Hi everyone.
This has been a rough few weeks- wound up back in the ER today. Woke up in terrible pain, vomiting, and had a fever. I called my GI who had me go straight to the ER. After a Cat Scan, blood work, and WAY TOO much poking and prodding- they discovered fluid in my abdomen and a ruptured ovarian cyst (all visible on Cat Scan). I think I am over these intestines and ovaries at the moment:smile: .
My question, obviously for the ladies
, has anyone else had this occur? I am wondering if maybe we are more apt to have this happen given the inflammation already found in our tummies from the Crohn's. The GYN doc in the ER didn't know if there was any correlation.
Thanks is advance for any responses and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!
This has been a rough few weeks- wound up back in the ER today. Woke up in terrible pain, vomiting, and had a fever. I called my GI who had me go straight to the ER. After a Cat Scan, blood work, and WAY TOO much poking and prodding- they discovered fluid in my abdomen and a ruptured ovarian cyst (all visible on Cat Scan). I think I am over these intestines and ovaries at the moment:smile: .
My question, obviously for the ladies
Thanks is advance for any responses and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!