PLEASE start the SCD diet ASAP

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 4, 2010
can't read anything anyone has written me on here but I feel I need to spread the word as GI's don't -I've been on 2 years 8 months , my son 1 year - it heals the intestines - doens't cover symptoms so your insides are actually getting worse but you don't know it - it entails cooking, it's specific and you must follow 100% = there are support groups online at yahoo - PLEASE SPREAD THIS TO ALL INTESTINAL AND AUTISTIC people you know - as you heal the gut - you heal the brain - it's worked in MANY and saved MANY from losing their intestines and gave us our life back!!
God Bless
please do it, it's so amazing
Hi Eilleen! Thanks for the post!

There are actually quite a few people here that have been on the SC Diet, and it works great for some...not so well for others... but awesome for bringing up the topic again!!

Thanks! And Welcome!!

PS Maybe you could share your story in the "Your Story" forum?? ;)
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If nothing else the SCD diet is a very good starting point for finding which foods you can or cannot tolerate.
I respect your opinion Eileen, but the SCD isn't the cure all. I am a big supporter of the SCD, but I also realize that it doesn't work for everyone. Also, not everything she says I should be able to tolerate I can tolerate. For instance, she says beef is okay. Beef kills me. (Or at least so far, I haven't dared to experiment with that one recently. Though now pork bothers me, so maybe I should? I don't know.) But usually when people write these books they make general statements for the maximum benefit which means there will be people that slip through the cracks and won't find any benefit. Just my opinion :)
Totally agree with this Toni, it's ok to mention things that work for the individual, not to advocate a 'you MUST try this cos......blah blah says so'
I can't eat red meat, beef, pork and mince, burgers, just go straight thro!
I have been told countless times from gastro team that no diet alone will stop inflammation, and I have to admit this is so. Leaving inflammation to it's own devices to heal with diet is asking for trouble.
This is my own personal opinion.
Welcome Eileen, don't let my ramblings put you off!
(what's with the SHOUTING, it makes it read like SaltPorkAndhaM..)

That said SCD and all the many many diet regimes out there, as the others have said, may help, but may not, and may make IBD worse if it contains things you don't tolerate. Diet is only part of the story and I'm continually amazed at some of the things people can get away with that I can't, and vis-versa.
will share in my story too - thanks - learning how to use this place but not much time to be here as well as helping those on the yahoo scd support groups - i would LOVE to hear from those scd didn't work for as I haven't found any if they stick with it, that haven't seen improvement - i'm not meaning to sound pushy etc I just see it curing daily and want you all and your kids to have their lives back - please spread the word - it WILL work if done right - even if meds are needed with it at first
and it specifies constantly that everyone is different - i can do steak but not ground beef I can eat eggs but not hard-boiled - it's that specific and when you find what's allowed on SCD that YOU tolerate the inflammation will go down (especially using the homemade chicken soup broth - a natural anti-inflammatory - of course docs will tell you diet alone won't do as they get kickbacks (vacations etc) for writing scripts - please, i'm just trying to save intestines here as I battle the GI world - so happy to have found a GI "aware" of SCD and acknowledging that diet makes a difference (he scoped me 9 months on SCD and all celiac/crohns damge was gone ) am I 100% all the time no - no one is even w/o gut issues but this has been a miracle diet for all who do it right, keep food journals, eat what THEIR body is ok with that' s allowed on scd etc -please try
PS my GI's quote "I can't say you'd be doing any better if I had put you on meds!!" - now you see why I'm so adament??? sorry i think when improvement is seen and felt it keeps you going when SCD gets tough
God Bless
the other diets don't work as they don't re-balance the gut ecology and starve out the "bad bugs" and promote the "good ones "- that's the basis for SCD -please read breaking the vicious cycle it explains the science behind it - and helps you understand why the other diets may improve things a bit but don't heal and fix - sorry for caps - can't spend much time so really joined to spread and save quickly
Just wanted to say that I am from the UK, where doctors do not get kickbacks for prescribing drugs. If anything, doctors are praised for not prescribing, since our drugs are subsidized by the NHS. And while my doctors believe that what I eat affects my symptoms (and can worsen inflammation) they don't believe that eating a particular diet can cure the illness. In other words, a diet can stop you getting worse but not actively make you better.

