praying for you Ron--I am going thru the same situation with my mom. (fingers crossed--she seems to be doing ok right now)
As we go through our journeys in life may we feel God's presence and peace. May God's love shine through us and guide us.
Love that, Mandy.
I've been having so much fun in my yard getting it in order. After so many months in the hospital it went crazy. It's been fun fighting the chaos.
Come and do ours! It's in chaos too!
I woke up with horrid migraine, severe stomach cramping, and explosive D. Feel like I'm going to go out of my mind. Can you send prayers please? Thanks.
Prayers being sent .Prayers for all of you.
Since my surgery last July, I've been in remission for over a year, but I'm afraid my CD has returned as of last Thursday. It could just be some kind of bug, but I'm assuming the worst, just in case. I've had some minor cramping and about 3-4 bouts of D everyday. It's nothing compared to what I dealt with before my surgery. I ask for prayers that, this isn't a flare, and just a bug, but if it is a flare, I pray that we can get it under control quickly and back into remission with just a round of steroids without having to switch up my maintenance meds. Thanks.
hcrum87hc praying it's just a bug. I'm a little scared lately they will have to add another medication to my others. Big weekend my youngest of two is getting married. Please pray no rain as it's on the beach.
This month our lives will have a major change. My older brother Dave is moving in with us. He has a severe case of Ausberger's Syndrome. Ausberger's is a disorder that is on the Autism spectrum. He has been living with my sister's family for the last 13 years. The reason for this change is his presence in their home is putting too much pressure on the relationship between my sister and her husband. There are also some lifestyle differences that will need to be handled and being autistic, he has difficulty with change. Please pray for all of us as this change comes. I am afraid it will be difficult.
Sending prayers, SandyWell said, Mandy. My sister who does not necessarily believe in any kind of God, but does believe in some sort of higher force or power in the universe, tells me she sends "white light" to those she cares about. I'm with you, it can't hurt to send positive thoughts/vibes or whatever you want to call it.
I know this is not a Crohn's or IBD concern, but I am not feeling well at all. I think my progressive heart/lung disease (pulmonary hypertension, a serious and rare disease, not to be confused with regular hypertension) is, well, progressing. I see the cardiologist tomorrow but could use a few prayers. Or white light. Or positive thoughts. Thank you in advance.
Glad you felt more peaceAmen Chris. Though I am quite verbose as of late (and many times, what can I say :ytongue, I am very aware of how much suffering goes on with each and every one of you.
I also want to post something good. Almost immediately after people responded here to my post, I had a lot more peace yesterday. I know it is the power of prayer. That isn't to say the tough times yesterday and today didn't continue, and I even know it will in one form or the other in the future, that is the nature of chronic illness, but I felt a peace and strength that wasn't there before. You are my angels on earth. That has helped carried me though.
I had my appointment with my cardiologist today, and Jane, I feel I especially need to tell you, I felt that my health care was being watched over by what you said. This is something that I have had negative experiences with in the past, way too many times (I've actually felt jinxed for lack of a better word). I felt like my health care was being taken in the direction it should this time! Like I mentioned on the Last One Wins thread, my meds for my heart racing was literally doubled, and although the doctor didn't scare me with what can happen in the future (I know only too well), he gently pointed out (as you all know I know), mine is a progressive disease and he wanted to see where it stands now (small easy test scheduled in November that should answer that.) He didn't white wash anything, but was gentle at the same time, and I could tell honestly cared. (Madhu, you might find it is interesting that he is from India too!)
Thanks to everyone here. My heart is full tonight, my health its more tolerable thanks to increase in meds, and I feel like I have direction, something I haven't felt in a long time.
My prayers will continue for those here too.