday with interview!!!! you are in our thoughts and prayers daily... Will be waiting to hear how it goes!!!!

love and hugs to you my dear friend......:)
Good Luck Jerry old pal!
You're gonna do this, piece of cake! You've got it nailed!
All the very best!!!! Am sure you'll wow them! Will be thinking of you on Tuesday and look forward to hearing how it all went. Take care x
Woo Hoo!! You go BOY!! Show em how its done!!:headbang:

Best Wishes! And Best of Luck!! And Smile.. :ybiggrin: You've got this one!
Gyspsigirl, Jeff D., Astra101, bushydougie, girlygirl,

Thank you so much for the support, prayers, and kind thoughts- I love you guys! I am hoping with all my heart that Tuesday is the day that we bang out some numbers and that I can start soon. Thanks again to my cyber family, will keep you all posted.
Pirate, Ameslouise, Merry, Pen. Dusty, Gypsigirl, Jeff D. Astra101, bushydougie, girlygirl, Ding, whoami24601, pen, Marisa,

Thanks as always for the support, their have been many days when you all and your kindness has helped me to hold it together. I am working really hard to become the Jerman that I want to be. Please know that I am here for you as well as you have been for me.

Nice to meet you whoami24601, welcome to the forum family, this is a wonderful place for support and advice as well to meet amazing people that can end up being truly quality cyber pals.:thumright:
Hiya Cyberfamily, met with VP today and yet another position for director of work services has opened up. kinda far but gonna go for it, anybody recommend a good cheap GPS? I have second interviews and interviews with the people served as well as one with the CEO of the whole place in the wings....trying to be patient really want to get back to work...
Patience is key! you are right, Jer ;) I was patient and I finally found a job. You can do it! All your waiting will pay off in the end when you get the perfect job. Good luck!
Hope all goes well for you Jerry!
Sending positive vibes your way.

Just got my hubby a TomTom GPS...he loves it.
Aye the waiting sucks. Good luck with all the interviews. When we wanted an in-car GPS we got a cheap TomTom. Brilliant thing, Paul put the Yoda voice on it which really made it.
Jer, show'em your stuff, buddy. You are getting stronger every time you post. We can see it in your words. Got Faith in ya bro.

How ya like my profile pix
We have one of those portable GPS things...my son calls her Gwen. Well Gwen needs some updating. She's not up on all the new construction going on sometimes, the B**CH
gets me lost all the time.
Hi Jer,,,, Good luck and stay positive... They will love you and the more interviews the better. They must like you to have you keep coming back. If they were not planning to hire you they would not have had you come back so many times. I am thinking about you and have sent you some more strength to keep moving forward. You are in my prayers daily!!!
Wishing you all the very best Jerman! Good luck buddy.....


Fingers and toes crossed!
hope it went well, Jerry :) keep us posted - we're all cheering you on :D

i have a baby Navman, cute little thing & it's only let me down once - took me to a car park overlooking the beach & said "you have reached your destination". :rof:
girlygirl,pyoderma gangrennosum, marisa, Kelly, Nancy Lee, beth, Greg, rottengut91, Rosemary, Lucy, Dustykat, Ding,

Hi my friends, Thanks as always for the support, beth you are right-the waiting does suck! I found out that there are two in house candidates for the Voc director position, who will be interviewed this coming week. Ugh! I will also have to do an additional series of interviews with the people served by the programs and the CEO of the company. Unemployment runs out next week and I am stressing a great deal about this.

Greg, love the new avatar you both look so happy together.

Thanks to all of you for the advice on the GPS question, very funny stuff from those responses.

Having a bit of a down day as I saw my wife yesterday and she is not at all ready for any reconciliation. Stated that she was still hurt from some of the things I had said over the time I have been "sick" . Between being in pain,frustrated over being out of work, and being a sometimes caretaker for her, I was obviously not myself and was certainly grouchy at times. Said some things I am not proud of and wish I could take back. I tried to apologize as I certainly never meant to hurt feelings but as I spiraled downward before my going to the hospital for treatment for my depression and anxiety, I was a very frustrating person to be around. I am ashamed of my frustration and even more so for directing it towards the woman I love with all of my heart. This month would have been our 5 year anniversary and will not likely see that happen together because I failed to manage my frustrations and inner turmoil/demons effectively. This of course directly affects my ability to spend time with my kids and that cuts very deeply. As always tough lessen learned, tried to tell her that wasn't really me but my illnesses speaking, tried to compare it to all of the medical issues she has had over the years and how she too was frustrated during those times- but that i was always there standing by her side during appointments and procedures/surgeries trying to be her rock when I was often terrified inside.
There are always too sides to every story but I will not put the blame on her, it was i who had the moments of poor behavior and I am very ashamed of my conduct/speech & wish I could take back things I said, it was tough with both of us being unemployed and having chronic illnesses, and just feeling so out of control of the big picture. Feeling very sad and anxious today just knowing that i F'd up and thus have lost my wife, my home, and of course time with my kids.