Forgot to add, I did look into the SCD when I was first being diagnosed, but two things put me off. Firstly there is evidence (can't remember where from, sorry) that sugar is one of the worst things for IBDs. Secondly, I couldn't tolerate so many of the SCD legal foods, I would basically be living off bananas and eggs! So I decided instead to listen to my body, and many of the foods I couldn't tolerate were high residue foods, so it made more sense to me to go on a low resodue diet.
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i've notice Europe seems more on the ball and i'm happy they don't push drugs -but I can't disagree more with them - I can show you my scopes before and after and so can 1000's on scd - it has healed us
scd isn't allowed sugar -only monosacchrides (honey and sacchrine) which I won't touch and can't touch honey anymore because all of us w/ gut issues most likely have yeast - and then have to cut out even more scd allowed stuff till we control the yeast
what do you eat now - just curious?? maybe they can be "tweaked" to be more scd and you'd feel a bit better??
I was under the impression that monosaccharides fall under the umbrella of 'sugar'.

Now I am heading towards remission, and am 'weaning' myself off low residue and onto a normal diet. I can eat things that are low fibre and easily digestible, with no skins or seeds. I have added back in Weetabix, tomatoes, cooked pepper, dairy, baked beans and small amounts of ham or sausage. I tried sweetcorn, popcorn and peas but these still upset my system.

I am wondering if the way your Crohn's presents affects whether SCD is right for you. When I was scoped, I had ulcers, which would explain why fibre, skins and seeds make me feel bad (as these pass through and 'scrape' against the ulcers).
I think this topic is getting a little heated, and that makes me sad, as I usually have respect for people who are strong in their beliefs... they may not match my own, but if you firmly believe in something, then all the more power to you....

That being sad, I think the reason many of us (even some of us who haven't been here all that long, but do care about the site and the people involved) have seen and heard about stories about people both spamming and bothering others on the site with information they have on "cures and saving people"....

The thing that bothers most of us, I believe, is when people come on claiming and pushing "cures"... maybe it is semantics... but as a health professional who has done fairly extensive research into many aspects of the disease, the word "cure" bothers me as it can be misleading to people who are new to the disease and looking for valuable and reliable information.

For myself... I will concidered myself "cured" when I die and the pathology/autopsy reports come back negative for IBD..........

I find it very sad when people come to such a wonderful site and, in essence, spam the entire board with their laims of cures and wanting to save people, when they, in the same breath, admit they don't have time to actually check out the information already provided, and get to know the actual people they claim they want to save.....
Sorry if you think I am getting a bit heated- I am trying to stay respectful and polite, but I know that sometimes the way I type (and speak in real life) offends people. So if I have offended anyone, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
Sorry if you think I am getting a bit heated- I am trying to stay respectful and polite, but I know that sometimes the way I type (and speak in real life) offends people. So if I have offended anyone, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!

You didnt sound disrespectful, as everyone does you perceive written material depending on your moods and someone "pushing" in your own perspective. Like any thread, we all have choices to read and ignore, or just move on.

If anyone wants more information on the SCD just PM Eileen, saves people getting too excited. We all have a common goal here and that is to feel better and hope for a cure! :wink:
i didn't mean to get heated either - or call it a cure -i know the medical profession doens't like to hear that - but I just wanted to reiterate how many are healed and how great it is to be ok - in hopes of others trying - i have done research and been on scd almost 3 years and am just a bit busy with 4 kids and trying to help others succeed on scd - while moving too - so that's why I can't be here alot or know too many personally but I think that's perfect to leave it as just contact me if you want scd info and spread the word to any who want to try
nice to have met you all
good bye and good health
God Bless
I think I am the one that should be apologizing, as I read back over my post and see it may have come out rather harshly :redface: :redface:

I don't think it is a matter or the medical profession not wanting to hear the word "cure"... those of us who DO care LOVE to hear the word... but we don't want to give false hope.

