Really? very overwhelmed

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Feb 28, 2012
Austin, Texas
How much rejection should a person have to put up with? How much criticising, how much judgement?

I am almost afraid of where this is headed. I feel very trapped.

I always thought of myself as a strong person. Now I see myself as someone just trying to make it day to day. I am not sure if I remember what it feels like to really be alive and happy anymore.

This disease is hard enough, I don't need a husband who can't stand me on top of it.

Therapy? Twice,people of his choice. Each time through church. I am being honest when I say they told him if he continued to act the way he does, he could expect me to be upset.


I'm sorry hun, It must be really frustrating. Maybe he needs to go to therapy, by himself, and talk about his issues, or maybe he needs to be reminded of "in sickness in health"
To me, its sounds like the problem is him
It's his problem and I no longer have the patience for lying and being judged.
I am just having a huge problem right now. I am overwhelmed and nowhere to go.

I'm so sorry that you are goi g through all this and sincerely hope you and your husband can work things out. There are some differences though that can not be resolved.

If counseling as a couple is not working, you may wish to consider going by yourself. Marriage counselors can also help with the decision making process, and provide assistance in exploring your options and local resources--in the event you do feel the need to leave. If money is an issue, you may qualify for housing and living assistance, and a counselor, or church leader, is often familiar with the process, and can help guide you through it. At minimum, it may help you feel less trapped.

I wish you all the best. Many (((HUGS!))))
The disease is tough enough to deal with physically. Having a spouse (relatives) that are not terribly capable of being understanding and supportive can be tough on the psyche. I wish you the very best in working the situation out.

Thought to mention an alternative idea that might be helpful for you. It worked for me at least. As with most families, in the past, in my family there were a number of people that could be difficult for me to deal with. I had a hard enough time dealing with myself and my terrible condition, let alone others that could be high strung and judgmental at times.

What helped me was getting others in the family to eat healthier, along with taking a few supplements: vitamin D3, magnesium and fish oil. With that said, most do not eat healthier. Only a few eat similar to how I do. About all take the 3 vitamins mentioned though. The end result has been happier more pleasant relatives to be around. I didn't plan it this way. It came as a pleasant side effect I suppose, as I had read articles about how these supplements could improve ones health. It was later that I learned of vitamin D3, magnesium, and fish oil having mood moderating effects to them. I guess I can joke that I've naturally medicated my family to be easier to be around. It surprisingly really has made a difference.

Good luck & sorry you are having to go through this.
I am so sorry Lauren that you are going through this on top of being sick. That is so horrible. Is your husband willing to sit down and talk to you, and listen to you? I mean communication is the key, but it sounds like he is not really listening to you. My heart surely goes out to you, I mean I have been chronically ill for the last 9 years and I do know it has been very hard on my husband as well. I mean the bottom line is, none of us here ever asked to be sick, it is NOT our fault at all. It is a struggle just living each day for a lot of us. I also can relate with you, I mean I cannot remember what it even feels like to be normal and healthy. In fact I have not had a pain free day in years! I do understand. I hope your hubby will be willing to talk with you. I dont understand how " he cant stand you"?? What cant he stand? Is it your illness that is making him act like this??

My thoughts are with you and I hope you can get to a good spot and you both can work things out.. Sending )))BIG((( hugs your way!!!
First of all, I'm so sorry! Emotional on top of physical makes things so hard.
Ya Noy has some really solid ideas of what you can try. I would say go to counseling alone ASAP and try to see if they have suggestions. A counselor of your choice.
My husband is supportive and I'm going to counseling because I'm fed up with feeling like crap! It helps.

Thinking of you - please keep us posted.
Thank you all for your support.

Sometimes I can't see the solution even if I have suggested it to someone before!
My job offers counseling sessions so I am going to start there.

I am also going to an accupuncturist. It can't hurt and I am hoping it can help get rid of some stress.

Has anyone tried one before?

Thank you again for all the encouragement!

Thank you all for your support.

Sometimes I can't see the solution even if I have suggested it to someone before!
My job offers counseling sessions so I am going to start there.

I am also going to an accupuncturist. It can't hurt and I am hoping it can help get rid of some stress.

Has anyone tried one before?

Thank you again for all the encouragement!


My friend did and she swaers it helped her.:heart:Loves!

i was just wondering how you are doing today?
The pain, and all you are going through is not in your head. This is a real disease. people think they can fix you or make it go away but they cant.
I think it is wonderful that you are going to go to a councelor through your work. You need and deserve that!! But we are all here to support you too.

take care and I hope you get feeling better.
Well, it's been 7 weeks since my infusions symptoms are stronger. I start my Humira
Next week a d am pretty nervous on that front.

Otherwise I am doing better. I am refusing to absorb anyone else's issues right now!

Thank you!

I am getting pretty nervous about starting my Humira. So much so I ignore those 6 pens in my fridge.

I better find the nerve to deal with this!

Just try and look at it as a positive step you have to make to feel better. One day at a time. Trust your higher power to look after you! :heart::heart::heart:
Lauren, Humira is a good med and is well worth the try.I hope that things go well for you both on the med front and on the family support front.

I am supposed to start tomorrow but, I am kinda anxious about it so many on Thursday.

I am going to hop on the Humira thread and read about it some more. See if I can't find some courage over there!

Tots, let us know how it goes. Did they tell you to leave it out to room temp. for an hour before you inject? I heard them all saying how it doesn't hurt as much. Ask Doug....:D
I think I can handle the pain, it's the side affects I am worried about!

Thank you fir the tip, less pain is always better
