Perforated bowel and obstruction

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Apr 23, 2010
Sorry i know this isnt anything to do with Crohns.....

Hi my mum has a friend in Texas who is 54 and she was rushed to hospital 1st August with servere stomach cramping which made her not been able to move.

Later she got operated on and found she had a perforated bowel from servere constipation. She came out of the surgery ok and was left with some of her Sigmoid colon gone and a colostomy bag, stayed in ICU for 3 days and in a ward for 4 days.

All in all she was back staying at her daugthers house a week after the surgery but a week later on 11th August she was rushed back to hospital after not feeling good and not taking any fluids.

She was put back in ICU and had a CT scan done which showed an obstruction so next morning she went into surgery again and came out on a ventilator for the rest of the weekend and in ICU.

I have got all this info from her daugther on facebook as i live in New Zealand and no other way to contact her.

Mum and i are so worried about her shes had a perforated bowel back when she was 29, my mum has been friends with her for over 8 years and shes been over to New Zealand to stay with us a couple of years ago and recently mum and i went to Texas to stay with her.

A question id like to ask is what would have caused her to be put on ventilator?

It could be the anaesthetic that caused her to drop oxygen levels. Two big surgeries in a short period of time is a big strain. Breathing becomes very shallow.
I hope she recovers quickly. Try not to worry - they will do their best to look after her.
Hi! Unfortunately, I don't have any advice I can offer. However, I sure hope your Mom's friend will have a smooth recovery.

You may want to post this thread in the Surgery Subform; you'll probably get more responses there from those with experience.
I'm sorry to hear about you Mum's friend. :(

Sometimes they want a patient to remain sedated following major surgery so the ventilator needs to stay in place. Or as handle has said, she may have had some issues with her lungs /breathing when they were going to remove the tube so they have erred to caution and kept her ventilated for a couple of days until things improve. It is far less traumatic to do this than to keep taking the tube out and putting it back in when or if her O2 levels drop.

Dusty. xxx
I'm sorry to hear about you Mum's friend. :(

Sometimes they want a patient to remain sedated following major surgery so the ventilator needs to stay in place. Or as handle has said, she may have had some issues with her lungs /breathing when they were going to remove the tube so they have erred to caution and kept her ventilated for a couple of days until things improve. It is far less traumatic to do this than to keep taking the tube out and putting it back in when or if her O2 levels drop.

Dusty. xxx

Thanks for ur answer, i messaged a friend of my mums hes a respiratory therapist in the US and he just said

due to the sedation and length of surgery for cases like that they leave you on the vent because you actually heal faster when your not moving and trying to assist things

made me abit happier
It could be the anaesthetic that caused her to drop oxygen levels. Two big surgeries in a short period of time is a big strain. Breathing becomes very shallow.
I hope she recovers quickly. Try not to worry - they will do their best to look after her.


It could have been or like i said in a couple of posts down of what my mums friend whose a respiratory therapist said

due to the sedation and length of surgery for cases like that they leave you on the vent because you actually heal faster when your not moving and trying to assist things

Thanks i sure hope she does too, i just hate living so far away lol.
My mums friend hasnt been going good since she was admitted, shes had a total of 6 surgeries all for what i believe a wash out and fixing holes in the intestines but this morning been told shes not good and passing away.
Please pray for her and her family.
Oh Becca, what a sad a difficult time for your Mum and her friend and family. I will have them in my thoughts and prayers, and you too hun. :hug:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Unfortunately it was all too much for her body to handle and passed away this morning Texas time.
We are very sad and to live with a bowel problem now it will be in my mind everytime.

We need awareness for Bowel Perforations is a horrible way to die.
Thanks everyone for ur comments

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