That being said, as far as healing goes, yes, diet does work for some to help heal the bowel, and that is awesome! Some people also are fortunate enough that they can eat almost anything and not have any problems, even with CD.

In my particular example, at the moment I have a fairly small area of diseased bowel - true it is quite inflammed ATM - but most of my issues have nothing to do with my actual bowel... they are "EIMs" or extra-intestinal manifestations" - meaning things the immune system affects but are not necessarily related to the bowel... so diet really isn't going to help me much (although, that being said, I must also comment that I am on a pretty "home grown, organic" diet - no unneccessary fats or additives, and find that it works great for me...99% of the time I have no "tummy" problems at all :) ).

I think it is awesome that you have found something for you and your family that works for you, eileen. And I am happy that you want to share that with us. I think I jumped the gun and came to some unfair conclusions, as you seemed to be all over the site and almost "pushing" the diet - which alot of us are aware of as it is talked ALOT about in the Food and Diet thread of the forum...

So I do apologize for making snap judgements on what your intention was/is here :redface: :redface: ... and I would love to hear more about your experiences if you would care to share specific details in the Food and Diet thread.

Otherwise the idea of PMing you to get more info I think is a very good one :)

(PS To Rebecca: I am sorry if you thought I thought your posts were geting "heated" ... I think maybe "heated" was the wrong word to use...looking back on it now.... maybe just some of us (probably just :redface: were starting to feel just more "uncomfortable" at what could have become a potential problem...but I think we have it all sorted out... I hope... and again... I appologize... )
no need to apologize I was pushing - but to save - pushing with good intentions basically - i am sorry and i'll try to post there too at another time - a leader in my group said something interesting
you have to be at the point of wanting to take responsibilty and help yourself rather than letting the disease run you and you just complaining about it - thought that was a good point
SCD diet works. It should at least be tried by everyone before written off as just another something that "works for some and doesn't work for others". I admire people who can stay on a diet like this. I just can't do it. I went 4 months on it and couldn't stand being hungry all the time, spending so much money on food, and spending so much time cooking.
thanks poppysocks - i stuff my face all day and night which does mean more cooking but no need to go hungry - i used a lot of steak and shakes( ban, avoc and pecan butter in diluted juice (that's allowed) to fill up and get calories in the beginning- no need now - if you need help i'm here - just can't cook for you unless you live close - lol
please try - you know the benefits :)
I have not found any medication, treatment, diet, supplement that will improve every case of Crohn's. I have not found a cure for it either.

What each of us can do is try different methods and see what works for our case of the disease. Probiotics did not work for me, they work for others. It is not that they do not work period, it is that our diseases are not identical. Crohn's is complex, and there are likely multiple pathogens involved, as well as individual genetic traits, and lifestyle and environmental differences.

The key is to use a method that will improve your condition. If you use the SCD diet and it works for you, then that is what you should use. If it does not work for you after an honest try, you need to try something else. This is a matter of trial and error regardless of what method you are using.

It is nonsense to say that diet cannot improve anyone's condition, just as it is nonsense to say that diet will improve everyone's condition. You cannot make unconditional statements about every person with the disease, some of whom may be misdiagnosed to begin with.

We do not say Imuran or Remicade will help everyone, nor do we say it will not help anyone. We just need to apply that same logic to other treatments as well. If it helps you, that is what is important to find out. To find out, you have to try different methods until you make progress. It is that simple.

I like it when someone posts a method that has worked for them, especially one that has little down side to it. I make a mental note of it, and if I ever need a new method, I already have something in mind, from people who actually have used it.

