Shaky and Breaking Out in a Cold Sweat

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Jan 30, 2010
Hi Everyone! Please help, I'm having new symptoms with this flare.
First of all, a little background info. I've been flaring in low bowel/rectal/anal area for 7 weeks which started after I had a mild caser of the stomach flu.
I've taken 14-day courses of Cipro and Flagyl, as well as increased Metho injection to 20 IM,Rowasa enemas, Canasa suppositories, and Cortifoam. On top of that I take Pentasa, and Hydrochlorothiazide, and Potassium. And I still feel terrible, aching stiff joints, exhaustion, and even though the diarrhea stopped, I still have pain in the rectal area and bowel leakage. (Sorry, gross I know!)

Now I am having bouts of feeling really shaky and then I break into a cold sweat with a sudden weak feeling. I've got an appt. Monday with Rheumatologist but I'm not sure what to do in the meantime. This is the fourth day it's happened.

I've just about had it with all this. Anyone else have/had this happen? Thanks for your help in advance.
The cold sweat and weakness, sounds similar to a blood sugar problem I have.

If I eat anything sweet in the morning, later on my blood sugar will plummet and I will get very weak, and so shaky I cannot hold a glass of water.

I avoid this by not eating sweet of a high carb foods without other types of food.

Your symptoms could be from any number of conditions, but maybe you can either rule this in or out.

Are you bleeding at all with this? Blood sugar comes to mind - but want to make sure you aren't maybe anemic as well. Hope you feel better buddy - sounds miserable!!
Low blood sugar was what first thing came to my mind as well..Try eating a small snack when this happens to see if it helps.....
Thanks guys yes I thought low blood sugar too, I usually feel a little better after eating. It usually happens in the early afternoon and I feel nauseated as well.What other conditions should I be thinking about?
Medications can sometimes do this...Also just the whole inflammatory process..I know Prednisone use to do this to me quite often....The diuretic you are on is Potassium wasting in nature, even though you supplement with Potassium. If you are hypokalemic(low potassium levels) the signs and symptoms are low blood pressure when standing up quickly, fatigue, increased heart rate, leg cramps, weakness, dehydration....Ir you are having a lot of diarrhea, you may be losing more potassium then you are replacing.
Thanks for posting this Mountain. I have been having this problems for about 6 weeks and it is getting a little scary. Mine is usually in the morning right when I get up until about noon. Guess I better get my blood sugar checked first.

Good luck to you.
I too think it is just part of the disease - I get hot and sweaty and know that I have eaten - it just comes with Crohns I think - these hot and sweaty moments are not as bad as before I was diagnosed - I used to wake up with cold sweats and soaking wet...I would rule out the blood sugar idea though...
CrohnieCarolyn said:
I too think it is just part of the disease - I get hot and sweaty and know that I have eaten - it just comes with Crohns I think - these hot and sweaty moments are not as bad as before I was diagnosed - I used to wake up with cold sweats and soaking wet...I would rule out the blood sugar idea though...
Yes, I've done the same thing. I don't know you're situatioin, but I had a hysterectomy (I still have ovaries) when I was 32. I'm now 37 and thought it might just come with the territory, I never attributed it to the disease, hmmm. Thanks for the idea, I'll bring it up Monday at the doctor's.
well its 35 degrees celcius here - i hate summer :ybatty: but i have been getting the shakes and weird cold sweats and i have low bllod sugars so its great to know that they might be linked :) i was wondering why ive been getting the shivers!
i have problems with hypoglycemia as well. 2 of my routine blood tests showed my blood sugar around 35-45 both times. this happens to me within a matter of minutes, usually when i've gone 4+ hours without eating a meal. i'll feel fine, just a little hungry, then out of nowhere i start with a cold sweat, trembling hands, extreme weakness and light-headedness, and sometimes it persists so long and badly that if i don't sit/lay down i WILL pass out! my doctor just told me it could be a precursor to diabetes because this is a result of my pancreas overproducing insulin when i eat something sugary, so i'm supposed to limit my amounts of sugars/carbs
Possible solution to sweats and shakes

Shakes, sweats, weakness, and inability to think clearly are all distinct symptoms of hypoglycemia. Large D coupled with malnutrition from Crohns can easily bring about a hypo attack. I have had IBD/IBS, Crohns for years and was never Dxed with Hypo but have all of the symptoms just as you described.....try some sugar when you get the feeling...if hypo you see almost immediate resolution of the symptoms.....good luck:) :)
Can you be malnourished AND chubby from pred?

Thanks syf0, I'll definitely give the sugar a shot. Also, I'm flaring and on pred so it's hard to pinpoint what could be causing the low sugar. I have alot of the big D but don't think I'm malnourished-I'm prednisone chubby right now, gained 30lb since Sept. Not eating well, though, is it possible to be malnourished and chubby?

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