Also, realizing with my poor credit from being out of work that i will likely never have the opportunity to own a home again. I have thousands of dollars that I owe for medical and other bills and just feel like a real d-head today. I have been doing so well and i suppose this is just ( i hope) a bad day, but definitely hanging my head and not feeling strong at all today, just sad.
Jerman - You are entitled to having a bad day every once in a while :) You have come so far! Hugs to you! I'm still keeping you in my prayers!
Hey Jerman,

You'll get through this! As Marisa has said, you've come so far. You will still have days when the black dog creeps onto your shoulder, hell my issues are nothing compared to yours Jerman and I still have days when the bugger climbs up and settles in for the day.

I know you know you can't change the past and with family that makes it hard. Your home is your comfort zone and it is there that we do and say the things we wouldn't dream of doing or saying anywhere else. It doesn't matter whether you are a husband or a wife, a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister..............we all do it. We fight, we argue, we ignore, we complain, we get frustrated, we get opinionated, we hurt each other very deeply at times and this is what a family is.....the good, the bad and the ugly. Some of us are lucky enough to weather the storm and unfortunately some not. Now is the time for rebuilding......relationships, work, friendships, life and you have started that process and come a very long way in that journey and I guess that's what it is Jerman, a journey that will have bumps in the road and one that may well lead you down a dead end road or two but you will find your way back and you will be all the more committed and stronger in your resolve for doing so.

You are in my thoughts and prayers and we are all here for you and with you every step of the way. :hug::hug::hug:

Take care buddy,
Yep, what they said. Bad days still happen, but least you know you can have good days. Just got to hold firm.

Take good care of yourself.
Hi Jerman, I agree you have come a long way thus far and are entitled to have a bad day here and there. You will get past this and hold your head high once agian tomorrow... I am a true firm believer in everything happens for a reason. If nothing else to teach us a lesson and make us that much stronger in the end.
I agree with dustykat, all families have those times.. You are not alone, we are standing by your side through it all.

Can you get an extention on your unemployment?? I would check into it and see..
I wish you the best of luck with you interviews and chugging forward!!!
You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Marisa, Dusty, Beth, Rosemary-

Thank you, feeling a bit better and as always my family here was a big help with that. Working to hold head high and try to walk with some pride. ((((hugs)))) to you all.
I'm thinking of you, and still wishing good vibes your way. It all happens for a reason, and just remember that one day it will get better. You are a very strong person and I am proud of you for pushing on the way you do! I know it's hard sometimes, but you have people that love you, and NO ONE can take that from you!

I hope you find the job you want! And if it doesn't happen at one place, it may be because a better place is just around the corner. Stay positive, and remember to smile!

Lots of Love
Mon ~aka~ Girly Girl
Hope you are still feeling a bit better Jerman.
I sure know how frustration and pain can lead to saying terrible things. I am lucky that my boyfriend has so far been very understanding of my outbursts but that does not stop me from feeling extremly guilty. Yet I still cannot occasionally stop myself from being horrid. :(
I know that your strong spirit will keep you going through these difficult times and how helpful it is to know how many friends (cyber or otherwise) you have behind you cheering!!
I hope today has been a better day :)
:ghug::ghug:please don't be so hard on yourself. Group hug guys. We are all pulling for you.:ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug:
Hi all, still waiting to hear about job but trying to feel better about where and who i am working to be. i am trying to push myself physically to build stamina so that i do not falter when hopefully i am hired. trying really hard to look forward and to new beginnings and had all my babes this weekend which helped a great deal. also i owe my life to my friend Patrick who has become my jiminy cricket (consciense). I am also realizing slowly that my health has improved since my exile from my home. Have my eye on a cute pharmacist in the area that seems to blush when i pick up my scripts. too soon?
Hey Jer, that blushing pharmacist is a nice thought but... you are still raw from your marriage break up and that causes a rebound. Been there! I know you can be lonely and the heartache is not going away that soon. You need to find out what you are made of and what you are capable of. One step at a time and one day at time. Enjoy your freedom get your feet back on the ground and spend time with your kids. You will get that job, and you will fight your way out of the twilight zone...but it takes time. We are there for ya, keep us posted ok. Time heals everything. :rosette2:
way too soon jerry. sort your selve out . i wouldnt even think about another relationship for at least 6 months. you have too man things to sort out, like a divorce, and a new girl wont wont to be involved in all that.