Studies are nice to have and I read all of them I can, but a real person, getting real results means more to me than any study.

Thank you for your story, and I hope you can keep your disease under wraps using the SCD. It is really an accomplishment to find an effective method to control the disease. It would be nice if everyone could have such good fortune.

People naturally get excited when they can do this, especially after many failures. It is natural, and even commendable that they want to try to help others that may respond to the same method. Please take the posting in that context, as the poster is not selling anything, nor do they have anything to gain by posting it.

Thanks Dan, well put. I totally agree. I was thinking if one thing works for all, we would't need medications or Gi's? Just a thought. Goodness knows I have tried everything except LDN but I was willing to change and spend money on things that failed, that is more disappointing.
Thanks for your imput. :)
I dunno Dan, that pesky broccoli industry has been trying to push their baby tree agenda on the world for years. Sounds dubious to me at best!
I like broccoli, it just doesn't like me!

Very well put Dan, that is what I was trying to get at, what works for one won't work, or just isn't 'right' for another, but you are so much more eloquent than me!
I looove broccoli! Purple Sprouting is my favourite but the ordinary green stuff is good too. Hubby on the other hand, doesn't exactly hate it, but always leaves some on his plate no matter how little I give him! Ah well.
Broccoli baked with cheese. Yum. But it doesn't like me very much. Maybe it knows it's so good and just protests about being eaten.

"You're EATING me?! FINE. I'll cause your colon pain during my escape plan. I'll see you in an hour."
Oooooooo! you've just given me a thought. I've discovered I can do ewes milk cheese, which I can get in sainsburys... So I could do baked broccoli with ewes cheese all scrumptious and melty and... and delish. Yes! the possibilities have just hit me! Thank you!
eileen - sorry to come in so late to your story... i feel a little sad reading how things have gone, and although there are excellent points from all angles here, it's always a negative for me when someone says "goodbye".

i hope you do stick around - i'm delighted for you that the SCD seems to have helped you so much, but by the same token a lot of us with Crohn's or any IBD cannot tolerate some of the foods on that diet, and it is so restrictive that we'd possibly be in danger of becoming malnourished if we ate only things on that diet which were allowed, and which we could tolerate.

also, during acute flares, some of the 'gentle' foods which we turn to are not on the allowed SCD list.

similarly, many of us have other Crohn's related issues which cannot be affected by the state of our gut bacteria - i am a prime example of this - my Crohn's activity is, due to past surgery, not in a place which would be benefited by what i eat, or take in orally.

i guess what i'm trying to say is.. it's great that you have come in and shared your experiences... this may well end up helping someone with their own symptoms, but it's also not a good idea to assume it's right for everyone, or indeed the only way to go.
scd isn't allowed sugar -only monosacchrides (honey and sacchrine) which I won't touch and can't touch honey anymore because all of us w/ gut issues most likely have yeast - and then have to cut out even more scd allowed stuff till we control the yeast
what do you eat now - just curious?? maybe they can be "tweaked" to be more scd and you'd feel a bit better??

Hi Eileen,

I really appreciate that while you completely tout the SCD, you are open to suggesting that one can tweak their diet to be more SCD. Yes, I believe in this. For me as a working mom, it is simplly too difficult - both in terms of not having enough energy on the diet and in terms of the time needed to cook - to stick 100% to the SCD. I have been on the diet on and off, but not for any significant amount of time and I am always amazed how much I love to eat healthy, how good natural food tastes and how I do not feel that constant 'hunger' that comes from too many carbs (I guess that's part of the vicious cycle). My ideal is to be on the SCD with some brown rice, and my special yeast-free bread.
If cooking is an issue - just eating meats and veges is quick natural and scd legal - as long as things aren't injected or wrong things added etc - but it's the yogurt, breads goodies that may take some time but you can do it fairly easily with meats veges eggs bananas, avocado just as quick ideas - good luck :)

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