Prepping for my scope :D

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Dec 18, 2013
it's kinda of a 2 edged blade, on one hand I want something found, just to justify all my problems, but on the other hand, I don't want that because then I will likely be like this for life :( I start drinking my Colyte tomorrow at 3pm, yuck :p I am having both colonoscopy and endoscopy. Wish me luck!
Think of it this way, if they find nothing you get to keep suffering, if they find something you keep suffering but they start trying to treat you instead of fobbing you off with IBS medication.

And don't forget the straw! Don't want to let that stuff touch your tongue.
Hoping everything is going well, hold your nose, use a straw and think good thoughts! Hoping you get some answers that allow you to start proper treatment that will actually have a good effect. Remember that if you are diagnosed with some thing like crohns then there are options available that could make life much easier for you
Kero I hear you on not being sure what you want the results to be. Regardless of the outcome your symptoms are real and don't let anyone tell you the you are a head case. I hope for your sake it's not IBD but I also hope the docs have a plan for you.
I don't think I will ever be able to stomache artificial pineapple again. Yuck, that stuff was horrid!
Had my scope this morning. She said she found inflammation on the lower right side. She said she "biopsied the hell out of it". Her words, lol. So I will have results in the next 10 days or so. I am quite sore in that area now :( Still quite drowsy from the sedation. As soon as I know more I will update :)
The fact that you had inflammation is validation that you aren't going crazy. Sounds likely to be crohns given your symptoms. Keep us posted, we are here for you.
Well done for getting through it :). Sounds like you might finally get the answers you've been waiting for :). Rest up now and let yourself recover. We'll all be here for you when you need support
I am very happy to have some validation. A year with this crap, pun intended, is enough. :D you guys are all seriously awesome, and so glad I have you guys to talk to :)