my personal opinion, is that time does not heal. some things go so deep that they are always there always hurting.
Sounds like good advice on the romance front Pen & Sharon. As I look back i fell pretty hard after marriage #1 and went right into another relationship, when it didn't work I was doubly hurt and certainly cannot handle that right now. There is no quick fix for the empty/ agonizing feeling of a broken heart. :(
I just want to be happy & healthy now and have always equated that to being loved. Having trouble with being patient with going back to feeling like me again, but am trying with all that i am and all that i hope to become....
Need to hit the lottery or something, hope to hear about one of the damn jobs this week.
Still nothing on the job front, i dropped off a handwritten thank you note for the vocational director on campus. I hope that something comes soon as I am really getting frustrated.
Hang in there Jerman! I'm rooting for you! Still sending good wishes your way!

PS.. I'm having a rough day as well in regards to my job.. Having a disease is stressfull in itself, and additional worrying is no bueno!.. I hope you get some good news! You're doing great! And you go boy.. !! Good Bonus - (handwritten thank you note) awesome!
:hang: I just wanted to say I know something great is around the corner for you and I'm sending best wishes your way!
girlygirl, gypsy, lucy, mountaingem- thank you for your support as always. trying very hard to feel positive, need to get job soon or i feel i will lose my frikking mind. please keep the well wishes/prayers coming, fighting depression a lil but very anxious today. hard to start to rebuild fractured life with no income. lucy, love your signature quote-very cool. no calls or emails re job yet, maybe monday. ((((hugs))))) to you all for your support.
Sorry I haven't written in a while Jerman. Just want you to know that I'm routing for you too! You are in my thoughts. Keep your head up and don't let this job dictate how you feel about yourself.
:hang:Hey Jerman, Thanks I found that quote on the net and loved it too. Hang in there and fight that depression. Are you taking anything for it? I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you get the job.
Hi Jerman,
Thinking of you this morning. Hope today brings you pleasant surprises, and even more of anything good that you could've ever wished for!
have a good one! :D
Sorry I haven't written in a while Jerman. Just want you to know that I'm routing for you too! You are in my thoughts. Keep your head up and don't let this job dictate how you feel about yourself.

Trying really hard to stand tall but can't seem to throw my shoulders back and stick out my chest with confidence. Starting to struggle again with feeling somewhat hopeless but can't allow myself to roll down that hill again, only made it half way up...
:hang:Hey Jerman, Thanks I found that quote on the net and loved it too. Hang in there and fight that depression. Are you taking anything for it? I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you get the job.

I am taking meds for it but on bad days it seems to bleed through the power of the meds. Please keep those fingers crossed. Thank you.
Always thinking of you Jerry and all my very best thoughts are goingtowards wishing you well. It's always so hard to think positively when you feel down but keep trying as you know it will make you feel so much better. (I've struggled myself with this for years but always now try and stay as positive as I can). Keep us informed of how you are doing any any good news that you might have ;)
Always thinking of you Jerry and all my very best thoughts are goingtowards wishing you well. It's always so hard to think positively when you feel down but keep trying as you know it will make you feel so much better. (I've struggled myself with this for years but always now try and stay as positive as I can). Keep us informed of how you are doing any any good news that you might have ;)

