Pharm cant pull it together

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Feb 28, 2012
Austin, Texas
I have taken my loading doses of Humira. Tomorrow I just need to do one injection. Just one will be a breeze.

Oh wait, no it won't! I have been calling my specialty pharmacist all week for my refills. All of a sudden they decide the RX the got in Jan isn't written the right way. Calls to my Drs office went unanswered today.

I am TIRED of struggling at every turn to get the care I am 1- deserving of and 2- going broke doing so.

So I will take it next Friday if it gets here and so much for the schedule I had my boss build around the shot and feeling scrappy.

I am pretty pissy about all this and just almost feel like throwing in the towel.

First I want to say I'm sorry forvyou having to go through this. I have a suggestion and it's only a suggestion but if you have already done this I would sit down with your husband and explain to him your feelings and whybthey are what they are. When we get married it's for better or worse and in sickness and in health. If you do not communicate things could possibly get worse. I would also include him in every aspect of your journey with this disease. People don't understand what we go through. I'm sending you a hug and to let you know we are behind you 100 %. Keep us updated how everything goes.
I go through the same thing right now for my 6MP, its terribly frustrating! How are you supposed to get better if you can't even get a hold of the meds meant to help you?

I hope things work out, your meds come in and that your boss is still accommodating to your newer routine.


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