Sick since very little..........The beginning,part 1

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Oct 18, 2020
Since first grade I was always getting fevers and always stomach pains, my Mom would always take me to the doctors, they jusy told her that this is just "GROWING PAINS" ,this went on until 9 years old, things changed I started throwing up for no reason[ not sick] than I would be always very cold[shivering] cold hands, we found out I was very anemic doctor told my Mom on a scale 1-10 10 being normal I was a 2, thats why I was seeing flying spots all the time and some times ready to pass out plus I would lose my sight when i get up from sitting or lying for secounds up to a minute,, for real I was BLIND.. I was so scared I stop talking about these horrors Im going thought.....Doctor just said growing pain forever , I believed that this was, just normal for everyone to go through...It wasnt ,of all my friends I was the only one with massive stomach pains every few minutes to half hour[ to me it was normal, no big deal,, friends are like whats wrong][10th grade].........Part 1..............................................Part2 By 11th grade , things change again, "Down below " was swelling up and also my "BUTT" was swollen the size of a walnut,I had blood that just steadly dripped out of my "Butt", I was terrified, no body INCLUDING doctors didnt know why,,,,,,,I was 15,, going to the bathroom would bring stars to my eyes it hurt so much and wiping was very horrible with the pain, I tryed not to go to the bathroom as far as I could go...Having this since a child I learned to deal with all this and except it as normal,[ if doctor are saying its nothing well then its nothing big[Shameful the way doctors are trained to think always the simplest thing first] [My Dad was a olimpic wieght lifter and began to biult equipment in our basement ,so I was a wieght lifter as sick as i was [since 6] so I was in very Muclular shape although I was very THIN my whole life.... I tryed to live my teens life as normal as I can, if doctor cant find anything wrong than I cant baby myself, thats how I thought.......... The horrors are still to come, I just want people to know THEY are NOT the only ones going though such scarey times.................................................................part3.... Friends lost intrest in me from being sick everyday every minute, I was alone , I still had blood dripping out of me going to the bathroom everything else is still going[aemia, very pasty water skin, sickly looking] on and then in January /Feb, I couldnt eat anymore without being in so much pain and or throwing up [ my bones in my body hurt main the spine, my skin was getting rashes all over,,,I never been so scared in my life , DOTORS SAY YOU HAVE NOTHING WRONG, it in your HEAD] Very hard to deal with .. I joined the U.S. NAVY, as SO sick as I was I did bootcamp and then one day I woke in the Navel hospital from being so anemic I blacked out ,, and it took the United States NAVY 5 months to find it was chrons...[This goes back to 1987, didnt know much back then]The horrors I went though will be next,, I hope I can put that into words...........................Part4....... I was in the hospital for 5 months ,almost to the day, at first I was happy as hell I was 17 in the NAVY away from home what else can you ask for,but , I was losing wieght 1/2 lb. at times a days[ just lying in bed[ This is how devistating chrons to the BODY it robs all the nutrients from every part of your body ,,,EYES,SKIN.BONES,NAILS,TEETH anything to get what your body needs to live]]]]]]I was put on "NPO" means No water no food.........The first 2 weeks were very hard to deal I literally day dreamed of people coming in with food or something to drink,, very hard mentally to deal with after 2weeks I was so HAPPY for the FIRST time since I can remember i was PAIN FREE, for 6 weeks I went without any food or drink in anyway[no ice chips,lol] after 4 weeks my skin was just peeling off me as flake[big flakes] everywhere I walked I left trails, I began to go into a depression, I felt like I was dieing, doctors didnt know my small intestine was seal close after my NPO, my body was starting fight to live by sucking my bodys nutients from it... So the doctors let me on a liquid diet,[unaware of the blockage] JUst happy to DRINK again I was happy again,, I admit I choked on drinks for a while from not used to it[ very weird] the next day I woke up out of it[ like very very drunk] suddenly massive pain on my right lower side[small intestine ruptured, from block] Im sorry ,b,ut, there is NO pain on this planet worst than that, baby or not, I want to die, I ask them to put me out, they couldnt it could cause heart attack[ keep in mind im being vague] I had to wait just about 1 hour before my doctor[IN the NAVY [Thought he was great][[HE got introuble after they learn[NAVY] I couldve die with 10 minute if things went the otherway] and this doc. tells me" I dont think theres anything that bad" [ I could hardly breath because of this suffering for a hour +].............................part5............................... I was flown [Medivac} to mississippi Kessler AFB. for my operation. Doctors removed 9 feet of small and 3+ feet of large....... They told my parents [because I was still 17 that I was very lucky to be alive[ the hemerage sealed over itself to close it ] Little extra.. after surgery I couldnt even stand up I was so weak took 2 weeks to get back....FIRST operation..Theres a lot of in between ,but, to much to write.......P.S. my large intestine NEVER worked right again, for 22 years I would be in so much pain not being able to go to the bathroom sitting there for up to 1 hour... I would feel great one minute and the next my stomach will feel different , pain ,but, not , i cant explain you would just feel uterly miserble, finally LINZEST" the med. is truly a blessing if you feel the same, for real. Changed my life.....P.S. since 1987 I have Diarrhea,[5-15 times a day] ,Im now 51,,,,VERY dehydrated, I have to drink water all day.................................................................................More of my story as I pass 18 years old coming soon....................
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Thank you very much, I wish I could put everything in words for everyone to know and understand just how destructive this disease is to every part of your body.... I will get to it later in my continuation of my story, but ,I for 4 years have very bad sizures now, because of crohns , all under control by meds now, I feel normal again..
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