Thanks Sam much appreciated, hope you are doing well my friend. I am trying so frikkin hard and just seem to keep hitting walls.
Jerry - Sorry I haven't been on here as much lately to offer support. I am sure something positive is going to happen for you very soon. I can't imagine how difficult all of this is to be dealing with so much all at once. Just know I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
Hang in there, Jer! I know how frustrating the job search can be. You were encouraging when I was feeling super down and you were right in that I just had to be patient and the right thing would come along. I know something great will come along for you :) The waiting is agonizing though! I know it would be a great mental boost for you though! Still rooting for ya over here.
Thank you Kelly & Marisa, you both have always been so wonderful to me in terms of your support and friendship. As it turns out I have been asked to go in tomorrow morning to do a classroom observation. I am both excited and anxious as frikking hell. I am going to be at the tip top of my game for this chance to prove myself. ((((hugs))) to you both and thank you.
Thank you Marisa, I am becoming more excited about my chances and have certainly "brown-nosed" enough to get the opportunity. I also just found out that I have an interview hopefully for a second job at a retail store nearby the school. hoping I get both and can begin to pay some bills to help my friends family catch up and to get a good divorce lawyer looks like I will need one. Gonna stand proud and strong tomorrow and show them what i am made of.
High-five to you, my friend. This is a good thing. I still got your back Buddy. Now ya got me pumped up!!!!
Hiya Jerry

Sorry not been in touch lately, but want you to know I'm rooting for you, and hope it went fab today in the school, let us know how you got on!
Your confidence will come back in time, it just takes time! Being back in the classroom will give you the confidence to carry on, it's what you're best at, and the kids will love you for it, this isn't new to you, you have so much experience, and it will be like you've never been away! (like riding a bike, hey?)
Good luck for the interview too, hope you get it, so you can pay your bills etc
lotsa luv and big hug your way, you're doing smashing my pal, turn round and look how far you've come!
Hi Jerman,
I'm so so happy for your new adventure today! Hope you're havin an awesome day! And I'm rootin for you bud! So good to see that positive outlook! Let your smile shine through and know your loved today!
Go get em!!!
Greg, Julie, Amy, Sam, Joanie, & Girlygirl- Thanks for the support and encouragement. I do believe that I kicked some serious butt today! I was a little anxious this a.m. but took a look back at my journey and thought, compared to where I was two or three months ago, this is candy! I dressed the part and walked the walk, jumping right in and interacting with all and not being the wallflower I once was. I could tell that the staff appreciated my efforts and hope that seals the deal. Holding my head high (almost feel a bit cocky) and smiling today, I was only asked to stay for 2 hours but was so into it I stayed 4. I truly believe at this point that i have done everything I can to market my personality and skills and hopefully nothing short of a meteor hitting the school should hold me back. Whoo Hooo!

As happens sometimes i am a little foggy on the details not sure if he said I would know by the end of this week or next but orientation starts in the first week of November. I think I was a bit caught up in repeating my "mantra" (strong & proud) in my head that when he mentioned a decision date that was all i heard, lmao sometimes i am a real spaceshot! Feeling very good and have interview tomorrow at a large retail store- which will hopefully be a good second job! Thanks to you all, I love you guys. :wink:
Yay, Jer!! Sounds like you had a GREAT day! Don't worry about spacing out on the details. I am guilty of doing that myself, haha.

Keep that mantra going for tomorrow's interview! So proud of you! :)
Oh wow Jerman, this is great to hear! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!


Thinking of you mate, :):):)
Amazing jer.. I am so happy that you had a great day today. I pray those days keep coming for you..... Good luck on both jobs. You are in my thoughts and prayers always
I knew you would!! I've always had faith in you!
The only way is up now Jerry! No more looking back!
Hiya Cyber family, I went to the interview at the retail and after 3 separate sessions on the computer filling out situational interview questions along with interviews with 3 separate people and got the job! Hopefully this will be the
2nd job to follow up after my day after the school. 7:30-3:30 m-f, then 4pm-10 (12 for the two weeks before christmas) Monday through Saturday. With Sunday off for my time with the kids. Agreed to between 18 and 24 hours at the store in hopes that i do not overdo it. Here's hoping, Whoo Hooo!!!!
WOOHOO!!! So happy for you!!! Good on you........


Dusty. :):):)
That's wonderful news Jerry!!! Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it. Way to persevere. Awesome, knock 'em dead.
:runaway::beerchug::mademyday::luigi:YIIIPPPPEEEEE Congrats so happy for you. Knew you could do it. Party Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful News Jer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you could do it......... Keep that faith going my friend, things are looking up for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all, I can feel the clouds parting a bit and am looking forward to this step of the comeback trail. I could not have made it this far without you.((((((HUGS))))) to you all. :ycool:
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